HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-9-19 . ,.., 'U__'_'__.. RES,ltN'TIAl"'.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Sp~ngf~eZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding D~v~s~on 726-J75J I JOO Locatt.on 1853 Centenn~al Blvd. I Asaessol"$ ,'fcn;7 . 17 03 25 34 '1'c:: I.ot 4' 07801 I Sucd!.tn.s1.on I I C1.lner~ CARTMELL, Arch~bald Hugo Adares3 1853 Centenn~al Blvd. p1-..one 746-6705 Spr~ngf~eld, OR z..~ 97477 C't.ty D6SCT"'tOe ~1or'( Install~ng domest~c solar hot water system 2 Collectors Dra~n Down System x Dra~n Back System !Xl n n n .'1m,) Add~ t't.cn Remod.et '!a{)~!2 ':fene Dc:t.a of Appl1.-Cat;t-cn ";'On'Cract:ors GOfle2'a" P1.lJltfD1..nq Oiolar concepts " " elee_ea" Robert Re~aert Electr~c 85197 Marr~ot Lane (Pl.Hill) 20-1696 746-n.9J ,',fecflart,c:=1. Con8~ct!.~ Lenaer {atue $4,000 .'ttj "cc"",,t' 13 G,/70<, AaareS3 ?11 w"ht'h " r?~ L/1v ]G?~ 1/10 ~C6J~ 16 00 ,<( 0 ;000 '(;6 --- --- u~{) Su;red Date ~ ~ L't.3C :; 36214 E~1.r28 Phone 3/15/84- 345-0208 " " " r= 1..& ~hs resr:O'nn-b1.L1.'ty of t1w pcrnn.t t1Ot.d.e t;a sse that: an 1.1'f.froect--....ons are nadt;. at =he propszo tU7f.~ t"".at aach ~e88 1..3 re~:e from ths street, aJ'Id ;ha.t: the !:ieI'm't t: card 1.8 Lacat~ at tns ::'rcn.t of tJur ';J1"Ope:t''ty *3u1.:d1.......g .r..vt..=w'" :rpprot.ea. ?Zan sm::.Zl. rema:.n. on ::J'J2 Bu-:.Za1.Jtq $:.;.: at: aU t"..mss ?!?OCE'DfPe FOR INSPSCTION R'SQUEST CALL 726-3769 (rccOl'der) state your Cr..ty .:1es1..gn.a.ted Job 1tU1i"ber~ JOO adC.rC88~ type of _r.:mee-::....cn l"Zqtl.ested ar..c! !J"en !:tOU ..n..z.z. as ready for l.nspect"'~on. Con'tractors or Ctmers name .:;nd ;r.ore 1tU1"Iba oe~s-:s r.,;ocs'!....ea ::sfcre 7 00 .;:-r ..."toLl. oe made the same acy. requests mads afte:zo 7 (JO am W1.H a~ made t~ nt=t ..xJ1'k-..ng ~ "; qem.J1,:1'~d Inso~ct'!,C1"g O SIT:: IVSPEC':IOr To 001 m::tae aj'-:er e::r:cauatt"7t", aut "M.or tc set up of forme O UNDERSl.AB PU/'fBI,'lG. rL~C'1'taC,tL & :1EC!';lVICAE To ce made oejo1'8 any wrl( 1..3 ,,::overed o F'COTING j ;'QUNDATION To be I1tltZe ~Tter -;rencnes ::zre e::;cavated w.li. forms are greet.ea. :)ut ;:nor :0 ~ng CC?1cret'oG: o U1l1DrRGffOu"'l) =:!.