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Permit Correction Notice 2007-12-27
City of Springfield/Development Services BUilding Safety 225 Fifth Street Date: 12., /27/ 07 Job# c 7 - "5'7]- Address._M 7? -I '-I/7!J, Inspection Type _r:/"J /3/-t:Wtt' o!..f TO. tRo6';? EI-(~-tN !//~~ '122. sl Irs) " VIS/'" Lvusi,,,v~ VI;'t:.) Br.....J<".... tOt:.1::.. .0",,-1., /lAfs/~//.../ IvE {.. 230,72 -= <;t:.'//I( c- 'b15U/AH"r/,"<1 !/t1C&<<Af<; )f....",/ --rdt'",I,"j"JI -f.o /tI/5 C I/O, 7.-2.. I/A~j,;de ft (. /00./ C;'iV/)Ce/ 2r)-r-vrt,IJ" ,Juwl Vi <"'''<~ -10 6,- \ /tieL- ~30.70ifj) 5u.rL//e "'-ow +<< -.e'HI//V{.l/-tAf,...,-! 'VI wtl/~l, r7- '5 /hJ~I/rL " CorrectIons and relnspectlo~quest shall be maclt; Within :? 0 ccpendar days. /2 2 CallforrelnspectlonDyes~Na Inspector /S"YQ"'!:?ICI",rv,/c,tf'>YI _Date' -;?- D7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Call for inspection 726-3769':"~~~~~~~~~":;Questions 726-37S9~~~~~~~~~