HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1987-5-11 " , j city of sprangfleld 225 n 5th street SPRINGAELD__.~_... ,~- , ; _.J INFO RMATION 726-3753 INSPECTIONS. 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION C:W" \ ~I./Ocl A. LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRCSS) /??/Y) r /J J/l0J/lJ/1I'n I li///d UDAL DESCRIPTION 17 0 5 .2.... 5 ~ <../ mINE't OR PROPERTY . ,'Sln \ArJ)illra TrlL,/ JtYlJ::Jr f' ADDRESS"Pf) Kl'lv 7// '7lJ.JFr/-t?n~ {)rC' OlINER OF SIGN (IF OTRCR THAll PROPERTY OWNER) ~t1 VlI1 e, ADDRESS C. STRUCTURAL TYPE OF SIGN _I1ALL XJREESTANDHlG _ROOF _PROJECTING ! i ~ 1 1 N/I}!E OF BUSWESS, FIRM, ETC I J i J ! j , I ! B TYPE OF WORK LERFCT _ALTER _RELOCATE _OTHJ:.R MAROUEE UNDER llAROUEE ~ i I j ~ i ! 1 i I , j I I f ! ! j I j I I J ] . 1 _OTHER /2) TA.': LOT -" 6~"7 rJ /,) PHONE 7tJ?-. - .<:'9,')?-. ZIP Q 7_"J~ ? PHONE ,TYPE or BUSIl'ESS <b ~\\~ o USE AND CP.ARACTER OF SIGN 4IDEllTITY INCIDEtITAL _DOUBLE FACE SINGLE FACE _'!1JLTI-FACE _READER BOARD BILLBOARD E. VENDORS /C~S , ____________ SIGNrCTOR #pnTh :5/pnl) rno~'E~9~-/)//D J.D~~::?s-!....75 ;1/E (r:Y/J~;' J51//d \ j)~,(+lftl\C:\ IQf!lzI~97~//---"" _ CITY LIcENSE lT1J'lBER -f:',~f\ '::'/ --: J _ w DATE r;.-..~/ /e>,~ SIGN HANUFACTURJ:R (IF OrnER THA~ ;RE~TOR) ,<t'] m f' , ' . ~ - ADDP.J:SS F. - ~l ~ L--'" . DWn/SIONS, llISTALLATIOII & CON~~CTIOIl A"JI' / TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE I'" I. jt) VEPTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN ~~ HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF SIGN :!)# 7" DIHWSION FROM GRADE TO , " / u BOTTO'1 OF SIGN L:z.:... 2L> TIIICKllESS DR DEPTll , '7 ,,. I X' " I X NO DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? ___YES IF YES DUIENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE IF PROJECTIDll IS llORE THAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPEltTY TPE SIGN ERECTO't llUST FILE WITH THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/HFR LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DA}1AGE IIISUP~NCE POLICIES I. DESC'l.IBE TYPE OR I'ATERIALS SIGN IS CO~SIRUCTED OF , I f1111!Ar\\Y\\J"", YXIY>17.;\oV\.. LI?Yf'1'" K. VALUE '(' ,/ tt; """y. DO Po OF...rIGN IS(')f) P'/Ot?o ~;Z~ d7> / 17. S-o ;t ''I ::l . 5""& - ,PPOIIE G EXISTING SIGNS ARE THI:RE ANY EXIST1'IG ~IGll<;? ___YFS ~1l0 ~ l'UlIBEo SIZF IN so FTG ALL EXISTI~G SIGNSI FOlt EUSINess, ETC H tlILL SIGN IlAVE ELECTRICAL IHRI1,G? Y<",6 IF YES. IlliICE ftPPLY? Y ELECTrrICAL SIGN _ILLll'lINATED (INDIRfCf'lN LIGPTED) ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOr.. C ' T' ADDRESS, _l( , :'l I ""1 LIse NUMBER PI'OIlE' J SITE INFOP!1ATIDlI (LAllD U~F) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (OR LAST USE IF VACANT) ~t"r..r h/Jilti/nl'ly/ '1(.p '<, el/l . j -/i.", '1 _ ~ ?_;;, c :;.,~ -"-<- ...:::::INDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOO:l. t'ERellAtlDISING PFOPOSED USE OF BUILDINC OR LAND X1f.K ~ j I 4 j j 1 I I I 1 I L'I IlAVE eARFFULLY E~IINED the completed appl1cat1on for perm1t and do hereby certify that all informat~on is true and correct, and I further certify that all work uerforrned shall be done 1n accordance wlth the Sprlngfleld Slgn Ordlnance. the Unlforrn Slgn Code as adooted by the Cley of Scrlngfleld and all other Ordlnances of the Cley of Sprln~fleld and the laws of the State of Oregon oertainlng to t 1e work oeser ...beCJ ilc.