HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-1-11 RESIDV "TIAL"" APPLICATIL 225 North 5th Street Spr1.ngj1.eld, 01'egon 97477 BU1.ld1.ng D1.V1.&1.on 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD JERMIT ~i;j' Job Locatt-on J '5(()n 1['10"2, CeV'1 jp,n /;/ 'J. S- ~y 0 '-> 'l'cx Lot # :$IDU A8.:JeBSOl'S Map # Subd1-v1-B'I-On lA.mer <)';J;;;;//lRrJ {J,Q FSnv fh,q T / I4t/1 d I/J)/lI!'Hno 7// OP-<z Address C,ty IYl n II n ~1jlIl/?~/. , Phone 2. "/8 -2 7"..2 .3 Z'p "17,907 ,yevlc-e. roe 17 i?~scl:t;5/tyS Nm,) Add1-t'Lcn Rcmo.1el '~ob'!..le Horn;'] Date of Applt-~~tLcn 'Cant r,JctOIS (,pner.11 / - /1 - </ (! P 1 umblng . nec.hdl1 leal 'El~<-tr1.~dl fA ;0,icfs !'?fi7licL I11l"'k-ev?! SllDerv~~;bng LJeLll lLldl1 Add t (-"SS Value NIA-",;> .,(oUU . 1/ ,.. qcce'pt ~ IS'/c;t1 .' St.qred Date Q~~,~ )- I J -q r/ Ll"iL RId rs ROdrct ReI:' Phonp Yow' C1..ty Detngr.ated Job Nwnbc1' Is D INi:JUf,M'ION/VI1P09 BARRIFR INSPfX'}'TON To be made afteI' all 1.nbu.l....h:m a....J requ':-l'ed vapor' bm'!'1..el'S Q1 e 1.n plac..e Lut lejo! e any lath~ gypsum board 01 LJall c..ouerulq 1-S appl1-ed, and befol'e... any 1-n3ulat1-on 1-8 c..oflCeaZed t P-/Z,-c?/J p/",,.../iv;'Ji!0- ,/tJ6RIJPsT"l.l1d Ff/C;;OI(l ,dlo- 07e ,/5&.'5/7 ./ ~ ~t5...~R.4f....4 / - at the pIoper tU'le, t}oat ec.ch ~eBS 1-8 readao:e EhP:!-res /#-j-t?'O )' ? It. 1.8 the reBpona~bd1-ty of the pe1'l11t.t haZdel' to see that all 1.napect1.ons al"e ,.,ade JrOltl the street, an..--1 that the pCllTrtt e..al'd "L8 Zoc..ated at the fpOnt of the property t!:Ju."L!dt."U] lhu'l.~w'" ayt'o/.,ed rlan ..,hL.ZZ per1mn on the BILZJlnq S"Lt~ at a.ll t"Lmes PHOCSDUPE FOR INSPECTIOll RSOUEW CALL 726-3769 (1'cCJon'er) state yOUl' C1..ty des1..gnated Job nw-bel', l'r:qu.cstcd a"'d When !JOU I..nlZ be ready JOl' 'Lrspce..t"!-on, Contl'ae..tol'S 01' OWrle"'s none and Fhone nW11Jcl' u.'t.ll be made the '>Glne dry, l'eque..,ts made aft.::r 7 00 am w-z.Zl be made t"'e next ..JOl'hng da.J . qpOJnr>;~d Tn<lDPr tUil1 I SITE INSPECI'ION To De made after' --..1 excavat1..orl, !mt plz.Ol tc set up oj fOJ>17lS :::J UNDERS[,AB PLU!fJ3ING. fLECTRfG11L ,I, /'EUI,lNICAL To be rnade befol e allY wol'k 1..s ....ovel ed :::J FOOTING g FOUND1fION To be m~u!e after trene..hcc ar~ e~cavated and form.., are eree.. ted, but prz.ol' to poul'1..ng corlCr e tc :::J UVDSRGPOUMD PLUMEINC, S!::flpo, W1'1 F 7, DRAINAGE '10 be maJe p~ 1-01' to j1.l- Zt.r.g tlenc..hes :J UNDERFLOOR NUj 'BTNG t. NEC1fANICA[ To be made pl'1..or to ulstallat'l.on 0) flool' t.m,UZc.t20n Or dec..kt.ng --, POST AND BEAI! To be r'Gde pl'1.01' to -.-J 1-nstaZZat1..on o~~ flool' 'LnSl Zat1-0n 01 deck1..Yl{j ~ ROUGlI PLU'fBT!IG.tElFrTRTCAfj,~ }fFClI- ~ ANICAL No .JOrf.. T-to~ be 0:..0/.,>11 eJ ur tt.l th...se 1..n..,pectt-or'8 }rwe bep! made and app! ovei ] PIOEPLACE Pr1..or to pl(.e..2r.g fac1..ng matel1..als and b;;:fore jralflulg 1..r1E,peG.