HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1989-2-6 y "Ill.. . II I I ~l. II~,;,;,". " , L I Ii" ,oJ I . III 11lr;,' "~.. .-.. ........~...... 1~_'.IIIIl...1 .~- ----~.. ~-~,,,..~->- -.~ .~ ._,~~~.--,._-,_....,.,~ INFORMATION 726-3753'! ~ city of springfield 225 n 5th street , - SPRINGFIELD -~ 1 INSPECTIONS 726.3769 ! SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRCSS) 1717 Centennlal LeCAL DESCRIPTION n /()~ --1fJ ';64 . i TAX LOT A 1~7j)O o,rnE~ OR PROPERTY Clark Roeder, D.D.S. 1717 Centenmal PHONE ADDRESS ZIP NAME OF BUSINCSS, FIRM, ETC AMW Northwest Speech & Hearlnq CllnlCs PHONC TYPC or BUSIt'CSS OlINCR OF SIGN (IF OTI!CR THAN PROPERTY OWNCR) ADDRESS Same 8 TYPE OF WORK ~ERFCT ____ALTER RELOCATE OTlIJ:.R c: STPUCTURAl TYPC OF SIGN D USE AND CEARAC7CR OF SICd HALL ..x-FREESTANDING ROOF PROJECTING --X- IDCHTITY INCIDENTAL X DOUBLf FACE SINGLE FACC ~ HAR0UEC ____UNDER 11AR0UCE ____OTI'ER 1'1lLlI-FACE RCADER BOARD BILLBOARD 3 t.DD!U:SS Clark Roeder Same C, 10 I \", vO (\ /V ~ E VCNDORS, CONTRACTORS SIGN CReCTOR rIIONI: 746-9552 ZIr CITY LICLNse NlJ'lBER EXP DATC j l l SIGN 11ANUrACTUReR (IF OTHER TfutN EReCTOR) Imaae (;rFlnh 1 r,c.::. ADDPCSS LlS7" \\1. 11 th PFnNE ":>11?_llOa F DD1FNSIONS. 1I1STALLATION & CONSTRUCTIOII G EXIST PIG SIGNS TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVC GRADE VCPTICAL DIHENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF SIGN DUlCNSION rROl1 GRADC TO BOTTO.1 OF SIGN THICKNESS OR DEPTI! 3' 2' 6' ARE TI!CRE ANY EXISTI'IG orGIS' X YrS rIO l'UltBe" STH IN SO rTG I' ALL EXISTING SIGNS FO~ BUSINrSS. CTC Spnngheld Profess. Ctr 1 40 8" DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROpCRTY LINC' _YCS '~NO IF YCS, DUlCNSION BEYOND PROpeRTY LINE NOTe IF PROJFCTIOll IS flORE THAN 12" OVfR PUBLIC PROPERTY TPE SIGN ERECTO"- 1ruST FILE WITH THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HISII1FR LIABILITY AND PPOP- ERTY DAHAGC INSUHANCE POLICICS H 11ILL SIGN HAVE CLCCTPICAL IHRIHG' IF YES. IJHICI' PPPL Y' CLeCTRICAL _ILLlrlINATCD (INDIR"CfLY LIGPTED) ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOr: ADDRCSS LISC NUHBER PI ONe n~ SIGH I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR l'ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OF MDO p!ywood , , pressure treated'posts J SITE INrnPllATIOI1 (LAND lIoF) -- CXISTING USF or BUILDING OR LAND (nR LAST usr IF VAC~NT) Ofhce K VALUE OF SIGN -#,190 -*INOOOP BUSINess OUrDOO" flCRCHAHOISING PFOPOSCD USF or BVILOINC OR LAND Gttlce L . . I HAve CARrFULLY EXAHJNED the completed appl~c'1t~on for nerm~t and dOl hereby cert~fy that all ~nformatlon is true and correct, and I further certlfy that all work uerformed shall be done 1n accordance wlth the Sprlngfleld Slgn OrdInance the UnIform SIgn Code as ~doDted by the Clty of Sorlngfleld and all other Ordlnan<...cs of r-he Cu"y of Sprlnr;fu.ld and the laws of the State of Oregon oertainLng to t1e worL oescr4bed n~LeLn I :urt~er certLfy that MV ~_rn Co~tractor ~l- cense WIth the Clty of Sprlnpfleld 15 1n full force and effect as redulred by Sprlnpfleld Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2) I WIll request all requIred SIgn 1nspect1ons 11sted on the approved pernll.t NAHE (PLEASE PRINT) '-..... R. ,E. Hartbauer, ~rx&~/?J//PA ,"_ 1.4J, 2J ~m Ph.D., NW Speecn & Hedrlnq CJlnlCS DATE Januarv 19, 1989 SIGNATURE L ,~."'.. 