HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1988-6-9 r f city of springfield 225 n 5th street SPRINGFIELD " .' I N FORMATION 726-3753 INSPECTlONSz 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRI:SS) 171'7 OI3NT1::NWlA( LI:CAL DESCRIPTION C-CI 01=:. V>!, - CJ CJ OHNER OR PROPERTY ~1A-tC.lL \'e()~\'J(('-:t2- ADDRESS II (7 6r-==w\I""=N N IIA-L t3LUO, OlmER OF SIGN (IF OT\lJ:R THAN PROPERTY OWNI:R) '5/t4\1Vtt'G ADDRESS 1\ NAME OF BUSINESS, FIRM, ETC SA2.\III!t;.(-\C-tJIJ lJ\20p:=.<:,<;I()Nt'4-TYPE c::.sNT18'2- 'e . . i B TYPE OF WORK STRUCTURAL TYPI: OF SIGN _\TALL ~REESTANDIlIG ?--f'DI:NTITY ! ~RFCT _ALTER'/ _RELOCATE _OTID.R _ROOF PROJECTING _MARDUEI: UNDER 11ARDUI:E INCIDENTAL ~OUBLI: FACE _SINGLE FACE MULTI-FACE Sl(~1 'i3.. /'\IV2DW f.DD?J:SS I L:J"f)() \+1 DY gQ N () rL'TlA- p''1(\J~'7 L I HAVE CARFFULLY EXA}IINED the completed appl,c3t,on for perm't and do hereby cert,fy that all informat~on is true and correct, and I further cert~fy that all work oerformed shall be done ~n accordance wlth the Sprlngfleld Slgn Ordlnance. the Unlform Slgn Code as adouted by the Clty of Sorlngfleld and all other Ordloances of the Clty of Sprln~fleld and the laws of the State of Oregon oertain!.ng to t'1e work descr'1.bea n,=..~in t furti.er certify that ITJV S:.2'" CO'ltractor T...i- cense wlth the Clty of Sprlngfleld 1S in full force and effect as re~ulred by Sprlnrfleld Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2) I w,ll request all requ,red s'gn ,nspect,ons l,sted on the aporoved permit NAME (PLEASE PRINT) kAVGV2-L( 4, t201f?,/ NCfY,A/ SIGNATURE ~.u/ /..--U"O ~ f/"' / .,,~......,''',-- ~ _OTP.ER . ; , E. VENDORS, CONTRACTORS SIGN ERI:CTOR ite W - Cf) 1< CITY LICENSE llU'lBER SIGN 11ANUFACTURCR (IF OTHER THAN ERECTOR) \\ ADDPr:SS F. Dll1FNSIONS, lllSTALLATION & CONSTRUCTION TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE q I C? II ./ VEPTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN ~ ' HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF SIGN <,tl DIMCNS ION FROM GRADE TO '2.A ,( BOTTOM OF SIGN ~~ ~ TIlICKlIESS OR DEPTH I 7- II ....... DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPI:RTY LINE' _YES.,{ NO ,r IF YES, DIMENSION BEYOND ~ PROPI:RTY LINE NOTE IF PROJECTIOlI IS llORE THAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TPE SIGN ERECTO~ IIDST FILE WITH THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HISIHFR LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DAJlAGI: INSUP~NCE POLICIES I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR I'ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OF _pL.1A-0Tl L ' IIIIl.O 10, P.c c::m::I[;L I , = . K. VALUE OF SIGN ~() or6' .J . i - . i ; , _\~,..l.~ . .......- ~L[)D, TA.V LOT-Ai7-tY3-21.,--3-4~ PHONE 74(" -q '> 7 C- ZIP q7477 PHONE \ \ OF BUSItmSS ./ [) USE AND CP~RACTER OF SIGN ./ ~)o 0)101"" /\1 V READER BOARD BILLBOARD EXP q4z-gI7~ ZIP Q74z'-/ DATI: h- ~n - P\,s::>., mONC ~M,~ PPONE 1\ G EXISTING SIGNS ARE THERE A.'IT EXISTUIG <lGNS' _YF5 LIIO llUllBI:? SIZF III sr/FTG ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR BUSINI:SS, ETC w,=- A-1'U=: fbSA UOOl vCr ~)(\4Si1W~ Sl ~I H, 1111.1. SIGN HAVE ELECtPICAL \HRING' NO IF YES. IIIIICE APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGII __ILL~IIIATED (INDIRfCTLY LIGPTED) ELECTRICAL COllTP~CTOR ADDRI:SS LISC NUMBER PI,ONI: " I , , , 1 i J'SITE INFOPMATIOll (LAND \J~F) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (0R LAST USE IF VACANT) CCY lA hll liSl?C I AL.-- M1~\{)\.D~L nr-=ACV=-S fL,INDOOR BUSllIESS OUTDOO'!. l'ERCHANDISING PFOPOSED USE OF BUILDINC OR LAND JL1;1 r--Vl1 eN - ~l j')(,...-' 3 '-I~-ftt?