HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-5-1 " SPRINGFIELD fit"" /~I'~.}lf=tlf.}~ '41 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION BUILDING SAFETY Job Number 225 North F~fth Street Spr~ngf~eld, OR 97477 Off ~ce Inspectlon Llne Locat~on of Proposed Work 1825 CENTENNIAL BLVD Assessors Map # 17032534 Lot Block Tax Lot # Subdlvlslon 07302 Owner FLORENCE HOLM Address 631 EDGEMONT WAY Phone # 747-2653 C~ty/State/Z~p SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 Page 1 980473 726-3759 726-]769 Descrlbe Work MANUF HOME & CARPORT NEW Canst Contractor Contractor # Exp~res Phone General GOODEN HARRISON 0066447 05/07/98 689-7762 1441 HWY 99N EUGENE OR 974020000 Plumb~ng GOODEN HARRISON 0066447 05/07/98 689-7762 1441 HWY 99N EUGENE OR 974020000 Electrlcal HERITAGE INV 0063137 12/27/98 688-1600 1042 HARN LANE EUGENE OR 974040000 QUAD AREA 2 RNW # OF UNITS 1 CONSTR TYPE VN WATER HEATER E OFFICE USE -- LAND USE 1150 ZONING CODE LDR # OF BDRMS 3 RANGE E # OF BLDGS OCCY GROUP HEAT SOURCE SQ FOOTAGE To request an 1ospect1on, call the 24 hour recordlng at 726-3769 1 R3 FE 1188 All lDspectlons requested before 7 00 a m wlll be made the same worklng day, lDspectlons requested after 7 00 a m wlll be made the followlng work day REQUIRED INSPECTIONS --- FOOTING - After trenches are excavated SLAB - To be made after all lDslab bUl1dlng serVlce equlpment, condult plplng, and other equlpment ltems are 1D place but prlor to concrete MANUFACTURED HOME SERVICE MANUF HOME/MOBILE HOME SET UP - When all block~ng ~s complete MANUF HOME/MOBILE HOME ELECTRICAL - When block~ng, setup, and plumblng lDspectlons have been approved and home 1S connected to MANUF HOME/MOBILE HOME PLUMBING - After home has been connected to water and sewer ROUGH ELECTRICAL - Pr10r to cover FRAMING - Pr10r to cover CURBCUT - After forms are erected but prlor to placement of concrete SIDEWALK - After excavat10n 1S complete, forms and sub-base mater1al 1n place SANITARY SEWER LINE - Pr~or to f~ll~ng trench STORM SEWER LINE - Pr~or to f~ll~ng trench WATER LINE - Pr~or to f~ll~ng trench FINAL ELECTRICAL - When all electr~cal work ~s complete FINAL BUILDING - When all requ~red ~nspect~ons have been approved and the bu~ld~ng ~s complete FINAL SET UP - After all requ~red ~nspect~ons are approved and porches sk1rt1ng, decks, vent1ng, house numbers, etc have been 1nstalled Lot Faces N Solar Approved Y Lot Type >0>-; -z 0 c: :r -<;;:-;Ci.i ;:;:;;::r - O-U panelO ~ ::0 m 00-::0 >m1its: -<oo=; -UOc:CJ:l ~::02::r 0- 0 > oCl>m:= :>>:Om ~:r!x Z_-U 0"'55 o-um Zm- m::O'" O~:r! "'-;m 0Ci.i< :oZ< 00 -;~ 2: o :i o rn .. INTERIOR SPRINGFIELD ,,' " " ""- .(f!