HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Substandard Building 1988-3-24 "' ,.:;., \' ...JcLC"I,(, 't ,J-/-/() ~_ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Commumty & Economic Development Planmng and Development Department CERTIFIED LETTER March 24, 1988 Leonard Tegland 1849 SW Morr1son Street Portland, OR 97702 SubJect Hazardous BU11d1ng at 1431 Centenn1al Blvd , Spr1ngf1eld, Oregon. Tax Lot #1703 25 33 11200 NOTICE ~~ ORDER TO COMPLY WITH THE SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY CODES The structure located at the above address, more part1cularly descr1bed as Lane County Assessor's Map & Tax Lot number, 1S for the reasons 1nd1cated below an unsafe and substandard bU11d1ng as descr1bed 1n the Spr1ngf1eld Hous1ng Code (appl1cable code excerpts are attached) Lane County Assessment and Taxat10n records 1nd1cate that you are the owner of th1s property. , Sect10n 203 of the Spr1ngf1eld BU11d1ng Code Adm1n1strat1ve Code descr1bes bU11d1ngs and structures wh1ch are substandard or unsafe as those wh1ch are structurally 1nadequate, have 1nadequate egress, or wh1ch const1tute a potent1al f1re hazard or are otherw1se dangerous to human 11fe. Sect10n 1001 of the Spr1ngf1eld Hous1ng Code spec1f1es cond1t1ons const1tut1ng a substandard bU11d1ng. The follow1ng 1tems 1nclude but are not 11m1ted to cond1t1ons eX1st1ng at the structure, class1fY1ng 1t as a substandard bU11d1ng. Structural 1. W1ndows and/or doors are broken or m1ss1ng creat1ng a potent1al for weather 1nf11trat1on. 2. Deter1orat1on 1S eV1dent 1n the roof cover1ng, creat1ng a potent1al for weather 1nf11trat1on and damage to the 1nter1or. 3. Ce111ng mater1als are m1ss1ng 1n some rooms expos1ng the bU11d1ng to 1nf1ltrat1on of outs1de weather cond1t1ons. plaster 1n some locat1ons 1S 1n a cond1t1on of potent1al 1nter1or of the Loose ce111ng collapse 225 Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 · 503/726-3753 ~ I Leonard Tegland March 24, 1988 Page 2 4. The bathroom subfloor/underlayment has deter10rated due to m01sture damage. Mechan1cal 5. The woodstove shall be removed or 1nstalled to present safety code standards. Electr1cal 6 Romex w1r1ng shall be removed or protected to a he1ght of e1ght feet. Plumb1ng 7. The laundry tray 1S not properly secured 1n place. All f1xtures shall be ma1nta1ned 1n stable cond1t1on, properly secured to the structure 8 The plumb1ng f1xtures shall be restored to work1ng cond1t1on. NU1sance Abatement 9. Trash and m1scellaneous debr1s 1S scattered 1n some locat1ons creat1ng a nU1sance wh1ch 1S potent1ally detr1mental to the health and comfort of the pub11c or 1nhab1tants of the property Art1cle 5--1-1 of the Spr1ngf1eld C1ty Code proh1bts anyone from caus1ng or allow1ng such accumulat10ns to eX1st on pub11c or pr1vate property. Sect10n 202 of the Spr1ngf1eld Hous1ng Code requ1res that structures class1f1ed as substandard must e1ther be repa1red or demo11shed Therefore, th1s 1S your not1ce that you must secure perm1ts to e1ther rebu1ld the structure where 1t 1S def1c1ent (Sect1on 104 of the Spr1ngf1eld BU1ld1ng Codes Adm1n1strat1ve Code requ1res that the repa1rs must comply w1th the prOV1S1ons of the Structural, Plumb1ng, Mechan1cal and Electr1cal Spec1alty Codes), or to demo11sh 1t. If the bU11d1ng 1S to be rebu11t, perm1ts must be purchased and work must commence w1th1n 30 days from the date of serV1ce of th1s not1ce and order. If the bU11d1ng 1S to be demo11shed, demo11t1on work must commence w1th1n 30 days,and must be completed w1th1n 60 days from the date of th1s not1ce and order Complet1on means that the structure and property must be 1nspected and approved by the appropr1ate represenat1ves of the BU1ld1ng Safety D1v1s1on. The sewer must be capped at the property l1ne or the sept1c tank must be pumped and f1lled by a person hold1ng a sewage d1sposal serV1ce l1cense as prov1ded for 1n Chapter 340, D1v1s1on 7 of the Oregon Adm1n1strat1ve Rules. Perm1ts to rebu1ld or demo11sh can be obta1ned at the Spr1ngf1eld Plann1ng and Development Department, 1n the C1ty Hall/L1brary BU1ld1ng at 5th and North A Street. If you do not take correct1ve act10n w1th1n the t1me frame out11ned above, ~ Leonard Tegland March 24, 1988 Page 3 the Clty may seek compllance wlth the BUlldlng Safety Codes through legal recourse WhlCh may lnclude Munlclpal Court proceedlngs or the Clty may proceed to ellmlnate the hazard and charge the costs thereof agalnst the property or ltS owners Any person havlng any record tltle or legal lnterest In the bUlldlng may appeal from thlS notlce and order to the BUlldlng Board of Appeals, provlded that the appeal lS made In wrltlng and flIed wlth the Clty BUlldlng Offlclal wlthln thlrty (30) days from the date of serVlce of thlS notlce and order Fallure to appeal wlll constltute a walver of all rlght to an admlnlstratlve hearlng and determlnatlon In thls matter BUlldlng permlts must be obtalned for the above ltems whlch lnvolve repalrs or modlflcatlons to the structural, electrlcal, plumblng or mechanlcal systems of the bUlldlng and for any addltlons or reV1Slons you wlsh to make to the bUlldlng. Please also note that the above ltems whlch effect the health and safety of the occupants must be corrected and verlfled by the approprlate Clty lnspectors prlor to OccupYlng the bUlldlng. If we can be of asslstance In clarlfYlng the requlrements, or the optlons avallable to brlng the bUlldlng lnto compllance, please call us at 726--3759. Slncerely, d - /,' / '];A /'1.:~t;> C ;0/ r~ I If..'.,,-,,-" Don Moore Structural Inspector CC Dave Puent, BUlldlng Offlclal Jachle Murdoch, ASSoclate Planner