HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-11-21 .. RES!' 'NTlAL" APPLICATION/PERI1IT 225 North 5th Street Spr~ngf~eld> Oregon 97477 Bu~ld~ng D~v~s~on 726-3753 .~ =cce"t. /'<: (/2S ro '1 U SPRINGFIELD _ 1 ..~. j}~@ Job Locat'Lon d5l?J (fzn;t;~n/cJ1 (7 0:3 02(3) --'/ c/ T= Lot # ::2/)3 AS3€SSOl'a !>Iap # Suhd1..v",s"Z.on iA.mer .I ~ 1}7~m d5 ! ") t~rL-L;jJ' Phone Address C,ty n n n n Np'!,J Add'!.. hen Remodel IJoD?le llama !(-;2/-f3 I I ! [,.'011.-t1'aC1:01'$ I I, I: Ii II I Date of App~1..cat1.cn General PZUJ1ll)'Lng ElectruJal 4aai llt$ litdt1~ !1e::haru:.:zZ Construct'Lon Lender 11/1- .f?1?J Z'p , Jn4 ! +ll&L Descnbe fIlar" tJo.cdAJ uF-'2 VaZue Pm 4aa.,""Q"'" --- It 1.8 the l'espons~b1..Zt.ty of the pernn..t hoZdezo to see that aU "Z.nspectt.ons are ,..ade from the street, and that the perrrn-t ca:t'd 1-8 "located at the front of the propert;y *Bu'l..!.d'L.....g fuvt.:::w.... aoproLed plan shan remmn on tr.E Bu-:..Zdwq S1..t:; at aU t7..mes S'l-qred r?C //~ ;)(-ft:C, Date L1..3C l' E::;rr"res F'1on~ at the propel' tunl;, t:-'at ec.ch ;;;ddress 'l.S rea3:w:e PFOCEDUPE _~OR I...!V~PE:r;TIor! RSQUEfjT.. CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your C1..ty des1..gr.a.ted Job nw-oerj reauested a~d W~en yOU ~1..~Z De ready for l..rspcct~onj Cortractcrs or Ow~ers ncme and pnore n~cr .J.""LZZ De Trade the. same day, requests mGae after? 00 a"l LJ1..ZZ O~ made t1.e next ..Jorhng da:J l?r?qU'Ly>p.r1 TY'.<mp.~t'1.r:n.q O SITS ItlSP!X-:O ION To De naae after excavat1..onj but pM-or to set up of forms O UNDERSLAB PLUlfJ3ING. ELECTPICAL & 11ECd;l,JICAL To De made before any work l..S ~overed o POOTING .f:. FOUNDATION To be made after ~rencres are excavated and forms are erected, but pr'l-or to pou~ng cencret~ U'W'CRGDQU"D PLUMBING. SEllEo, W~TEq. D'rAIlJAC2 To oe mad~ pr'l-or to f'l--Z- l1.:r.g ~I'enches o I '=:J UNDEOPLDOR PLUl~ING & MECrJANICAL To be maae pr'l-or to l..n3ta~lat'l-on of f100r l..nsulat1..on or deck1..ng POST AND BEAlt To be Trade pr1..OI' to 'l-nstaZZar;1..cn of floor l..nsz..lat'l-o;. 01' deckulfi ROUG'i PLU'JBI'lG. ELECTDTCAL Ii NECH- A IICAL do ..Jorr 1..$ t;o DC COLerea urt1..~ these tnspect1..ors have beer made and approved FIDEPLACE FPtor to plac1..r.g fac1..ng mater'l-a~8 and before fram-z.ng l..nspec- t1..0r FRA/AING Must be reque3ted after approva.l of rough plwrb"ngj eleetr,,- cal & meehanu!al AU roof"ng brae"ng B ehul1ncys, ete fTf'~st be conpZeted ~lo wr'k l..S to be con- - cealed unt1..l th1..s l..nspectt.on has ~been made and approved o o o ~ Your C1..ty Des'l-gr.ated Job Number It) o INSULATION/VIIPOlf B4RRIER nlSP~CTIOV To De rr.ade aJ~ter all 'l-nsulat1..:Jn CI"'.d l'equ~red vapor barr1..ers are l..n place but before any lath, gypsum boa:r>d or wU cover'l-ng l..S appZ1..ed, and Defore any 'Z-nsulat1..on l..S concealed Job accressj t~ve of trSDecj1..Cn oeques;s rece1..ved cefcre ? 