HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1993-4-1 SIGN PERMIT APPLlCATIOI~1 --- '"PflINCFIELL) ....MP'1 fit. JOB .'UMBER Cl?{)4ZL ClfV ["3 <?"-<? BUSINFSS NAME, FIRM E fC ~ SIl f ADDRESS __LT1LL _ ~.3-,d <? ~~yL J:~.l"A------5.fl~~5\.~)-J J I\..,SESSORS MAP ____ Ilcr~~~2-~____ __ MXlOf I OWNrIl l'lr ~.a+-_ -J:-ILV~:r.i1'L""~ ---Ga------- PllmlC -':12S-Lj7/f I\DDrlESS 'J..:) (j(\ QA\{.:m~ ---u.la_'f __ -S.1A_!ir 1., U:i___ STATC -Dj~Q_n~ (j ~,~ ('/IA04- 225 Filth StrcLt Srflnaflrld, OR 97477 Inspertlon Line 726-3769 Offlre 776-3759 /) y 2!iJ - ;;VZL/ U-v, ".-yr-.;, ZIP Cf7l.f lJ/ _ JL...i~'C,J"L_13 ~tlsf- DESCRIPTION OF PROpm,ED SIGN(SI (please check and complrte .III appropriate Information) ~WJII Free'italldlng ProJectmo Roof Marquee ~ Slllqle I-ac l Double Facp BIIJIH1Jrd Oll,"r Squdrc fnnt"lJe _ -hL~,:o)- Total Hel[lht above Grade (l~) 'i(' /, /J Vert" "I DlolI'n51011 nf '"JI1 or, oclosure _ -J,- ~_ ____ Homol1tdl Width 01 Slon or !'Oclosure --2.+.J DllnrllStOn from Grade / ,; [lC( tnc..lllllst.lllatlon Yf'S ~ No VALUE ~\ r 6~ to bOltOIll 01 Slqn Enclo"'fI' (.Aj>r45-6- (If Yl" ad~It'( tflcdl rerllllt" requIII dl OF SIGN]) \ b"J Mdtc,,"1 SIOI1 "LOIIS""1 led 'II <;-,~" \\,""'~ \.E J Llq AU eXI<:;ttng 5lCIIl<H]e ;::md attach a photoqraph of 83ch sign lal fyp" ~~"- _Q"",,-'L_ S" fHJ __l!:I_ __ (11) Typp Sq Ita (II Type Sq flU (11) lypp Sq t 10 COI"1 RACTOR/INST AI LER _ _~p.l..1....__ r -.f-5___ , I\DDRrSS ~LS_oJ..__J-<1>:t4I<k'" I::I.!:!JL-. - wo..<j PHONE CITY ~_u ~4,",--Q.. _ STAfE--':'ar.~^~ IZIP ~!::I...t!S"----- --6 Y-Y-Z.2.___.__ EXPIRES __Q_J CS - cpf- EXPII1ES Lo,3D q:Q,- CONSTRUCTION CON mAC1 OltS RCGISTIlATION NUMBEIl q~ffi3~ CI IV BUSINCSS LICENSE NUMBEI1 OFFICE USE ~ r J/JL0 SIlJfI DIStflCt('1)((\ Lind Use ,,~h rD OtJad Are 1 Code Section q- r; - /1- L I ') . Arproved By ~ )~rfJC)QJ? JoATI- :~:Lr:'q3 -' n, '\. Q(\ / - Slqn Ptrrllll Fce ~ ~___ __ ZOIlII1O 11EOumm INSPCCTIONS ~ Slle __ _ 1"0011110 Attdcllrnpflt '__ ~Iel trlI al V FIlldl lO be made rmor pnor to pial emenl ler fa~tenrrs arc prior to l'nerql71ng ..t;nPletlon of 'llgn to <;1011 placement of concrf'te Installed/pnor to cover electrical Installation InstallatIon I\dd~~~;\~n:/o~11?Q~~~-1fOO~~oA By slaflalure, t stote ,lnd ogree, that\ hdvr co'ef~'d tile YornPll tpd applicotlon ond do hereby cerlily that olllnlormatlon herell1 I~ true and correct, and I fUrl her certify ttnt any and dll work performed shall be done In accordance with tile Ordinances of the CIty of SpflrlDlleld, and the lclWS 01 the Statl' of Oregon pertaining to the work descnl>f'd herell1 I further crrtlfy that only contractors and employees who are In compltance with ons 701 OS5 Will be llsed on thiS projCLt ~lflu I furt!H'r aqree to ensure that all required In\pcctlon<., are reque~ted dt tile proper time, that proJe,ct address IS readable from the street, th<Jt thp pprmlt card IS locatPd at the front of thc propprty, and thp approved set of plms WIll remalll on the site at all tlmc\ dunng the 1I1stclllatlon 01 the slon(sl 01(cj Signature L ~~ 4(), cD, 0102S Date Xf:aA pU 11ecelrt NUl nbi" Received By 9l~/qq.3 4,~ Cf-3 ,~~-) Vcllrd,lllon Amount Rct clvrd DJtc PaId ""--,., SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION The application on the reverse side needs to be cOl11pleh d cntm'ly If you arc the Sign contractor/Installer, or