HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-10-12 -JI" I HISPECTIOff LINE 726-3769 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COMBIIIATlON APPl-ICATlON/PERMIT f :.... ,(. -/~ E'IERGY SOURCES LVAA 11 O/Yl nA 0.1/ Heat legal Oe'cnptlon 17-C:>;r<?S-~", a.s7~ Ilater Heater ( : .~ I Owner ~C&YLJ~ 0/' ~tuL~ . .. INFORllATlON liNt 726-3753 Sq Ftq fiaTn ~q r:tg Access Sq Ftg Other New Add Al~er oep --Fence Demo Change/Use -Other -- - ~ cr I Ic--J (J) Job Address ) g-tJ 0 Addre~s Phone Ranqe ValuE ofJJ1~t971 BUllr1ndlPernnt'Info Descnbe lIork(l e . BUIld Slngle Farn'v ~es,dence li,th P.ttached Garaoe) !/R/YvIf) rI-p ~ c-1/ MIl .AU~ J CCHUY ~ rf (j II/H) Sd,J If~ . ;z,R/;=;"#/~~ P/5/""/YC~~ . (11es no) (eXOlres) (ohone no ConstructIon lender Address UES lliN HAIti (name) Phone (address) Pnmary h1/c:::::#~~ ~H /lEr /H~/.<::S'..R 'i Structural El ectn co: 1 11echanlcal COf!TRACTO~S (name) r/\ Jaj/,{J L , (/)/.J9ljL-<J_ r -I! () ~ laj'''~ l I7ruJ rui; fCI'l-----" (l,r.s nn) (f>X[)lfPS) (ohnnp nn ) Genera 1 // ':iJ1tf'OO Q-3o - >?1-::z':r.i"'z/37~::- PlumblnCl C; i!e/h-/;____ E1 ectn cal ~1echanlcal PlQlI1BHI~ ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL NO I :3 Eac~ ~nn~le fixaur~ 'I !FEe: 'I f:l-lIARhE ~ I 7-5'" 22".:2: NO I Res1dence of I t-"l="l=" I CI-IARf,l=" NO I 11="1="1=" I Cl-UI.Rf,1=" SO FT furnace/burner to BTU' 5 RelOUltM bi;,Jt,og (new fi~~ ~rl~~t1ona]>> ~ New C1rCU1ts a1ts or extenslOns ."'D":- '7 L>JE::. /YJPr>"" SERVICES Z?SZ Floor furnace and vent S F R'E'S~I<<ff!fl.cE' 11 ba~~) Duplex (1 ho~.l eac" Recessed wall SOnc.e heot~r anrl vent Sewer I StOrfil Sewer 1 Of amps Apo11ance vent seaa rn tf' Stat10narv evao cooler J Vent fan w1th s1na1e duct Vent syste~ apart from heat1nQ or A c Mechan1cal exhaust hood nnd duct \Iood stove/heater Add11.HJnal :ba"lLh Temporary Constructlon Change 1n eX1st1ng rpsldpncp mult1fam1ly. co~ or Tnrlustnal ~Ia ter sEruit:~ C0I111 II NO FEEDERS Install/alter/relocate rl, stn h fpprlprs Of amps. 1 TOTAL CHPPJ;I<; '27 - 50 TOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE UII ~QUlllfS that the Electncal work be done by an shall not he wali1 ~nt~l the label has been s1gned by an Electr1cal ISSUANCF OF PFRllIT ~_~~ TOTAL CHARGES [lectr1cal Contractor, the electr1cal portlon of th1S perm1t Superv1sor and returned to the BU1ld1ng 01v1s1on I HAVE rAREnLLl~ [~~!NED t1e completed apnllcat10n for perm1t. and do hereby cert1fy that all 1nformat1on hereon lS true and correct~ a~~ [ ~rthPr cert1fy that any and all work performed shall be do accordance w1th the Ord1nances of the C1ty of Spnngflf'ld arnd the Lall!5 of the State of Ore~on oertalnlOg to the work de nb here1n, and that rw OCCUPAtKY w1ll be made of any struc~re ~thout ~he perm1ss10n of the 8ul1d1ng 01v1S1on I furth cert}fy th y eqlstratlon w1th the BUllder's Board 1S 1~ f~11 force and effect as requ1red by ORS 701 055, that lf exe t the bas x mpt10 1S noted hereon, and that only subc~~~ractors ~nd ~loyees who are 1n comol1ance w1th OPS tnl 055 wlll b s a on th DrOJ t BUlLDING PERNIT Charges and Surcharges I U5E CO{:)E#&:Z '-/ , ~ I Plan Ck ___L"?-$_?_'e_ 65%1BJda 1'/ I Plan Ck 6 7 ~ 30%/BldQ 22_e-c::::> I Fence ------T~3-1 06mo "2'2 -52? 