HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-6-24 .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICAT' IPERNIT 225 North 5th Street "- Spnngf1-eZd, Oregon 97477 BU1-Zd1-ng D1-v1-s1-on 726-3753 , Ilf~'i!5 Job Loaat1..on I tJ--Q-/') (;.; Ao i;u,JI / ~ d. ictD30J i~ Tazwt# D3{oOO Assessors Map # Subdt.v1.s1.on Owner -/ -rf)~ ~ 1000 !) Qdt:ccJ) ~.{)rI_ Phone Dzr;;:Et-~ ~ _ / Ju;vK-~ ~ !} - 3/-1' ? VaZue If /f; !;;tm IltunvJ Address C.ty n rYl n n Np:J,) Add1. twn Remodel 1Aab" le Home Date of AppZ1..oatt.cn Contractors ;U General PZumlnng 1, Elect:('1.cal r~ Mer:har-t..c::.l 1C/15/31J Z'P Address fh,U 11L1J It 1.8 the respons'J;bt.t'tty of the pernnt holder to see that all. uwpechons are "ade at the proper tunc" U'at each ;;ddress 11"0171 ths street, and that the permt.t ca:N1 1,.8 located at the front of the property *BU't.!.d't"'lg lhvt..:wr apprOt.ed pl:an shaU rema'tn on tha Bu"ld1-nq S1,..tc at all tunes P"Or:!lT)~lPF: F~_~ rNS,!~r:7'TON REQUEST CALL 726-3769 (rccordep) state yOUX' Ctty des1..gnated Job nurbel'~ requested ard w~en ,OU w1..ll be ready for l..nspect1.0n, Contractors or Owners nGme end phone numDcp ...'1.Zl be made the Bame dc.y~ requests made after? 00 am 'W7.-ll be made the n~t .;JOrhng day Constl"Uct'X-Gn Lender RemJ~~~~ T~$npcttr.nR O SITE INSPECTION To be made after excavat'Lon~ but pT"l.or to set up of forms O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH;JNICAL To be made before any work 'LS covere~~ rvl ~ING & FOUND,1TION To be made ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but pl''/.or to pouP'Z-ng conC!reta. :I).. ')< I p'V.DERGPOU~ID PLUMBING.. SSWgo, W1TE~ ~ /rJ.TrAINAG~ To be made pM-or to ['/.1.- l'l.r.g frenches --, i -I U C; [Z] ~ UNDERFLOOR PLrffi'l3ING & MECqAI/ICAL To be made pr'l.Ol' to 'l.nstaZlat'/.on of j100r 'Lnsulat'l.On or deck'Lng POST AND BEAM To be made pl'1.or to 'Lnstallat'Lcn of floor 'LnS1...lat'Lor. or deahng Y':l ROUGH PL[P"B:r~Jr;~ECTRI~A~ MECH- ANICAL NO..vor 'LS to DC covered urt'Ll these 'Lnspect'LDns have beer. made and approved FIPEPLACE Prtor to plco'Lr.g fac'/.ng mcteM..als and before fram'/.ng 1.nspec- t1-or F~JINC MUst be requested after approval of rough plwrJnng~ electT''/.- ool & mechanwat AU 1'00f1.ng bl'ac'/.ng & churmcYB~ etc nr.J.st be completed No work 1-S to be con- - cealed unt1-l th1.s 1-nspecmon has ~been made and approved o ~ .::J FINAL PW/o'BIIIG :=J PINAL MECHANICAL ZJ }:rt:2 ELECTRICAL =:J \1 @ FINAL BUILDING The F1-nal BU1-ld'Lng Inspect1.on must be requested after the F1-nal Plumb1-ng Elect:t'1.cal~ and Mechar'/.cal InspectwntJ have been made and appl'oved II QJ Your C1.. t.1I, Des1-gr.ated Job Number Is ..., IY INSULATIUN/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION To be made after all 1-nsuL::.twn CI?"..d requ1.red vapor bQl'l''Le~s are 1-'1 place but before any lath~ rrYpsum board or wll cover1-ng 1..S apphed~ and before any uwulatwn 1-S concealed o {pI, II ~ I ~ DRYWALL INSPECTION Tc be made after aU d:rywaZZ 1-S t-n pZace~ but pr1.or to any tap1-ng O ~SONRY Steel Locat~on~ bond beam3~ grout'Lng or vel'tu::aLs 1..n accordance W'/.th U B C Sect1.On 2415 o WOODSTOVE acmpletecl After 1-nstallat1..on 1..S '- \,/ 'i\ , ' S<qred d (j(. 1,-D' ~ b-.;<.'-t-8K o CURB & APPROACH APT:fON are eT'ected but pr'Lol' concrete 'After forms to pounng Date I I Phone O SIDEWALK & DRIIreWAY For all con- crete pav'Lng w1-th'Ln street r'Lght- of-wc.y~ to be made after all. exca- _ vattng complete & fon work & sub- base matenaL 1.n pla~e O PENCE r..'her co-nplete -- Prov1-de gates or -novable sect1..0ns through P U E o All proJect cond1-twn8~ sucr as the requ'Lred landsccp'Lrg~ ctc ~ must be L'1.SC # EXinres I ( I ---- I I I .. reada.D:e I I g-f() Job aaCress~ type of 1.n3peC~1.cn pequests !'ece1-~ed before ? 00 an I L((;'3 I , 'DE!fOLITIO~1 OR 'lOVED BUILDIdCS ~ San1- tary Se'..Jer capped at prop;;l't'"::f It.re -1 _ I ~ Sept'Lc tank p~ed ~ f~llad ~th graJel -1 _ I ----, F'/.'1al - rl"hen above -z,.te7ls a:re cC'rTpleted ~ and when deMcZ'/.t'/.or 1-S completelor struc- ture moved and prem1..