HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Curb Cut 1989-7-13 .. RESIDr"JTlAL" APPLICA1~uN/PERMIT 225 NOlth 5th Street Spnngf1-eld, Oregon 97477 BU1-ld1-ng D1-v1-s1-on 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD Job Looatwn /ijL/.~ C#e:c/ S?-- Subd1.v1.s1-on AssesGorc Map # T~ Lot # /);q L/A/ 066 ;c.r4<') c:'"~A <5.T- ~Tc-D,/ ~. /' Wnep Address C,ty n n n n Np1.1 Add"/, tt.cn Mo~ RemodeZ '.lob":. 1.12 80m3 Date of Apphoahcn 7-/3 -8"';3 Contractors General ~ ~~ Phone Z'p ~/-r'/? Descr",be fl'01'7{ ~/'fl3~ C/ /' ~J VaZue ~&-!:?\{j)c- 'coe"t , /Y38,:')-- . IV.. S,qred/~~~ Date ,/ /7~/3-;;;;:--/ ~- Address /~-=r-7'?~~ ~ , L1SC II v Bldrs Board Reg E1..01rf'S P"hnnp 6~~- 3",S?;::>/' I I 1 I , Plumblng Illechanlcal IEJ,ectrlcal Supen/~",?l.DK Electrlclan It 1.8 the respon8~bt.hty of the perrm.t holder to see that all l..nDpect1.ons a:t'e nade at the proper tune,3 trat each ;:;ddress 1.8 rea::!.an:e from the stl'eet, and that the peX'Tmt ca:I'd "L8 l.ocated at the front of the property *Bu1..td1..'1g D'!.V1-=;W"" appl'o<.-ed plan shall l'ema1.r1 on the Bu,:-ldl-nq S1.t;; at all t1-mes PPOCSDUPE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST CALL 726-3769 (pocorderoJ state your Ct.ty des1-gnated Job nwrber~ requested a~~ w~en yOU w1-ll be ready for t.rspcctt.on~ Contractors or Owners ncme ~nd phone nUMber .,,"I-Zl be made the scone dc.y~ requests made aftel' '1 00 am z.nll bs made ttze next ..JOrhng day Reou1-~~d TnRn~~t1-r.nR o o SITE INSPECTION To be made after excavatt.on~ but pnor to set up of forms UNDERS&AB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH/J,]ICAL To be made before any work t-8 C!oveI'ed o FOOTING ,g FOUND1TION To be made after trenches are exoavated and forms are eI'ected~ but prt-or to pourt-r~ ccncret~ UVDERCPOU~TD PLUMBINC: SEWEP. W4TEl1 DTfAIlIAGE To be made pnor to f1,.l- hr.g trenches o o VNDEOFLOOR PLW"BING & MECfJANICAL To be made pr1-or to t-nstalZatt-on of f100r t-nsulatt-on or deckt-ng POST AND BEAM To be rrade pl"Z-OI' to 1,.nstallat1,.on of floor t.nsulatt.on or deck'1-rtg o o ROUGH P[,lJ'~BI'IG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- A~ICAL No ~orr '1-S to be covered urtt.l these t.nspectt.ors have beer made and approved FToFPLACE Prwr to plc.c1,.r.g matert.als and before frcont.ng t'1-or D ...-...... ~ fact.ng t.nspec- D FRA!qNG Must be requested after approvaZ of rOugh plWTibt.ng~ electrt.- cal & mechant.C!al AU pooft.ng bract.ng & cht.mncys~ etc! ~~st be completed '10 work t.s to be con- - cealed unhl tht.s t.nspechon has been made and approved Job adcress~ type of ~n3pec=t.cn Pequests recet.Led befere '1 00 ~ Your C,ty Des'gr.ated Job Nwnba Is ~~cD 7/6 o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION To be made after aLL t.nsulatt.an ~il requ~red vapor barrt.ers are t.n place but before any lath~ gypswn board or wall aovert.ng 1,.S applt.ed~ and before any uwulatwn 1,8 concealed I DElJOLITIO" OR ',OVED BUILDIdGS ~ Sant.-:.a:ry se'..Jer capped ~t p~op,;;rt"'~ Z1..~e =:J Septw tank P.<.""Ped and ft.Uad lJt.th gra...el ~ Ft.nal - h~en above 1..te~s are acnpLeted ~ and when denol~tt.or ~s complete or st~~- ture moved and pre~ses cleaned up . Nobt.Ze Henes ::J Blookt.ng and Set-Ap ::J Plunb1,.ng connect~ons s~er and wa~er ::J EZeatrt-cal Conpectt.on - Blookt.ng~ 8et-u~ and plumbt.ng conrect~ons rrr~st ce approved before request~ng eZec~Pt.cal t-nspec~1..o~ ~ Accesaop',:1 But-ld~ng ---, FUUll - After pDrcres~ skt.rt'!