00 a: f{S/[)9c; I DE,' :JLITIO '0;:;> ..'JV:S'] BJ.1L!J~, CS ~ Smn -:a:r>y se'..)er :.!apped ~t p::"oP<:r't':j hre ~ Sept'l-~ tank Jr""'7ed a"'ld ["Uad z.n.th gT'a"u r P'l-nal - r~'her cbcve 'Z-te""'lS a:r>e cc-rpZer:ed ~ a~d when d~cl~t1..or l..S cOMPLete or' st~~- ture rroved and pren'Z-ses cleanea up Mob'l-le HeTres =:=J BZock1..ng coui Set-~D =:=J Plumb'l-ng connect1..ons s~er and water ---, EZectr1..caZ Ccnreet1..on - Block1..ng, set-u= ~ and plumb1..ng conrect"ons nr~st be ap?I'OLe~ before request~ng elec-:r'l-cal l..rspec-:-z,o~ ~ AccesGor:, Bu1..Zd~nq r P"naZ - I1ftcr p:Jrcresj ~ ete are e~Zetcd I sk~rt-:-ngj deeklJ, o DR:fr-lALL INSPECT !ON Tc be made after all drywall 1..8 'l-n place, but pr'l-or to any tap1..ng o All pro7ect cord-z,-:-z,onsj GUC~ as the ~nstaZZat~on of street treeSj co~Zet~vn of tne requ1..red landsccp-z,rg, ete , ~st be sat1..sj'-z,ed Defore tre BUILDn'C FI !AL can be 1'2quest2d =:=J FIllAL PLUf.JBIllG :=J FIliAL UE~HA"'ICAL :=J FINAL ELECToIC~L ::J o FINAL BUILDING The F'Z-na~ BU'l.~d'tng Inspeehon nust be requested c;fter the I;'tna:~ PlW'lb'Lrtg Electr~calj and Meehar~eaZ Inspect~ona have been made and aDprov~a o MASONRY Steel loeat"on, bond beam8, g"t'out~ng or vert~ea.~s l..n accordance W'l-th U B C Sect1..On 2415 -ALL llANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLEj ADJUsr~~N'!' TO BE J:.1DE tT /,'0 C~ST TO CITY I Page! of 2 ~ o ,~ After l..nstaZZat1..on ,,8 WOODSTOVE ccmpleted o CURB & APPROACP ApDON Afte::o forms a:r'e erected out pr-z,or to pour~ng concrete ! SIDEWALK & DRIl'EW/' Y I For aU con- cre~e pav1..ng W1..t;ntn street "t''Lght- of-way, to be made after a~l exea- vatwg complete & fOr-! work & sub- base mc.tenaZ l..n pla::!e o PENCE k~er co~pZ~te __ Prov1..de gates or 710vabZe sechcns through P U E I o !JOB NO f)7/() Pi SOLAR Ac,rESS REQ- L-COC->:< I !Zone f)c:~u:oancL{ GrO'.l r>~pe/Cor'.$t BeCJ'oors ! Lot Sq Ft;; WT TYPE I Lot Faces - II Er'eraJ SOJ.l'ces T,'-e 1% Df lot CQVerag~ Inter'wr I Set?Qck.s II I-Jeat I " L I House I rarQae I Access J I Water l.ca trn. lif. of StoI"tes Corner INorth : I Rance ! Total l1e1-ght Panhandle East F1-reolacc I 15m. th I II Wooa;;toz...e I Topography Cul-de-saa lWest II I IITEII Ina"Ln I Cc:raGe I CaroO"l't I Accessol'u SQ FTC x Value I I Is D C TOTAL VALUE (val-uc) 1 5 x