HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1988-6-10 ~ ~.." "- .- .. RESID~ HIAl" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spnngf1-eZd, Oregon 97477 BU1-Zd1-ng V1-v1-s1-on 726-3753 Job Locat.on r!f) Co d.:3 ABaeSaOr" Map # /7 03 (2 enknn ,a.J ~5 +I Tax Lot # fJ1,1- kfiNk A /LtSEN Cf!~.;;)."'3 Cc;AlT~JJAI/I'H-, Phone \S..pt IZ/ A..)tc.,c-/ PL'.D Z'P Descnbe fl'ork /lifer -se.rule:e. ~#e.. 1/7 h> /t.OU 5 e... Subd-z-v'Z-s1.on O!.mer Address C.ty n n n n ~"'L- Add1. hen Remodel "ob:. le Horn;] Date of AppZt.catu;n Con-tractors Mo~ 72.(..- 9Z89 971./-77 Value Add....es3 Genezoal. Plw,bwg Elect",-cal #a-1(".HL'1d- f'.,Y'A-' t:/f>G. &'8'715 UYtt- 1Zd. Mechar1.cal. Constructton Lender . qcce'pt . 1/ &ata /d~ -DIL 1\./1 ?jL-t(, llll S1..qred Date 1-~~ L1..SC # E:X1nres Phone /oJ; /8''1 62o.:t.t5'lc... O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION To be made after all 1.nsulatton a......d requ~red vapor barrters are -z.n place but before any lath, gypswn board 01' wall cover1.ng tS appl1.ed, and before _any l.nsuZat-z.on 1.S concealed O DRYWALL INSPECTION Tc be made after all drylJalZ tS tn place, but pr1.or to any tap1.ng O MASONRY Steel locat-z.on, bond beams, grouttng 01' vert-z.cals -z.n accordance W1. th U B C Sectwn 2415 O WOODSTOVE After l.nstallat-z.on 1.S ccmpleted o CUBB & APPROACH ApOON After' forms are erected but pnor to pour-z.ng C!oncre te '1 t/.L. -WY1t3 It 1..8 the respono1-b'Z-l1.ty of the pernn.t holder to see that all 'Z-nspect-z.ons are nade at the propel' tune, M'at each ~e88 1.S reai!aD:e from ths street, and that the per>m1. t caPd 1,S located at the front of the property *Bu1,!d'Z-'1fJ D-!.Ul,~W'" approved plan shall rema1.-n on tlw Bu~ldwq St.tc at all t1,mes PROCEDUPE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your C'l-ty des1.gn::r.ted Job nwrber, Job aCc:t'ess, type of -z..nspec::1.cn requested ard w~en yOU wtll be ready for 1.nspcct'Lon, Contractors or OWner's nome and phore n~cr Deques~8 rece1..t-ed before 7 00 ~ ...">1-lZ be made the same dcy, requests ma.de after 7 00 am w-z..ll be made t1-ze next "Jorhng day Your C.ty Dea.gr.ated Job Number Ia ~-.l; ~~ R"x-O .c;o 1 Rp.ml1.-~pn TnRnp~t1.-r-nR O SITE INSPECT ION To De made after excavatwn, but pM-or to set up of forms O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & 11ECP.A/JICAL To be made before any work 'LS .::Jovered o POOTING & FOUNDATION To be TrKJ.de after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but pr-z.or to pour-z.ng COncrete U~DSRGPOUMD PLUMBINC. SEWED, W1TEf?, D'?AItlAGE To be made pr1.or to f1.l- Z1.r.g trenches o o UNDERFWOR PWI'BING & MECQ4i1ICAL To be made prwr to -z..nstaZlat1.on of 11001' l.nsulat1.on 01' decktng POST AND BEAM To be rrade p1'1.or to -z.nstallat-z.cn of 11001' -z.ns~lat'Z-on or deCkUlfj ROUGH PLfJ'''BIllG. ET,ECTRTCAL & MECH- ANICAL No work 1.8 to be cOvered urt1,l these 1.-nspect1.ors have beer made and approved PIDEPLACE Pr1.or to pZac1..r.g fac'Z-ng mate1'1.als and before fram1.ng l.nspec- t'Z-or FRAJIINC Must be requested after approval of rough plwrh-z.ng, electr1.- cal & mechanu:al All roof'l-ng bram.ng &' ahl,.Trmcys, eta rrr..J.st be completed ~o work 'Z-s to be con- - cealed unhl thu; 'Z-nspect1.on has been made and approved o o o o D SIDEWALK & DRIt'EWAY For all con- crete pav1.ng w-z.thtn street r1.ght- Of-1lJCY, to be made after all e:r:c:a- vat1.ng oomplete & fo~ work & sub- base matenaZ -z.n place O PENCE fI'hen cO'11plete -- Prov1.de gates or movable sect1..ons througr PUE o , DEll)LITIO~1 OF 'tOVED BUILDlj'GS =:J Sarn tar;} se'"Jer capped =.t p~opcr-t':1 l1.re ~ Septtc tank p..rped cru1 f-z.lled mth graJel :J F1.nal - T.'hen above -z.,te'118 GI'e ccrrrpleted a~d when denol~t1.or tS complete or stru:1- ture moved and prc/"t2..ses c1.eanea up Mobtle Berres :::J Blocktng and Set-..J.p :::J Plumb1,ng connect-z.ons s~er and water :::J Eleetr'Z-caZ Con~ect1.on - Block'Z-ng, set-uc