&.cJ.n I furt~er cerci fv thac I'lV Si.Z" Co"'\tractor Li- cense wlth the Clty of Sprln~fleld 15 1n full force and effect as renulred by Spr1npfleld Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2) I wlll request all requ1red slgn lnSDect10nS llsted on the aporoved pem1t NAlIE (PLEASE PRINT) l( If' ,Ie FI) h/J Yl. SIGNATURE .DATE " -. .... ( PLEAS E READ t. , " 1) Seoarate St~n Aoo11catLon A separate applLcation 19 required for each separate sign as defLned in cne ~l.gn (,.OC1e 2) Electr1ca~ Any permit issued under this appllcation wlll lnclud~ wlrlng in or on sign structure, the supply Wlres for connectlon must be covered on an electrlcal per~t Electrlcal connectlon must be made only by a State Licensed Electrlcal Contractor Illu~nated SlgnS (both lnternally and externally) must conform to Sect~ons 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springf~eld S~gn Or- dinance 3) Plans Reoulred This appllcation is to be submitted with two complete sets of plans showlng dl- menSlons and helght of 91gn, advertlslng message on slgn, location of sign on property wlth dl- menSlons to property lines, structural detalls of supoort fram~ng, brac~ng and foot~nfs. nater~als of construct~on for s~gn and SLgn structure, electrLcal equLpment and lLghting, size and locatIon of eXLst~ng slgns on property for the same bus~enss. all as requ~red to dete~ne comnliance wlth the Springf~eld Sign Ord~nance (Article 7 of the Springf~eld C~ty Code) Also, show the follow- ing informatlon on the plot plan (plan showLng property linea and locatlon of SlgnS) a) Show the locat~on of all exist~ng sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s) b) Show the lengtn of the street frontage taken up by the busrness or buildLng For wall slgns, show the length of the b~ldLng frontage c) Show the locatLon of entrances open to the public and driveways Whe~ requLred, because of deslgn, size, ete , englneered drawlngs and calculatlons must be pre- pared by a llcensed englneer or shall conform to deslgn standards on file at t~e BUlldlng D1Vl- 810n Office Plans of insufflCLent clarlty or decall wlll be returned to the applicant with no per~t belng issued II SlgnS must meet corner vlsion clearance req~rements as descrl.bed in Flgure 9 of the Sprlngfleld Comprehenslve Zonlng Code NOTE No Slgn ~y be erected WhlCh is less than 12 feet horlzontally or vertlcal1y from overhead electrical conductors 1n excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet In any dlrect~on froD overhead electr~cal llnes wnich are energ1zed at less than 750 volts If a s~gn is not installed w~th~n 60 days after the date of issue of this pe~t, tne pe~t shall be vOld Insoectl.ons 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) a) Slte Insoectl.on - to be made before the S1gn lS placed Usually, the Footl.~~ Insoectlcn (LZ appllcaole) may be made at the same tlIDe as the Sl.te Inspection Ine rootl.ng lnspec- Clon lS to be maae after hole(s) is e~avat~~. Dut prlor to tne placement of concrete Final Insoectlon - to be made upon cornplet1on of all work ~lectrlcal - all e1ectrl.cal signs must be inspected for e1ect=l.cal hook up after the 51gn ~s ereccea and before the SLgn 15 turned on CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LI!~ AT 726-3769 . b) . c) rO~ OE;F ICE uSe O\L Y SIGN DISTRICTJ~l?S Jy~' ZONE DISTRICT -R'?J/Wf/ TOTAL SQUARE FO~TAGE dF SIGN <lFY~2.f /.; ~I If REOUI~D INSPECTIONS I ~ CSITI:/LOCATIotl vtLECTRICAL FOOTING OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT ~flw. _OT'dER "iI, 97) .....)01 , SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN JOB If 'ir'7 r5Y qC) SIGN PERi;!!.T FEE / 7 i" , , . :tt{'S- lib 17.6TJ i . ,- ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE '0 () , 47. STATE SURCHARCE .-() TOTAL 1<1;2, ~ DATE 5 -ll-r/l RECEIPTB~% I CLERK ~ I I '51/~IJS I.uJST 8k ' VtJN---- ILuJH IN/f-rGZ// ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED APPROVED BY ~ (l (M 7' --- "'-. '-.J --- , ~ s-/I-t'7 / DATE ~P~TUr::1='T~""" ~'T"''''J .lW.t~"'l'J'Ql\,;.L '--;,)lClO~..1r ?