HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-7-22 ~?~4' roW",HIP I 7 I RANG1 t/ -3 I ~,a, 3 4T~o/CO S~TBDIVISION/PARTITION (~f apphcable) J LOT/PARCEL I BLOCK - <a e.. <Ok) \Z:Po'-. 11 a.a.. 7ld-.7 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Apphcah90/'7/ /_ t/~ PermJ. t y C::'(V C; ... 6 ~ o Two Caples of Plans o Three Caples of Plot Plans DMech/Plumblng Checkllst DLegal Interest Document D Plan Check Info Sheet I TELEPHONE l'lLJMBt:R I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAM INFO THE OOMPL~TED ^PPLIC^~ON FOR PERMIT and do hereby cert1fy that all lnformatlon hereon 15 true and correct and that I have the followl.ng logal lnterest 10 the property owner of record 0 contract purchaser Dauthorlzed agent wlth eVldence of authorlty attached I f~rther certlfy that any and all work performed shal be done 10 accordance vnth the Ordlnances of Lane County and the Laws of the State of Oregon perta1n1ng to the work descr1bed here1n, and that NO OCCUPANCY w1ll be made of any structure w1thout the pCrrtll.SS10n of the BU1ld1ng D1V1Sl.On I fur- ther certl.fy that rcgl.stratlon ,nth the Bw.ldcr s Board 1S l.n full force and ffect as requl.red by ORS 701 055 that l.f exempt t'le basl.s lor exemptl.Qn ~&~~;;;~~:~;;;;;~" " ,-, '0. ": C\ji~n'" "' "" ",0"," ,';~'\~Q~ 81 NAME {please pnnt} I A URE {q;:;;-l M~nlmum Setbacks eL, front CQM.\tENTS ~ '" "------.V\. / Partl t~on # B~BASEO\6N THE FOLLOWING Parcel # CONDITIONS' READ THIS SECTION C L, slde~ ~~ ~nter~Dr " (i(" _~ _ ~_ " Parcel S'Z~#' ~ Ilg:r..,. 5~~'~~Q ~ ~~ ^~ Z-:7:.- n Date ..., - -z. ., - '0'" c=.1\\L [] PLANNING/ZONING )8{ FLOODPLAIN In flood hazard area? 0 No ~ Yes, SEE ATTACHED SHEFT P( SANITATION Installat~on Speclfl.cat~ons CD,mENTS I~ ?tM~J _Q:-cd~ / () +-- ~ ~e ~ M- ~ . g;o~ cty~y~. ~v,~~ J~;p.M ~ ~~_f-- ,.. ,\ OJ.. . (/ Date J:-,;z .,p::? ~ ~ P~ANS EXAMINATION Type ~).) / Group _~ u'e,.J!1.11'J:/~ - co,mENTS t!#? f~/ .~ /J~fP-h / S I # B P # /7U-6b Installat~on Record Issued? 0 Yes 0 No MaXl.murn Depth of Trenches Gallon Tank Ll.neal Feet of Dralnfleld Date ~s4~ n TOTAL VALUATION $ ~~ rMtJ ~ CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PFRMIT ~_~ e l~tlOn ~~ -~~ .- ~.~ a4;;z~ --- ~'/'~ ,~ - . !"'__~~" _'AU.. ~- Sg Ft F~xed Fee/ Floodplaln Fee $ Unlt Cost Subsurface Fees $ BUlldlng F:ee $ !l8ch/Plmbg Fee $ plans Check Fee $ State Surcharge $ DEQ Surcharge $ TOTAL FEE $$ //J~ PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (pe~~6Id;~U 1)~~f3 LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION ~ -------.. II..IlIIII l' ., r 00 ...1 ~ " ~I ~ -, , , ""- . , ( " : r ':c , " ).. ~ "- SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- CATION ,OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION~ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER - '\..... ~ ,- REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW _.. _ '_ ~ ~~_ _. _ ~ _.. "- + ~.......... ~ _ ~ _ _ _ _ ;: ~ 1 - WHEN~READY FOR INSPECTION; CALL 6817-4065 ~A"_MINIMUM"OF~AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE"FOR INSPEC-o \ ~ - < \ ~ TION REQUESTS MUST BE GIVEN Have the followlng"l.nforrnat~on ready I perm~ t number, Job address, type ~of ~nspectlon, when'lt wlII~be ~eady, your name and phone number, and any speclal d~rectlons ~to .Slte , ,...! " BUILDING DIVISION '. l ~ .. ,~ ..L , REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ~~J _..