HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-1-17 r .. RESIDENTIAL'. SPRJNGFlEl..C AF.?LICA:' IO, /P-gP/1IT 225 loro~ 5th Street Spr-~r~f~e!d, Oregon 97477 Bu~Zd~ng ~v~s~on 726-3753 Job [.ocO:,O" .()I fA ~ l/ t~ 0tD 11 m 0) U Am.aON "at> ;\,03ac:::.A4 -. -. Tc: [.ot # tX)Srf::"; Subd'l.J":.3tCn C'_.,,'"~ -I\\O~. b\lrl1r\f\DL A""""( .<<9/ ~ CQnt-6 n [\ 1 n 0 Pc",,"e c.'1(OnhQ.u\ . tJf J Z,= \ tJ I / ~'1<7"" \):\\-~~'CPl Q0-q-(f{) n n n bttnC'uD'r- croV&-tID~ ~ Ace.... :-ten R3!ocBl .taD~ Ie ~~3 Dcrtil of A?pl..ca:t.cn ....011:1'~c:or8 Value ~,OO Aca......gS3 CeneJ"al. Pl..mlD1.1tq !'ldctr:.ccl, () , ~ _ M.=han.~! 5-11i j) _ -/.. \<::::'q;(l io. L 17 [\ COP1.8t'l'"'.Jc~~~ -&.... r 1 :lcce-:.:;~ ,: (o7?A ~ --./ ~ ~~~ s,qrca~ 1-/7-R4 Dat. -, [,..3C "f E::vt."r!s Phon~ C(.4.l2.-' , ) ~ At e ^ lour Ct. t:y lJes1.gr.a.ted Job Numb€.!' 13 o I1Sr.LAT::OV/VAPOQ 3A lfltI.:'=? I 'S;J::C,;,IOd To De r-.ae,e after aU U"sul.::-Z:1..?l't ct""a raqu-:.red VaDor b~er8 cu>e 'tori place b-~t befere cry Za;h, qypS"'..u1 beard or /".UZl aovenng t.S a:;riLed, and oe;ore ary uw...d.atwn 1.8 conceal.ed L\ tin?- \nO fn/zcjE. !~ U ~hB res~onD1-bt.Z.-:.:.:y of eN:! pe~t nclder to Bee that aU vwoectt.o7tS a:1'6 ,...ade at :he. proper tt.m~" tJ-at ~h :::dd:res8 t.s :oe........,<.. fNYff thg street, end tJ1G:t the penm.t card ~8 t.x~ted at tre front of the :rropert'i "Eu';.!.d~"'.g .:r..J1.=1.0'" t:::)~roted pl.cn SI".c:l. rcna-:.n on the Bu-:.Zd-:.na S",t~ at an hmes :I"OC~!J!P~ :OOR E",~!:'O::~:~,'/ :JE:Cf/EST CALL 726-3769 (::occorc:.el'J state :IOta' Ctty des1.gr.ated Job Tr'..libel', Job aC.zcss" tt-;e of t.r.3pec:t.cn rzcues:ca a-~ ~~en ~ou ~zz oe reaa~ jor -:'r~pcct-:.on, Conrrac~l'S or ~~-s ~~e end ~nore nu~cl' Pequ€s~s recet.~ed be;cr~ 7 00 ~ _'1..Lz. be rn::ae the SaTrl9 Ced, reques::s ~cac attc::r 7 00 a:7f ..n.z.t De r:a..-:.e t~ n;;zt ...lOrkt.71:1 da-:f PAros~ ?e~J~~~~ r~~~~~t~~~ O SJ7'E 11';;:::c-:) I To De rrcce e::.=oav.::t",.::m, ,;)ut pncl' t.:: set J01'rnS aJ~er U::l of o {f'7D:=>Sr-A3 ~~l'.'.f31 IG_ EL~C""~IC IL ~ ,{EC~.J IT':).i.J ';'0 oe Ir'aae oeJore W1"J( ..8 .::ovc....ed o rocO"'! IG ~ "OU'D1TIC'/ To oe '"Xlce aj :e1' :rencfles erg e::cc:tJati!d er.d fcr-s c:re erec:.za, but p1'-:..:;Jl' ~ po~r~ cc"cret~ ~ !J 'D~C:;~{f"D =':,r.;:-c: ,~. 5;::"-:'0. .Jl~.:'~. D~A_- I"r;:: IO:;2 r-r:.;e pT"".OI' :0 J-1."- hr.g :rerer.es LJ Um:;E'O~-:.cCq 'n'!-J"3r'c ~ ,1,-.C":1),.lJrt;,,!.. :0 ~e ~~8 p~r ~ tr:;:.::,:at.on of f'Loor ~r.8UZc::-:.cn or d.ecK.1.rg MST J.,l!) 3F:;,{ To be ,...ac.e pl""...?r to 't-ns:::aL....:.:::.cn 0; [7..00'1' :'r.st.l.a~'t.or '::lr dee<,,,> ~ o ':?O"lJr ='':~;''3 r'c ~"-::~o !c....: ~ CC'1- A.{iC...: 10 .;0-'" ;'0' ::0 oc cot..e~ec ur;:.!. :"CS~ :.r.