[;U3P1G. S;:NF:l'. .t1TER. DlUINAGE :0 08 m:z.::.e :n"'_or to [1. z... Z ~r.g trenches LJ UND~F'[,OOR ':J[,Ul'ED1G ~ '!EcqAlVICAL To OQ rua.e or..cr to :.ns~z.latt.C7t of [Zoor '!..nsuZat''t-On or d.eCK1rlU] POST AND 3eA.'''. To 06 r:ade: 17M.O'Z" to -:.r.staUatic71 of j7,ooro tnsz..lat't01t or <leek<,., o o o ;:()r'CH ':J!"&--f8rTG, ~r.EC':'rr!CA!' r'1 "'EC9-. ...1f/teAL 1'0 ..;O!"K ~S ~o :)(: cot-erea ~t'~Z c~eSe :.nsDec~1.crs ~~e aear ""laae a:nd ~rove~ FFEP!..ACE 1'>1..01" XJ :,-l.c....,-t.r.g '-a:C'tnq I1k:teM.aZs ana :)efore frOlfttrtg 1,nspec- twr o ~"'~AI"IYC It.USt::)/}. reG'.A.ested af'.;.uo approva.t. 01' !'OUgl1 ~l.wrU)'Lng~ el.ectrT.- aaL & 7tec;..tmu:al. At!. "l"OOp."".g ~ng ~ ehurrn.c<:is~ etc. ll'T'../:st :;e comoZaT:cd '10 ....01'1( 1,,3 ;0 :)e con- - cea.1.ea ..O't't':..Z -:m.s ~nsnect:.on ,.,.a.a been: mt1.a2 anc. .:ronl"OVea Your C<ty De8'1.gr4tea. Job llumber I. O ':'flSUT..ATrONIVAPOq B4P9rr7:i IllSPEC"'ICN To 09 ~ a.jter all 1.1'tsul..::tt.an a:-.d r(!(]tr.,red Ur:Jl)O-r- C.::I2"l'-t.6rS ::re tn p laos but csforlJ any Zat:h~ gypsum ooard or 1.XZZZ COVel"'t1tq 1.S apr;lt.ea~ and. oeTore any f't,nsu2at:tOn t.S concealed. O OR~t1ALl. rlSP:!CTTO,v.. To be naa.a after aU c:r'.:fW'lLZ '!.,3 _1'1. :1lace~ out pr-r..or ~o Qty tap1..ng O VASONPY StOle Z. !ocattan J bond 06(]1ff3. grou:1.ng or ver't1.cal..3 ~n aceordance ~tn u.a C Sectwn 2415 D tI00DST'Jve. After '!.nstal.Za:tw71 ts !XmPl.er:€4 O CVPJJ & APPQOAC1l 'P"ON are i!rect:ed out: pnor .xm...~ete O SIDEWALtC & DRn'FWAY ?or aU CO?1:- crete pCW1..rtq ..J1,'{;h'!.lt st:r>eet l"'tgltt_ of-wc.<:i.. :0 !;Ie maae a;~ter al.! e=ca- var;-:.ng acmoZet:e & "on ,,;ark & :;uo- !XtSe m:::te.r"~al. '!.n pl.a.::e Afte:o '"'orms to ;:lour"'_rtg O ~~ICE ',{"tter CO"'TtlZ~t:e -- ?rovu!e ga'CBS or 'lovao l.e sect-una ;hrcu.gr P U E o if ::s 205:f I DEJ'OGITIO~1 OP 'tOVE; 3f1ILDI,CS ~ Sa:n.-r.-:a:r'J se:;er zapped .::::t ::.opert'"::t' Z1.re =:J Sern;....:J tG7t,( 'O"'~€d c:r.li. :;..l.Za.d .;:.::h ~~~! :J ?t.na~ - lliten c:.:;cve -:'~e.-s -:Ire ccrroZe::ea ~~ ~nen d~lt.~1.or ts ~~l~t2 or a:~~~- tu.re 'loved. ar.c prern.3es ~le<:n2a. .l.D / j Mo/)1.:" l.crres =:J 3l.0CKtTtg and S~t'-...