BU'Lld1..ng Perrm,t State SW'aharqe Total Cha:>ges I IIT~J ~ I Fu:hp'es I ResuientUlZ fl bath) I San:Ltary Sewer I Water I FEE ChAPCE PZ..tr1b1..ng PerM. t State S.ucr.a.rge Tetal Charaes r 0 I I I I Cnr!PG~ lI'1'Ed FE:; Res Sa rta NawlExtend C1.1'CU'Lts lTemporary Serv"Lce I Electl'1..caZ Pe~t State Surcharqe Total Charces lITEM I he ; F:;E I I Purnace ETU'S Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I I I I WoodstoJe I I I Per>nrLt Issuance I Me::han'Lc::r.L Pe'l"l'lnt State Surcha'1'oe. I Total Cr,arOAr; I I /:'dCROA('Hf.'E~'T C,IARCE I I /,<),oV I - 00 I ;; r;-, {;JO I ' I I I I I I, ise~~'1'tt~ Devostt 1 Storaqe I Ma1.ntenarlCe IPernnt I Total Cha.T'oes I I I I I I I I I (0' (PO I, !eurbcut I Suiewa tk I t'ence I Electr1.cal Label I It/obtle Harne I TOTA~,_ AHOI/IIT DUE . -- Fees Building Value & Permit Th'LS pe~t 1.$ granted on the express condttton that the satd construct'Lon shall, 1.n aZl respects, confoT'm to the Ord'Lnarce adopted by the C'Lty of Spr''Lnqfl..eld, 'LYw!ud::..ng the Zom..ng Crd-:.nance, regulatt.l1g the ccnstrdC!t'/..cn and use of bU1.ldLngs, and m::r.y be suspended or revoked at cry t~me upor Vtc- lat'/..on of any prOV'/..3'/..ons of sa'/..d Ord1.r~nces , , I Plan Chr::ck fA,! Date Pa-:..d [Recz,pt H IS,g-ed I I I I I I I I I, Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, 'Lnstal!, alter 0'1' change any ~~w 0'1' e~sttng plumo1.ng Or' d't'a1.nage syste~ 1.n ~hole or '/..n part, urles$ sucn person tS the legal possesso'1' of a val1.d plumber's Z'Lcense, except th~t a pe~son mad do pl~b'Lng work to property wh'Lch 1.S owned, leased or operated by the appl1.- cant I I I I I I I I, Electrical Permit Where State Law requ'Lres tr~t the electr'Lcal work be do~e by an ElectrtcaZ Contractor', the electr1.caZ port1.on of th'LS perm'Lt shall rot be valtd urt'LZ the Label has been s'Lgned by the Electr'LcaZ Contractor Mechanical Permit Plan Exannner uar:e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.I>1INED tlw completed appltcat'Lon faT' pemn.t, and do hereby cert'Lfy that all 'L.....for'mat'Lon hereon 'LS true and correct, and I f~rtrer cert'Lfy that any ar4 all work pe'1'fo~ed shall be do~e ~..... ac~or- dance ..nth the Ordtn::r.nces of the Ctty of SpNngf'Lcld, and th<: [,a",s of ti (l State of Oregon p~rta'Lntng to the work descr1.bca here~n, and tnat NO OCCV- PJNCY W1.ll be made of any structure w1.tho~t p~rmtS3tO~ of the Eu~ldtra Lr~- vts~on I fU'1'ther certtf~ that o~ly contractors ~-Mi e~loyees who are 'Ln co-pl-:..ance w~th ORS 701 05~ wtll be used on th1.s p'1'oJ~ct 4#/Z4 Stgn2.d b~ /- 11/,:2/ / fy ~te