$:;:Jec:tcrs f'...::tJ€ :;eer ~~e =r~ ~="?)e~ r:=E?!.....c.:' ~.o'1':O ':Jl.c.::-:..':"4 ~c~r..g 1T'.c::er..al..o ar4 .:u:fore fr=n.r.g t.n(Jpec- <tor o :=J ..~.tUI It; ,'.Ju3: be 1'eC".l.oi!:;::.;:d at:~r G?prctJ~~ of 1'~qfl pZ~~.r~, J!ec:~_ caZ & recf'..zrt..::1,!. AZ! 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OLIT 10" OP OY:'.:I 3U:::"D1,ICS o Steel. z.ocatum" bond. or ver::t.cc!.s ...n U 3 C Sectwn :=J Sant.=a:P';j Sf!"..Je:o ::ap?ed ::t ~ot'o::r~ Z!-...e :=J Sept'/.:: tG71,( f'"..r:Ji:d a-.d i......Ued tJt.tn ;r=-..t~ :J F...nal. - a'hen C..::x:ve 'Lte-s are c:;"l':}Z,zr;c;c a:ra when :1encZ......:wr t.S conpZete or st:"'..~- tu.-e ~oved anc ?r~3eS .=oZean2~ ~~ 11-100'l.!e -ie-as =:J =:J 3Z.0CK~ng and Set-~p P!~~t.ng .=oonnec=~ns S:::.J,zl' and w::Jr .'-!ASOtIP,! ---, EZea~.c~t Ccnrear;~on - BZock~r.g, se~-u= ---1 and t'z.:.J/1ur...rg ~:r1rect...ons m"_st ce c;o;,1'c",e::: oefore reques::-:.r~ eZea;~~aZ. ~rspec:~o- =:J Ac.::!esso23 Bu1..l..::......ng :J F'/.~~Z - Afto::r~;~ral"es, eta are c~~e:~d sk":.rt-:.r.g" dec....$. ceara, groutt.ng acco1'darce Wt.:n 24ly r:l ',JOtJDSTO"l?, After t.nstalZat'ton ~s L.LY'cc7lVle:c;d ... D CUPS !I A.1'P9.CACP APOON are ere~=ea ou~ pr1.or .:on....-rete Af~e;> fOMls to p::;ur.ng o "J'. 'A; P!.J"8I,'C ,HZ. cro;ec:; carc....:i...::ms. ,n.c" a3 che .ns:::ct..lc::.cn of S::l'eet; :rees. :=-::!c:.,," 0; tit!? 1'~~~...r~a :anc3cC::l....r4. ~tc, TUst ce sac..s-..c~ c~Jore ~re 3U:L;!,C :1~l ~an ee 1'2~~est~a :=J =:J :=J I --' .....r 1....[.. ''E:'i,.l'I!C..1.l o ..] ."'[, :;~=:er:A[" o SIDE..IALr( & 'RI''F''<'fA! Fol' aU cen- crete Davt.rtg t.r..:I"-:.n street ""1..g,.t- of-wc:!, to oc ma:le aj.teI' az.l. <t:1:ca- uati..rg comvZet,z 3 ;O~ worK & ~U08 oase ":Ct'e!"t.az. .n pla::e :'! JA[, aUn..JI'IG :z.eccM..:al, an::: Tre F....nat.. 3~'t.Ld~r~ :rsve~t~on -.l.St be ~eauectea =:;e1' :re -......r~! ~!Ui'o'/.r~ UeCf'~"'......cal.. irs~~c::.orc '~e eeen ~e erA a~~~o~~a ...1.':': "" ,rJ'.:::S I.ND CLEAVQU'"= 'IUS<r' B~ 4C:::S=:EL::, J.D,}(..'S:- -=:: ':0 BE ~1CE 1~ ',0 :'':S! ';? CI':.'! '~:::e o.~ o ""E:NC~ V/oer co-pl~ti! -- ?rovu:!il gatas OP ~ovable sect~cns thpougr P U E o 2/ ::l::~e 2 I JOB NO '?<LJtn~~SOLA;' ~CCES S REQ- !:7" l;at $q F~ I. 'f T.. c-'"-,,,~ I, - -- --,.~,. · of $e"r""~es I '0' ! J ~. 14 ..a ..t1'"~':3r~ ~c~.J.=cr~.J ;---...I:l L-COG~ I ~ot ='~::€'3 - I I :l [ 1'0"''';([ lEes:; IsO'_<" IWest "'~::e/C.;r's= E~c:....-::O"'3 :"-:.n'1.cre TJ:"a I I . I I 1 I I I I . I I , , I ;6~ I .WlI 1/3001. I. ~~': ':!?: COMe- "~.c~lc Toooql'C:'rry C04L-ae-sac I::: f 1'1:," 5' :-C ( /aLU..:;! 'A=-C;::Oo2' :'.:r=.-cr':' 1.Je'C'css,,".1 I I ISDC IS: I ~".~! IA!...:e I..C'Z....r.CJ EI.4.':.l.d::.r..g Perr-t.; Sbt:a. Su.:nc1'/.J1"qe Totel. ~.a..-g<lS ~-. I ~~~W'es I Pe3u.:zntuzl. 