HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1985-2-3 city of springfield 225 n 5th street w SPRINGFIELD . INFORMATION 726-375: T<.J~ g ;;-Cd.c13 INSPECTIONS. 726-376~ SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDReSS) I 7 (') c:::: l:FN \ \~"') 1\\ lAG LeCAL DESCRII'TION /"7 ~.iS .2.> .3 </ TAX. LOT -~ ,;) 3. '7 '" Cl O~mER OR PROPERTY C( l~ Q'( _ t( (")k':1D ~ PHONE ADDRESS \ r,0c"" () V:::-II\I N 1\-;' (N IN I14C .zIP OlmER OF SIGN (IF Onu:R THAll PROPERTY OWNER) lJ12. DAIJ/_ ~1.::AR.\NEN WI 1...\ Ci')/.!2,t)iR!r- feD ( EI )rl-K--w1S (')Q, (1)\q..: IC13-5 97<./0/ ADDRESS B. TYPE .9YWORK -0RFCT _ALTER _RELOCATE _OTIll.R PHONE 40--,- - '-I $I t.,C:, TYPE or BUSIl'ESS-.J1..'\ ISv)i C pq (, NAME OF BUSINESS, FIRM, ETC C;. STRUCTURAL TYpe OF SIGN _I1ALL ~STANDIIIG _ROOF _PROJFCTING _MAR(1UEE _UNDER 11AR(1UeE _OTHER D USE AND CP.AIlACTER OF SIGN ~lTITY INCIDENTAL ~UBLe FACE _SINGLE FACE _~ULTI-FACE _PEADER BOARD _BILLBOARD E. VENDORS. CONTRACTORS SIGN EReCTOR tr:=-N -('j) $2,1 Q-/,N 'f[ 'WE:OV~ J.DD~-=ss_1 c;oO H-U){ Q-9--1\\ 0)Tn~r}-~ ~CVE CITY LICENSE I1tl'1BER '47_0 ") -:;;;, 'it ~~ PHC/.'!: qtj7:~q/7IJ OIflF ZIP.q ft.../2C/ SIGN I1ANUF ACTUReR (IF OTIlER TF.AN ERECTOR) ADDPCSS .EXP DATE 5!,::;\^AI~ PPONE F. Dll1FIlSIONS, lllSTALLATIOIl & CONSTRUCTIOn '"' I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE ~ VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN ;i/II! &; I HORIZONTAL WIDTIt OF SIGN '7/ DUlctlSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTO~ OF SIGN G EXISTING SIGNS ARE TI!l:RE ANY EXIST!!IG ~IGN~? _YFS ~ l'tJllBe~ SrzF IN so FTG TIIICKlIESS OR DEPTH 7 /2..,/ ALL ~XISTI~G SIGNS FO~ EUSINess. eTC DOES SICN PROJECT BEYONDN ~O PROpeRTY LINE? _YES &/"in IF YES, DUlE.1SION BEYOND PROpeRTY LINE NOTE IF PROJECTIOn IS !lORE THAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY T~ SIGN ERECTO~ IIDST FILE WITH THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/HFR LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DA}lAGe IIlSUPJlNCE POLICIES , I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR I'ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OF $TIi"'; t-J - .~(~T 1M V~"Tf1. L.. -.Z. (-FfIAtAI 8..lA.C,T1L H. \lILL SIGN HAVE ELECTPICAL tHRIHG? *5'7 IF YES, WHICP HPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN ~ _ILL~INATED (INDIP.FCTLY LIGHTED) ;;:> ELECTRICAL COllTRACTOr.. &r-,,, M' ,>-1/<....- , ADDRess ;:;b:C?.z--"'-"----'~, "'" r:et."€.~ LISC NUMBER .Pt'CNt: 0/ ~ . J SITE INFOPllATIOll (LAND U~F) __ EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (0R LAST USE IF VACANT) /7e' ~ ,c E'5"S' .-crn.../A:;1--..( ) ');:=.~,,-~ - K'VALUE: OF SIGN /.<:;00 ':::::1NDOOR BUSINESS _ourDOO=< I<ERCHAllDISING PPOPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND Fn-k-. r7'-".- P1-Jf"5dve=:- I L'I HAVE CARFFULLY E~IINED the completed application for permlt and do hereby certify that all informatlon is true and correct, and I further certify that all work oerformed shall be done 1n accordance wlth the Spr1ngfleld Slgn Ordlnance, the Unlfarn Slgn Code as adouced by the C1CV of Sorln~field and all other Ordlnances of the City of Sprlnpfleld and the laws of the State of Oregon oertainlng to t,e warl.. uescr...beeJ hta~l.n I furc'ler certify that MV ':~~,., Co"\tractor '41- cense wlth the Cley of Sprlngfleld lS 1n full force and effect as re~ulred by Sprlnpfleld Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2) I wlll request all required slgn lnspeCClons llsted on the aporoved pemlt NAIIE (PLEASE PRINT) LA-ICRY ROu'?7'lN..Sc)/I\! SIG:1ATURE ~--th/ /.;/~tt-/"UU.