1 Sldewalk ------------ TYl>e/Const Bedrooms Ston es S-/IJ,R' Um ts SIr,NATURF FO" OFFICE ~~F ~\ IV U . '11 Value Sq Ft~ Access~ x Value '/il-Z Sq Ftg Other3.c-M""~ value.iZ.$97 ~. TOTAL VALUATION omJJ" , 9Jn I~AIIE(pleas. ~nntl---.DA.,', ..l I lA );1,,>"'" Zone.J? ~ F1re Zone Occy Load OcCy Group Flood Plaln Comm/l nd Ppr Fpp Res Per Fee 10-(2-\$ 1 100 r3 ~^?'7'7 Systecs Development o ::l ,c:> 'Iu'O>::>L.- CharQe (J 5~) 1-/.4 PLUI1BlNG PERMIT Charges and Surcharges ELECTRICPL PERI'IT Charges and Surcharges /./3 A/C Pavl ng Total Co~b Perm1t 11ECHAN I CAL PERMIT Charges and Surcharges Curb Cut 1 I TOTAL 1$2 /9 J . COMBINATION APPLICATIONIPERMIT (CAP) Appllcant to furnlsh A Job Address B Legal Descrlptlon 1 examDle- Tax lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 11 oj 43 2 example- lot 1 Block 3, 2nd Addltlon to Sprlngtleld Estates C Name~ ete of owner and constructlon lender o Energy Sources 1 example- heat/electrlcal ce,11nQ!or forced alr qas 2 example- waterheater/electrlcal/or solar E Square footage or valuatlon, ete ----- 1 example- 1250 sq foot house. 500 sq foot garage 2 example- If new proJect, check new - If add,tlon, chee k add, ete .. ~... F BUlldlng permlt lnformatlon 1 example - construct slngle famlly house wlth an attached garage 2 example - remodel eXlstlng garage lnto faml1y room 3 example - convert 51ngle famlly resldence loto restaurant (change of use) G Value of work as def1ned In Sectlon 303 (a) of the Structural Speclalty Code -H DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avold deslgn or construct1on delays, BUlldlng Olvlslon Staff must be able to contact approprlate persons regardlng deslgn lnformat10n or Job slte correctlons, etc II Abbrev1ated Plumblng, Mechanlcal, & Electrlcal Schedules A Except where blank spaces occur In the descrlptlon portlon of the Mechanlcal and Electrlcal Schedules, the appllcant need f111-ln only the No Boxes adjacent to the approprlate ltem(s) to be lnstalled B Full Plumb1ng, Mechanlcal, and Electrlcal Schedules are avallable at the BUlld1ng Olv1s10n 1 To conserve space on the permlt form the schedules have been abbrevlated 2 If the ltem(s} to be lnstalled are not covered on the abbrevlated schedules you should consult the full schedules C BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEOULES o As noted on the CAP, the label must be dellvered to the electrlcal contractor for slgnature by hlS electrlcal supervlsor The general contractor 1S not authorlzed to $lgn the electncal label - III ~ppllcant to slgn and date Whenever posslble, the lnltlal appllcat10n w1ll be used as a worksheet only Where posslble, BUlldlng Olvlslon Staff wlll prepare a type wrltten copy and return lt to the appllcant at the tlme the actual permlt lS lssued for hlS slgnature IV Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the tlme of the appllcatlon, and no plans wlll be processed untll these fees are pald All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permlt lS lssued V FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY . 'If J, , PERMIT VALl,DATION ~ , jO {p 5~ f?.- -q~~1 , . . - Permlt Clerk cJ/ I - , Permlt appllcant exempt from reglstratlon wlth the BUllder's Board because Addltlonal ProJect InfQrrnatlOn , , " " PLANS REVIEWED BY Lp8.h'&: h!5Z;~Slgnaturv7~~date "".- - v /' name /I~ 5'-87