HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-5-7 Canstruct1an lender owner Address OESIGr< lEAl' (name) -- -...- Prlmary Structural E1ectncal '1echanlcal CONTRACTORS (name) General owner P1umblno Electncal "echanlca1 PLUIIBIIlG ,,0 , FEE ' rHARGF NO Each slngle flxture Phone (address) --- l.fORlIAT.1 L~II 726-375; '();) 2; ~ Oescr1be llark(l e . BU1ld SIngle II I\ttached f,araae) Ii I ~a Ftq lldln ~CJ r-tg Access So Etq Other lle\<I Add fl.1 ter neo Fence _Demo_Change/Use _Other ., IdSPECTIOl1 L!,IE 726-Vo9 -/? Job ,\~dress 1140 north 21 Le~al D..mptlOn /7-<>3-zs:.'1'3, 0/900 , -.----1 I I RanQe Value af \lark $60,000 BU11( lna Pernl1t Info Farn1v l1esldence lhth Owner Bethel AJdres51140 Assembly north 21 of Goo, 746- 6432 Phone f~~sh bu~ld~n~ gymnas~um -~ (11C5 no (exnlresl (ohane no J to"t I I ....\(\ , /II ~ 110 (address) (Tn<=; no) (PX01 rp<;' (oonne nn ) ELECTRICAL MECHAN I CAL en: n-lllPr.~ t!O ~~r: I r~llQr.r: l Res1dence of SO ET furnace/burner to BTlI's IRe10cated bUl1d1ng (new flX addltlonal) Is F Pes 1 dence (] bath! IDuplex (1 bath) each IAddltl0nal bath ~Iater serV1 ce !New Clrcu1ts alts or extenSlOns 1 SERVICES I Floor furnace and vent Recessed wa 11 ~n~cp he~tpr ~nrl vpnt / Sewer ~~'(torm Sewer !TempOrary Constructlun Channe 1n eX1stlng rp<;ldp,nrp mult1fam1ly, co~ cr Tnrlu<;trl<ll Z/-- Of afTlps Apollance vent seo,arat.'" Stat10narv evao cooler ~ Vert fan III t'l slnale rlllCt Vent systerl apart from I heatlno or A C Mechan1cal exnaust hood nnd durt I I" TOTAL CHARGES flHEPE STATE L \1/ REQUIRES shall not be vallj unt1l the I I Of amps I I I I:..;/.~./ / "-)~/r'/...:i~ ...C:;f7?AmT I ;v ~ ,;~, < /"2 c 2/7> <'.. V I 1- , I ( /-~ ';;;:,/-/'7/ ,-~t';> "c:?lc I ISSUANCE OF PFPt1IT '2"0 .e>C>1 TOTAL CHARGES / I TOTAL CHARGES I that the Electrlcal work be done by an E1ectncal Contractor. the e1ectncal partlon of thlS oemlt ,- label has been slgned by an Electrlcal Supervlsor and returned to the BU11dlng Dlvlslon CD:11' IINO EEEDERS Install/alter/relocate rl,~trlh fpprlpr<; Hood stove/heater , j I 1 -I 1 I RJ~,,.,,-; . I I lINIE(please print) - I HAVE CAPEFUllY EXA!'lINED t'le completed apnllcat10n for fJerm1t, and do herebv cert1fy that all lnfomatlon hereon 1S true and correct and I further cert1fy that any and all work oerformed shall be done 1n accordance wlth the Drd1nances of the Clty of SOllngfle1d and the laws of the State of Drenan oertalOlng to the work descnbed hereln, and that rw OCCUPArKY 1...111 be made of any structure w1thout the perm15S10n of the BU1ld1ng DlvlSlon I further certlfy that my reqlstratlon wlth the BU11der's Board 1S 1n full force and effect as requ1red by ors 701 055. that 1f exemot the baS1S for exemptlon 1S noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and erlployees who are 1n comollance w1th OPS ]nl 055 \1111 be used on thlS nro]ect _ srr,IATURF j, \;:, -_A c.~.../;~-{,I Fon OFFIrE USE of.u - - - - 1-- UL.43? , Sam Seybold om 5-7-87 Zone i.D-1 <u7"', Tyoe/Const ~/~.z::?Un1ts So Et9 FIre Zone Bedrooms Occy load ~~ SQ Ft!] Flood Pla1n Stones / Occy Group ~-- ""3' Sq Ftg Other ;::;CE 1/t:J?/-79~.5:::>7 ,.-r-<--n ~/~ 1~~/;7'; BUILOIlIG PERilIT ' -62;:;? <=> . Plan Ck c1_<Ml<Ml;;II~n:d [1./ -:......, Sysfens Development Charges an': ___-.:.:::_~.._____ 65<V/BldCl Per Fp€! .IX:::?"" ~.....~CIt>Charqe (1 5"') Surcharges:Z ....., =-.-, Plan Ck Res "IiI ') /....- -' "'" 30%/Bldo Per Fee It .