HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-9-8 ? J ~~", ;;;t ~ (~ t- ~ - fli' "~ 6'.. ~l '_I' ft, ~<t. ~ - or , f /<::'" - . (~-- t '- - o - - ~ \, ,. , . lane count '/ f$~ Jf 1K p' 'v ~- ~\~ ~\\\ ~~'l ) I ~1 :: ~,:,w _~~ __' __ 'l~1 '~t~t;~J\ bU:.:ti.l:\l~~ APPLICATION # LC.2.n47 - 79 J, '~..t1 ,,' """,~r T R S - T L __l7-()2,_~.L4 I ~4t; s ~ Z. APPLI CANT r -1"'-:P;k(JP Sc:. HO'" LD9 . . "I" ~ f \ . ~ ' \~' 'ill-l_ ' A1rTENTUlDlN ~AAJ ALL REQUIREMENTS FOR ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT WIVE BEEN MET EXCEPT FOR THE FOLLOWINP DIVISIONS, AS NOTED ~-7> \JATER POLLUTION CONTROL ~ PLANNING c:::J REASON ELEVATION c:::J ADDRESSING c:::J UPON RECEIPT OF YOUR DIVISION APPROVAL, THIS PERMIT WILL BEl ISSUED --r; T ~tJll '" DA TE ) () -!$:2q ~R- l ------ .. RESID_/\IT1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springf1-eZd, Oregon 97477 BU1-Zd1-ng D1-v1-s1-on 726-3753 .lob Loaatt.on /41./-8 J1 03 (l.~ ~lj 33 A8GeB80r~ Map # Subdt.v..$t.On SPRINGFlELD ~ Tax Lot # 00/0.1/- Q.mer (_ALu,'M II!/ /lA-LF Address /'1'18' c/' LUr <, T Phor1e C..ty /1'/,/111/;4' F;~Lc:I Z..p ~7-f 7 7 n n n n Np/,) Addt. tt.cn Remodel Desarx..be flhl'l< Uob"t. Ie llome F/rr:' fJJ./lC e. ;f/~Ju~/~~'.J~ Date of AppZt.aat1.cn G'ontraators General Plwnb..ng EZeatnaaZ Mecharuxz'L ConstMlctt.on Lende7' Address . Reae",--pt;; /()!7Z_ J -o~- 6tL (f)~ 0)'), IlL} Itl;!) au / J~7J(J:' S1.qred Date dJ fZ- <1-1f-'157 L'l..30 # EX',n;l'es Phone It 1.B the responnbt.l1..ty of the perrm.t holdeI' to see that all. uwpechons a:re nade at the proper tune, tr.at each ;;dd:ress 1.S I'eadaD:<: f1"Om th8 street, and that the perrrrr.t card 1.8 located at the front of the property "'Bu1..!dt."1{} [hv1.::1.o'" approt-ed plan sheZZ rema't.n on thE. Bu-:..Zd-r,nq S1..tc at all tunes PROCSDUPE FOR INSPECTION RS()UEST CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state yOUI' Ctty des1..gnated Job nurber~ Job adc.:t>ess~ tyve of t.n3pec-;t.cn requested ara ~~en yOU w1..LL be ready for ~r$pcct~on, Contractors or Owne~s nome ~nd phore ndMbcr Pequests rece1..ved befeI'e ? 00 ~ .'t.lZ be made the same day~ requests made after? 00 am !.nzt. be made the nu:t .JOI',(u1.g day Rq~~~p.n TnRnp~t~cnR O SITE INSPECTION To be made after exaatJatt.on, but pnor tc set up of forms o UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHAdICAL To be made before any work 1..S .::overed ID o I :0 I ,0 I '0 I '0 FOOTING!: FOUNDATION To be nnde after trenche$ are excavated and forms are ereated~ but p:noJ' to po~ng ccnaret~ U"WERGPOUMD PLUMBING. SSWEP. W1TE9, DRAINAGE To be ma;j~ pnor to f1..l,- hr.g trenches o UNDEPFLOOR PLUlfJJING & MEC>fANICAL To be made pJ'1.or to 1..n3taZlat~on of j100r 1.nsuZat~on or deck1..ng POST AND BEAM