~ =:J Pt.W1llnn.g ~nnec:::..ons -- s~ezo a:r.d .Ja-;a.r ---, Elee~-aaL Ccrrec'C:..on - aZock1.~4~ 8et-~~ --l and pZWTlO1.ng conreot'1.ons rr...st !;e :::porot.ed be;1r.rc peque8~:..nq eZec~caL :.ns~ec=t.o- =:J Ac::essor;. au... 72::.1'!fl :J ?t.l".a.L - Aft.::r :::)r~res, slC:.r~:..ng. decks, etc are ~::rrrol~-;~d o All. pro1ect; COT'a1.=~...ons~ JUC" a:8 ;}UZ ~ nstaZla~-:.on of st:>eer: t:rees~ ;o:;-=:c<=_on 0" ::n.s requ1.r€d Zancscc:utr.q~ czc ~ must De sa'C1"sf.....ed Defore the 31/rIDDle :orVAL ~cn :Je "'2qu.ssr:.:za o ?INAL ?LUVSIdG o FINAl 'JECIiAIIICAl o ;rrVAL ;r,=C'!''lfrC/"L o o ?IYAL 3r;Ir;:;nIC Tre :l"nal 3u:r.Zd::;rtq :nsi:lect:ton. ""lUST: oe "'eaue:r;e:1. ::":;er =lIe "':.nal ?Z..i.mb1.l".q Elec-cM,caZ, :::na wechar~cal :rsvect'wM have oeen 71aCe ar.a c:v::;!rovaa .4LL 'fA..'lr.crzs AND CI.EAdOUT:: 'fljS'I' 3f: -CC~S~::3C~, J"D.JJS-:"'E IT -::? =E ~1[)E 1'1'" "0 r.::JS': ::0 C~':'! I ~-;:=e o-~.,; , I JOB NO 'BzoSS' IZ01'e [,a~ Sq F~. : :;f 'lot Caueragz ; of SteM-SS To~a! He'Lgh~ Topography SOLAR AC Occu.r;artC"..I G:rou:o I",~" I,'mn iJloc' ~'~'(r l]c:!taclt1 C'~cr~ \ I .Jccesso!'.J I I I Iso C I TOTAl: {ALtlE 5 = I "'C,,,..lC) Bu1.l.d'Z.ng' ~er"l'r't,t State Su:t'!1h.a:t'g(J Tota! Ch=gea I :nl.f i NO I E'-r--t"dZ"6S I Eesu:imttal. r 1 ba"thJ I Sa7n.. t.:z:ro.j SewEr l"'~l!!" I F'Wmb-mg PerM. t S~Q SUZ'c;..a:r-ge Tota! C"t1JZ!"aes 1 :TEM tll?S Sa fta NrnJlE::tend C-:,,1"CU1,.ts Terrroorary SIi1I"'/n.C6 \ E!.e~ca.t Pe:-m t; St....-te S~na:rC1e Total. dt.a.rces I :T:U I ~ae E'?U'S j E=haust ':food I Vent ::'a::n I I "/oodstc,;e Pe1'Trr'~t 13sua:rtCa Me~f1am..c:zt :errm. t Sta:t2 Sta"ehooae Tota Z C"t'.tlr~~'! :;nCRCACEMEPT ISe~~tu ~ZD031.t I Sfxrraqe !Mat.fl.1::e7'.Q'tC2 jPe-rrt.t I Total (1r~es j C'..ao'=C"...I.:: IS~!~ I."=e I :7.eotr<aa! Labe! I II/ob,!e Home \ !OT4.L A.,,'tOUrT JIJE ~ \/0 ! PEE IC I WTTY?E Inter-:.czo Corner Panhandle CUz...ae-sac < ia.!.ue I I ' I /0 00 I ((0 I 10 40 I.' 