HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-7-3 (3) :J RURAL _.ADDRJ~SSING. CHECKED JUL 0 L Lane County AuthorizatioIT"~for:" WOOD STOVE INSERT INSTALLATION ... mW'SHIP RANGE SEC;; :?" 3;;Z I TAX LOT UOUT OF 17 &3 3/00 SJBDIVISION/PARTITION (~f apphcable) ! I OT!Pl RCI:!' I BLOCK LOCATIO~ ADDRESS STREET rI'T'Y ?IP 2848 Chateau Pl , Spn ngfl e 1 d STRUCTU~S CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY 5FQ DIRECTIONS TO SITE /{2~ //. .~() 7&~,O'R. u:scRiPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - BE SPECIFIC Wood stove lnsert lnstallatlon (<fei< 1-~ I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Appl>cat>on///fi Lf7 D/' Perm~t # ~{.JJ, -I ~ PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY ~ldentJ.al 0 IndustrIal o Conunerclal 0 Publ1.c (l ::lJ~fl ~Of2. /IV ;;i: ~ -~!( 7"~ -' ~ll~,~7Ii') --- I # O_NER'S NAME AND ADDRESS I " WATER SUPPLY OF EHPLOYEI:S '" OF BEO':1.00M$ OF STORIES RICHMOND, Lyle G CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND Q5R # same ?=~llT TO BE MAILED TO tNAMB AND ADDRESS) o Proposed n EXIstIng TELEPHONE NUMBER 747 6976 TELEpHONE NUMBER TEL~PHONE NUMB~R I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLE.TE.D APPLICATION ~OR PLRMIT dfJd ,]0 hcn.uy cett.~fy that. all l.nfotmatl.Oll hereon lS true and correct and that I have the fcllowlng legal 1ntereSt 1n the property Downer of recold 0 cont-LaCb pLlrchas(.r Dduth<:Jr1zed agent I f_rther cert1fy that any and all work performed shdll be done In accOlddnr,... wl.th th_ OrdLnance_ of Lane County and the Laws of the State of Oregon perta~nLng to the work descr1bed hereln, and that NO OCCUPANCY wlll b~ '!lade of an, S rllctule ...lthout the pem1SSlon of the BUlld1ng C1V1s10n I fur- ther certlfy that reglstratlon wlth the BU1ldGr's Board lS In full forcE' lllU effect d<i re'iu~red by QRS 701 055, that lf exempt the bas1s for exemptlon 15 noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are In compllance w1tr ORS 701 055 w1ll be used on th1S proJect I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THDROUGHLY . f ~ 17 . o. ?. / .... D 7 _ 1-86 'L/~ ~ ;(.'ul_/l1-p,,,,D 0A'.u }42,. T-r~ . ) NAME \.please pnnt) J.... ! SIGNATURE DATE [] PLANNING/ZONING Parcel # YOUR AUTHORIZATION lIAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS 1 Parcel S.lze READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY Zone Partl.tl.on # Ml.nl.mum Setbacks C L, front CL, s~da lnterl.Or COM.'..IENTS NO SPECIAL PLANNING ACTION REQUIRED [] SANITATION B P " Instal~~tl.on S I # Installatl.on Specl.fl.catl.ons Gallon Tank Ll.neal Feet of 111 dl.rf.le Id COMHENTS [] PLANS EXAMINATION Type - Group UoO CO",'ENTS CALL PoT? 'R'ErouIRr:.t:> JIU,;PeC.r10AlS. rear Date 'lid ~ 7-1-86 iff(- Record, Issued? 0 Yes 0 ~ , Maxl.mum Depth of Trenches Date n {LI .<::._ Date 7-s-~ L (jDn 'f/kE 7- :?-B:O PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (oer ORS 456 805(1)) DAT~ LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SRR RRVRRSR FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION (' 1'..?