~i~ ~~ Job Number 980473 Page 3 DRIVEWAY REQUIRED TO BE PAVED 2 STREET TREES REQUIRED By s~gnature, I state and agree, that I have carefully exam1ned the completed appllcat10n and do hereby certlfy that all 1nformat1on hereon 1S true and correct, and I further cert1fy that any and all work performed shall be done In accordance wlth the Ordlnances of the Clty of Sprlngfleld, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertalnlng to the work descr1bed hereln, and that NO OCCUPANCY w1ll be made of any structure w1thout perm1ss1on of the Commun1ty SerVlces D1vlslon, BU1ld1ng Safety I further certlfy that only contractors and employees who are ln compllance w1th ORS 701 055 wlll be used on th1S proJect I further agree to ensure that all requ1red 1nspect1ons are requested at the proper t1me, that each address lS readable from the street, that the perm1t card 18 located at the front of the property I and the approved set of plans wlll rema1n on the slte at all t1mes dur1ng constructlon 1\_ -~"- -Ai 4I2~ ! ~ '--ilgnature' / c) 5 -{ -'if€> Date --- VALIDATION Date Pa1d J')("l~ 6-{-91 1. o:;r/ :jf> 3 :? C, { cr10 Rece1pt Number Amount Recelved Recelved By SPRINGFIELD ".. II..... ?~I,'!I.Jl(:{t1.}J.'t Job Number 980473 House Garage N 18 18 Setbacks S W 27 6 27 E 17 5 Item Maln Garage FTG/PERIM FOUNDATION Total Value BUILDING PERMIT --- Square Feet x $/Square Feet BUlldlng Permlt Fee Surcharge/Admln TOTAL FEE (A) --- PLUMBING PERMIT --- Item Sanltary Sewer Water Storm Sewer Plumblng Permlt Surcharge/Admln TOTAL CHARGE (C) --- MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS --- Moblle Home State Issuance Surcharge/Admln WILLAMALANE SDC ELECTRICAL PERMIT SYSTEMS DEVEL CRGS TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS (E) (Exclud1ng Electr1cal) unless otherW1se noted TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (A, B, C, D, and E comb1ned) --- BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT --- Page 2 Value 57,126 00 0 00 1,716 00 64,246 00 68 50 5 49 73 99 Fee 25 00 25 00 25 00 75 00 6 00 81 00 105 00 20 00 8 40 1,000 00 88 56 2,014 27 3,236 23 3,391 22 ThlS permlt lS granted on the express condltlon that the sald constructlon shall, In all respects, conform to the Ordlnance adopted by the Clty of Sprlngfleld, lncludlng the Development Code, regulatlng the constructlon and use of bUlldlngs, and may be suspended or revoked at any tlme upon vlolatlon of any provlslons of sald ordlnances Plan Check Fee 36 73 Date Pald 04/22/98 Recelved By DON MOORE Plans Revlewed By LISA HOPPER Date 04/24/98 BUlldlng Slte Revlewed By LISA HOPPER Recelpt Number 29501 --- ADDITIONAL COMMENTS --- CARPORT REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY DON MOORE 4/29/98 JOB NO Cf904-73 ATIACHMENT A CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET NAME OR COMPANY r-LO"-E"NC<S- J-Io U-l LOCATION E ""f< I ~Tt-f i C~IV-r';:"ho,)/A'- . DEVELOPMENT TYPE M t= No;.,!: BUILDING SIZE lOT SI7r SO Ft 1 <;TORM ORA HI!!r; F - {I 88 Mr}-J6"-f€ :- 2.7......4-+ 3Z"f- CAfl..pe.Il...T -= 1"2.. yz..7 ~_ 2.'''- Vfln...$"__.t\i" 1'2. Y , g IMPERVIOUS SO FT 172...,% - ,,72.1 X $0 226 PER SO F'T $ 390.5"3 2 SANITARY SF,ER-[TTV NO OF PFU S }~ (See Reverse SlOe) 3 TRANSPORF'10N x $~6 86 PEq PFJ $ 84-1. +'k NO OF UNITS X TRIP RATE X COST PER TRIP X I, (J I X $472 49 $ 4-77. '2.1 X X $472 119 $ X X $472 49 $ 4 SANITARY SEwFR-M~Mr DUI~ NO OF fft::r-S X 27Z76PER FEU + $10 MWMC/ADM FEE $ Z.P.7.7b. MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) $ - 80." ~ TOTAl -MWMr SDr $ 207. 17., SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1 23 & 4) $. .JqJ~3) 5 AOMINISTRATIVF FFFS BASE CHARGE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) X 05 $ 9\. 72- ~ Date 4-- z1-qB SDC Coordlnator TOTAl SOC $ /,(")/427 I-I^ I un.... UI\l11 \"H....\""ULJ-\ IIUI\I I J-\DLC. Number of New FIx'" (NOTE For remodels, calculate or 1e NET additional fixtures) NUMBER OF FIXTURE TYPE NEW FIXTURES Bathtub Drinking. Fountain Floor Drain Interceptors For Grease/Od/Sollds/Etc InterceplOrs For Sand/Auto Wash/Etc Laundry Tuo/Clotheswasher Clotheswasher - 3 Or More Mobile Home Park Trap (1 Per Trailer) Receptor For Refrigerator/Water Statlon/Etc Receptor For Commercial Slnk/Dlshwasher/Etc Shower, Single Stall Shower, Gang Sink Bar, Commercial, ReSidential Kitchen Urinal, Stall/Wall Wash Baslnflavatory, Single TOilet Public Installation TOilet, Private Miscellaneous CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE calculate credits separates I Based on assessed value Year Annexed Rate per $1,000 Assessed Value s:<~ 389 383 370 355 339 320 291 Gl979 or before 198Q-- 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 L Credit for Parcel or land Only If Applicable Improvement (If after annexation date) 'S X Unit EquIvalent = FIxture Units "2.... ""2- "2- TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS UNIT EQUIVALENT 2 1 2 3 6 2 6 6 1 3 2 i/Head 2 2 1 6 4 FIXTURE UNITS 4- 2- 2- "'2- l5 19t If Improvements occurred after annexatIon date In table, Year Annexed 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Rate per $1,000 Assessed Value $256 2 17 1 73 131 092 074 061 045 031 017 .~ $f 7 X $ 20, 1/0 (Rate X Assessed Value) X $ (Rate X Assessed Value) = = CREDIT TOTAL = $ . . RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR STORM DRAINAGE (For Estimating Purposes Only) heSldenc,al Commerlcal Industrial Governmental 04 09 05 05 IMPERVIOUS AREA = TOTAL LOT SIZE X RUNOFF COEFFICIENT !f/J...... ~~.C Job. No. ~ ttA-~5 .. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE " ~ I WORKSHEET '=Y\oYl~nrCL \ 11o'uYl PHONE :\4-1 '2~l2SS ADDRESS. In ~ \ 61f'~OOTJ~ ~STATE G-e- ZIP Q1471 LOCATION OF PROPOSED BUILDING SITE' J Street Address, \?-/L~ ~ Qf\\tN\\C&. \ ~(\ Tax Lot Number I ~D'?J Q534-01~ NAME Plat Name 1. DEVELPPMENT TYPE (Check appropnate dwelltng(s) SDC calculaltons and dwelltng t ype delinltlons are on the back) A. SmolA-F8mllv DAt8~hAci Single Family home "I Manufactured home not In a park I X $1,000 per unit = $ I DOO LO NO. OF UNITS B ,Smole-Familv Att8chAci NO OF UNITS X $924 per unit = $ C. Multl-Famllv Aoartment NO OF UNITS X $692 per Unit = $ D. M8nllf8ctllmci HomA P8~ NO. OF UNITS X $699 per unit = $ $ /000 OD WILLAMALANE SDC 3. TOTAL WILLAMALANE NET SDC ASSESSED (If sac reduced for Credit) \lm~l~{}p~ Development SeIVIC}~ Department City of Spnngfleld - ~5 I Date fI $ WOO DO / '7 <( $ 2. SDC CREDIT (d appltcable) SDG-payer must furnish proof of Willamalane Credit approval See SDC Credit Worksheet