- tt-or ] FRA"Jl/G !!ust be requested aftel approva.Z of 101.gh plwrb1..llg, sZee-h'1..- cal & mech'1m~al An l'Ooj1..rrg bract.11{] & c}rLlrr'CY6. et.::: rrr..wt be completed ~'o w:n'k t.3 to be con- cealed un~1..1 tht.S z,n6pect1..on ha'J been made and appl~vcd D DRJ'WALl INSP!X..:TTON To be made ajter all d1YwaU t.8 t.n place, bll t pnor to '-ny tap1..ng Job address, type of ulSpec-;1..Cll Pequests rece1..~ed befere 7 00 ~ q DODfo ~ I DENOLIFIOII OR "OVED aUILDI/7GS ~ Samtal'Y sO'.)el' :!apped ~t P~Op;;) t:J It-re ~ Sept1..~ tanp p~ed Q~ f~lled w"Lth graJeZ ..c:.J. ,- :::J F1..nal - llhen above 1..te ns are cC'7pleted Qra when denol~tt.or t.s c..ompZete or 8t~~- ture moved a~ul prcrrnses ~ leaned up .. Mob1..le Hemel; ~ ~ Bloe..k1..ng and Set-~p Plumb'l.nJ connect1..ons s[;Wer and water o MA~ONRY Steel Zo~att-on, bond beam.." gl'Ollt1.llg Ol vert"LcaZs 1..11 acc..oJdanG.e Wt.th U B [ Sect1..on 2415 ~ EZectr1..caZ Ccn~ectt.on - Block~ng, Bet-u~ ~ Qlld pZwnbt.ng conrect1-ons nr~st be appl'OLeC befoi~ leque8t~ng elec~rz.cal t.llspec-;t.o~ ~ Ac~es.::::orJ BU1.ld-:..ng :J F1..naZ - Aftel' p:>l'e..res, nk-:.rhng, decks, eta are completed D All, pl'OjeG.!, c..omht7orls, ..,UC.!' (I.., the ~no>talZaLol! of stl...et trees, e..o-roZatLon of tne l'eq/.nred ZandM ap1..rg, ctc J ImISt be sat"L..,Jt.ed before tre BUILDING FI~AL c..an be 1'2qu.estad :J FINAL PLU1vBlIIG :J FINAL ME(..HANIC/I.!, ~INAL ELEC7'RJC/L o FINAL BUILUING The }1-r1al BlI1.Zdt.ng In'Jpce..t1.on rTWJt be requ.ested after the P1-naZ Plwnb1.ng Elec..tucaZ, and Mechar1-e..al Irlspectwrl3 ha.ve been made and appl'ovad , D rlOODl)TO"F e..cmpleied Aftel' 1..r1staZZatt.on 1..6 :J '!If, /t1!!!('lF~ /INf) urt1"OU/~ nfJ'r H' lGC15';Tnrr ,1I'ffJ'7'iJ'IIl' ~O rw jlAfl( 1'7' /10 (~lS'7' TO CI'l'Y I n-u' 1 of D CURB ~ ApPROACP APWN aI C ere~ te1 but pl ~Ol' ..:!on:n ete Afte'" forms to pOllr1..ng D SID~flAIA. ,~DRII'Ef/1Y POI' alZ c..Qn- u'ete [Jauz.ng W1..thul 6trect Y'1..ght- oj-~y, to b~ ma~e ajter all eXCQ- vatul[] complete & fOl>>; work & [;ub- base materz.aZ "Ln place D "ENCE gate.., P U E ~~er e..o~pZ~te -- Prou1..de or ~ovabZe sect"LGns througl D I I JOB NO I Zone Lot 5q Ft. :; of lot C:meragr; 'I of ston.es Total Pe'l-ght Topography ,. L-COG' SOLAR A?~ESS REQ- lITEM Ma,n I Gcraae SQ FTC CarVOI't AcC'essol'u I I Is D C TOTAL VALUE (vatuc) 1 5 x BU1-ld1-ng PePTrr/.,t State Surcharqe Total C1U2l'gea OccuvanCl{ Gre. LOT TYPE Inter1.ol' Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Value lITEM I Ft.:rtuJ'es IResuientU2l 11 bath) I San'Ltary Sewer' I Watel' I NO FEE CHARCE PZ.onb-z.ng Derr-t. t State Surcharge Total Charoes ! ITEM I NO I I Res Sa fto [New/Extend C...l'cu'/..ts II-e..