-ses cleaned up (' j f.fob'Lle Homes ~ Blockwg and Set-d{l ~ Plumb1.ng connect'Lons s~er ~ water ~ Electr'Lcal Ccnrect'Lon - Block'Lng~ set-up ~ and plumb'/.ng conrect'/.ons nr~st be approved before request:.ng eZectncal 'Lnspect"Lo.... ~ AccessoT"". Bu1- Zi!::.ng I F'/.nal - After parcr-es ~ ~ etc are completed sk'Ll't'!.ng~ decks~ o 'Lnstallat~on of stpeet trees~ co~lat~on of tne 8at"Lsf~ed before the BUILDING ~INAL can be request~d t "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE~ ADJUST~fEN'!' TO BE !!ADE toT NO COST TO CITY , Paqe 1 of 2 ....,...._."..... _.."..~_.. _, "'~.~_.'_,'L~_';;",__.. ~ ,,<. NO R'fOC/6 3'''ULAK AL.L.c"" Kcy- 1_ 7J-;-;:? Oeouvanc" Grou, ~- --:3 I Lot Faces - I I P L INorth IEost ISQl.th IWest I JOB Izone Lot Sq Ftg ~ af lot Caverag~ #- of StO:M..ea Total uet.ght Topography 1- lITEM I~~n I Ga:l'ac;e I Caroort IACCeSS01'l! SQ FTC x 1--' IAPP/7/Ph' I o/'.e>'f'j I Is D C TOTAL VALUE_ 1 5 x (va'-uc) BU1..ld1..ng Pernn. t State SUI'chca'ge Total C'ha.~ge3 I ITEM NO IF1..Xtu.1'es IRes~enttal (1 bath) FEE '8an1. tary Sewer' Water Pl.unb"ng Perr-z..t State Su:t'cr.arge Total Charaes I ITEII j Res Sa fto \ New/Extend C1..1'CU1..ts !Temparary Serv1..ce I jnOIFEE I I j ~t~"R~1 I I I Ele~tr1..cal Permtt State SW'charqe Total Charces IIT~M INO I FEE F'w>nace BTU'S Exhaust Hood , I Vent Fcm I I WoodstoJ€ I Perrrnt Issuance Me~hanu~al Pernnt State SurehaPQc Total CharaP-tJ -- ENCROACHME"tlT -- I SeC",A,Mtt( DeD031..t i Storaqe Mat.ntenan:!e Pertm t Total ChaI'oes Curbau: S1..dewalk l;'e11.':!e WT TYPE InteJ'7..ol' Corner PanhandZe Cut-de-sac I I I I I /-~.""""I Value 6&:. ;5"b 3'40 71 ~3 CF.APGE CHARGE ~2.-;')t' -:::?:<' -sz:' /./3' ::? :?- b:3 CHARCE EZect,..,caZ Label ffl~81o 13 _ ~ C> Mob'de Home I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE . 5'S: 76 '..............-"'"-"-.....:"'......,-..~._,.~.--. .__~. ,,-,'U L-COG- T~pe/Cor..st ",.5- 9 ... Bedrooms ~ I Ener(1!.1 SO.A.:rc:es I I ~eat L'?L~c7 AcaeS8 I I Water q(wtl'!P I I Range I I Ft.reDlace I I WOOd3tOH II I I T,roe I IA/~C~I I I I I I Setbacks House 1 Carage Fees Building Value & Permit Th'l-s perrm.t 1..8 granted on the express cond'Ltt.on that the saw conatruct-z,on shall, t.n all respects, conform to the ardt.nance adopted by the Ct.ty of Sprt.ngft.eld, t.nc!ud~ng the Zont.ng Crd~nance, regulatt.ng the ccnstructt.cn and USe of but.ldt.ngs, and may be suspended or revoked,at cny t~me upon vt.c- tatt.on of any prOV1-8t.ons of Bat.d Ordt.nances . I 1- ).. ,. I Plan Check Fee Date Pa-:-d iRecs,pt # IS,g,ed ;- <f l..f.':: 3 " - ~I -k-rf {f /~ () <} CL Pe r m i t Plumbing No person ahalZ construct, t.nstaiZ, alter or change any new or e~st~ng plumb~ng or dra~nage system ~n whole or ~n part, urless sueh person ~s the legal possessor of a val~d plumber's l~cense, except that a person mad do pl~b~ng work to property wh~ch ~s owned, leased or operated by the appL~- cant I I * I Electrical Permi t Where State Law requ"LI'es tr.at the electnaal work be dtme by an Eleatncal Contractor, the elect~cal port~on of th~s perm~t shall r~t be valud unt"Ll the Zahel has been s'l.-gned by the Electrtcal Contractor I 1,- \....1 I , . Mechanical Permit , . I, I ~~ ~~~ -1"~/ . c;, -B-&~ var;e I I. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed apphcat~on for pel"m1..t, and do hereby cert~fy that all ~~fo~at~on hereon ~s true and correct, and I f..J.rther cert~fy that any ar.d all work perfor-ned shall be do"le 'l.-n accor- dance ..n.th the Ord~nances of the c~ty of Spr~ngf~eld, and th~ La",s of the State of Oregon p~rta"Ln"Lng to the work deser"Lbed here~n, and that NO OCCU- PJNCY W'l.-ll be made of any structure w"Ltho~t pel"m1..S8"LO~ of the BU"Lld'l.-ng D"L- V~S'l.-on I further cert~f~ that o"lly contractors ar~ enployees wro are 'l.-n ~pl"ance w"th ORS 701 055 w'l.-ll be used on th'l.-s proJect 1 I-~ \...) I I I I . 1- ~/}V:~A~'~-ZV-lJg S'gned I V I vlf 4" l Date