'FX CHAPCE In. no .l( 0 10 1)0 CdARGE ;"I;'~ . "" C7APCE tJ-o i?O S S R EQ- D.:1g11 2 L -CO C"1c ': ,-toeICor'..3t Eec...""oorrs I Lot Faces - I I P L Il'lorth lEast' !Sot.th Ifleet S~-:ba(!ys I ~ou3e I Garaae I r j !nar~ SO:a'~es I I {ear; I A(!aess I! Nater .J~t1't~!" I I "anae I i i'....r'lolace ! I wc;0<i3tot.e i I T..roe :zes Building Value & Permit Tht.3 ;::J82"l7r.. t '!..s ara:n.tea art the eJ--::rress C01".d1.. (;7.on that ehe sa'ui C'onst7"'...tc'!;,:-on sha;Z, tn alZ l"estlecr;s. ~01"-CT'"'l ::0 ::ne Ord:!,'r.ar.ce ::u!.or;r;i!a :JY ::he C~t:d -'l SOl"".-n.qtteZd, ....ncZua:.rg -;n.e :.::m....ng Cra:.narraa. roequLc.t7.l"g ~('e <:.cnS"C'T""...tct7.cn .::r.a. .l.S2 of ,u7.la..7..nqs~ O"..a n=,f :;e Suco€1"cea. or ....gvokec c.t zy :'~""e .l.Por V1..C. iat7..on of =ny ~!'OV~37.0n3 of 30......0.. Cro......('~ces I P"lan. Cheal( Cat:: ?aui ! QeC&'Lpt :f. IS'fT"ed :::'ee Plumbing Permit No person shall conS't7'UCt, 'l.1'tst:alZ., atter or anange r;;ny r.ew :::Or' e--:.st:'t.nq otumo'Lng or ~~e sysr;em t.1't ~~~te J!' tn part, urZe88 s~h Ferson 't.8 r;r~ legal ~OS8essor of a valtd plumber's ttcense, ezcs~t tnat a person ma~ do plurr.Dt.ng worK. ~o propezot:y wm.cn 't.3 OI..'7l2d, Z2ased or operc;r;ed !Jy the appl-r.- oan~ I I I I, Electrical Permit Where Stats [.aJ.J l"equ't.l"es tr.a.t -ens eZec::r-r..ca.l work. 08 done !:ly an ::t.ectr'Lcat Ccntractol", the etec~aal ~or':wn ol ;ftt.a perm.t: ana'll 1"'.o~ ce 1Jatt.d untt.l tns label. ~s been 8'1.g"ted ~ tne EZect:rt.cal. ::'ontractol". i ' I Mechanical Permit I I I, .?~ :.:annnezt ua-:;a I I, I I I I I I I I I BAVE' CAREFULL.! SAA.4INED :1..02 c~L2teo. cro!l1.t.ca-e:t.on ~or ::;e"'rm..t, :znd :to nereoy aer~t.fy tnat aU :.......o:'r"'a:;wn flaeon t.3 tz'ol...l12 arr.a ~oM"ec-:, c:nd i lu.l'"trezo ae1":;-z,-~ ;nat ary .p-.:1 eZZ ...01'1( ;;e't'i~or-ted shan be :io"'e ....... acC'or- aance J/.th the Ord1Jl.a11.ces of eke c..r;y of Spr"'!.l".gf:..zlA, and :;rz ':a;;..3 of' ;;'2 State of Ol"egon '~rt;.;:'t.n't.nq ;0 '/;~e ..;ark deser"'"...aca Ite!'e-:.n. =na :nat: VO CCC)- "':JANe'! ~ll 012 rr:zda of any S'ITUC1;"..a>a ~;:;r..o'..41; ::::el""'ttS;1t.O" :;f :he =u~:c'!..ng J1..