HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1983-10-20 (3) , Walel DI,tr1rt /i} Date_LO~ 20:::. [33 ''- ( k- : Lane LxtenslOn Se .:-lce OC12ol€tatp Lane I ran<;ll D1St -t " _ ~lalc ~ -- - \ St\N\1AiIOl~ lJ\. " ~ ' LMlLCOJl!ilta te . t,'l te ~[' Fore~,try 1I1glnvay Dlvlslon Envll on Qua Illy . . " TO Land Dlvlslon SeCtlon __RC'glOndl Planrllng ___Pldnnlng Research __ ZonIng Enforcenlt'nl Envlronmental Heal th )'5,_Water PollutlOn Control SOlIs Data flood Management -X.TrdnsporldtlOn Planrlll1g Assessment & Taxation Parks D1V1S Ion Lane Real Estate D1V __Lane PublIC Safety lane Publ1C Land~ Lane Legal Counsel _._ /lousIng & Comm Dev Nelghborhood Group Lane Reg Air Pol Schoo I D I sin ct Dept 0 f L,mds Fl sh & Gallle Flre D1Sh lCt Boundary COnnlsslon Pm t 0 f S 1 us 1 a~1 State Geol & Mlneral Indus State Veterlnarlan Dunes Nat'l Rec Area Sluslaw Nal'l Forest Wlllamette Nat'l Forest __Bureau of Land Mgmt SOll Conservat1on SerVlce 1 __Corps of Englneers ___Fed AVIatIon Author1ty Fed CommunIcatIons Comn Othe r Other Plan Dep t ___City of -- EWEB N W Natu rd 1 Gas Paclflc N W Bell Paclflc N W Power __Tn-Agency Dog Control LCDC Frolll LAN[ COUNIY LAND MANAGU1[NT DIVISION l2S East 8th Avenue, eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone 687-4061 A request for land use actlOn, as descrlbed on Data Summary and attached schematIC has been recelVed by the Planrllng D1V1S10n If slgnlflcant 1mpact 1S eVldent, please send conunents to Land Management DlV1S10n bY_L/J - 3>:::.:-_12''3,__. Specl fIr concerns of your agency should be addressed ln addltlon to adverse lmpacts on general llvab1llty of the area and ltS fe~re development For addltlOndl lnformatlOn, contact__~__II-J~- OATI~ SUMMARY Journal No -L'R,') "Z..-=--6=<, Zone D1StrlCt APPllcant_..s~S~A~ _ Lot SlZe Property Addre<;s ,;2<B't2._U ",J~~_!?tb-,-t:.... Map_/7- Q3.-2_3- 3..2- 1fru-"",W..rf- ____ __ T d x Lot '1?!OO I PROPOSAL _tJ~CL__-b__.~g.".._/.9~-rr~~J-.~.et<c~ __~CL 2- 0 _~..<:.-c..d.. _-<~ ~__a.-~ ~h-.l1fr f2tJ/'1-{(- COM~1ENTS (Reverse Slde May Be Used) 0ee 4//a_c.6ed-.__"fcply ____ -------.~0rd.-&I.Ic~- /~k~/g'.3 :3 6S7 /'Crt ---- . , MEM()~ANDUM lane county - TO llop HlIrl71klPW,t7 _ Plrlnnj:lY' FROM Llovd Holtcamo - Tran~noftet1on Phnnpf SUBJECTJm'fn"l # lA~7_A1_ Stpphpn SrherhnAr_ I3.m-ld-' DATE Odohpf n, lOin 1ng Setback Var1ance for 2849 Chateau Place The 1mpact of a setback var1ance on the local street network would not appear to be slgn1f1cant as th1S house 1S located on a cul-de-sac and there are no future plans to mod1fy or extend the street. There was apparently no prev10us carport or garage on th1S lot, so th1S 1S not a replacement of an eX1st1ng structure. The plot plan copy subm1tted w1th th1S referral does not scale properly nor 1S the curbl1ne 1nd1cated Appl1cant should subm1t an accurate map, so that other problems that m1ght eX1st would be more apparent Appl1cant should also 1nsure that at least one park1ng space 1S ava1lable on that ( part of the dr1veway approach outs1de of the proposed garage If th1S var1ance is approved, appl1cant w1ll need to obta1n a fac1l1ty perm1t from th1S off1ce for the new dr1veway access LH ss