HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1987-8-5 FINAL ORDERS - / gOO CuJ-." ..~)._ ) I i ,. ..~ , SPRINGFIEL.D f th A&~~p e ..-.:: ~'f iSpringfield Planning Commission I"~ BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE " l ",' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON - <1",""'" ,. REQUEST FOR ZONE CHANGE ) ) 1 1 JO. NO. 87-07-97 FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND ORDER NATURE OF THE APPLICATION The appllcatlon 1S for the rezonlng of Tax Lots 3500 and 3700, As~essor's Map 17 03 25 34 from HDR Hlqh Denslty Resldentlal to MRC MaJor Retall Commerclal. The S1ze of the lots to he rezoned 1S approx1mately 44,000 square feet. RELEVANT FACTS, CRITERIA AND FINDINGS 1. On July 10, 1987, the folloWlng appllCatlon for a zone change wa~ acceoted -' Standard In~urance Company (In. Nn. 87-07-971 Tax Lots 3500 and 3700, A~sessor's Map 17 03 ?5 34. Reouest fnr a chanqe In zone from HDR H19h Denslty ReSldentlal to MRC MaJnr Retall Commerclal. ; 2. The aopllcatlon was lnltlated and suhmltted In accordance wlth Sectlon 3.050 'of the Sprlngfleld Development Code. T1mely and sufflclent notlce nf the zone change hearlnq under Sectlon 14.030 of the Sprlngfleld Development Code has heen provlded. 3. On August 5, 1987, a puhllC hearlng on the zone change request was held. The Plannlng and Development Department Staff Reoort and Recommendatlon together wlth the testlmony and submlttal (Attachment A) of the appllcant and other persons testlfY1n9 at that hearlng have heen conSldered and are a part of the record of the proceedlng. CONCLUSION On the ba~1s of thlS record, the requested zone change 1S conSlstent wlth the appllcable crlterla set forth In Sectlon 1?030 (1) - (4) of the Sprlnqfleld Development Code. ThlS general flndlng 1S supported by the speclflc flndlngs and concluslons set out In the attached staff report and apollcant suhmlttal (Attachment A) adopted August 5, 1987 and attached hereto. OR DER IT IS ORDERED hy the Plannlng Commlsslon of Sprlngfleld that approval of Jo. No. 87-07-97, zone change, he GRANTED. , ~ -,. " .,. > :5'~_l.r:r to;: > r~~ ... "'"' ~ , ,. - . THIS ORDER was presented to and approved by the Plannlng Commlsslon on August 5, 1987. ,~~ 1 ,4C71'N.c, ~/~~ Plaf!(fl1ng Commlsslonl:l\alrperson ATTEST AYES- 5 NOES: 0 ABSENT. 2 ABSTAIN- 0 , ~ ST~ _RINGFIELO~ . '1.1' I , .I.' ,1!i~ REPORT IrI!L: ~ Springfield Planning Department ZONE CHA NGE STAFF REPORT Apo I 1 cant 87-07-97. Spr1ngf1eld ProfeSS1onal Center (Standard Insurance Company) No. Request to Centenn1 a I CommerC1al. rezone property located at the Northeast corner of Blvd. from HDR-H1qh-- Denslty Res1dent1al to MRC Assessor's Map 17 03 ?5 34, Tax Lots 3500 and 3700. 18th Street and Major Reta11 BACKGROUND The appl,cant requests to rezone the property 1n order for the zon1ng to be Cons1stent wlth the eX1st1ng commerC1a1 lanr1 use. The prooerty 1S a developed co~merc1al off1ce complex Wh1Ch was, at the t1me of construct1on, perm1tted 1n a H1gh Dens1ty Res1dent1al znne under a cnnd1t1onal use perm1t. The Spr1nqf1eld Development Code no longer prOV1des for th1S Cond1t10nal use perm1t proredure. An off1ce complex such as the Spr1ngf1eld ProfeSS10nal Center would now he allnwed 1n commerC1al d1str1cts, or 1n a Res1dent1al d1str1ct w,th,n 100 feet of a CommerC1al d1str1ct. SITE INFORMATION The property approx1mate ly square foot etc. lnvolvpd 15 comprlsed of two tax lots, 44,000 square feet. The property 1S fully offlre hU1ld1ng and full SHe 1mprovements __ a comh1npd total of developed w1th a 9800 park1ng, landscap1ng. The property to the west 1S zoned MRC. The property to the south and east 1S zoned Low DenS1ty Res1dent1al. The property to the north 1S zoned H1qh Dens1ty Res1dent1al and has a developed hus1ness complex that was also aoproverj under the former Cond1t10nal use procedure. ~" ~";;; - " , e ~ BASIS FOR DECISION Sect10n 12.030, Art1cle 12, of the Spr1ngf1eld Development Code prov1des as follows' "In reach1ng a deC1S10n on these act1ons, the Plann10g Comm1sS1on shall adopt f1nd1ngs Wh1Ch demonstrate that the follow1ng cr1ter1a have heen addressed in all cases (1) Cons1stency w1th the Metro Plan Text and D1agram and w1th appl1cable ref1nement plan text. ;' (2) That a m1n1mum level of-key urbao serV1ces (3) Confl1cts 1nvolV1ng s1te spec1f1c natural resources and/or hazards as 1deot1f1ed 1n the Metro Plan have been sat1sfactor1ly resolved. (4) Confl1cts w1th ne1ghhor1ng land uses have been sat1sfactor1ly resolved or can be resolved hy uS1ng the S1te Plan Rev1ew process 1n accordance w1th Art1cle 31 of th1S Code. FINDINGS (1) Cons1stency w1th the Metro Plan Text and D1agram and w1th appl1cable reflnement plan text. The appl1cant has suhm1tted