HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-1-5 . - Wi I' [- c( 1;~I'1 fa, ' 1 I ;;-;1' I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY , Lane, County Authorization for' APPhcatloN="" ~ '2 PeI:"m~t #~) -- ()-~ r:3xv lcL ~ l1)()f )/'7frif'rfi ';81fJrr r/ DTWO Caples of Plans "/ rlL f--k 1. i)' r I , " (1 0 Three Caples of Plot Plans . ~\.!.... SdIP I RA!~Gr. I SLCrrUt~ ] T~r11_LJOUT Dr 1 DMech/Plumbl.ng Ch~ckll.st 17 03 3:3 :3 2. ~ ) DLegal Interest Document :;~3D~~/P~Tj'lljN ~l.;,. a~~_ttel_ _ '\~. _ -.......L..! QTjPAkCEL [BLOCK I D Plan Check Info Sheet (,1"C! ana if) r:y;m-=7tC J my I f5 , ~ I wC2:g~(~rrhd:t.~dJ J 1~o'J)' ::xon~b~(rbt7Lf_7T P~:,:s~,,::::oPD\ndustnal 011< ~U'~UhCg r~I~9r: t) J:farml ~ JtLlJM~ 0 commemal 0 pubhc Dj;;!lM '10SriT' I~~~ J ~L (E01 ~ [)- C!..rl?JI-1 t.)1>0'U If>)~ L~ ) l.. ~&::: i?f I C1J..L!dQ - "al~ ~haiuLL~ 11(1-1' 0 ~ ~ Jp;;P,T;t~t~HaE1rlrJVWs(LItJa~ UJIl..lDf CbU~rObmke~~D S VALUE o:fJB'j'O~ ) 'O~'~~IES I J '01' 'elon';.s . I WJT,~.r~y W.?'> posed I.' u..uO ""I VI/"'nfLL v~)f1JY) L~EX1SHng o T' St~:rro:)RE~d.. 1ft- LOh1m ~(l ~o..~ J THEPHONE NUMBER CO'''''':'"" 1?5* n~o " ~~lh 1JJIi ('rr. 0Z2~"' >co '":.r~z~~~:":~" .w,:, ~:e.. "~~~"~j.~~~Q~~~~~",:,~!i,:?, hlV<.. th, follol'Hll(j h.g1.\ luten."t In th, property ~nwnL'C of n'col,l o ('ontrtct pUlcha (r Dauthorl:l'{d agent wtth cVldcnc{. of authonty attadlprl I LrtllLl cL.rtlfy thdt any l.n.1 all wOlk I'rrformcd .,hdll b,- ,1011<.. Ln dC(.Qld<lllC, With th... Onl1nanccs of 1al1(. County '1nd the Laws of the State of QrL(jon [)l..rL.,ullng to thl.- walk dCSCllbcd hen.ln and that. NO OCCUPANCY 10.'111 iK made of iiny :,tructure "'l.thout the pennls5.10n of the BUll,llng D1Vl.SJ.on 1 fur- ther cLrLdy that u..glstr<itlon Wtth the Btnldl..[ 5 Board ll, 10 full for..., iln<l effect as 1cqulrcd by QRS 701 055 Ithat if exempt the baSiS lor CXcmpllol\ 1-> llutLd h~rLoll, and that only sub<..ontlactor:, and employees who are 111 o:.Qlnpllance W.Lth OHS 7U1 O')S w.Lll be used on th.LS proJect 1 HlIVI:. HEAD AND Clln...Kl:.D THIS APPIICl\rION TIIQROUC'lILY ............. ~Lu/1.~Gc:;c.bch.lJ', -or NAM~ (pled.