//L V. ~ .DATE ~/<?;/><<-' . . PLEASE READ 1) Seoarate Si~n Aool~catLon A separate application is required for each separate sign as defined in tne Slogn (,.ode ElectrLcal Any permit issued under this application y~ll includ~ wlring in or on sign structure, the supply Wlres for connectlon must be covered on an electr~cal per~t Electrical connection must be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor Illuminated SlgnS (both internally and externally) must conform to Sect>ons 9-]-4 (4) & (5) and 9-]-18 of the Springf>eld Sign Or- dinance. 2) 3) Plans Reau1.red This appllcation is to be submitted with two complete sets of plans showing di- menSlons and helght of Slgn. advertlsing message on slgn, location of sign on property with dl- menSlons to property lines. structural details of support framlng. bracing and foot~nfs, naterials of conscruct~on for S1gn and s~gn structure, electrical equipment and l~ghting. size and location of ex~st~ng s~gns on property for the same busienss. all as requ~red to dete~ne comnliance w~th the Springtield Sign Ordinance (Article] of the Springf>eld C>ty Code) Also, show the follow- ing 1nformatLon on the plot plan (plan showLng property 11nes and location of SLgnS) a) Show the location of all ex>sting sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s) b) Show the lengtn of the street frontage taken up by the business or building For wall sLgns. show the length of the b~ldLng frontage c) Show the locatLon of entrances open to the public and driveways When required, because of des~gn, size, etc. engineered draw~ngs and calculations must be pre- pared by a l1censed eng1neer or shall conform to des1gn standards on file at the BU11d~ng Div1- 610n Office Plans of insufficLent clar1ty or detail w1l1 be returned to the applicant with no per~t beLng issued Signs must meet corner vision clearance reqU1rements as described in Figure 9 of the Spr~ngfield Comprehens1ve ZonLng Code NOTE No SLgn may be erected which 15 less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts. or less than 5 feet 1n any direct10n froe overhead electrLcal 11nes wnich are energ1zed at less than 750 volts If a S1gn is not installed with1n 60 days after the date of issue of this pe~t. tne pe~t shall be void InsoectLons 4) S) 6) 7) 8) 9) a) Site Insoect10n - to be made before the sign is placed Usually, the Footin~ Insoect~on (l.t appll.caole) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection Tne .t'oot1.ng l.nspec- tion 1S to be made after hole(s) is e~ava~eu, out pr10r to tne placement of concrete Final Insoection - to be made upon completion of all work. ~lectr1cal - all electr1cal SLgnS must be inspected for electr1.cal hook up after the sign ~s erected and before the S1gn 1.9 turned on b) c) CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 -O~ UFFlC~ us~ UNLY SIGN DISTRICO~.4'" ZONE DISTRICT C,u. K JOBU~ '\'0;) 9-~ SIGN PERMIT FEE 15 ,00 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN ~~ REOUIRED INSPECTIONS /' SITE/LOCATION ~FOOTING OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT L--EU;-';;~CAL ~ _OTHER ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE /0.06 4'1. STATE SURCHARGE 5/CJ TOTAL ~~ 4() 4-d-"?,-gs RECEIPT &,455Q 1- ~(L CLff ) 'J DATE CLERK SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED APPROVED BY l f~. DATE f,- ~ r~ ~ -- . ----) "'--7'- -- SECTION c;_ '7_ ? , SPRINGFIELD SICN ORDINANCE