HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-2-22 @ "RESID'NT~AL" r COMBINATION APPLICMION/PEP.MIT ,- SPRINGFlEUl , 225 North 5th Street SpnngfieZd, Oregon 97477 Bu~Zd~ng D~v~s~on 726-5755 .'ob Loa~t.on /q 3<..) (J (J /l 11 /lJ1/ 0 f Asaesaors"""'; /1-01-1c; -Lf~ ra::: Lot # fJ1x M> SUCa'Ltn.3t.on - JnSPA)A ~~!Po~~ I q ,:::;~J-! (I oj I'r.one (c;o+ /rL /lL It Q.mer Addres3 c..bj n I"!,, n Add::.~C1l n Remodel n ll(Jbt.Z.~ goma Date of Ap~l~t~ :'on'traC~r8 Ceneral Plumb't.7lg E'Ze.,'tM,eaZ '!e~han..c.:l Conatruatton tends!' ~4(f)-q50/ 4 ;</11 Z.o De.serr,De Work 3 /:XC<5: 17 3,!Uf- tuD Lf7 $-Lrt: d bdh ~ Va!.. 3.f'9 {)O Aad..-es3 --=+I.SI1, r 2:;,-f7\ 1M _ -:J It 't.8 -:hs respon01.b1.Z..t.ty of ehs permt.t ftOLdtzr to 8611 that all. t.nspect1.ons are ,..ads at ;hs cropu ttnS" tl..at ec:ch .::ddres8 t.S rea=a.=:e ,"'rom the 8treet~ and that the pernn. t card 'L8 l..:Jcated at w front of ths propert":j -Su1.!d::."1fJ 1/'!.l)1.=to... at7p1'O'Lea plan shatz. l'ematn on :h8 Butldtnq S1,.t~ at all. tU1lS8 PPocrDUO'! Fan INSPECTION RE..QllEST CaU -;tf" . - ~ccordsr} stat. your Ctty deBt.gnated Job 1tU11".ber, Job at1.drcss, t1PQ of 't~pectt.cn l'flqUested ar.a wl:en hOU ..n.I Z. b. ready for.. ect'"..on, Contractors -'r C(JnQrs nc11le a:nd whane numDC!' "equssts rece1....ea ::ercre 7 00 c:;- ...'1.z.z. be maas th& sams dt;y, requsts mads af a' 7 ao (;1f z.n.lZ. ba nrJdg tw ncrt .JOrhng day 7 Z~ - 37 (Oq YOW' C<ty D.__o4 Job IhmIbtzr Is g cSt 0 / 5 / o;,U'J1.,t"Ji... r...'W"...":'T:.~<< D SIT! nl~C':IO," To ba nr:Jd.JJ aft,", a:cavanan, b1.&c prt.cr tc 88-: up of fo,.,... O UND?'lSLAB 'LUMBING, ELECTRICAL & l!ECHliNICAL To Os mada bsfore any '.IiOrk :'8 .::ovusd o FOOTING 1. F'OUNDATION To bs mdQ arter trB'ItCftes are ucavated and forms ere ersc't8d, but prt.Or to pow-..nq ccncrtst. U"lDtRG"OUI'D rJLUM!!nlG. SEWrn, WiTE!?, Df?AIflAGE To bs ~ p1"t.or to f1.~- ~t.r.g trenches r.nlDEOFWOR "!.-U!'BEIG & "F:cr1ANICAL To bs maae ::;nor :0 -:.nsra~z.at"t.on of j100r 1.nsuZatt.on 01" dechng POST AND 3EAM To be nr:zde pM.01" to "l-nstatla:U7t of fioor ;..n8L.l.at1.or. or dsch.ng 9.QUGR ~r:.u'~BI"JG\r::r.EC'!'T?!CA[' ~ l.fEctJ- ANIO L Va ..;ark t.s -;0 DC eOl-ered ~ :;hCS8 ~nspec-::.07's flaVe been mads and az:rol'Ovc. :'I'OEPLACE Prwl' to P lCC1.r.g +"cat.ng ma'tena~8 and b6jore frarm-ng t.nspec- ::-1.0,. o o o o o o .....P.A1!I~'C !....l3t bs l'8CUestsd afte.r crupl'Oool or "'OUfJh pl.wr.b1.ng, alec'tM.