-ng~ decks~ ~ eta are comple-:.ed o -> All proJeot condt.tt.ons~ $UO~ as the ~nstalZat~on of street trees~ ooryvletLon of tne requt.red Landso~pLrg~ ete ~ must be sat~sft.ed before tre BUILDING FI~~L can be request&d o FIliAL PLWBIIIG o FINAL 11ECHANICAL CJ FINAL ELECTRICAL , ~ o But.ld~ng Inspectt.on must be requested after Inspeo"tto_ns. J::9ve been made and approved \ \ , o DRYWALL INSPECTION To be made after all 6>ywaU t.s 1,.n pLace~ but prt.or to any tapt.ng the FLnal Plumbt.ng *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE~ ADJUST'fElIT TO BE I!J1DE fiT NO COST TO CITY .; I p:ge 1 of 2 o ~SONRY Steel LoaatLon~ bond beams> groutt.ng or vertt.cals Ln acoordance z.nth U B C SeatLon 2415 WOODSTOVE After t.nstallatt.on t.s ccmpleted o o CURB & APPROACP ApOON are ereoted but pr1,.or cOn<.!rete After forms to pourt.ng D SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY For all con- crete pav&ng wt.th~n street r&ght- of-wc.y~ to be made after all eXCQ- vatt.ng complete & fo~ work & sub- -base matenal t.n place o FENCE f./her co-npZ.-;te -- Provt.de gates or movable sect1,.ons througr PUE o FINAL BUILDING The Ft.nal Electrt.cal~ and Mechar~cal I JOB NO I Zone -:;.ge '"' L-COG~ SOLAR ACCESS REQ- T.'1pe/Corst BeC:roolrs Occupanc.l.{ Gl'ou.~ LOT TYPE Lot Sq Ftg Z of lot Covel'ag~ #- of Stones Total. ?et.ght Topography lITEM IMa'Ln I Gc:f>ace SQ FTC Carv02"t :- Aacessor>u I I Is DC TOTAL VALUE (val-UC) 1 5 :r BU1-l.d1.ng Pernn.t State SUI'c:hCII'ge Tota 1. Cha...-"gea lITEM I F'LXtuI'es~"" I ResuientwZ (1 Sant.tary Sewer INO bath) - I I I I , FEE Water Pl..cnbt.ng Ferr-z.t State Sta'cr.arge Total Charaes lITEM I Res Sa fta 1"0 I I I I I I I New/Extend Ct.l'cut.ts Temporary Sepv1-ce E1.ectr>1_ca 1 PePrrr/.- t State Surchn:rqe Total Cha.rces ITEM I NO I F'w'na.ce ETU' S Exhaust Hood Vent FCD1 I WoodstoJe I Perrrnt Issuanaa Mechan"/-c::zl Perrm.t State Surcharae Total Charaef.' -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~I'7,.~ Devo3t.t Storage I Ma'Lntena~e j Perrmt I Total Cha:l'oes Curb""t / E1h ~K/ ~ r SwewaZk IFe~e I Electl'1..Cal Label I Mob'de Home 1 TOTAL _AMOUNT DUE Irter'/..cr Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Value CHAFGE FEE CdARGE FEE C/JARCE 1/. 2t? I I I I I /j.2D I Lot Faces - I P L North East SOl.th ,rlest Setbacks I House ! Caraqe I I I I I Enerqy SO.A.rces I 1-feat Access I Water ElRatel" \ 1 Range I I F"rep lace I I Woodztove II T<.JDe Fees I I I I I I 1 1* I I 1* Building Value & Permit Th"s perwrvt ,,$ granted on the express cond~t"on that the sa"d construct~on shall, ~n all respects3 conform to the Ord"narce adopted by the C"ty of Spr"ngf"eld3 "ncZucb.,ng the Zon't-ng Crd-:-nance3 regulahl~g the ccnstruct"Cn and use of bu~ld~ngs" and may be suspended or l'evoked at cry t"me upon v"o- lat"on of any pl'aV"S~Or8 of sa"d OTd,,~~nce$ J Iplan Check Fee Date Pa-:-d IReanpt # IS'g>-ed Plumbing Permit I I I I I I * No person shall construct" ~nstall3 alter or change any new or e="st~ng plumb"ng or dra~nage system "n ~hole or ~n flal't3 urless such person ,,$ the legal possessor of a val"d plumber's l~cense" except that a person mad do plurb~g work to property wh"ch "s owned3 leased or operated by the appl,,- cant .... Electrical Permi t Where state Lc1LJ requ1.-res tr~t the electr~cal work be done by an Electr"cal Contractor" the elect~cal port"on of th1.-S perm"t ahall rot be val~ unt"l the label has been Engned by the Electr>1.-cal Contractor I I I , * I I I I I I I I , * Mechanical Permit &~.-~~~ tfrt~EXCTf''L~ ~..- r 7~~Z?;7 uar;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed appl~cat"on for perm1.-t3 and do hereby cert'Lfy that all 1.-~format~on hereon ~s true a~ correct" and I f....rtrer cert~fy that any ar.d all work perforned shalt be do'1.e "n accor- dance un.th the Ord'Lnances of the C"ty of Spr~ngft.eldJ and th;; La'..us of the * State of Oregon perta"n"ng to the work descr"bcd here~n" and that NO OCCU- pnlCY un II be made of any structure W'L thoJ.t perm'Lsa"on of the But.Zdt.ng ~- V'Ls"on I further cert1.-fd that o'1.ly contractors and e~loyees wro are "n c~pl~ance wt.th ORS 701 05S w1.-ll be used on th1.-s proJect * r(\ "1 1, ^ ~~_.~ .~ ~"gn2d ;-/5 ~fJ~ 'Date