To be made pr1..or to ~nstallat1..on of fZooI' t.ns~Zat1..on or deckvu.; ROUGH PUf'!BIlIG. ET,ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL No illorY ~s to DC cot-ered urt~Z these ~nspect1..ors haVg been made cmd approved fIPEPLACE Pr1..or to pZac1..r.g fac1..ng mater1.aLs and before fI'am1..ng ~nspec- t~or PRA}JINC MUst be requested after approval of rough pZumb1..ng~ eZectr~- cal & mechan1..caZ AZl. roof1..7'4 braC1.ng & churmcys3 etc must be camp Zeted No UKlrk 1.13 to be CGn- - cealed untt.Z tht.s 1.nspectt.on has -been made and approved Your C1..ty Dest-gr.ated Job Number Is D INSULATION/VAPOR B4RRIER INSPECTION To be made after aLL t.nsuZatt.an ~Ll rcqu~red vapor barr1..e:rs are ~n pla~e but before any lath, gypswn board 01' liXlll ~over1..ng 1.8 appZ1..ed~ and before any 1..n3ulat1..On 1..8 con~eated "K 7 0 (/> fc, c.f- {DEf10LITIO'l OR JOVED BUILDIllGS =:=J Sam =a:ry se'.Jer ~apped at p~op<;rt":f hre ~ Septw tank p..rped tI'1d f~ZZed !.nth gra..JeZ I E'l,na: 1, - f-lhen above 1. t e:"l8 are cc77p 1.eted ~ and when d~cl~t1.or l,S complete or stru~- ture moved and pr~se8 cleaned up I Pob1.. Ze Hene8 :=J BIock1.ng and S8t-~p :=J Ptumb1..ng COnnect1..0ns sewer and watep ~ Eleatpt.aal Conrectt.on - Block1..ng3 set-u~ ---3 and plumo~ng conrectl,ons nr_st ce apprat-ec before request_ng eZec=rt.~aZ 1..nspec=t.o~ ~ Accesao1",:1 Bu1..l2::.ng I F1..nal - Aftar' parcres, ~ eta are completed sk~rt~ng~ decks, D DRYWALL INSPECTION To be made after all dry~aZZ 1..8 1..n plaae~ but pI't.or to any tap1..ng MASONRY Steel Zocat1.on~ bond becon83 groutt.ng or vert1..cals 1..n accordance W1..th U B C Sect1..On 2415 WOODSTOVE After t.nstaZZat1..on 1.$ acmpleted @ 1 Yl00yj- r fe i Vl &recJ1~ ffil o o D CURB & APPRCACR APD()N are eI'e~ted but pr~oI' concrete After forms topOU1'1.ng ~~ All proJect aondttt.ons, 8UC~ as the 1nstallat"t.on of street trees3 co~lct1..on of tne requ~red landsccpl,rg3 ete 3 must be satt-sft-cd before the BUILDINC FI~AL can be I'equest2d D FINAL PLU!/BI!IG ~ FIliAL IfECHANICAL ~ FINAL ELECTRICAL ~ o FINAL BUILDING The F1..nal But.ld"t.ng Inspectt.on must be peauested after the F~nal P'L~btng EZectr1..cal, and Meeharu::aZ Inspect..onn have been made and approved o SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY For all con- crete pav~ng w..th~n street ~ght- of-way, to be made after all exca- vatt.ng complete & fo~ work & sub- base matenaZ 1.n place "'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE~ ADJUST'fEllT TO BE nlJ.DE }T NO COST TO CITY I Pa.ge 1 of 2 D YENCE gates PUE When co~pl~te -- Prov~de or movable sect1..0ns thI'ougr o I JOB NO L-COG'l> Zona OccuvanClj Grv~_ SOLAR ArCESS REQ- BectroOT"ls Lot Sq Ftg ~ of lot Cvuerag~ i/ of StoNes Total lIel,.ght . Topography lITEM I SQ FTC I LOT TYPE Inter'Lcr Cornel" Panhandle Cul-de-sac Ma!.n x - --r--- Value Gc:.rac€ Carv01't Accessoru I I Is Del 5 :r TOTAL VAWE (vc/..uc) BU1-ld7.