- ~L & 7'echan~aL AU 1'Oof1.'1'I/] braC1.1'Ig & ch'tJ1T1f.cysJ et.:: lTT'..l8t be com'Ols"Ccd '/0 !JOrk '!.s to os con- cealed unt1.l th1.8 t.nsOBCtt.cn has !JS8n rrr:uie a1'Id approved o ='I1/AL PLWBIlIG o 'INAl 1.fE~HANICAL o ,-I,VAL ELEC'r" ICAL o 4;:)./.'3 JJCUJ1 O ItVSUT..ATION/VAPOq PAP.FlIER IVS"~C-:IO"i To 011 mads atti1r aLl. UlBUl..:t:t.07I a!".4 'l"ClqU':J'1Ui vapor Oa:l"%"'t.4r8 are t.n p Lacs Cut eelers a:ny lath, gypsum board or wz.z. cover'!.ng t.8 c::pPl1.edJ and befors any 1.naul.att.on 1.8 conceaz.ed DR~ALL IllSPEcrroN Ta bs made aftar all. crywn t.8 t.n pLacsJ but: pnor to c;ny tarn.ng O MASDNRY Stes! !oaanon, bend beam3 J g:rou :1.ng or Jertt.ca La t.n aacorodance z.n.th U B C Ssctwn ~241S ,{IJODSTOVE After U'lSt:alZa"Cum '!.s ccrr-p l.a t€a D o CURB & A]7OPOACl1 4PDf)N .::::re erected out prt.or ~n...'"r6ta Afte:o ""onns to pOUP'/..ng , "?cee':.:n; ~ F/cIO(() o SIDE:WALx & DRr/EWAY Fort aU aon- crets pav1.1'Ig ~th1.n strs6t ~grt- of-WOJ~ to be madlI aft8'l' aU uca- vat"'..na acnroLilts & .Ol-T wrk & :;uo- Datta ~tert.al 1.n p~e wcxs:ls-+O lK. ~ IS,(;6 ,&0 --- o .'7Nct ;{her ccmro~te -- Provu:e ga"tas or l'Iovcwls ssctu;:ns ;hrcu.gr pus <' ;5,wO S"c;rea Data ~c1~/ d-,-}5-,f~ o Lisc # t 2~t.l'cs Pr.o't'e I DF'-fOidTIO'J OR '10'7' 3",Ii::: /GS I :J Sam.::ary Sm.J6!" ::arpec. =t ;:oti'.~ Z1.rs ~ Sspt1..Z ta:n.k. p-..;70,za ,z--.c f...Z.'Zaa _'t.th ;r"tr.Je: ---, P'!.nal - l'hen r.uJ:Jve t.;;:;"'lS are ~...rrplsted --.J a:r.d lJhen :ierrc:t.t':.or ~iJ cor--=l.s-;e or struc- ture MOVed ar..::: prc:;-t.3iiS :: -eane.= uo I \fob!. Za Hcmes 1 . :=J alockt.ng and Set-~~ :=J Plum::nng eonnect~~ns -- awe!" end ....a-::8l' ---, E2ec~~~l Ccnnect'L07l - B~eK~r~J 8et-uc --.J a;nd pL..unc1..ng conrec't~ns {-_3t =8 ~7'01....a before requflstt.ng ele':;Z"'f.cai.. ~rspSC-;1.0"" :=J liccesGo2"".:r Bu-;.4:a.-:.rt.? I F-:'7'UL - I'ft;:r.::1::rt'cresJ 5k':.r't':.1'..-:'J dsaksJ ~ eta are comv~8t.a o All r:roJect eOl"d1.-;1.071sJ sucz. as =hs -:.ns=al.Lat-:.on of s=:-eet t7'lleoJ e~!..~....m 0." ;ft3 requ.1.2"f1d 'Lanc.sct::;n.r.g, cte , 1lTU3t os sa't~8tt.rJd bCIOl'S <;r.e BUILCI-: ::'J 'AL _~ :;e !'~CUf!st.']a o ....IN4.L aUILDINC 'Frs Ft.nal But.uLng :nspectum: must ba reaueoted a"~';"'1" <;rs I;'~nal =!.urb~nq Elticr:ru::aLJ and '~ecnar1.caL In8uec"Cwna hava been made and a::mroved 'ALL IIANHCLES AND CLEAIIOUrS 'lUST BE 4C~ESSIELE, ADJUST'IEIIT ro 3E ~1DE 'r NO COS7 70 :!:~ I "_=e ' ar ~ 1 - -' IJOb Number ~ ~ 0/5/ i . Zone Oceuoanct( Croup I 'Lot Sq Ft;; ~ "I lot Coveragf: ! lJ of Stones , ! Total He1-ght [Topography lITEM I t,'kI1.n I Gc:!>ace I Caroort IAcce880ru SQ FTG TOTAL VALUE Is D C (vaI.UCJ 1 5 '" lJu'tZd:%.TlfJ Perrrn.t State Surcharge Total Ch.al"gea 11:'='1 1 ?1.rtures I Fe8uient-r.a! 