-o ~eICi.'.. I Akt,)5peVl;~ ((17,141 F:le:JtT'1.caZ PP-rm-t.t State CjurdllII'oe Total Charges lITEM Purnace !!TV'S I &rhauB t Hood 1 Vent Fan I Woodsto.Je I NG Per'nT/.t Issu.ance Me::hantcal Pel'nnt State Surcharae Total. CharaeD -- ENCROACHMENT SeC"..lM-t'l/ DeOO3t.t Storage I Mat.ntenance Peffll'Lt Total Chal'crCB I Curbaut I s,dewa lk I fen:::e I Electrtca Z Labo 1- I Mob1.le Home I I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ' FEE cHARGe \'S ex] . "1 ,,/..- 7--"'2 -'Ir ~ "':v. . 22 7:Q. FEE I /~1 '2a,' '1 ~l.i,--3B.J ' I I CIIARCE I I s ?,;,q ~ S? I I I I I I, 'i'~pe/Cor t !JPG1001 G I Lot Faces - I I P L INorth East SOuth lIvest I I EIl"rn!, <')o.rcr>s I I ffeat I I I I . T.,oc '/ .' - , , ,- Sethac..k'; 1I0U!;(' I Gm Q(/P I i I I f!cce98 llater' l/aatp.T' Range F1.rer)ZQ('(' Wood;;tove " ~~ , " feeb Building Value & Permit Tht.s perrm.t 1-0 qranted 011 the expre,>,> condt.t't.on that the saul constJ"Uctt.o~ shall, 1.n all re"pccts, conform to the Ordt-narc(' adopted by the C1.ty of Spr1..ngf1-eld, 1.nc?ud'wg the ZOIl1..nq Crd_Ila/1CP, rr>qu"laLLIUJ the ccnstl"'.J.ct1-cn and UGe of buddl..nq,>, alld m7.1j be GUGpended or revoked at C:/!J ti..me upon vt.C- Zatt.on of any pr;:)U1-swrs of <Ja-z.d Ord1-nances . IPZan Check Il'ate Pa-:..tl Recf'tpt H IS~q ed Fee ~~..~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ' . . Plumbing Permit No peraon ahan conatT'llCt, l..nstaLZ" aUer or cha/1qe ami reuJ cr e:::1-stwg pl.wnbvig or dra-z.nage SYht8.'1I 1.11 uJhole or 'Ln part3 urLes,; such person 'L8 the legal possesqoT' of a vaL'Ld pLuw~cr's l'Lcense3 except that a pe~son ma~ do plumbwg work to pr'operbl wh'Lch 7 S oumed3 leased or oper'ated by the appl'L- cant I I, Electrical Permi t Where State Law r'eqU'Ll'eS t}.at the eLntl'LCal work be done by an EleatT'LCaL ContractoT'~ the electl'u..aL poriwn of tins perl71Lt shaLL rot be val'Ld untLl the label }U18 been s'Lgned by the t.leciru.-al COtltractor Mechanical PermH I, r I 1 Plan Examiner Vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.~INFD t1w completed appLLcat7..on for perm7..t3 and do hereby certt.fy that all L..fo"'matwlI hereon t.a true and corrcct3 and I f..trtrer cert'Lfy thai am! m.d all lJOl'k perfor"7led shaLL be M"1e 1.'1 accor- dance uJ7..th the OrdLnances of the Ct.tq of sprt.ngft.eld, ana th~ UT~S of the state of Or>egon pcr>tJ.t.nt.ng to the WOl k cescr'Lbad hcre-:..n, end that NO OCCU- PANCY lJ'Lll be m<lde of any ~ truciwe I,)Liho.....t parm'LS3W'1 of the But.ldt.nq [h,.- V'L8Wn I further cert'Lf 1 that o1ly contractor1 Q,.d e:nployec8 wro are 'Ln c~pl~ance W'Lth ORS 701 055 w'Lll be used on th'L8 project , (~~L~/-//-pj 5'Lgn2d q / [kitp-