-ng Perrm t State Surcharqe Total Cha.~ge3 lITEM I F1.xtures I Resu1zntuzl (1 bath) I So:m..ta.ry Sewer I Water I 1m I I I I Pl.onb'!,:r'g Perri.. t State Su:rcr.arge Tota! Chal'aes lITEI'! I lies So fta Nau/Extend C'Ll'CU'Lts [Temvorarl/ SePU'Lce I ' o EZe~trLcal Pe~t Sta.te S/UchaI'qe Total Charces , ITS!A I liD I Fr;'r;"' I Furnace ETU' S I E:::haust Hood I I Vent Fan I I Woodsto.;e I I [ILl1Y~:uancl;;-ll~ I Me::nan1-c::zl Pe1'Tr"'Lt State Surchcl'Q'c Total Charqen -- ENCROACHlfE"iT -- Se~urttl/ D~D031-t Storage Ma1-ntena~e Pcrnn..t I ICurbcu; j Suiewa lk I T;'ence i I Electr'Lcal Label Total Chg:!'f!.e~____. I Mob"L le Home I TOTAL AJ.fOUNT DUE ,. C'J},RCE !~ I I I t~~', ~ I j I I. I J ) t~ T~pe/Cor.8t Lot Paces - I Enera... SOvlrces I lieat Access I Water '1AatAT' I Range J F'Ll'evlace 1 f WQoa.:;tot-e II 1<.1oe P L INorth Eost IScn.th IWest SetbacKS I House ! CaPaoe I I I I Fees Building Value & Permit Th~s pe~t ~8 granted on the express cond~t~on that the sa~d con8truct~on shall3 ~n all respects3 conform to the Ord~narce ~dopted by the C~ty of Spr't.ngf~eld3 'LncZud::..ng the Zon~ng Crd:..nance3 regulat't.log the ccnstruchcn and use of bU'Lld't-ngs3 and m~y be suspended or revokec at cry t~me upon v~c- lat"l-on of any p:rov~swns of sa1-d Ordulances IPlan Check Fee I Cate Paod I Rec'''pt # ISog-ed Plumbing Permit No person shall construct3 ~nstalZ3 aZter or change any ~~w cr e=1-st~ng plumbt.ng or dra1-nage SY8t~ 1-n ~hole or 1-n paPt3 urless such person ~s the legal possessor of a val~d plumber's It.cense3 except th4t a pe~son ma~ do plurb1-ng work to properv~ wh1-ch 1-S owned3 leased or operated by the applt.- aant Electrica I Permi t Where State LClLJ requ1-res tr.at the electr1-cal work De ckme by an Electncal CantractCI'3 the eZectr-tcaZ pOl't1.-on of thts perrrn.t shall rot be valtd unt1-Z the label has been ;ngned by the Electr1,cal Contractor Mechanical Permit w} Plan Excnnner Vote I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed QDpll-cat~on fot' perm'Lt3 and do hereby cert~fy that all 1-~fo~at1-on hereon ~s true and correct3 and I fvlrtrer cert'l-fb that any ar.d all work pel"for'71ed shaH be do"te 1.."t aCCor- dance ~th the Ord'l-nances of the Ctty of Spptngf1-cld3 and th= L~~s of the State of Oregon pcrta1-n'l-ng to tne work descl"'l-bcd here~n3 and tr~t NO OCCU- PJNCY w1-ll be made of any structure W'l-thOvlt pet'mtS3~0~ of the BUl-ldtng Dt- V~s~on I further certtf~ that o~ly contractors ar~ e~pZ~yees Wro are ~n conpl~ance w~th ORS 701 055 w1-ll be used on th~s proJect ~~--uI/~ 4/ff. /9"87 fufe' I Stgn2d .