- tl"'~s'Wn I.t p,-;rer ~er'-;t.f::: ;1".a:t 7""~y contr:::c-:;ors a;-..CJ. ~wyees ",1'0 :::;;oe .'"t aa-oL~e w-z,tn J~S 701 ass ~-r.ZL :12 ~sed O~ ;nt.a ~l'OJ~ct /1 / () r) 9-/9-f3 Date 51.,grt2a "I"ILt,~ .. RESIDL.I..JTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5"h Street Sp~ngf~eZd, Oregon 97477 Bu~Zd~ng D~v~s~on 726-3753 SPRINCFlELD " ~ .loa !:ace"""" 1853 Centenn~a1 Blvd. A.'ssser. "at> tI 17 03 25 34 SUDd....v-:.31.0n Tc:!:at tI 07801 A.dtiz.!lS3 CARTMELL, Arch~bald Hugo 1853 Centenn~al Blvd. Spr~ngfleld, OR Pr.ane 746-6705 97477 DesC7"'f,be ;.'orl< Install~ng domestlc solar hot water system 2 Collectors Draln Down System x Draln Back System Ctmer" Ct.t".J rxl n n n V~.l Acd....t....cn Remodel. "Cl~!;;! 1cr'le Dc;ta of' Aoo!t.cat....cn ...Onr:rac-:oZ's ~~ Solar ~oncepts !'1.uma-!.nq n n n~~oo, Robert Relqert Electrlc 85197 Marr~ot Lane (Pl.Hilll20-1096 740-7'293 ,'tISCna:J""1.,c-=.l COnBt1"',.(ctt071 l;.;maer Z1..? Value $4,000 ;:;cce;.:7t " fS (" n ()<, AaareS3 ?11 W:ht-h n "' ~ ( & cJ r?-uvvui <1"1v 1J~~ 1./ 10 It) cJu ,yo /() 0(. -C;C -- ---- Z-tJ f () $t.qr2d Dats ~ ~ Lt.3C " 36214 Z=::it.Z'es ..':)ha712 3/15/8?4- 345-0208 n n n r-: ..... :hs l'e$Otln2n..lt.ty a{ tlul ptmm."t tU)ZJ..ao tc !JBB that aLZ 1..1uroect""...ans ard nads at :he propa:ro tun~, tr.a't e.c.ck ,;:Mrea8 '!.8 rea.::.::.,,:e Jioam the street, and :hat: ths oernn.t ca:rd 1.8' 1..ocattid at tJr.s .front of ths praper"ty -Eut.Zdt.'1Q l/!.v....cw": ~ea plan stU:L1. rema-:.n on ::M Bu:,Zdutq s...t~ at aU 't"'..mes ?"C~UPE FOR nTSPSCTI!)N PSQ[JEST CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your Ct,ty .ieS1.qnat2d, Jo1: rrurber, JOO ""'''':'':1'C88~ type of :.r.3!7ec:;t.C71 ~~st;~d a:;-.d .J'""e1! ;jOt/. ..n.zz. 1:=e ready ioro 'L1t8'Poet"'_on, ContraetcrS' or Ci.me:-s 1'Tl:;"'fe end ::r.ore rrumJ)a' Pe~st:$ reC2U611 :;2fcre 7 00 ~ .."t.Zt. 08 mds th& same ac~h r8qu8st8 l1IGd.4 afte:zo 7 GO am wt.Z,Z ~a made tie nc.:::t: .JOrk-:..ng daFJ ~?mI1."'Dr1 T'ro~r'!'t-!..~~ O SI':S IVS?=~Io\r To De nr:u1e after e=cauat:..:m, .::;ut "noro t:: lIet: up of forms o lfYDER$LAB "OU...."'BI"lG. =L=CTPIC,1L & MECr!p"/IC.'.& ':'0 cs maae oelore :;ny WOl",l( t.