HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1988-12-2 ------ - Ir." , " , , i ~ i , ! , : . . . . i , j ~ ! . , " . - . i . city of sprlOgfieJd 225 n 5th street INSPECTIONS' 726-3769 '\ I N FORMATION 726,3753 ~ SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDR!:SS) I 70 I L!:GAL DESCRIPTION OI-INER OR PROPERTY E 1..1<'5 J,) J} 1'_ F_ ,pi 2/ </)- (fO N n: ^,^/IA L 'JY>t/ ,r- P FO TAX LOT ']< PHONE 7 t/ '7 - ?) t../ ,)- ADDRESS .ZIP ;> -"" T h /tA-/ /" .PHONE OlINER OF ADDRESS ,fl';:.,& SIGN (IF OTHeR THAN PROPERTY OWNER) ptJ i?d/r ,~f~ NAME OF BUSINESS. FIRM, ETC TYPE or Busn'ESS 8 'e TYPE OF WORK STPUCTURAL TYP!: OF SIGN [). USE AND CPJlRACTER OF SIGN ...-m;:NTI TY _INCIDENTAL L--IlllUBL!: FACE _ERFCT _ALTER _HALL FREESTANDING _RELOCATE _OTHJ:.R flITAc..../ _ROOF _PROJECTING _MAROUE!: _UNDER IIAROUEE _OTHER r.. ., /;4- I' H 77J F,{.,t..~ J7lA lV/JuVI..---' _SINGLE FACE --,"ULTI-FACE _READER BOARD _BILLBOARD E. VENDORS, CONTRACTORS SIGN EPJ:CTOR . r f?,r' /.? 'lID ~o iflJt P"..7v.1(Z;./ PHONI: f.DDP"::SS CITY LICENSE Nl.l'lBER SIGN IIANUFACTUPJ:R (IF OTIlER THAN ERECTOR) ADDPI:SS ZIP .EXP DATI: I........ ./ \;? II PFONE F. DlllFNSIONS, IlISTALLATION & CONSTRUCTIOn .it) k f'r G EXISTING SIGNS ARE TlU:RE ANY EXISTI!1G SIGN,? ~ NO , - - I~ lx 7" "'l1TlJ!1BI:~ SIZF IN SO FTG ALL EXISTING SIGNS. I (( Sf2.- FO~ EUSINI:SS, ETC I o ~)" 7l>7'A I... f..(()Y't.-- IY"x .1'.:;",,:, ( rk.x..s-f".-;I "~1y TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEPTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF SIGN DINI:NSION FROM GRADE TO BOTIO'! OF SIGN II- ,.,. I (j r/ q/ :J., " -~ TlIICKNESS OR DEPTH DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND /' PROPI:RTY LINE? _YES k:::.NO IF YES, DIHENSION BEYOND PROpI:RTY LINE NOTE IF PROJECTIOn IS llORE THAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TPF SIGN ERECTO~ IIDST FILE WITH THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HISJHFR LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DANAGI: INSURANCE pOLICII:S H lIILL SIGN HAVE ELECTPICAL WIRING? AltJ IF YES, WHIC~ APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN __ILLUMINATED (INDIP~CTLY LIGFTED) ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOr. ADDR!:SS LISC NUMBER PI'ONI: .. , ; j .J 1 ~ I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR I'ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OF WOO I) J'SITE INFOPllATIOll (LAND U~F) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (nR LAST USE IF VACANT) ~tKr J ,.) 4/IVc ~.I K .." i VALUE OF SIGN / Of) .1)0 . ~ i . , 1./i.. ~., _INDOOR BUSINESS (lUTDOO~ ~ERCHANDISING PROPOSED USE OF BUILDINC OR LAND . , , L I HAVE CARFFULLY E~IINED the completed appl.cation for perm.t and do hereby certify that all 1nformat~on is true and correct. and I further cert~fy that all work oerformed shall be done in accordance w1th the Spr1ngfield S1gn Ordinance. the Un1form Sign Code as adopted by the C1ty of Sprlngfleld and all other Ordlnances of the City of Sprln~fleld and the laws of the State of :Jregon oertainlng to t'1e work descr:ibed ht:...e.Ln r furt'1er certify that rr1V ~:!.Z" CO'1tractor Li- cense Wlth the Clty of Springfield 1S 1n full force and effect as reoulred by Sprlnpfleld Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2) I w.ll request all requ.red sign .nspect.ons listed on the approved permi t NAME (PLEASE P~ ,/;j II 11/ SIGNATURE /~ _, ~r;J ~ II ..,.,I"II:~I. L..".. ............ "....M.' ..., .. b-. Y7 u);:? f:- j,-,/ q/,-~ DATE ~/ /'7/1'5/ ~ -- r ( ~ .' ~ I PLEASE READ 1) Separate 5120 A~ol~cation A separate appl~cation is required for each separate sign as defined in the Sign Code 2) Electr~cal Any permit 1ssued under this appl~cation w111 include wLring in or on sign structure, the suppLy W1res for connectLon must be covered on an electrLcal per~t Electrical connectlon must be made only by a State Llcensed Electrical Contractor Illu~nated signs (both lnternally and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springf~eld S~gn Or- dinance 3) Plans ReQUlred This application is to be submitted with two complete sets of plans showlng dl- menSlons and helght of Slgn. advertlsing message on sign, location of sign on property with di- menSlons to property lines, structural details of support framlng, bracing and foot1nes, mater~a1s of construct~on for S1gn and s~gn structure, electrical equ~pment and lighting, size and locat1on of eX1st1ng s~gns on property for the same bus~enss, all as requ1red to determine comn1iance w1th the Springfield Sign Ord~nance (Article 7 of the Springfield C~ty Code) Also"show the follow- ing information on the plot plan (plan show~ng property lines and location of signs) a) Show the location of all exist~ng sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s) b) Show the lengtn of the street frontaRe taken up by the busine~s or bui~d1ng For wall s~gns, show tot!: length or \..n~ Dllll.d10g frontage c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways 4) When required. because of des1gn, size, etc , en~ineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pare~ hy a 11cer~ed eng~neer or shall conform to design standards on file at the BU11a.ng ~~V1- sion Office 5) Plans of insuff1c1ent clarity or deta1l w1l1 be returned to the appl~cant with no per~t be1ng issued , a q ~ 8) S~gns must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in F1gure 9 of the Spr~ngf1eld Comprehens~ve Zon1ng Code NOTE No sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vert1cally from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts. or less than 5 feet 1n any direct10n froc overhead electrical lines which are energ1zed at less than 750 volts If a s~gn is not installed w~thin 60 days after the date of issue of this permLt, tne permLt shall be v01d Inspect10ns 6) 7) 9) a) Site Inspect10n - to be made before the sign is placed Usually, the Footing Inspect10n (1t appl.~cabl.e) may be made at the same t1me as the Site Inspection 'J:ne .foot1ng lnspec- t10n 1S to be made after hole(s) is eACavateQ, out prior to tne placement of concrete Final Insoection - to be made upon complet10n of all work hlectr1cal - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the s1gn is erected and before the sign is turned on b) e) CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 FOR OFFICE U~E ONLY SIGN DISTRICT C::::A-?R ZONE DISTRICT JOB fi P>6o ~'<,l....t TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REQUIRED INSPECTIONS SIGN PERMIT FEE /:3) ~c:> ( _SITE/LOCATION _ELECTRICAL OTHER ,k...T'e;---.- ___,ETHOD OF ATTACHMENT X-FINAL ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE 90 4'7. STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL /5. -= DATE / ~ - 2. -<;$Y RECEIPT /2 R 5/ CLERK ~J1 __ ~ J._H-~~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED .--- , APPROVED BY ~/h.\f\~ \0 013 llATE SECTION SPRINGFIELD SIGN ORDINANCE . ,,; - -- .r .