HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-5-27 . Ii'l':;VECTIOrl LlllE 126-3709 Job Address \ II D legal LIT! UF SPRI,MIElD CDI1BldATION APPLICATION/PERMIT Owner ---I I 7J:t\ I /- E'IERry SOURCES Heat 'later Heater RanGe ValuE of \Jark NFORI1AT v j L ,~ 726-3i53 So Ftq I,aln ~Q t:"t9 Access So Ftq Other fJe'... Add P' ter neo -Fence Demo Change/Use -Other -- -- I I cRJ l..j lit;; If+ Address v 13ullclnQ Pernllt Into Descnbe IJorkll e . BUlld Slng1e ~~Ae~~~'J,~tpar~~~) (IJ{ 0()() !. ~]~/~,(J()O ~~ (11C5 no) (exolresl (onone no ! Address Ul:.SIGH TEAr1 (narn~ \ Phone (address) Pnmary Structura 1 Electncal ("J"'\Q 6 <:;1 ~ I a'-ll7I'J c: h,)' ~ " '1echamcal cornRAcTORS l. (name).J " Genera I ( t~ 1M P / {~ N1/ Pl umbl no 0 v Ll Oi. (J (address) 4fM M~bnl~DI ~lp)Jt!,(Px4-;S)()qWJ()(Ohnnp nn I a . (I ElectrlCal /lechanlcal PlUtIBlIlG ELECTRICAL MECHAN r CAl , ! I ~ --ITU CHARGE '~ Resldence of '"--"--U~ '""""'/ "0 , I q:-~ JJiAE!;L Each slngle flxture Relocated bUlld'mg- (new f1X addlt1onal) furnace/ourner to BTU's New clrCUlts alts or extenSlons Floor furnace and vent S F Pes1dence (I bath I Duplex (1 bath) each SERVICES Recessed waJ 1 SOnrp npntpr nnd vpnt I I 10f COt1f1 IIND FEEDERS Install/alter/relocate dl~trlh fpprlpr~ afllps I ApoJ lance vent C;POil~.:ltp Statlonarv evao cooler Vent fan \Jlt~ slnole duct Vent syste~ aoart from I heatlno or A C I'lechamcal exhaust hood and duct I I Addltlonal bath Temporary Construct1Qn Change 1n eXlst1ng rp~ldpnrp multlfamlly. com~ or rnrl!J~tr1<11 ~'ater serVlce Sewer Storm Sewer I I Of amps ~Iood stove/heater k n l\ {luLJ 1 /J~(){fj ~J. I' '-!yO < I I TOTAL CHPRCFS .1 TOTAL CHARGES IIHEPE STATE l \1/ REQUIRES that the Electncal work be done by an [lectncal shall not be val1j unt1l the label has been s1gned by an Electncal Suoervlsor ISSUAf'CF OF PFP'lIt, c4 TOTAL CHARGES Zone Flre Zone I HAVE CAPEFULL Y EXA'lINCD t1e comp 1 eted- apo-l 1 c-atl-on for- lJermlt. -and dO--herebv cer6fy -thai- all mtorrlat 1M 'hereon 1strue-'- and correct, and r further certIfy that any and all work nerformed shall be done In accordance WIth the OrdInances of the CIty of Sorlngf1eld and the Laws of the State of OreClon oerta1mng to the work descnbed here1n. and that rw OCCUPAf.ICY wlll be made of any structure wlthout the permlSS10n of the 8ulld1ng Dlvls10n I further_~er fy that my reqlstratlon wlth the BUllder's Board IS In full force and effect as requIred by ORS 701 055, that ;~emot the aS1S f exemo 10n lS noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and coployees "ho are ln comollance wlth OPS 7n( 55 \J111 bused thlS or~ct /' / I:AIIE(please pnnti f\ ).::1. V'lQlj m 9Y}1IT/" SIr':ATURFV/. ,(/.41"//(./ '~OftTE~"-; I J FO(") IH I'" lL.:.. USE OI1LY / -r II ( /i Tyoe/Const VOlts So Fto raln x Valu Bedrooms Occy Load So FtQ Access x Va 1 ue Stones Occy Group Sq Ftg Other x Value Flood Plaln BUIlOH:G PERIlIT Cha rges anG Surcharges 1- TOTAL VALUATION ------------ Plan Ck 65t1Bldo Plan Ck 30%lBl do Fence Corrrn/lnd Ppr Fpe Res Per Fee Systens Development I Cha roe (l 5") PlUI1BH:G PERI1IT Charges and Surcharges ------------ Demo ElECTRICtl PERt'IT Charoes and Surcharges I1ECHANICAl PEP,1IT ChargeS, a~d 0 1- Surf!1a6,}\~ 'f/ () Sldewalk A/C Pavlng ---LD_~__ Curb Cut Irotal fOrrlb - j TOTAL I rerml t ------------ \ \~ ?O --- 1 COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) Appllcant to furnlsh A Job Address B legal Descrlptlon 1 example- Tax Lot 100. Lane County Map Reference 1/ 03 43 2 exam~le- lot 1 Block 3. 2nd Addltlon to Springtleld Estates C Name, etc of owner and constructlon lender o Energy Sources 1 examole- heat/electrlcal celllnq/or forced alr OilS 2 exam~le- waterheater/electl leal/or solar E Square rootage or va1uatlon, etc ----- 1 examole- 1250 sq foot house 500 sq foot garage 2 example- lfInew ~rDJect. check-new - If add,tlon. chee)... add, etc r F BUlldlng penmlt lnformatlon 1 .examole - construct slngle famlly house wlth an attached garage 2 examole - remodel eXlstlng garage 10tO famlly room 3 examole - convert slngle famlly res,dence 10tO restaurant (change of use) G Value of wor~ as deflned In Sectlon 303 {a} of the Structural Speclalty Code H DESIGI~ TEAn AND cornRACToRS To avold deslgn or constructlon delays. BUlldlng OlvlSlon Staff must be able to contact approprlate persons regard1ng deslgn 1nformatlon or Job slte correctlons, etc II Abbrevlated Plumblng. Ilechanlcal. & Electncal Schedules