f1nd1ngs addresS1ng th1S crlter1on. (See Attachment A). The Metro Plan D1agram shows thlS general area to be a comb1natlon of H1gh Dens1ty Res1dent1al, Low Dens1ty Res1dent1al and Major Reta1l CommerC1al. The zone change merely recogn1zes the eX1stence of a commerc1al offlce complex. (2) That a m1nlmum level of key urban serVlces can be prov1ded to the property pr10r to or 1n conJunctlon wlth development. The appl1cant has suhm1tted flnd1ngs address1ng th1S cr1ter1on. (See Attachment A). The area 1S fully developed w1th eX1st1ng key urban serV1ces. (3) Confl1cts 1nvolV1ng s1te spec1f1c natural resources, and/or hazards as 1dent1f1ed 1n the Metro Plan have been sat1sfactor1ly resolved. The appl1cant has subm1tted f1nd1ngs address1nq th1S cr1ter1on aod to Wh1Ch staff concurs. (See Attachment A). ) --~~-~._~ ro#....:n..v ,....... ',' , A+.GhVtt~J1 t A I CONSISTENCY WITH METRO PLAN ThlS appllcatlon lS conslstent wlth the plan dlagram as the general area lS shown on the plan dlagram as MaJor Retall Center. The appllcant acknowledges that the dlagram lS not slte speclflc, however, the general area lS marked as approprlate for MaJor Retall Center. (See paragraph 2A, page II E4 of the Metro Area General Plan, Eugene, Sprlngfleld, Lane County, 1982 (hereln plan). The request lS conslstent wlth one of the prlmary obJectlves of the plan, WhlCh lS compact growth and sequentlal development (obJectlve 1 and POllCY 1, page II B3 of the plan). The property lS located well wlthln the urban growth boundary and lS located in an area WhlCh lS easlly servlced. As the plan dlagram recog- nlzes, the area lS approprlate for a MaJor Retall Center. The zone change has therefore been planned and coordlnated on a metropolltan wlde basls and there lS no need for maJor publlC lnvestment to lmplement the zone change. Although lt may be troubllng to ellmlnate a potentlal for lncreased houslng stock, the change here lS one WhlCh was foreseen at the tlme of the plan and lS therefore a change ln appearance, not an actual change ln land avallable for houslng. Furthermore, the bUlldlng lS ln place and has been for years. ThlS change lS one where the communlty's goal of malntalnlng a "compact urban growth form" outwelghs the need to provlde a sufflclent amount of land to accomodate affordable houslng. (ObJectlve 12, page III A-4 of the plan). ThlS zone change would also encourage economlC actlvlty WhlCh wlll strengthen the metropolltan area's posltlon as a reglonal trade and serVlce center. (POllCY 10, page III B-5.) It also lS ln compllance wlth the POllCY found ln paragraph 2 (d) found on page III F-5 where lt lS stated: "EXlstlng employment centers shall be encouraged to grow and dlverslfy by allowlng and concentratlng new, commerclal, governmental and Ilght lndustrlal uses, where approprlate, ln those centers." There are no reflnement plans appllcable to thlS request for zone change. Mlnlmum level of key urban serVlces. The zone change lS well wlthln the urban growth boundary and lS already provlded wlth a mlnlmum level of key urban serVlces. Slte speclflc natural resources andlor hazards. There are no natural resources and/or hazards ldentlfled by the metro plan for the area lncluded ln thlS request. Confllcts wlth nelqhborlnq land use. There are no confllcts wlth nelghborlng land use that cannot be resolved by the slte plan reVlew process, lf necessary. -1- - . ~ (4 ) Confllcts wlth nelghborlng can be resolved by uSlng Artlcle 31 of thlS Code. land uses have heen satlsfactorlly resolved or the S1te Plan Revlew Drocess In accordance wlth The appllcant has submltted flndlngs addresslng thlS crlterl0n and to WhlCh staff concurs. (See Attachment A). The development has completed the s1te plan reVlew process. (See Attachment B). No outstandlng land use confllcts hetween the development and nelghhorlng resldentlal land uses are eVldent. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The appllcatlon for zone change-ls conSlstent wlth the appllcable prOV1Slons of the Sprlngfleld Development Code and the Metro Plan. Staff recommends approval of thlS request based on flndlngs found In thlS report and those suhmltted by the appllcant. (See Attachment A). # 1439 . ,- ?:..; ~.i.....~....~ 'G-...... ::-;1 -:....."'. ~ ~ , . ,- ~ Slte plan reV1ew. Attached hereto as Exh1b1t "A" 1S a copy of the or1g1nal slte plan Wh1Ch was subm1tted. The bU1ld1ng 1n the northeast corner has not been constructed. Otherw1se, the slte plan 1S accurate except for the locat1on of three parallel park1ng spaces on the east slde of the bU1ld1ng. Deed to property. Attached hereto as Exh1b1t "B" 1S a copy of the trustee's deed Wh1Ch was recorded on December 29, 1986 Wh1Ch has been recorded 1n the off1c1al records of Lane County. -2-