HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2004-6-28 . 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRNGFIELD, OJ 97477 . PH.(541)726-3753 "fili'S"P~Mtl~fL EXPIRE IF THE WORK ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLU .UION Cuy Job Number CO~ ~4 - 005<1:7 Date 1 ~ + .., ;:- ~,O;'" ~'T,..;r ~.;..,. .... .."..,. <.~ , ~ <,k ....lll!r ,'l..OCA1TON OF:,INSTAJ,.LAlION t, C' '\,. ~"_,, "'" ......"''''~!". _~"'_14." ~f"'" d.81'? ~Wk!LV--- y\..P""-' Ll:GAL DESCRIPTION _j7 0..2_..23' ~z.., JOB DESCRlPTIO~ mrJ 0'010 C> e;r~+~ Permits are non-transferable and explr'-= 1 wo....k 1S not started wlthm 180 da}s of ISSuance 0' U wo k IS Suspended for 180 days. ~""trA.II""'~ ' ~e$i' !"'~Yll"'~h~ '(Ji "'v't' '1:~"'"' , '" ~ ~ t r\ !'COl\TRA(;tQRINsrALLATl >N JNLl" 2 .,u' ~ "':l..l'~ ,1-.Ph..J.~~-..c~i, t.1(1....f~"-::~"'" ,<;.~.." "'''<l'~'' ~ I Elwncal Comractor .i..yAL..N;$ flt_q,~ Aadress 1> (). M A City f'A\\ ~~ Phone -.:T~..:.'U;'1) Sl'pervlsor License Number :;;. 35 6 __ hprrallOn Date _ /0 /1:>// o<{ , Constr Contr Number J I;) :1.. 3 I <.:- h;'llratlOn Date 10 /0 II b '7 SIgnature of SupervlslOg Eleclr1claD -)/v:P~ Owners N.rneDon aViU'> lLnC)ll Address d, '6''-ti (,ha :h=aJ..c f?L CI'YS CC2- Phone <A't'nMrlW tfr~6'Jri?a~ requiresyqu to ThijQh'tltl'l.l.l:ea'8dlo~ D>1<!M'Of&gcffi'~flmy ....hlC. Npltbcilttcml~1'TI~e9lire~tare set forth In OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001- 009(lle~IiflNYrobta," copies of the rules by callmg the center (Note the telephone -llllmber fGlr tRe 01 eQul1 UlIllty Notmcatlon Center IS 1-800-332..2344). lnsp~l!lon Request 726-3769 I I /AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT (P/R.:t> 104- COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ..: J, ANY. 180 DAY PER(OD, .-, '''''''' C" - , 3 COMPLETE F,EE SCHEDULE BELOW:.. ,,:',t' _ ,',,\l-~~ i. _.. ~,. ,..~,~( I''''V' . jf'\;, ...1...1' _1>._ ..~~...;L:"'(ri:( ..w"..,.1~"~J "" ~" 1,1"" \ . "'" ...." ~ ~, ~'~'(, ~ .,,~ ~ 1 'l:. A ,Ne,,'Rei,dentlsl':' SUlgle or"1uln-Family per dweJlmg umt > _ ., ..... w""l> _I ,~J t.,t"M " , > .....,..... '...... ~ .... ServIce Included 1000 sq ft or less Each additIOnal 500 sq portlon thereof Each Manufact d Horne or Modular Dwelbng Sel'lce or Feeder $10600 ft or $ 1900 $5000 r ~ ,~} ~fJ~~~ 'l"'>-~X?'; vj~' "v\~:,; ".>~~.tb '"~7'I?'V'l..;,rO"-1f;(~',I<';;.-';.,~\. B ServIces or Feeders -c Iiistallation;;AiteratJori4^or't1~loc.tlOn '~;! r'~\'1 '~'" ~ .,j<~tu._J..J,j.,.. _"Vj,irJIl ,~\1 ..;:,*,~3,..tr'<..L,j';':"",d,ilatJI1l':.. -1',,\ 4'i\u........t\+l3> 200 Amps or less 20 I Amps to 400 AmpS 40 I Amps to 600 Amps 60 I Amps to 1000 Amps Over 1000 AmpsN ales Reconnect Only $ 63 00 $ 75 00 $ 125 00 $16300 $375 00 $ 50 00 :j>'<" i' "?""