--:7.-. ~ Fence ----~'------- ~- ? ~D r1aln Access , Va1ue~d'~~ Value ,/ x Value TOTAL VALUATlOr, PLU'~B IrlG PERM IT C'larges and Surcharges Demo ELECTRIUL PERI'IT CharQes and Surcharges r1ECHArllCAL PEPHlT '\ Charges and \ Surcharl1es Sldewa 1 k I A/C Pav1ng Total romb Perm1t ~ "If? :s 2.. I Curb r----------- Cut i TOT,L Lf -::?b. 3'':; V5E G=-pc=- 66- "7//" ' ~ < '., , , " ,. -~ 'Y COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) PERMIT VALIDATION I I , .,.-- Appllcant to furnlsh A Job Address B legal Descrlptlon 1 example~ Tax Lot 100. Lane County Map Reference 11 OJ 43 _ 2 examole- lot 1 Block 3. 2nd Addltlon to ~prlngtleld Estates C Name. ete of owner and constructlon lender o Energy Sources 1 examole- heat/electflcal cell1nq/or forced dlf qas 2 examole- waterheater/electrlcal/or solar E Square rootage or valuatlOn, ete - 1 examole- 1250 sq foot house. 500 sq foot garage 2 examoJe- If new proJect. check new - If addltlon, check add. ete F BU11dlng permlt lnformatlon 1 example - construct slngle famlly house wlth an attached garaQe \ 2 examole - remodel eXlstlng garage loto famlly room 3 examole - convert slngle faml1y resldence lnto restaurant (change of use) G Value of work as def1ned 1n Sect10n 303 (a) of the Structural Speclalty Code H DESIGN TEAll ANO CD:ITRACTORS To aVOld deslgn or construct1on delays. BU1ld1ng D1vls1on Staff must be able to contact appropr1ate persons regard1ng des1gn 1nformat10n or Job slte correct1ons. etc II Abbrev1ated Plumb1ng. ~lechanlcal. & Electrlcal Schedules A Except \Ihere blank spaces occur 1n the deSCrlpt10n port1on of the Mechanlcal and Electr1cal Schedules. the app11cant need f111-1n only the No Boxes adJacent to the aoproprlate ltem(s) to be 1nsta11ed B Full Plumb1ng. Mechan1cal. and Electrlcal Schedules are aval1ab1e at the BUlld1ng D1v1s1on 1 To conserve space on the perm1t form the schedules have been abbrev1ated 2 If the 1tem(s) to be 1nstalled are not covered on the abbrevlated schedules you should consult the full schedules C BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES 0,; THE SCHEOULES o As noted on the CAP. the label must be del1vered to the electr1ca1 contractor for SlQnature by h1S electr1cal superv1sor The general contractor lS not authorlzed to slqn the electrlcrl label lIT Appl1cant to slgn and date Whenever Posslble. the 1n1t1al appllcatlon w1l1 be used as a worksheet only Wnere Posslble. BU1ldlng D1vls10n Staff w1l1 preoare a type wr1tten copy and return 1t to the app11cant at the tlme the actual permlt lS lssuea for h1S 51 gna ture IV Fees and Charges Plan cneck fees are due and payable at the t1me of the appllcat1on. and no plans w1l1 be processed untl1 these fees are pa1d All other fees and cnarges are due and payable when the permlt 1$ lssued " /306 &5 C(9 1<-- (0 -r1 -- V FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I Perffilt Clerk ~ ~ I PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY j ~ .~,c- 7#/e= ?-==~/";Y:r /"7 r.s;.q 0o/"",J<-7?-~c.<~ .:"?~o/ T74:!?::y:'7"--'"";,-.;-: 6~ ~//,,/7"""5, ~"':?__/_ .-h-~(~-::, ,1f7re- ~~-=-=/~~ /..~~ ~7=?I'2 ~/"'-~6?"~h- (' ~/-='0p/-=,~..e2> L/:,~ SS/-v--= ~ _ Permlt appllcant exempt from reglstratlon wlth the BUllder's Board because ~,"?c:~.s-___ ~r - /~- .... ~,~.... -. Addltlonal ProJect Informatlon ~ J " PLANS REVIEWED BY name L6?j>y E 7t~~ Slgnature~~----?~ P'"/ "", , dateC~:?7"~ I ~~~~...~ ...