~--, .P," ~, Foundatlon Inspectlon To be made aft~r~trenches are excavated and forms er~cted and when all' materlals for the~toundatlon are dell~ered~on the Job Where-concrete from ~ central mlxlng - - -pTant-, (commonty termed Iltranslt m~xed") l'S to be-used, riiaterlal.s'need not~be on the Job --.....~-~~c.-Il. , , , ,- ( "-"..... - , . '. 1 -:-:2' . , 3 ~Concrete~Slab or Under-Floor Inspectlon To_be made after all~ln-slab o~ under:floor bUlldlng _ serVlce equlpment, condult, plplng accessorles, and other anclllary equlpment~ltems are In place but before any concre~e lS poured or f!oor sheathlng 1nstalled, lncludlng the subfloor. _ _ _,., ~ _ _ w ~ _ _ .... _ . _ ~ __...,. ~ _ ~ _ _ L .......... _ ~ ..... ~ ---. ~ Framlnq & Insulat10n Inspectlons To be made after the roof, alL framlng, f1re block1ng, and brac1.ng ~reHln place 'a:r:.d a}-l"'plpe~, _f1.~eplaces, c~3::.m...!2eys~, and_ve~ts _ar..~ c.9mp!ete.....apd__a.l.:l _r,?-ugh_. electrlcal and, plumblng are approved All wall lnsulatlon and vapor barrler are In place ~ ," ~ '.. ~ '\... t ... > /'" , 1 1 . b' , Lath and ~~Gypsum_Board~Inspectlon To be~made after al athlng and gypsum oard,-lnter1or and exterlor, lS In place but before any plasterlng lS applled and before gypsum board JOlnts and fasteners are,- taped and~ f1n1shed ... ,.. '- . ~ _....... \~~_~_, _ .._~ _'- ~~__ ~_ ~ r ~_~~~ -..:!..........~ >..... , Flnal Inspectlon To be made after the bUlldlng lS compl~~e and before occupancy " 4 . ,. , 5. APPROVAL REQUIRED No work shall be done on any part of ~the bu~idling or structu~e -beyond the pOlnt - lndlcated 1.n each succeSSlve 1nspect1on wlthout flrst obtalnlng the approval of the bU1ldlng off1clal Such approval shall be glven only after an 1nspectlon shall have-been~made of each succeSSlve step~~ In the construct~on as lndlcated by each,of the lnspectlons requ1red NOTE All bUlldlng permlts requlre ~nspect1ons for the work authorlzed, such as but not 11mlted to A Block Wall To be made after relnforclng lS In place, but before any grout lS poured ThlS lnspectlon lS requlred for each bond beam pour There wll1 be no approval untll the plumblng and electrlcal lnspectlons have been made and approved Wood Stove To be made after completlon of masonry (If appllcable) and when lnstallat10n lS .' compl~ Installatlon shal~ be In accordance wlth{an approved, nat10nally recognlzed testlng ~ agency and the..rnanufacturer ~ s lnstallat~onJ lnstructlons; , ., i.... -. + -. , , . B \ I C Moblle Home An lnspectlon lS~ requlred after_,the moblle home lS connected to an....approved sewer or-sept1c system for setback requlrements, blocklng~ footlng~connectlon; tledowns, sklrtlng, and plumb1ng connectlons ~ ., ~ I ~J ", I~ 1. Footlngs and plers to comply w1th State foundatlon requlrements for moblle homes or as recommended by the manufacturer - J. -r- , , " ~ - , d 11 , , MOblle home mlnlmum flnlsh floor elevat10n shall be certlfled when requlred by a flood- pla1n management letter , . . Mobll~home ~ledowns~ when requlred; and sKlrtlng shall tlon wlthln at least 30 days after occupancy Tledowns per enclosure~ ~. SWlmmlnq Pool Below grade_when steel 15 In place and before concrete 15 poured when pool~lnstalled .... _" ~ " J " APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS~ THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS I INFORMATION 1 ~~ _, ... \ J 'L 3 .' be lnstalled and sklrtlng and ready for lnspec- shall be 1nstalled 2 D Above grade ,- , . ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT or REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK .' , SUBSURFA;.E, ~ND A~TERN~T;VE...SE~~G~ DIS,P~~AL SYSTE~S .; "", "'" ....~.\ ,"" ~... :)\ I' Permlts shall be effectlve for one year from the "'date ot: l.ssuance \ -"'""I:--. -:r '\ j , ~ J ~ ~ " ~ 2 'Upon completlng..the_constructlo~~for ~whlchra~permlt has been~~ssued;~thef perm1t holder sha~l not1fy the Lane County Department of Plannlng and Commun~ty Development by submlttl.ng the' ln5tall~tlon record form The Department shall lnspect the constructlon to deterrn~ne 1f It compIles wlth the rulesHcontalned In thls dlvlslon If the constructlon does comply wlth suchl rules, the\.Department_shall lssue a cer~t~f"'.1."cate of satlsfactory\complet1on to the permlt, holder\ If the constructlon does not comply.wl~h suc~~~ules"the Depar~ent shakl~not1fy the permlt holder and shall requlre sat1sfactory complet1on,before_l5~ulng_the..certlflcate~,_Fa~lure to meet the requ1rernents for satlsfactory compleLlon wlth1n a reasonable t1me constl.tutes a V10- latlon of ORS 454 605 to 454 745 and thlS rule -, Setbacks : Subsurface Sewaqe Dlsposal From Inter10r property llnes Edge of road rlght~of-way BUlldlng foundatlon Wells. other water sources Septlc Tank 10' 10' 5 \ 50' " Dralnfleld. '10 j' 10' 10 ' laO' , - , -, C 14-25 ,- -r~ ~ - . , '. -:,' . ,- " . ..j..- -- , :~ ~ I. ~~ ,\.- \"",,!,) ,.. I. ~".r-.J I , ' \.) J: , :.' _ I, , . '. it ~ ,J '~"i: I~, l' ( t - ~, ". ...... , \, FLOODPLAIN ~1ArlAGEMErH " , Department of Env1ronmental, Management/125 East 8th Ave., Eugene, Oregon 687-4357 Date (- L (.- 6-:0 By ~,,^c. To ~ Penm t Process1ng o Planmng o Publ1C Works Perl'llt No. \-z..b2-B~ Partlt10n No. Subd1v1s1on No, c::.n::~a-.l "OO-\AC.H~ Zp.,4~ c..H~\EAJ...\ F'LAc.~, SFD AG M H CADD. J " ,Appl1cant Name Address of'slte o ~ o t--LcfIT o c:,F'CZIN6~E..C...D COMM, D ~ ApprOX1mate flood hazard study area, extra precaut10ns may be appropr1ate to assure that the bU1ld1ng slte w1ll be reasonably safe from flood1ng, Deta1l flood hazard study area, Data Source "^A? ,<7 Mob1le home t1e downs requ1red. Substant1al 1mprovement. Slte 1n regulatory floodway channel, bU1ld1ng proh1b1ted unless 1t 1S demonstrated that the cumulat1ve effect of proposed development w1ll nut 1ncrease the base flood at any p01n~, Contact Floodpla1n Management for more 1nformat1on BASE FLOOD ELEVATION + l' = ' (t1SL). Cert1f1cat1on at or above th1S elevat10n requ1red as checked below, OTHER IV\1N.\MulV\ =-LE:.."~"no~ ~ l--"~Iec;o ~***************************************************************************************************~ ~( p..(J CERTIFICATION OF ELEVATION D D D D D , a Reg1stered Profess1onal 1n the State of Oregon, do hereby cert1fy to Lane County, that the follow1ng elevat10n represents a survey made by me or under my superV1S1on The foundat1on elevat10n (lnclud1ng basement slab) = The ground elevat10n that structure w1ll be placed on = The f1rst floor elevat10n = . ' (MSL). The elevat10n of the top of floodproof1ng = Other ..J I, 3: '" '0 " (MSL) I , (r~SL). ~ (~lSL). I rJ (}I I \)J I {\l Reference Bench Mark No LocatlOn Slgnature SEAL , , Date -I r- Ong1nal to be certif1ed and returned to Lane County. . Floodpla1n Management 1st copy w1th appl1cat1on/1nspect1on 2nd copy to appl1cant 3rd copy to Floodpla1n Management (}I 6 o ~-..