HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-7-15 F the toll owing prOlecl as subm,lIed has the follOWing zonlflGI and does not require specific land use apprOVAl , flA? ~ ZOning -I.LI!..--- 225 FIFTH STREET Dale. 7 ~r1.:tMj---' Li.ECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD, OREGO~ 97,4?tJ,nzedSlgnature r'-c'- - t:T-OOb'SZ-O( INSPECTION"REQUEST,. 7,26;:-37,69f';:~';"~,&;K:';;.j' ',. "",'JJf:l ty .Jo~~Number, ,'''~~-~ ~~ --,= OFFICE ~t~1Z'1t'" "" .i\!:~;lrlr~i~J~..!'j~~if.\Y~~:~J~~~",~~~.s,'t)~'~~JZr- '. - ... ~'l!1'~1<;>:~'Jil'i' , ,,\If,T,, ,ijI' -'." >, ,<:13 ,?,:..COM~LETEJEEJ'SCHEDULEi'!BEEO\l . 1.. LOCAiI6N'"'i5FVo1NSTALLATION'>"~~~~' ~"~J4k~Qn,...~ '-"'<1>'....'I4.~..:c,...~~~1A.;:::..n=... ~ ~~l...' ~-~~ _.o..!~~ ~ ~ .. ~So ~" .. .- ~ U- A . Ne'J Res1dennal-Slngle or Mult1-Fam1ly per dvelllng unlt SerV1ce Included LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1662....062- ( ~C70C> JOB DESCRIPTION f....} '."'.._' l.. - * Q . . ~ ferm1ts are non-transferaole and exp1re 1f 'Jork 1S not started 'J1th1n 180 days of 1ssuance 01 1f 'Jork 1S suspended for 180 days 2 CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY Electncal Contracto~,~Oo''tJ,'':s:-n.~......... Address \)o~"'. ,.::".::::......-, c ,. C1 ty b~" q~Phone. -"lj.~ - 11..<;( I "upe;, l'5n ~" ce,:s~'IN~m'ber'.~ "'\ Eypna:ior Date IO-ol-oJ 1000 sq ft or less Each add1t1onal 500 sQ ft or port1on thereof Each Manuf'd Home or Modular D'Jell1ng 5erv1ce or Feeder B. SerV1ces or Feeders Installat1on, Alterat10ns or Reloca non Items Cost Sum 200 amps or les? 201 amps to 400 amps 401 a~ps.to 600 amps; 601- amps to 1000yamDs Over. 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only' 'r- $ 85 00 $ 15 00 $ 40 00 $ 50 00 ,$ 60 00 $100 ,00 $130 00 $300 00 $ 40 00 Constr Conti Number _~~, C Temporaiy SerVlces or Feeders Installat1on, Alteratlon or Relocatlon E,<p.Lrat.L:Jii Da.te q... J4 - 04- Slgna~fre of Supervlslng Electrlc1an ?~ A/W~ (1) lYLiA j O'"ners Name &-ICJ fl.! A Address 33Sb <PFi:J D I.:-:h7/"...LAlAff C.Lt::-lLO &c-- Clly Phone~~~ ~ O\INER INSTALLATION The lnstallatlon 1S be1ng made on property 'I o"'n ",hlCh. ls,.no t -in ten,fed for s",15'.._le.ag"o,: E,ent _______ .1 O.~ers Sl~at~re ---------------~ZJ\-- DATE' bbZo RECEIPT #. RECEIVED BY: ...,f~ "J -/ Vv uO 200 amps 'or less S 40 00 201 amps to 400 amps $ 55 00 Over 401 to 600 amps $ 80 00 Over 600 amps 01 1000 volts see "B" above Branch C1rcUl ts Ne", Alterat10n or Extens10n Per Panel One C1rcu1t I Each Add, nonal Clrcu1t or 'Jlth Servlce or Feeder Perm1t E H1sce1laneous (Serv1ce/feeder -Each .1nstallatlon : Pump .or lrngat10n '.',~ --- Slgn/Outllne L1ght1ng~- L1m1ted Energy/Res Llmlted Energy/Comm 5, SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7% State Surcharge 37. Adm1n1strat1ve Fee TOTAL $ 35 00 ,~, "'" S 2 00 not 1pcluded) $ 40 _00 $' 40,00 $ 20 00 $ 36.00 3::--1 ---ll- :;0 :D J.~ T .~ m fT1 CD C") .:j::j:: 0'--1-- C::I~ I')::Z: I....... I I-lc-JMI'..JC) I""17J~ 0 0 ;:0 :L-:> GJ 0 ~ -....COt"'.JUl OG)M 0...0 Cl" fTl(J100 j---L- O!-lco -2<;::...'"'" Q & "\S 0 I <:lS _....(;:':ic