HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Verification 1985-7-18 ... lJrn. OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Pubhc Works 1885.1985 Spnngheld CentennJal year July 18, 1985 Ml ss Lynda Korth McKay Investments 2300 Oakmont Way SUlte 214 Eugene, OR 97401 Subject. ADDRESS Dear M1SS Korth. Please accept thlS letter as conflrmatlon that the addresses of your bUlldlng on the northwest corner of Centennlal and 18th Streets are' West Unlt, 1780 Centennlal Boulevard East Unlt, 1782 Centennlal Boulevard The followlng companles and/or agencles wlll recelve a copy of thlS letter 1. Sprlngfleld Flre Department 2. Sprlngfleld Pollce Department 3. U.S. Post Offlce 4. PaclflC Northwest Bell 5 Northwest Natural Gas 6. Group W Cable 7. Sprlngfleld Utlllty Board 8. Lane Councll of Governments 9. Lane County Assessor 10. Lane Electlons Department 11. Sanlpac Slncerely, ~z;,L.'..---J Sldney E. Hammond Cl ty Surveyor SEH lc Flle ADD 1-1 ~ CC BUlldlng Dlvlslon~ 225 North 5th Street · Spnngheld, Oregon 97477 . 503/726.3753