and plumb1.ng conrecttons ~~st ce appro~ed before request-z.ng electr'Lcal 'Z-nspec~1..o~ ~ Acces::;o!'b Bu'Z-ld~ng :J Puuzt - After p:Jrcres, shrt'Lng, decks, etc are compteted o FIliAL PLWBIIIG '-'l~ All proJect cond~ttons, suer as the ~nstallat~on of street trees, co~letl,.on of tne requu.ed landscap1.rg, etc , must be sat-z.sf-z..ed before tre BUILDINC FIVAL can be requested o D o D PINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL BUILDING The F'Z-nal Bu-z..ldtng Inspect1.on nust be requested after the Ptnal Plumbl,.ng Electrtcal, and Mecharual Inspectwn8 have been made and approved FINAL ELECTRICAL "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST~!ENT TO BE !tA.DE J1T NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 I t'cge .J I JOB NO ~O 50rj SOLAR ACCESS REQ- I Zone Lot Sq Ftg ~ of lot Coverag~ '# of StOP'Les Total Pet.ght Topography I lITE!! IM:nn I Garaae I Carvort I AecessorIl I I Is D G I SQ FTC I I TOTAL VALUE ( VCiUe) 1 5 x Bu'/..ld'l.ng Perrrn-t State Sta'aha:rge Total Char-ges I ITEM 1 Futures I Resuientw.l (1 bath) 1 Scm1.tary SeWer 11'0 I Water Pl..unb'/..ng Pel"rM.. t state Su:rcr.arge Total Charaes '10 I I Temporary Sel'V'l.ce 1 l I(1)CUf -JllfPA'JJ1& Ele~tr'l.cal Pe~t ITEM Res Sa fta New/Extend C'l.rcu'l.ts State Surcharqe Total Charr;es IIT::M I Furnace PTU' S I Exhaust Hood j Vent Pan I I WoodstoJe I I NO I I I I I Per>rrrt.t Issuance Me~han'l.cal Per>nnt State Su:rcha.ro~_ __ Totn l Charm?B -- ENCROACHME~T -- I Se~..l.r1.-tll Devos'/..t I Storage I Mat.ntenanae j PePrTn-t I Total Charqes .I Curbaut I Sulewa Zk I Fen:Je IElectr'l.cal Label I Molnle Home I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE . Occuvancl./ G~ ,.) LOT TYPE 11"tep'/..or Corner Panhandle Cul-de-saa x Value FEE CRAPGE FEE CdARCE L-COG~ T::tpe/Corst Bedroor's I Lot Faces - I I P L INorth l?ast fSm.th IWest [ I Enerq.l! SOurces I I ~eat II II II I: T<I['e Setbacks : House I Caraqe I I I I I I Access Water l1rwtl"Y' Range Fn'eo lace Wood:;tot-e P::!p.s I I I I I I I , . I I I \. Building Value & Permit Th'/..s pe:l"m1.-t '/..3 granted on the express conc1'l..t'/..on that the sa'/..d construct'l..on shall, 'l.n all respects, conform to the o-rd'/..nance adopted by the C'l.ty of SpP'/..ngf'/..eld, '/..ncZud~ng the Zon~ng Crd~nance, regulat'/..ng the ccnstruct'/..cn and use of bu'/..ld'l.ngs, and may be suspended or revoked at cry t~me upon v'/..c- lat~on of any prOV~S'l.ors of sa'/..d Ord'/..nances I Plan Check Fee Date Pa~d I Reoc'pt # IS,g-ed Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, 'l.nstalZ, alter or change any new cr ex'/..st'l.ng plumb'/..ng or dra'l.nage system '/..n ~hole or '/..n part, urless such person 'l.S the legal possessor of a val'/..d plumber's l~cense, except thAt a person ma~ do plunb'l.ng work to property wh'l.ch '/..s owned, leased or operated by the appl~- cant I I I I. I Electrical Permi t Where State Law requ'/..res tr~t the electr'/..cal work be done by an Electr'l.cal Contractor, the electP'/..cal port'/..on of th~3 perm'/..t shall rot be valt.d unt'/..l thE label has been s'/..gned by the Electru~al Contractor 15.OD - L.-l ,15 15. ~5 " CHARGE PEE I t115,~ Mechanical Permit . Plan Exc:m'/..ner Uate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAN1NED the completed apphcat'l..on fop permt.t, and do hereby cert'l..fy that aU '/..v;forwlatwn hereon '/..8 true and coprect, and I f.Arther certl,fy that any ar.d aU work perfor"TIed shall be do"1.e '/.."1. accor- dance ..nth the Ordmances of the c~ty of SpF/.-ngf~eld, and th[; LO:,",8 of the * State of Oregon pcrta'l.n'l.ng to the work descr'l.bcd here~n, and that NO OCCU- PJlNCY unll be m::J.de of any structure /;ntho.At perrn1-S3'/..O"1 of the Eu7..ld'l.-ng D'/..- V1-s'/..on I further certt.f~ that O"1.ly contra~tors and emplQyees wro are 'l.-n aa-pl~ance W1.-th ORS 701 055 w'/..ll be used on th'/..s proJect , ;1~~o~ Clio /fr Date I S'/..gned .