~~,'>""'" .- I"""""" <, ~,,"',?M'lI!1W;,'''''''~!I!I C Temnorarrsenlce> or [;'eeder~ ,Wr:" "'...>I:~,.L; r.~l;c~3'::t,~Ji'1 i: ..~~, \!~ .:..;;!~ .."t. ~( """J'"'' ~ """ly;.'f<f ~.I':;JIC, ~rl,' "':! ..;:~lti Installalton, Alteration or RelocatIon 200 Amps or less 20 I Amps to 400 Amps 40 I Amps ro 600 Amps $ 50 00 S 69 00 $10000 O,er 600 Amps or 1000 Volts see 'B" above ,~~.,., t_ 'n1'" q'l. ,p.~ t:11jf"~~J;~' , ~~::r~~-~~~"~f~~ D "~Br.AnchClreuit~:~1~Yl1'~~1~)~~J;'~~ A-':~ .. t< l1F~<t;;~'nq,. ~t;{~"".J..!-.1t//''t l )I',,.,.j,,,,,,_'l-~I""""io.~ ~J_r~'} _~H4."",""lI,.J.... :j,~ ~'7,ji.'1~......... ~~t'l11.....,...tJ..J< New AlteratIon or ExtenolOn Per Panel One CrrcUlt / S 43 00 Each Addrllonal CirCUlI or WIth J Semee or Feeder Penmt $ 3 00 1+3 ' 0tJ 1> :5 ,,--0 "''}, ,""__ "l(1l~ " ~ f". "1~1f';'" :)r ,"'2\..t ~"'~ r-..r- ...,,;~ -<.I~ot~~ <1",-, E ~M}sc:..9an~?~ 5~e~~~~~fe~?er~~?!,~1~~~~~~~f~~~ !n~~llj,~Jti~~ Pump or IlTlgallon $ 50 00 SIgn/Outltne L.ghtmg S 50 00 LUnlted Energy/Resldenl1.1 $ 25 00 limIted Energy/CommercIal $ 45 00 \lJmmum ElectriC PermIt Inspection Fee Is S4S 00 + Surcharges ~~~r'''' ~~I/"P 1..1 1~',~V~'-'''' ,.'!l"l:", 1lt1!..1~>l}..,1 ,~~l ~1t,..,.r" 4 SV1JTOT AL OF ABOVE,'" ',,_ '" ,,~"'" ' ~ ,.j~l~ ''''It......'~ ;;;.~..~...,;ji I .,;!I~l1'-1 j)'''~l 'h,,~I,.I'" \,.. 4(, 00 '-I (po d d-.A .5 ~ ,~2- 7% State Surcharge 10% Admull:itrauve Fee TOTAL Shared On...e(T )/BUlIJlng Fonns'Elcclr1cal Pemut Apphcahon 1 03 doc -~<<~ "~--- Ii ----- ~ . ~ ",.J ---. -.....------ ~~ Status Issucd 225 Fifth Street, Spnnglield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-37691nspeetlon Lillo CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO, COM2004-00547 ISSUED' 06/28/2004 APPLIED: 05/07/2004 EXPIRES: 12/28/2004 VALUE: $ 14,968.00 SITE ADDRESS 2848 CHA TEA U PL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1703213203100 Sprlllgfield TYPE OF WORK Smgle FamIly ReSIdence TYPE OF USE Addition ReSIdentIal PROJECT DESCRIPTION AdditIOn to eXlStmg ;11 Owner KNOLL DOO\OV AN LAWRENCE Address 2848 CHA TLAU PL SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Phone Number 541-747-5355 I Co..~! 1~4.C.TOR INFORMA nON I Contractor Typc General Eleetneal Contractor RAtNBOW V .\LLEY DESIGN &. CONSTR LYNNS ELCCTRIC License 56107 102316 ExpiratIOn Date 04/0412006 10/14/2007 Phone 541-342-4871 541-726-7895 B~~~.I.