$ .:overed. o F'Go'!'mc 1 ?OUNDAT:C,'l To be mc::a.e !l{t;er :rrncnes are e:z:ca-.;ated ar.d ferms are ~rrect.w., .::;ut ;;rU;l'r to pota"":..ng C!C7tCret'.o: U"'D=nG~OU"D "':'LW3IVG. SE'tIFJ'. i11TE1'. ORA.:,VAGE fo oe n:z.:e ;rt"'!-or to ft.7.- l..:.r.g ::rench2s. o LJ UllDFF',~~'7f}~ ?~mf8I7IG ~ '1!~A1VICAL To be onaa.a !:i!""'...c.r to :.ns'Cal..Za'tUm of [te0l:' t.nsula't1..On or decJ<,1,ng POST AND 3EA}1 Ta 06 r:adc O!""'..or to -:.r.s1:a:L.....!tt..an of f!aol' t,71St...Zatt.en or deck'nq o o ?O"Gq ':J!.B''3rrc. :;!'::X::QI::.J..: .1 '''EC''i- A "IICA.L Vo .JorK ~3 ":0 OC cOt.erea ur1::'~ t~cse ~nsvec~ar~ ~~e ~eer maae and. :::n;1'Ov<t~ PT?EP!.-4.,z ~l" ~ plc:....."'1.r...g ~.=ct.T'.q mc:te1"""'...a 1..8 o:a OefOr8 fr'CJm.rtg t..nspec- ::.or. o o .....~A..~.,G Nust; De rgt.;'.u1s1:ed a["":J1' a;rorov~l.. of rouqn ~l..UfT',J)....ng~ e1..ect:'r"r.- caL & nec;..an-u:al AZ,Z rooft.ro.g bract.n.g ~ clrurrnc:J8, o3t:: l7r.J.st:;e corrrolatcd '10 l.JOrl( ....s ~O "8 COl1- - csa.lea ..vt1:..l. =ht.s -:.nsvsct;:.on ,..a3 oesn 'Il:Za2 ana. a:;lpzoovea rOW" C1.ty D8S1..tJ7'"4ted .lob Nu.mb€J" ID D ...-VStlr.ATIONIV4PO,? 34.p':rrz~ r7sP'EC':'IC.v To OB I'lIUte artsI' all. UtsuL:.:tt..:m C".d rCU1'lJ:tred lJr:1!)or b:I1''l''"L81'8 are 1.n place eu't cafore any lath, gypsum oo~ or tlXILZ cove.r-:,ng t.8 crppl1.ea~ and. oerore any 't.nsulat'wn t.8 ::oncea!ed. DPyr';A!....[, !1S?~C'!'!01/ Ta bs "7a.da arter aU ar:...n..alZ, ~s :.n pl..aee, out pt"!-or t'o c:ny tarn..ng O \fASOIfPY Ste.~ Iccatum, bend 0ec:m3, grou:1.11g or Jert'....caw t,n accorA.....ancQ lJ't.tn U 3 C Sectu;n 2415 O ./OODST'J'/E After !onstaz'Zatwn t.s acmple1:€tI D o CUFJB & APP9()ACH 4POON Aftc forms are ere:::ted out f'l"~or tc pcta"'!.ng ~"T'!3'te. SIDEJlALX & DRTI'F:''''AY For al.Z. con- cre~e Dav~ng ~~h..n street ~gnt- of-wc.':i~ to be maa.e after a1..z. iJ::aa- var;r,nq aarroZC!1:e & "~01""""l ,,;ark l ;;'W)- base mcter-t.al.. !on pZa::e 'g "320 Sr- 'OEl'O!.IT:011 OP 'Jon:; 3UILDi .cs :J Sa::rr1..:a:z..J S€f'.Jer :Jcr;rpea. ~t O::P~ l.t.re :=J Sept:"'~ ta:n.k 17""'7ed c-.d /...!7.~d z.........th :-:'TZ'....-eL 1 ?-:.naL - ff'nen c.:Jcve "te.-3 are cc--roler:e::.. ~ !lrwd when derc~..tt.or 1.3 ~~leta or a~~~- ture '1foved. CU'.c:. ~ro:nt.3es ~le.:;n.e::. ..cJ / ',\1001.:01 '1.crres ~ 3z'OCK~ and Sa~-~o ~ Pt.urrtb1-ng aonnect..ons .