<=7 DATE 5/~~(C;t/ , , ".. I PLEASE REAU 1) 2) Separate SlEn Aool~cat~on 1n the S~gn (;ode Electr~cal Any permit 1ssued under this app11cation w111 1nclude wlrlng in or on sign structure, the supply wires for connectlon must be covered on an electrlcal perm1t Electrlcal connectlon must be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor Illu~nated SlgnS (both lnternally and externally) must conform to Sect10ns 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Spr1ngfield Sign Or- dinance A separate appllcatlon is required for each separate sign as defined 3) Plans Reoulred This appllcatlon is to be submitted with two complete sets of plans showlng di- menSl0ns and helght of Slgn, advertlsing message on slgn, location of sign on property with dl- mens ions to property lines, structural details of support fra~ng. brac~ng and foot~nfs. nater~als - of construct~on for sign and s~gn structure, electrical equ~pment and l~ghting, size and locat~on of eX1st1ng s1gns on property for the same bus1enss. all as requ1red to determine eom9lianee w~th the Springfield Sign Ord1nance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code) Also, show the follow- ing information on the plot plan (plan show1ng property lines and location of s1gnS) a) Show the 10cat10n of all exist1ng sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s) b) Show the lengtn of the street frontage taken up by the business or build1ng For wall s1gns, show the length of the building frontage c) Show the locat1on of entrances open to the public and driveways When requ1red. because of des1gn, size, ete , engineered draw1ngs and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed eng1neer or shall conform to des1gn standards on file at the BU1ld1ng D1Vl- sion Office Plans of insuff1cient clar1ty or detail wlll be returned to the applicant with no per~t belng issued I 4) 5) 6) SlgnS must meet corner V15ion clearance requirements as described ~n Figure 9 of the Sprlngfleld Comprehenslve Zonlng Code NOTE No S1gn may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertlcally from overhead electrical conductors 1n excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet 10 any direct10n fron overhead electrical lines wnich are energlzed at less than 750 volts If a S1gn 1S not installed w1thin 60 days after the date of issue of this perm>t, the permit shall be void Insoections 7) 8) 9) a) Site Insoectlon - to be made before the sign is placed Usually, the Footlng Insoectlon (It appllcable) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection The Yooting lnspec- t10n lS to be made after hole(s) is excavatea. Dut prior to tne placement of concrete. Final Insoection - to be made upon completion of all work llectr1cal - all electr1cal signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign 15 erected and before the sign 15 turned on b) c) CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 FOR UHlet: USE ONLY , 8<;:o/f51 SIGN DISTRICT c.(' ZONE DISTRICT C' '\y\. 'Z. TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN 'tt:"\ .~. /~ f{ , JOB it / SIGN PERMIT FEE if}'7.$- REOUIRED INSPECTIONS ~TE/LOCATION ~ING _ELECTRICAL FINAL OTHER OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT "1 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE 4" STATE SURCHARCE ., 'I ,"1 ~ I ~() TOTAL IJn ~ ~ -1'-8<;/ RECEIPT /1~Cotc, d Gf.J~~. DATE CLERK SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN S""- (ylc........ C=,.e~<.J':'.~-\- - ~n",rs:>\~.r- 6-(;- 'dB, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED APPROVED BY-~ ~. SECTION fft, C"'?r....J I '\ (A '\ DATE j ~ (:. 1'1~ SPRINGFIELD ~l~i.Src~"-V I