HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2001-9-2 FROM ROOF -ON I NC , 09, 04/01 IT'E 15 ~. HI 9' FAX NO 541-744-3132 COilllA.LTOR 5ER'-l_~~ Sep 05 2001 01 22PM P2 " It 001 IH51 ----------- ~ :Ii =:;...~ GAF MATERIALS CORPORATION 1S61 Alps Ro~d Way"l9 N... 0747C-a6B9 . Tej 973-57&-3000 4 Sel:lamoer z001 /7()/ CiI-fTeI'fHIA1-- Roof On 3800 Main Eugene, OR Fax ~1-744-3':l2 S.b;ed UL Class A Raong Project Elks Lodge Spnngfield, OR io Whom It May Coneern It Is OYr undsl'8tenclmli thBl yau nave/nsialled GAFMC EverGual'!l!il $pElClficallcn fo.lA-2R (EGSR-45) Wdh e Vi$-Clean"Pll"alO' sheet over an exl8Ung BUR 8)Slem wrlh mlneral.ulfaced cap sheet"" lI'Ie aM"9 retll'ellCed project. It Is also OI.lr understanding 1hat yo... are Iftqwlrino about tile lire I'81n9 from Uncl~tS Lec_";...~ Th~ Is 10 conflrr1l lilac In !IIle W1'Jter's OpIllIOn, 1Ile ~se 0' Ute VIS-Clean poly saP8ralOr III tile ll:)Qye referenCed $)'litem wdl not affect lhe UL fire rating of llle_.;.,,~ syatem If you have any fUllher questIons, please fe.llree to """lac: us a11-eoO.7llS-341l "'ank you for ChooSl'lQ GAl' Malenals CO'lloretlon S'nCllIely j ... ..tt::: 4" ::hnstmn S~ T6Ctlnlca, Service. Represenratl1lQ , , To Whom It May Concern, Don Moore and myself feel the Everguard roof Installed at 1717 Centennral meets Industry standards and manufacturers requirements I talked with Terry Becevva, the GAF representative In Portland (503-706-9206), on Sept 6th and he feels the product IS Installed to Industry standards The T echnrcal Rep Christian Smith says the Everguard roof In question can be Installed up to an 12/12 pitch, which Will work on the Elks Lodge barrel roof The apphcatlOn of the roofing to the vertical parapet does not appear to be a rated subject, but an Industry standard ~~ /~/r0 Tom Marx, BUilding Inspector Don Moore, BUilding Inspector