HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Substandard Building 1983-5-2 ~ - ~~~@~&U\D@)OD~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD May 2, 1983 TO Ed Todd, F1nance D1rector FROM Bureau of F1re Prevent10n BUlld1ng Codes D1v1s1on 5 DeMayo Mex1can Spr1ngfest 1700 Centenn1al Boulevard Spr1ngf1eld, Oregon SUBJ ECT. The structure at 1700 Centenn1al Boulevard, Wh1Ch was prev10usly a reta1l sales faclllty, does not meet BU1ld1ng F1re and L1fe Safety Code requ1rements for the requested assembly use However, the F1re Marshal, In concurrence w1th the BU1ld1ng Off1c1al, have agreed 1f the follow1ng cond1t1ons are met, an approval for thlS slngle event may be granted Padlocks shall be removed from the rear 2nd eX1t door and thlS eX1t shall remaln open dur1ng the event hours 2 All rubb1sh and combust1ble mater1als shall be removed from the rear storage area wh1ch wlll serve as the 2nd eX1t corrldor 3 No Smok1ng and EXlt slgns shall be posted at the requlred locat1ons 4 A sufflc1ent number of ash cans and trays shall be provlded 1n the smok1ng a rea s 5 All curta1ns, draper1es, drops, tapestrles and slmllar furn1shlngs and decoratlOns wlll be composed of non-combust1ble materlals or shall be rendered fl ameproof 6 The maXlmum occupant load approved for th1S area shall be 350 people 7 A mln1mum of 8 san1tary f1xtures shall be requlred. Approved portable f1xtures may be used 8. Outlet boxes 1n all areas to have covers lnstalled. 9. Receptable outlets shall be 1nstalled adjacent to all add1t1onal electr1cal equ1 pment. 10. It 1S recommended that the Clrcu1t to the automatlc door opener equlpment be d1sconnected or leave the doors unlocked wh1le the room 1S occup1ed 11. All electr1cal work to be performed by an Oregon llcensed electrlcal contractor