~!::G INFORMA nON I , # ofUmts Pnmary Occupancv GI 0111' Secondary Oecup""cy G. 0111' Pnmary Con;trucllOn I, pc Secondary ConstructIOn Tv pc # of Bedrooms VN # 01 Stolles Height of Structure I 'pc 01 Heat W.ltcr rype Range Type Enel gy Path Spnllkted Bmldmg Lot SIZe Sq Ft 1st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other Occupant Load R-3 nla REQUIRED PARKING Front yard Setback te' el t.l) DlSt Urban Frmge Total Side 1 Setback n lavvSl!l'l\\llreS ,/O~ \1Jy~11 eet Trees Rqd Handicapped Side 2 Se r~Ig.l\\ON ore~~ b'{ Ihe OregOn Ut\/;ijH"1 Dnve RqdIWTlCE' Compact Rearyar~,%~~elil\eS ad~~[t '[hOSe rules are S~2_~1'! Lot CoveralfHlS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK Soldr Se~&~~dl'Of\ ~~~'nIi10 Ihrough ~",~~9",\es bY AIITHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT In 0/-\\"\ ~-:; ~~'{ obtain COP\"'~h~ ~eI!f\}B~le 1~IPROVEMKN.I'8I,~ENCED OR I~ AtlANUUI~tU tun St t 1 009~ Y,,..'he cenler lNOIUet\\lty NoulI.;a"'''~' --. I'I~ I 80 DAY PERlklOTD ree mpr\!;""Ilh",'" 0 egon sidewa ype her for the r -332-2344)- Storm Sewerl.J{Qltil.t~ter IS 1-800 DownspoutsIDrams SpeCial InstructIon I.~EVE..'_C?~~M~NT INFORMATION I Notes I Va.lu~tloIlI~e~cnDtlOn I DeSCriptIOn fvpc of ConstrudlOll $ Pcr ~q Ft or multlphcl Square Footage or Bid Amount Value Date Calculated Page 1 of3 . _SPRINGiF"Il'rLO al4l __ i J" 1 (.~ ~~~ ~ ~ Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2004-00547 ISSUED: 06/28/2004 APPLIED 05/07/2004 EXPIRES. 12/28/2004 VALUE: $ 14,968,00 225 FIfth Street, Spllllgticld, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fn 541-726-3769 InspectIOn I lIle Dwellmes V "'ood Frame S92411 16200 $14,968,80 $14,96880 05/07/2004 I tltnl Value of ProJect ~ Fee DescrIptIOn Plan RevIew Reslllentl.11 + 100/0 AdmlUlstJ .thvc I ('c + 7% State Surehnl ge Bmldmg Permit Plan RevIew - PtJllllmg SDC Samtary/StOl m Ad III III Storm Dramage] mpcl VWilli Area Amount Paul Date Paid ReceIpt Number $9516 $1464 $1025 $14640 $71 00 $264 $52 78 5/7/04 5/28/04 5/28/04 5/28/04 5/28/04 5/28/04 5/28104 2200400000000000499 1200400000000000821 1200400000000000821 1200400000000000821 1200400000000000821 1200400000000000821 1200400000000000821 Total A mount Paid $392 87 Imllal RevIew Planmne RevIew I Plan RevIews , ,a _~. ~ ". 05/1 I121104 1I5/11/211114 OK RJB 05/11I21104 OS/21/2004 APP TAJ The Property hne adJnstment (SUB2004-00010) whIch allows for a 5' setback recorded by Lane County on 5/20/04 CS FIle # 38959 05/Il/21104 05/18/2004 APP VRJ 05/1112004 O'i/25/2004 APP TCM PublIc Works Re, Ie" Structural Revle" To Request an IlIspeetlOn eall the 24 hour I CLOt dlllg at 726-3769, All inspectIOn requested before 7:00 a,m. WIll be made the same worklllg day, IlISpectlOn'l I equested after 7:00 a,m. Will be made the following work day I..