~e pr.Ultl L-'t^dJ~ J.!T~~~V\ I~- J3-83 ~ Dl\TE RLI D THIS srCTION CAREfULLY YOUR AUTHORIZATION liAS BEBN BASCO ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS' o P\,,"'llNG/ZONI"G CL~~e ~3a.c... :art't'o~ ij ~;::~~~:sS~E?f~M of:t ~b1t~'~'~rrn , 4tillr~y f-tLSea:arce5'te ~I,UODPL \IN In tlood hdZdIO .n..a?!Xl t'o 0 Ws srr ATTACHrD SHCET . oat: tl f, I~l lq~a.W Date ~:z_ U:.-A, ~_ ~1~l..l^~ '"' B P 11_ rXZ21-_~ltJ- Tnstallabon Rccord Issucd? 0 Yes 0 No In..,,t 111ltl.on Gallon LIflt..al h.Lt r1axl.murn Depth SI'Ll.flcatl.Ons lanh. of Dralnf1cld of Trenches ern\LNTS ~...-- /V 'I- ~- .~V1<-~.<"~__~/u?pj/ ;Z~.LAk.~ ~h~L /If!M;~~.J+ OJ..!.I/. /1 w;:;(L J.JZA.~ --' .hlJkL ~~AL& ~ . :1 / . Date 1::1 ~:L 'L-?7 ~ _ 'ypc j)) croup-/dl Use ~&IY/j UL RE/fl;; 1A..6j/~rrII}Ah ~~~~ CXNlINATION /fJIIJ< l01\q~rS {-~JlI--, lJat€! , I-~--~Y n 'JI,I I V ! Ul\t'ION $ CONSTRuc'rION AU'lHORI7ED BY THIS PERMIT Jl~sLr J pLJ on Sq r L r~xe.d Fee/ Ulut Cost Floodpla~n Fee $ subsurface rees $ Bu~ld~ng I'ee $ r':=;ch/p 1mbg Fee $ plans Check Fee $ State Surcharge $ DEQ Surchar~e $ TOTAL FCF $$ IV L- 411. LJUJ PE..R1lIT APPROVED BY BUILDING QFFICIAL/OESIGHFI: {per ORS 456lB05 (1),- /-S'-fi DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 667,4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 '~IT RfVf,RSr J'01\ J NSPCCTION INFORMI\TION .. 101 ,,/ I ! ('(d II , 111<11,11111 r i" ), I) ~_l v '\ I \ q I J'} ?JI \1 1'[ Ilf -Ill i IIIII11 11I'1I i I II fll II ~ Ji t I Jill (11 I I I II) ) 1111 1 1,,1'11 ' , X , J rill, I I I'" (, r l}l J " I:; ,- , 1111\1 I' l(y lit! j! l~ ,,, '" I Mil' 1IIIrn', \'111 11'1 1'11,( 1'11'1 II I , I II'IJ(, ,< II 1 '11f I' 1,1)'\1 ,"l \) I 11/,r I (,II II('pl' '1 n ,,(,j! )11 1111 I ,I, II 11(',(1/11 1)"1 I' rn'f 11 .1 11(1, I' ("" ,;) ,}I II ,: :: J'J I~ \ 1r1N', ',II \'111 I J ,,1'1'1 '11'1') (II" II (,I' I (Ii I [(IN 1)1 '-"'I II ) III,! I' I I 111'1 J I II f 1 ('I ( I 'i 1 { I t \ < I \ '~ j I I}I I I \' I I il ^ ~ ~ 1 I I ,J {~ A -) ,) r liP I 1 j ) ~ l> (I ) I 1) 1 ~'} ~~ ,II)!., ml-l;rJrj 1(11 " I'll' "I TlJr/ IIUI r'llfJl"-H 14 ( 1'1 I'l I ,WI, ,I I j) 1)1, 1(.1111 ,,',( u,,[ III/I III J)(,,' ll(,/t I I I ,~C[, 'r ()4'){) - .()')\^\ 11 \... I) 11(1, I' lit 1 I (11'11 I \-, / I ~ ,-1 IIIJ'lIl IIi! lH! llllll! I nl 11 i It, ! I ,\ III 'l III d 1\ I 1'1,,11 1III I I< III \_\1,"/, Id " , II I I .\ I ()I ' 1'1 I 11111 '-' )ill 'I I 'I 1111' ",,1'1 'I. <)1 ') r. ;.. _...\ I() tlt) I', " " , \ [11)(,( :) 3 f'I( , I 1_:1:)[11 :ll}{AJ>(r' " '