'T" '. " " J PLEASE R-:A\J 1) Separate S~gn ADP1~catLon A separate applLcation is required for each separate sign as defined in the SLgn Code ElectrLcal Any permit ~ssued under this applLcatLon wLll include wiring 1n or on sign structure, the supply Wlres for connectlon must be covered on an electrlcal perrolt Electrlcal connection must be made only by a State Llcensed Electrical Contractor Illuminated signs (both lnternally and externally) must conform to Sect>ons 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Spr>ngf>eld S>gn Or- dl.nance 2) 3) Plans ReQUlred This appllcatlon is to be subrnQtted with two complete sets of plans showlng di- menSlons and height of 51gn, advertlsing message on sign, location of sign on property with di- menSl.ons to property ll.nes, structural details of supoort fram~ng. bracing and fooc~nls, materials of construct~on for s~gn and s~gn structure, electrical equ~pment and l~ghting, S1ze and locatlon of eXlst~ng s~gns on property for the same bus1enss. all as requ1red to determ~ne comnliance wlth the Springfield S1gn Ordlnance (Art1cle 7 of the Springf1eld C1ty Code) Also, show the follow- 1ng informac10n on the plot plan (plan show1ng property I1nes and location of S1gnS) a) Show the locat>on of all ex>sL>ng sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s) b) Show the lengtn of the street frontage taken up by the bus1ness or build1ng For wall s1gns, show the length of the bU1ld~ng frontage ! I c) Show the 10cat10n of entrances open to the public and dr1veways When requ1red, because of des1gn, S1ze, etc , engineered draw1ngs and calculat10ns must he pre- pared by a l1censed eng1neer or shall conform to design standards on file at t~e BU1ld1ng D1V1- Slon Off1ce Plans of insuff1c1ent clarlty or de tall wlll be returned to the appl1cant wlth no perm~t helng issued Slgns must meet corner V1Slon clearance requ1rements as described 10 F1gure 9 of the Sprlngfleld Comprehens1ve lon1ng Code NOTe No s1gn rn3Y be erected which 1S less than 12 feet horlzontally or vertlcally from overhead electrical conductors ln excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet 1n any direct10n fron overhead electrlcal Ilnes which are energ1zed at less than 750 volts If a s~gn 1S not 1nstalled w1th1n 60 days after the date of issue of this per~t, tne perIDlt shall be v01d Inspectlons 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) a) S~te Inspect10n - to he made before the slgn ~s placed Usually, the Foot1ng InSDect~on (~t appllcable) may be made at the same t~me' as the S1te Inspect10n The .foot1ng Inspec- tlon lS to be made after hole(s) is eACavateu, out pr10r to toe placement of concrete b) F1nal Insoect1on - to be made upon complet~on of all work c) clectr1cal - all electr~cal signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign is erected and before the s~gn ~s turned on CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON TIlE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 fJIII/! 11----- FOR SIGN DISTRICC/rmmiJl('iOJik DISTil!t TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN /7_ REOUlRED INSPECTIONS \/SITE/LOCATION \/'FOOTING OR METIIOD OfFICE USE ONLY trnl!./ JOB If gq (')() ~--3 SIGN PERMIT FEE 0 /6 a:=- l OF ATTACHMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE ELECTRICAL OTHER FINAL 4% STATE SURCHARGE II,}'J /6~ 710ItlRECEIPT/3/13 ..5 M (U-vc TOTAL DATE CLERK , SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED APPROVED BY %t OM th Iff~' C, 1f?~Lltj[) r : SPRINGFIELD SIGN ORDINANCE DATE 'J"/(J / ~ 1 SECTION