'I I Sar1.t.::roj Se-~er I "cte..... I -lea be;h) I I rt.c C-.A~::~ Pl.Q'1b-:.r.g Per--t. t Stats SurcJ-~e Tcta! C1u:::!".zes I :~~'J I :'es Sa f~a NaJ/E-.-tend C1.l"C"'.l1.:s IT............ _:! SertnC8 I n I I I ...."J-_=G~ EteC'tMcal PeJ-'Lt St=ts S~::r~ae '!'ot:zl cr..c:r-=es 1:1':" ~ -s:: F'!d-.:cp ?!'TJ'S "l.- E:::".cu.st H~ I Vent ~::n I ":>oestc Je II C')_Pf:: /c5CfJ Pe!""'rl. t 13su..::nc2 'feC'r.a71-:'C=l. Perrr..t Sta~e Su.rC~7€ "I",.,-=~ 7. rrcr""!r I ~,IC=:::AC~. ': '::' ge~~~~J ~2=03tt I Stor=::B I.~nter..::r..:'~ /p"--rr.t J Tc,,;-::! cr.c-"C3 !eur':C"'..I: ! S'L.:1e:.JQL< I C"e"...=e l:1cc:l"-cc: ~~':PZ : 1{cCt.~d n~8 I I ! I I i I /3,00 t'TAL ~ 'OU\":: cu!: . I , I i I II II II :..er....1 EC"'...I.r~es :::ea:; .3"'':=~C;<'S --:=.::e ! J..::C:JSS I I ~C'...s~ I I I ..Ie"'2!' ~<,,~~<,," :ranee --:. reo '..c.ce ..Icoa~ ;.:n e :'2es J I I I I J I I j I ,. I I I I Building Value & Permit TJ-t.s perm-:.t t..1 gr'Crtted on the 6%pre8s cond1.tt.on :;"'"at ths sat.a :011struC:-:'07t sna~Z, -:'11 all ~escects. c011fc~ ~o tne Ord1.nar~e =do~eea oy the =~td of S01""~ng~!.eld, :..ncZud-:.na ;re :or-:.M Crd-:'7IIIT'ce, reaulc:;-:.r.a ,:re ccrs:-..lC;-;..cn. ar.d use or ~u~ia~ngs..ard m~t ~cvsu~Denaed or "~voYec ~t cry :-:.-e ~~cr u-:.c- lat:..on or .:::ry pr::JUt3tors ot sa-:.c ~rdt.".ances I P'la,. Creek Pee ICa':~ Pa-:.d IRec<,pt # IS'-red Plumbing Permit No person shal.l. cons~..lct. -:.ns:cZ!. a!ter or cnange cny ,.~w cr e-~stt.r~ pl.umot.r~ or ~1.nage syst~ -:.71. ~nole or 1.71. part~ urless such ~erson 1.8 tre legal posseasor of a lJalui olwnae:r's 1.1.c871.se. e:cept t;"'.at a oe:'301'l rr.a:f do pl.W-bV1g lJork to prooerri wh1.ch 1.8 owned~ Leased OT' ooerated ~y the appl.1..- oant Electrica I Permit Where Sta~e LaJJ requ1.res tr.at the electr-.ca1. work be acne by at" stectr1.caL Contractor, the eLectM.cal. portt.on of tht.3 pe:-n.t shalt roOt:: be ual.t.d urt'LL the ZabeL has b~en 3t.g71ed by the eLectrt.cal. Contractor Mechanical Permit ., Pl.ar t.::c-nner /.JC.':2 I I I. I . 1 j I f I 'j/{-''^ ~-I4...P~:/7-f;':f I HAVZ CAliE:'UUS SU\!I lED be conro!~t.ad atlol..cat'LOn '"Or :'e'-rtt.-;, ana do hereoy cer;..J:'y that al.L 'I.-:'o-.a:t.on hereon 't-s true aro.d correct, a:nd. I fl.l1'trer cel'';7.t:1 tr.at Jni ar.d aZl r..ork 'CerTQMed 3haLL be do"1e 1."'t accor- aaro.ce .JZ.:h ;112 Or:L7L:ZTI.Ces ot =,.~ C:.ty of 3oM.ngf'tc!.d~ and ~h.z [,c:..s of :I"'a St.:lte of Orea:m D.;::r-:.:;:..nvna to tre uJOr'( desc:-~bca. ;"cre-:.n~ O'f.d tr.a:: VO CCCY- PI'lCI Ut-l: oe ~de of cnY.3t-uc~~e ~tho....r.t 03~SJ1.O~ of the 3u~Zdtng~- tlts-:.on I t1.r-::h2r -::er-:-:.f.j that o"1ly -::ontra.:tor3 ar.d ~l..;yee3 ~"..o are tr oa-pl..ance ~;h CRS 701 05& w1.l.l. oe used or th7.S proJ3c::