HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-7-3 (2) 17-0-:wz..:L3,C 3/o~ _~~IY A ~ CA~!!~!RO~~Jr,!!IAi~p,p'll~F~!!~~ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS IS SUBMITTED * NAME ~ Ie t! /?/ /"i ~ '" /d ,,2 I * ADDRESS FOR INSTALLATION ;}.8 </;r * NAME OF MANUFACTURER / "- v/) I CI. <<-f -e....J 1--)" ,,_ 1:)/ PHONE 7'-/:7 69 7{' CITY S~ r/J MODEl (0''/ Jt""L-l-o 1- * INSTALLEP I 1""11 111,,~f-~~~, ..,,"'== : --I - -- -: I L~ ' I ,t . Lrf G:J it-- I ' . I 1- v ~ \ t:... -_ -=-- _ ... 1.=...-1'="-'=--'- .-.-=\ nRS # CIRCLE THE SKETCH MOST -" -CO~STRUCTION: CLOSEL Y RESEMBLING YOUR PROPOSAL. ~I The unlt lS 11sted by~~liLj~rfuo G~(narne) }J.TL. B The floor protectlon 15 lnches thlck (Materlal) G (Matenal) G-r:1asonry (llned? BYes Dna) The wall protectlon wl1l be Type of chlmney DFactory o Other Type of stove plpe DFactory (vent connector) Ej26ga (or heavler) galv sht mtl E lIMENSIONS (, n , nches) Sl'de of unlt to protected walt 2 Rear of unlt to protected wall 3 Floor protectlon at slde of unlt (unprotected wall (unprotected wall ) ) at rear , n front 4 Length of wall protectlon at rear of uni t at ,ide 5 Helght of wall protection 6 Edge of wall protectlon to nearest door or wlndow 7 An space between wall protection and wall B Diameter of chlmney and stove plpe (vent conne~tor) NOTES (1) (2) /(3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) OLltslde combustlon i11l- 1~ reOtl1red for all fuel burnlnq in~tal1atlons A 7 Sq lnch (mln area) closable vent loc ated wlthln 24' of the flreplace or appllance on the floor or base of a wall A copy of the approved manufacturer's InstallatIon lnStructlonS must be on Job slte at the tlme of inspectlon In spectlon cannot be made wlth out these lnstrUctlOnS The Appro....ed' plan/applicatlon shall be kept on the job slte for use at the tlme of inspectlon Not all units are appro....ed for corner lnstallatlons or reduced clearances wlth wall protectlon (Refer to manufac- turer's 11stin~) If masonry chlmne\l lS to be used lt must be-hned (Requlred by Law) EXlstlng-flues must be <lpproved by lnSpector DrlOr to tISe You must DrQVlriP-a.c.c.eS:S. fur the. 1nsoec:tnr __ If fl;;place lnsert 1~ to be lnstalled venflcatlon ot wall header location ln relatlonshlo Ita breast of flreplace lS requlred by law Fireplace inserts are not permltted ln factory-bullt or pretaDrlcated-metal '0' clearance flreplaces, unless speClffcally tested and listed Flreplace inserts are not permitted in masonry fireplaces with eXlstlng heat form type metal fireboxes unless speciflcally tested and listed Unlisted un1ts shall be installed in accord with the State Mechanical Code, utl1lZlng the mated",ls and clearances set forth in ChapterS CALL ~R PRE I!JSPECT/C/...J T3~Fc>RF- I/JST"AU.IIJ~ //J~r::RT, APPROVED AS NOTED By ...........c; , ::}. Datp 7 - "5- eRn PERMIT # "2 <:) '57- S Co t"=~.~."= '--.,:-, t=:: I r\\ ,- I" ~- c~-l, :t\ I,l I <l..J If l:EJ r\ ~ 1- LI \J \. ~,-==-,=- .~ .-.1 ~~ --------~ IJ_:: - (I iF - ~~--i_ l~ II L L' I" ~I __1--1'1 G:J ' ~ , ~ \ 1_ LI \J \ '=- -:.. -=- - \ I=,=-, =--., - ,-." ~ p -~---- -- IF YOUR INSTALLATION DIFFERS FROM THESE EXAMPLES OR IF THE INSTALLATIO~ IS A FIREPLACE INSERT, PROVIDE A PLAN AND ELEVATION ORAWING WITH DIMEN S IONS OF YOUR PROPOSAL ~I- (7 '" ~ r-TI I ~ 3' ~~ ~ .~~ I I I -_ :- :-~~\~\ : C-~-~-=f'~ \ \ ~~(l:EJl\1 L " '=- -=- - - \ !-.- --=---,-.-.-\1. C-14-32~ ~0 tAND MANAGEMENT DIV, / PUBLIC WORKS DEPT, / 125 E, 8th Ave. Eug OR 97401 (503)687-4061