~ QQ&.. , SETB"CKS h'lD OTTIER co 01"'10"5 OF APPRO'IAL 'tLST BE STRrC-....\ OASERVED VIOLATIO". CA.... RESIJLT I'J REvO- (....-10 OF ~llIS PERn~~ CITrlLO IJ"DErt PRQVISIO S OF L....\E ':Ol'T\ .3 I'lFRACTJO'J ORD~ A"CE A'JD/OR OTHER RE~EDIES ALLOWED BY LAW ""EN RE;OY FOR I'\~P!:C"'!..9'J CA~~ 687-4055 A '11"'1 ,[. I OF ,T LE,\ST 24 HOt..RS ADV\1 CE "O~ICE rOR I'lSPFC- '~U'j Kt;[JI.,t;::;'j"::, ,\"::;'1 Ll~ GIVE'J Have thefollowing lnfor"latlon reddy rermlt number Job address type of lnspeCtlOn, when lt wlll be rCady jour name and pro-I. nu~ber and any s?eclal directions to Site BUILDIlG DIVrSlO,< REQUIRED I\SPECTIO'JS Foundatlo~ Inspcctl~ "'0 be made after trenches are naterlal~ for the toundatlon dre uellvered O~ tre Job plant (commonly termed transit ml~ed ) is to be used excavated and form~ erected and when all l1hr>re concrete from a central mlXI'1g M~terlals need noc be 0'1 the Job Concrete ~lab ~ ~nder--~o~ Ins~ectlon TO be mane after 111 In-slab or under-floor bUIldIng serVI_e e1ulpment con~ult pIpIng accessor~es and other anclllar~ eqUIpment Items are In place but be~ore any concrete IS poured or floor s~eathl~g Installed IncludIng the subfloor Framlnq ~ Insulat~9~ Insoectlons To be made after the roof, all ~ramIng fIre blocklng, and braCI'1g are In J~ace a'1d all PIpes, fIreplaces cnl~neys and vents are complete and all rough electrIcal and plumbIng are aoproved All wall Ins~latlon and vapor bdrrler are In place Lath and/or Gvosum Board ~nSpectlon ari"de;:::-terIOr~n place but betore ana fasteners are taped and fInIshed TO be made arter all lathIng and qypsum board nterlor any plasterIng IS applIed and berore gypsum boara JOInts FInal Insoectlon To be made after the bUIldIng IS co~plete and before occupancy APPROV~L REQJIRED ~o work shall be done on any part of t~e bUIldIng or structure beyond t~e pOInt Ind1cated 1n each succeSSIve InspectIon w1thout fIrst obtaln~'1g the aoproval of the bU1ldlng orflC1al Such anproval shall b~ gl~en only after an InspectIon shall have bee~ nade of each succeSSIve step In the constructIon as 1ndlcated by each of the lnsoectlons requIred ~OTE All bUIldIng oermlts reqUIre lnspectlon~ for the work authorIzed such as but not lImIted to A BlOCK wall ~o be ~ade after reInforCIng IS In place but before any grout IS poured ThIS InSpectIon 1S reaulred tor each bond beam pour There ~lll be no approval untIl the olumblnq ana electr~cal InspeCtIons have been made and approved B Wood Stove To be made after conpletlon of masonry (If applIcable) and w~en InstallatIon IS compl~ InstallatIon ~hall be In accordance wltn an aoproved, natIonally recognIzed testIng agency anc the manutacturer's InstallatIon InstructIons C MobIle Home An I'1Spect1on IS requlrea after the mobIle home IS connected to an approved sewer or sept1c s}stem for setoacy requ1rements blockIng ~ootIng cOnnectIon tledowns s~lrt1ng, and plumbIng cOnnectlons FootIngs and p1erS to comply WIth State foundatIon requ1rements for moolle homes or as recommended by t~e manutacturer 'loblle home