A Except \lhere blank soaces occur In the descnpt10n oortlon of the Mecnanlcal and ElectrIcal Schedules, the appllcant need f1ll~ln only the No Boxes adjacent to the doproprlate ltem(s) to be lnstalled B Full Plumb1ng. l1echanlcal, and Electncal Schedules are ava11able at the BUlldlng 01V1Slon 1 To conserve space on tne perm1t form the schedules nave been aobrevlated 2 If the 1tem{s) to be lnstalled are not covered on the abbrevlated schedules you should consult the full schedules C BUILDI"G OIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AilO CHARGES 0,1 THE SCHEOULES o As noted on the CAP. the label must be del1vered to the electrlcal contractor for Slonature by hlS electr1cal suoerVlsor The general contractor 1$ not authorlzed to Slon the e1ectr1cal label III ~ppllcant~to slgn ana date wnenever Doss1ble. the lnlt1al appllcatlon wlll be used as a Horksneet only l~nere posslble. BUlld1ng Olv1s10n Staff wlll preoare a type wr1tten copy and return lt to the dopllcant at the tlme the actual perm1t 1S lssuea for h1S slgnature IV Fees ana Charges Plan cneck fees are due and payable at the tlme of the appl1cat1on. and no plans \/111 be processed untll tnese fees are pald All other fees and cnarges are due and payaole when the permlt 15 lssued V FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY t . . PERMIT VALIDATION Permlt Clerk ~ J3-,;;i!61 0'P \ 1 Permlt appllcant exempt from reglstratlon wlth the BUllder's Board because Addltlonal ProJect InformatlOn PLANS REVIEWED BY name slgnature date . .1 ] LASS INt 1. ~~,,;, insu,* decks 1 ~I;~~~-~~ A (joint t taped) j Slope Range 1/'Z' to 1 1/2' 1 \ \ J -l~. lllJ~~!l - - '1- ..........'I.RCOtoGv.s ""-SO........,,,, I \ I ~,- -" I , TMM"lAV"'$COOlGlA$ SUA'>.cE ~YfY".,v 1:0&' '~io . .:io,IIlI.".<.J......ill...Ii.I...~A1lI:,. .lo,..1 I. Il 1.11101,,1.0.. ..,.._.a.lI...~...lll_."...--' Mat...I.1s required per 100 square feet of roof area shall not be less than the following Approved Roof Insulation 100 sq ft Conbase Type W 1 IV - 1 ply 25 tbs Conply Type A.IV - 3 pIles 33 Ibs Asphalt. plies 120 tbs Asphalt. surface or 25 Ibs Emulsion 3 gat Accessones and flashmg matenals as required .. J .... Jo, ~ . ,II, ... ,..",". "" --.., , APPLlCATlON** WOOD INSULATION STOPS the same thickness as the insulation shall be Installed at the edges of the deck and around all prOjections through the deck These stops shall be 6 Inches Wide or 1 Inch Wider than flanges being naded to them THE ROOF DECK shall be firm, clean, dry and smooth dunng application of Insulation and felts ROOF INSULATION shall be applied In approved manner With jomts staggered CONBASE TYPE W l-IV shall be applied at fight angles to continuous JOints of surface to be roofed and lapped so water flow /s over or parallel to, but never against the laps It shall be lapped 2' ons/des and 6' on ends CONPL Y TYPE A IV shall be applied so that the flow of \r'\Iater IS over or parallel to, but never against, the laps All end laps shall be at least 4" and adjacent end laps shall be at least 1 Z' apart Embed three plies of Conply Type A IV In shingle fashion, lappmg 24-3/4' Embed the full Width of each ply sheet In he asphalt applied at the nom mal rate of 30 Ibs per 100 square feet Each ply shall be lightly broomed, uSing a moderately soft commerCial pushbroom, as It IS applied All plies shall be turned up Z above the top of the cant and shall be solid mopped to the cant and vertical wall Coat entire surface With uniform solid mopping of hot asphalt, uSing not less than 25 Ibs per 100 square feet or Conceat CC-20 emulSion, usmg not less than 3 gallons per 100 square feet ON SLOPES EXCEEDING 1-1/2 per foot asphalt shall be applted at the nommal rate of 251bs per 100 square feet per ply Roofing shall be applied parallel to slope of deck On slopes Z per foot or over, the ply sheets shall be nailed to the nailers 18 from the back edge of each sheet VALLEYS AND WATERWAYS shall receive an extra layer of Conply which shall be at least 36" WIde and shall extend at least 8" up the Inclmes out of the valleys ThiS ply shall be laid pnor to the application of the roofing plies -5Refer paragraph 2 1 of "General ReqUIrements" for proper meftpolnt of asphalt for slope Involved HAil application requIrements from 'General ReqUirements" section are conSIdered part of these specifications ! ; ~ i . ; . , '''' ol._..I" I ~. "". ..,;,_,.. ..."......., '. ""0' ","",,,...., " "II 0.' I II.