HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1983-10-20 TO Land D1V1S10n Sect10n ___Reg10nd1 Planning __1'1 ann1 ng Resedrch 2011111g En ForcelllPnt EnV1 ronlllen tal Hpdlth ~Water Pollut10n Control _So11s Datil Flood Management _A.Transportat10n 1'1 ilnn1 ng Assessment & Taxat10n Parks D1V1S10n Lane Real Estate D1V Lane Publ1C Satety Lane PUPllC Lands Ldne Legdl C0unsel ___"ous 1 ng & COlllm Dev _____Nelghborhood Group " Date.L'O~ ~<2= 8'3 , ___Lane LxtcnslOn Serv1cc Lane Translt Dlstr1ct Lane Reg Air Pol Auth W,ltpr 1lI',{ rlet S ta tc 'ore~try_ Statc Highway D1v1s10n State [nv1rOrl Qual1ty S ta te Dept of L,lnds State F1Sh & Gamc S ta te Geol & M1 ncral Indus State Vetennanan School Dlsrnct Fne D1stnct _Joundary Comm1ss10n Port of Sluslaw Dunes Nat'l Rec Area Sluslaw Nat'l Forest W1l1amette Nat'l Forest __Bureau of Land Mgmt 5011 Conservat10n Servlce __Corps of Eng1neers __,cd AV1at10n Author1ty ,ed COmTIUn1CatlOns Co,rm Other Other Plan __C1 ty __EWEB N W Dept of Gas Bell Power Dog Control Natura 1 Paclf1C N W Pac1f1c N W __Trl-Agency LCDC from LANE COUNTY LAND MANAGEr'lENT DrVI S I ON l2~ Eac,L 8th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone 687-4061 A request For 1and uc,e aet10n, as descnbed on Data Summary and attached schematlc has been recelVed by the Plannlng D1V1S10n If slgrllflLant 1mpact lS eV1dent, please send comments to LilndManagempnt D1v1s10n by I/) - 3'/- 0'2 Spec] f1C concerns of your agency should be addressed 1n addltlOn to adverse 1mpacts on general llVab111 ty of the area and 1 tc, feure deveTopmcnt FOt' ?dd1tlOnal Hlformat10n, (ontact__rf'_e_~~, DATA SUMMARY Jour'nal No -.Lfl.~ L_::-j3. <, Zone 01 stn ct APP11cant_S,c~b<-< S~---- Lot Slze Pmperty Address___i?:J"_'i.f._~f.A.,~_~L~ Map ,j2- Q3:-_2,.~-- "5. ?_ ~1.-{'if&~ci____-_- fax Lot_ .3 </00 PROPOSAL _/J~:1..cL__.~.__rt~_~___/.Q.::F~-r:J_~~a"/r. __~ ~~( ~__.ak1&1') ~_~~_;fk/2tJ12-(~ ,r:;: . 'AL.. ,1 il COMMEN1S (Reverse )lde May Be Used) _ _ "I)IZJ!:{fj')>C/~w.L$2(~_ !3~ - - ..._21(~~~kmd1~ _~iJt ~~~-~ ru{/~~ t-~ . _" .' >4-10 - - --$~ Bla~.s -----.-- o ;365'7 re;4