~-~" --,.:...."::'- ~ -..........~.- ,- , ~.. ::.. ,- - ~ -- ...l"li .\ \..t ,.~_ ,'... AOLD SLIp lane county " -- APPLICATION # 1262-83 'IS LOCATION --2a~r~~.o~n p,"~~.~~ St~p~en J!l:'hacl}ne!:___ __ _____ _ ____ _ ' _ _ NAME "'" ,2849.,Chat"RtI PlaN> __________ ADDRESS s.nrtng.field. ()ro~nn Q7.f1U '~ -Z(P-CODE The above app11cat1on 1S be1ng held for the fo110w1ng reasons 1) Provide svetch plan of existing pool area/facilities. 2) Due to selection of framing method and loads, indicate what the size of the existing footlng to be used for the support of the second level is, and provide a cross section detail of the 'new' stem wall and the existing footln~. 3) Indicate what size, spacing and lay-up of roofing materials is to he t1&ed (a) above the trusses, (b) at the point where conventional framing is to occur at the existlng roof. Roger McGuckin SIGNATURE AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY (NO WALK-INS) 08-18-83 DATE Th1S app11cat1on w111 be held unt11 ()Q_()l_A' above has not been furn1shed by that date your 687-4061 PHONE HOURS If the 1nformat1on requ1red app11cat1on w111 be cancelled RETURN THIS SLIP WI,H THE ABOVE REQUESTED INFORMATION BUILDING & SANITATION I PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 125 East 8th Avenue / Publ1C Serv1ce BU11d1ng / Eugene, Oregon 97401 / (503)687-d061 \ * . I, "" H / I, ,,1:1 ,4 J W 2 LANE COUN1Y DEPl ENV M~T RlCEIPr I 126283 DATE 07228_ APPLICANT SCHACNER. SlEPHFN AODR 2849 CHATEAU. SPRINGFIELD. OREGON TU 1703:>:n:203400 SLJl:lDl V LOl HLK NEW RLDG TYPE USE R BDRMS 4 UNI1S 061 STORIES ~BLDGS 001 PHONE 746 9018 OWN[[-, NMl ADDR , I , . CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRI~TION SQ FT UNcr COST VALUATION rFF DAYS' BP ADDITION .. ~ BP HI' BP r,F' IvI RI' LC 126283 F,AD PL NO. F-CXltmEs MECII' SUR I'CK SDS FP NO. CONNECTORS METHAN 1 CAL Fl~" STArL SURCHARGE: F-'L AN CHE CK rn: 40001 1">.00 FACH =- 24:2.50 4% <>5% 9.70 157.63 SDSk c \ 10.00 CATG SEQU TAKEN APP o BY RLH RA FP 1 EST. SDS SI .' PCK 2 orH ISS 3 TUTAL FEE** n 41 9. 8,5 CK COMPLETION DAlE r. . PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTI . i TV INFORMATION ..>HEET Idne county ~ COMPLETE THIS SECTION INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED' "!~ : 1 S f ~ J 5cH!jCJWta2- PERSON MAKING REQUEST L.?r4g C4ftiEfttl Pi- MAILING ADDRESS ~PR-rtJ6 ~1El5) ()R... CJ7'f77 CITY STATE ZIP CODE So..we PROPERTY OWNER 5~ MAl LI NG ADDRESS 3~ CITY STATE ZI P CODE 1 ,+b -90 ( ~ BUSINESS TELEPHONE # 1'f7-() 1/5" HOME TELEPHONE # "S~ BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TE~EPHONE # , 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS) 3 MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (REQUIRED INFORMATION) TO~:?rP (from tax maps In Department of Assessment an~xatlon' 3from;23taS~en~ 3 t!O 0 -r/~' ' RANGE SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING ACRES TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP .4 SUBDIVISION (If appllcable) LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) Q d d 2Ad <; hn.Lf cw.d. r.PAAJ-ilrlo() I fo,,,rJ / 7;:)rf- b b Q,IJu) tJ-P tP () () I V , ; 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** - -- NUMBER . -i ;0 (/) ZONE/LAND USE B' ~ 5:::--- ~\ ~ C--- ;::lO = -/ c:::-.. \0"------" DATE . -i ~ TIME IN OUT