mlnl'lll1m fln1sh floor elevatIon shall be certIfIed when requ1red by a flood- plaln manage~ent letter ~oblle home tledow'1s when requIred and sKlrtlng shall be Installed and ready for 1nspec- tlon WIthIn at least 30 days after occupancy Tledowns and skIrtIng shall be 1nstalled per enclosure D Swlll1l1unq Pool Below grade when steel 1S In place and before concrete IS poured Above grade when pool-rs- nstalled APPROVED PLA.S ~UST BE O~ THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURI~G WORKING HOURS THIS PERYIT ~ILL EXPIRE IF ~ORK DOES ~OT BEGI~ WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF ~ORh IS SUSPENDED OR AB~hDONED FOF ~ORE THAN 180 DAYS SUSPENSIO~ OR REVOCATION ~Y OCCLR IF THIS PE~~IT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCO~PLETE OR ERRO~EOUS I~FORM.ATIO~ ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST TrlE POIIT or REQUIRED I~SPECTI01S ~ILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK SLBSURFACE ^'D ALTERNATIVE SE~A(E DISPOSAL SYSTEMS 1 Permlts shall be effectIve for one ye~r from the date of ISSUanCe 2 Upon cO~pletlng the constructIon for WhICh a permIt has been lssued the permIt holder shall notIfy the Lane County Department of PlannIng and CommunIty Development by submIttIng the Installat10n record form ~he Department shall 1nspect the constructIon to determIne 1f It complIes WIth the rules contaIned In thIS CIVlSlon If the constructIon does comply WIth such rules the Department shall 1ssue a certIfIcate of satIsfactory completIon to the permIt, "'older If the constructIon does not comply WIth suc~ rules, the Department shall notIfy the perm1t holder and shall reaUlre satIsfactory conplet1on before ISSUlnq the certlflc~te FaIlure to meet the requlre~ents .or satIsfactory completIon WIthIn a reasonable tIme constltutes a VIO- latIon of ORS 454 605 to ~54 745 dnu thIS rule Setbacks - Subsurt,cc Sewd'Jc DIsposal '"yon InterIor propl'>rt, llnes Edge 0 road rl"1 t-o<-way BUllalnq oundat on ~ells othey water sources <;CPtIC~ 10' 10' 5' SO' Dr,llnf1eld 10' 10' 10 100' ,J " " I 'I I ., ~ II,' : 1 L(~Nl i:'"'PI. T' I,N I P [CI-IMrNl), I YI_f_ It.iJ i 7('t~~r~,.L-!:2{) ~i Oil ,\llTdd \ ~IFl.,' BI_ I,:, 1 1'1- F U ,'b I~ H"'hMS \) Ot-INII< NMI F IfIIWIND, I.YI E- f'tllil: ,11 'I 'I NO N, lJt1i1 l)f ,<;, fUP llfiN l'f l'f rUi'NT! pl:I-'l eN !-if,-, I!U.I:.H'1 I\DDr< ;'B48 CHl\lFellJ PL., ~O~786 Dl\lr O)Olbf ,,'1"1': [NCf- [aD I fI r (iLl, IJNl TS' Of>! ,,101' I FS ~HL 1)(:;'; 0') 1 1-'HOliF 141 f,'} Ii, I1])DI"( "P48 ('111\1' ,,1.1 1'1 _, ,\I'F<JNC,f] ElD ,<;(l r 1 IIN If r OST V(,LtJr'\"I1 ;IN r-Iol. ])," Y~'I' ~ TIP " i " IJ[' (iF 'I liEf II I (' ;'O~, Int, I,J" PI. ~f lX/I'A11-1 111:.;:1-1 0',11< Pf~K MtLH "IY :'WR I l. hilI, 11f- GWll'll CI\I FET ,~ I A il "lll,('llnl,GI- 1'l.flN r;llFf;!( F U: I 1. 1~'i'lI N 'II. r T 1 t ,,00 (), ,,4 4,"'1\) 1 ~~.. 00 , , , 1.' ; ! -'}I);: r:FiTr; I\F'F I\'tl FF' SV,;' _:r I-'CI< 0-, H " l,> ,'l, Sl:'11J 1 .! :5 " -, M 'l ~ ;',1<1-(1 py r~ I I Sl... I: tli'1 I 'I r- r 1 lit! ))(\ 110 TO \1''11 rr r it-il :,'). /,4