If you arc hiring a contractor, you need to make sure that both the City of Springfield BUSiness license Number and the Registration Number from the State of Oregon Construction Contractors Board 1re listed on the .Jppllcatloll along wIth the eXpiration date of each If the sign you are proposing to Install IS Illuminated, an electrical permit application aha needs to be completed and Signed by either a supervIsing electriCian, limited Sign electncal contractor, or If you are the bUSiness owner who also owns the building In which you are occuPYing, and you Will be' performll1g the electrIcal InSlallntlon yoursplf, you may Sign the electrical application If there are eXlstmg wall and/or freestanding slUns, 8 photograph(s) of each oXlstmg sign needs to be attached to tho applicatIOn The Size of each eXisting sign also needs to be Ilstpd on the applicatIOn PLAN S To submit for a sign permit, you need to prepare two complete sets of draWings shOWing all drrnen'Jons, total height, and a plot plan Indicating where the proposed,slgn will be located If you are Installing a freestanding 'Jgn which exceeds 20 Ieet In total height, the fooling detail n~eds to be prepared and stamped by a registered engineer or architect After the plan review process IS completed, and, If your slgnls)IS approved, one set of plans Will be returned to you The approved set of draWings need to be at the site when an Inspection IS requested for the Inspectors reference INSPECTIONS Depending on your slgn{s), you may bp required to requpst one or all of the followlllg 1l1SpectlOns dUrlnO the Installation of your sIgn SIte To be requested after indicating on the lot where thp proposed Slgll Will be located but prior to any work being performed for the installation of the SIgn ThiS Inspection IS rcqulled If therp IS a question on the locallon of the proposed sign , Footing To be requested after excavation {lnd the forms arc ulstalled but prior to pounnu conclcte If there Will be electrical condUit placed In the footing, It must al<.;o be III place pnor to requestIng thiS inspectIOn Attachment To be rf'quested when all fasteners are In<,tallcd but pnor to rover Electrical To be requested after the elcctncdl connection to thr sIgn IS m.lde, but prior to en('rglztnq Final After all requlfed Inspectlon'i are conducted and approvpd and the sign II1stalla110n IS complete " The inspections that are reqUired for your sign installatIOn Will be indIcated on the application dunng the plan review process Failure to request ANY 01 the reQulfed tnSpeLtlOns could (('suit In ~Ign removal III order to Inspet t the sign at the reqUired Illtervals of work To request an Inspection, phone 726-3769 ThiS IS n 24 hour recording On the recordmg you will nepd to leave your City io., DeSIgnated Job Number, location of where the Sign IS belllg illS tailed, the type of IllspectlOn you arc rEqucstlllg, and when you Will be ready for the IllSpectlon All inspections called In to the r('cordN pnor to 7 00 a m WIll be made the same workmg day, all Inspections phoned In alter 7 00 a m will be made the followmg work day If you h<Jve any questIOns regarding the applicatIon, reqUIred plans or Illspcctlons, please feel free to phone the BuddIng Safety DIVISion at 726-3759 CIly of Sprlllgficld BUlldmg Sal ely DIVISl(ll\ 225 F,fth Sb ecl SplInglield, OR 97477