'I bath) lsant.tary SetJel' I Water NO Plwmlnng Perm. t State Surcr.arge Total Charaes lITEM J NO I FEE ges Sa fto New/Extend C1..rCU't ts I Temporary Serv'uJe I I i I I EZect:M.cal Pe2"tl'Tt.t State SuraharaB Total Charc:es IIT'SI.f I FUrnace ETU'S I &haust Hood I Vent Fan j W::;odsto.Je I JlO Perrm.t I:;suanca Mechanw::L Z Perrm t 2.E!tl} surcJu:."YtO(.; Tnt",;' t;P_"':''!r:.'] ENCROACH, 'E{T -- Ise~~~tt( D~P031.t Storage Ua'tnt~e IF=t I Tatal CharGes I CurbC"",d; I SuiEwa!k IF~e 1 EZectnca I Labe Z I Mob..le Hame I TOTAL AJ.IOUNT DUE ~ WT TYPE Inter-wI' Corner PanhandZe Cut-de-sac x VaLue FEE CHAFGE CHARGE FSE CPARCE 15./){) 15(>1) ,(/In /5.00 - $J500 Page 2 i?efererce !/wnr::el'S L-COG # T!:;lpe/Cor'st Bedrooms I Lot Faces - I I P L North East SOI.th .West Setbacks I House Carage I i i I I I Enel'Gu So.a>ces I I Beat Access I I Water .Q{:!at:p.1" I I Range I I F'1rep'Zace I I WOOdStOt.8 II T<loe - Faes - Building Value & Permit Th1..8 perm:. t 1..8 granted on the express cond:t non that the saul construct1.-Gn shall, l..n all respects, conform to the Ord1..nance ~pted by the C1..ty of Sp1"1-ngft.eld, 'Lnc!ud-:.rtg the Zon1.ng erd':-nance, l'eguLat1..ng the ccnstruct1.cn and use of bu1-ldz.ngs, and m:1.y be suspended or revoked. at c:ny t-:.me upon vt.C- Zat'Lon of any prOtn,81.ons of scrz.d OrdvuIrlces I ,- I I Flan Check Fee I Date Paul I Rec.'pt # IS<g"'ed - Plumbing Permit No person chal1. construct, 'Lnstatz., aUer or change any ,..ew or ex1-8tt.ng plumln,ng or dJoa1..nage system 1...n whole or 1..n part, wZes8 such person t.8 the legal possessor of a valui plumber's hcense, e:r:cept that a person Ma:J do plwnbwg work to property wh1.cn "!-8 OT.Jned, leased or operated by the appl1..- cant I- Elect.r-teG1 Permi t '-~-I Where State LaLJ 1'equ1..res that the electrt.ca'L wol'k be done by an E'Lect;rr-z,ca'L Contmctor, the electM-ca'L pOl'tt.on of tht.8 pernnt shaU not be va'Lui untt.l. the labe'L has been 8'Lgned by the E'Lectr1..ca'L ContI'actol' - Mechanical Permit Pl.an Exarm,Ylel' uate I , - I HA VE CAREFULLY EXA..J.1IllED the conro'Letea aop l t.catwYl fol' pel'/"tt. t, and do hereby cert'Lfy that aU t.nfo:m:::ztwn hereon 1.8 tl'u:e and correct, and I fother certt.fy that any ar.d aU /Jork perfoP71ed shall be do"te 1.'1 accor- dance .iJt.th the Ord1.Ylances of the C'Lttf of Spnng{z..eld, and tn~ La:J8 of the State of Oregon p2rta'Ln1.ng to the work c.esCM-oed here':.n, c."t.d =hat NO OCCU- PANCY /Jt.Zl be mde of any structure /Jt.tho..tt p31'mt.S31.0"'l of the EU'Lld-z..ng D'L- vt.S1.on I Jdrth~ certt.fd that o"'lly contractors ar~ employees /Jr~ are 1.n c~i~ance w~th ORS 701 05S W1.ll be used on th1.8 proJect J~:Jf" 1 fiJ~.~ ~ <gn (J Date