HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1981-2-12
February 12, 1981
726 3753
Abby I S P1 zza
1710 Centenn1a1 Boulevard
Spr1ngf1e1d, Oregon 97477
W1th the ass1stance of the Spr1ngf1e1d BU11d1ng D1v1s1on, a representat1ve from the
Spr1ngf1e1d Water Po11ut1on Control Plant w111 be conduct1ng grease trap 1nspect1ons
throughout the C1ty of Spr1ngf1e1d. Sect10n 711 of the Oregon State P1umb1ng Specla1-
ty Code (PSC) states "...an approved type grease lnterceptor comp1Ylng wlth the
prOV1Slons of thlS section shall be lnsta11ed 1n the waste 11ne 1ead1ng from Slnk,
dralns, and other f1xtures, or equlpment In the fo11ow1ng estab11shments' restaurants,
cafes, lunch counter, cafeterlas, bars, clubs, hotel, hosplta1, sanltarlum, factory,
or school kltchen, or other estab11shments where grease may be lntroduced lnto the
dralnage or sewage system 1n quantltles that can effect 11ne stoppage or hlnder sewage
treatment or prlvate sewage dlsposa1..,"
Your estab11shment has been lnspected and lt was found that In order to comply with
the above, you wl11 need to lnsta11 a grease lnterceptor. No grease lnterceptor
shall be lnsta11ed WhlCh has an approved rate of flow of less than 20 gallons per
mlnute and grease retentlon capaclty of 40 pounds. Sectlon 711 (d) - (PSC) states'
"...Each p1umb1ng flxture or p1ece of equ1pment connected to a grease dev1ce 1nsta1-
led 1n a readl1y accesslb1e and vlslb1e located In the tall piece or draln outlet
of each such fixture Flow control devlces shall be so des1gned that the total flow
through such devlce or devlces shall at no tlme be greater than the rate capac1ty
of the 1nterceptor. No flow control dev1ce havlng adJustable or removable parts
shall be approved..."
Slnce the bUl1d-up of grease In the 11nes and 11ft stat10n wet wells causes a great
amount of maintenance resu1tlng In unwarranted costs to the pub11C, a c1ty-w1de
program to determlne the adequacy and cond1tlon of these lnsta11at1ons lS belng
conducted by a Sprlngfle1d Water Po11ut1on Control Plant Representat1ve.
All necessary perm1ts shall be obtalned before work beg1ns and all 1nspect1ons
for such work shall be requlred by call1ng the C1ty of Spr1ngfle1d 1nspect1on
11ne at 726-3769.
Your ant1c1pated cooperat1on ln thlS matter lS apprec1ated
quest1ons, please contact the Spr1ngfle1d BU11dlng D1vls1on
Canty, Water Po11ut1on Control Plant Foreman, at 726-3760
If you have any further
at 726-3753, or Bob
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Roy Bordeaux
P1umblng Inspector