~!":IJ ~IL Insn~clJ.llW Footlllg Aftcl tJ lIH.hts .11 C C;Xl n .lted FoundatlOll After 101 illS 31 e Cllctcd but pi lOr (n lOllcrete placement Post and Bl',ll11 PIIOI to floor 111 "'I II 13tlO II or dctklllg Floor Insul.ltlOll PrIor to decklllg Frammg In~peltlOlI PIIOI to covcr and aftcl ,1111 Ollgh m IOspectIons have been approved Wall Insutltlon 1'1101 to lovel CeIlmg Inslll,ltlOll PI lor to co, CI Drywall PIIOI ttlldpll1g Fmal BmldlDg Aile. all requlIld IIls[lectlOn\ h." c heen requested aud approved and the bUlldmg IS complete Rough ElelfllL PI lOr to COVCI Fmal ElectJ It \Vhcn all elcLtlll,l1 ''tOI k I~ lomplctc Flllal ElectllL "'hell all elcLh IL 11 WOI k IS uHnplctc Rough Elclfllc PIIOI to Covel Page 2 of 3 SPRlr.iGPIELD c:r ~ -ill( ~~ ~, Status Issued 225 FIfth Street, Splll1glit'ld, OR 541-726-3753 Pholle 541-726-3676 Fa, 541-726-37691nspl'dlOlI 111]( CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2004-00547 ISSUED: 06128/2004 APPLIED 05/07/2004 EXPIRES: 12/28/2004 VALUE: $ 14,968,00 By SIgnature, 1 St,ltl ,1IId .Igl ee, th"t I h.1\ e em etulh l \.1 111 111 cd the completed applicatIon and do hereby certIfy that all mformatlon hereon IS tr tll ,ll1d COil cd, .1Ild ] turthcl lei tJlv that any and all work performed shall be done m accordance wIth the Ordmanees of the CII, ot Splll1glicld and the L.lII s 01 the State of Oregon pertammg to the work descrIbed herem, and that NO OCCUP A'ICY "III be m.\(le ot .II1Y struetUl e 1\ Itlwnt permISSIon of the Commumty ServIces DIvISIon, BuIldmg Safety. I further eerllfy th.lt 0111\ lOlItl altOl s ollld employel" 1\ ho .11 e 111 eomphanee WIth ORS 701005 wIll he nsed on thIS project I further agree to Ul",lII ( Ih,lt .tllllqUII cd mspechon... ,\I C I cquested at the proper time, that each address IS readable from the street, that the pelllllt l.lI d IS located ollthe II ont of the pI operty, and the approved set of plans WIll remam on the SIte at all times durmg constl UltlOlI UL~ t2L Owner or ContractOl s ~1~n,lture Paee 3 of 3 6/~?<L Date 225 FlnJi Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ".PRI~ ,l~ ' , ~- ; ('.ty of Springfield Official Receipt ;elopment Services Department Public Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2004-00547 COM2004-00547 COM2004-00547 COM2004-00547 Payments Type of Payment CredltCard 6/28/2004 RECEIPT # 1200400000000000987 Date: 06/28/2004 DeSl..r1lltIOll Add, A llu, Extend Orc Add, Altll, E,tend Orc Ea Add + 7% State Surchalge + 10% Admllllstlatlve Fee }laldBy ANDREW D Item Total Check Number AuthorizatIOn Ru ll\ cd By Batch Number Number How ReceIved 111111 000423 069976 In Person Payment Total P,I~C ] of 1 10 29 22AM Amount Due 4300 300 322 460 $53 82 Amount Paid $53 82 $53 82