HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1996-5-10 zcrlj, ri ar~J do'S.. rl~ r'fqulre speci'flc Wind tJM app....\.,l' Zonlll\l e ~ 97477 Dot. S-IO fl.& 726-3Z6':1., ... _ <::; fl 3. , COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOII 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON INSPECTION REQUEST: OFFICE: 726-3759 1. ~ATION OF INSTALLATION t!1J1l (',,::, H1=A JA',IIU ,!;Lvl). S-rF....J-- , A. New Res1dent1al-S1ngle or Mult1-Family per dwell1ng un1t. SerV1ce Included' LEG't-f5~~~ ~'\- 02N1J Sum Items Cos t $ 85 00 1000 sq.ft. or less Each add1tional 500 sq ft or port1on thereof Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dwell1ng SerV1ce or Feeder JOB DESCRIPTION ALARM SYST"M $ 15 00 Perm1ts are non-transferable and exp1re 1f work 1S not started w1th1n 180 days of 1ssuance or 1f work 1S suspended for 180 days 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY $ 40 00 B. SerV1ces or Feeders Installat1on, Alterat10ns or Relocat1on. Electncal ContractorADT SRr.llRT'T'Y $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only Address_ 1501 Pearl Strppt, S,,;~.e....l\ Phone (503)342-J.:l1 C1tYEuQene. 97402 Superv1sor L1cense Number R-1777 TT" EXp1rat1on Date 10-1-Qh C. Temporary Serv1ces or Feeders Installatlon, Alterat10n or Relocat1on Constr Contr Number 59944 $ 40.00 $ 55 00 $ 80.00 see "B" above 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 volts Exp1rat1on Date 4/29 Signa~~~trlclan Branch Circults D. , Owners Name Et.jEf'-M~ ;:::a,...",,- Addressl;'.a." (1=, J:t=J.' 04., 6Lv/),. c;,.-.=t..:>.. New, Alterat10n or Extens10n Per Panel $ 35.00 One C1rcult Each Addltional C1rcu1t or wlth Serv1ce or Feeder Perm1t Phone~J /'2(". .9:lSS' C1 tl1 ~IIJ"";:'C.I ,) $ 2.00 OIlNER INSTALLATION E. M1scellaneous (Serv1ce/feeder not 1ncluded) -Each 1nstallat1on Pump or 1rr1gat1on $ 40.00 Slgn/Outl1ne L1ght1ng $ 40.00 L1m1ted Energy/Res $ 20.00 L1m1 ted Energy/Comm $ 36 00 _~ 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE .3(",,00 5% State Surcharge i, liO 3% Admln1'itrat1ve Fee J.,o'iJ. TOTAL ~s? 57<:1: The installat10n is belng made on property I own WhlCh is not lntended for sale, lease or rent. Owners Slgnature: -------------------~.--~-cx----------- DATE: ~,,)'\\J \(n ) t'(-'1/"') RECEIPT II: , n. \ 1\ V\XA / RECEIVED BY: ~-' '\0> _ J n-.'\ \-'<'