- 3~er ar.d ";a~.n' --, El.ecr;r.....aaL Cc;nrecr;..on - BLock1.l'.g ~ set-!./.::, ~ and. o"l..ur.a1..n.g C0711"'ect::w1tS ~_st =8 c=or:::n..ee before NqueS1::'r..g OJ Zec~cal. ..nSi:::'ea-=:.o- :=J Ac.:es.:rol'!: But. ld-:.nq ! i'..1"4.L - A{t;:!' =::rcres.. sJC:..r~':..nq, decKS, ---1 at:: are c~~e=ed o AU ~1"07ec-: C01"a-:.=~.,ans, JUC" as ch.Jl ~1"'.sealla1:..on of st....eet: noees, ..:'~-=~a;;:."n of =ne roequ1...red !..andscan.."'..g, c=c , must De sa1:1..s{:.ed oclore the 3UILiJ[.1IG ?!VAL CC1I: ;;e "':Zct.les'C'.za o ..='rlAl. ?LU'~IdG CJ PI iAL :!ECHA,VICAL o "!VAI, ;r.:C':'QIC,U, CJ o .....IyAL 3UIr.JrlC Tre :'t.nal 3u1..l..d::..1'.q :ns~eat1..on -use be "'eaues=ea =~~=2.1' :ne ~"'tnaL ~!.....7lbt..7'.q El.ec1:"i:"t.caL~ :::rr.a wecn.ar:.cc.l :r..s:7ecr:wruJ have oeen 'l'fac.. :l7'.a a;::orouea o D mlC'Z frner C(7TDl~te -- ?rovu:s qa'tas OJ- i1ovcole 3actt.crt.s :Jo:<cugr P U E .4L!; .'!t.,r::Cl:2S AND -::=AI{CUT~ ~IUE: 3e J..C~=E:;::3r.: J..DJ,)S':"S IT :? EE YCE !'1' "a -:::5':' '::'J C:':'! 1-~'=.::2 o-~ 2 , D I JOB NO ~ ~zo55 I Z07'e [,o~ Sq. f'~. :. .,f tat C~er-4= ; of StoM-SS TotaL S81.ght Tapogra::1fy II~'1 1..h1.n ! SQ ."""'TG ~lU'a ;~cr~ I I -taC2SSO!"'.J I I I ISDC IS:: I TQ~~f... VALi.lE 1..:i:i:;:J.CJ BU:Lldtnq :Jel'1'7l't. t Stata SUJ"cha::rge To~t -:1=gea I _rxs~ r ?-r--t"..aoes I Re.s-tdentuzl. (1 ba-:hJ I San1. t.zrt-l Sewe'r !"!:ttnt I I NO p~ P~t St.zcs S1.a'cr.a:roqe TctaZ Cft.c:oaes I':TEM I VO I li'/ts Sa fta NrilJ/E:rtend C:'l'C.'U"... ts I Tl..-.......~..... d S€rfJ1.t!s I E7...e~caZ ?erm.t St.....-tl! S~na:r~e Total r:;..a:r~es I :T=~ I ~..aor~ce ?TU'3 I E:ha:ust iiood I Vlirn't Fan i I ":)Odst~,)e Pernr.,t [ssua::nca Me:nan-:..caZ, Permr.t State S!dc~e '!',,-tr..1. r-rar~lJ!S - ::llCRCAC.:1..~'T ISe~~tu De~3~t ISCoraqe I ,'1at,nte7'l'atC2 Ipe!"m.~ I Total OL::!:J..GS I C:i:r::;~.~-" SOLAR P=.qe 2 -=- ^' L-COC1' CESS REQ- Eec.......oorr-s , T-..roe q~S~If~:: ~~~ LOT TYPE 17"'ter":.cr Comer Panha;naZe C'uZ-IU'-sae x laZ..uz ;0 00 <-/0 ,0 40 'fZ CEAPCE In no .'-(0 I 10 liD I. PEE C-!AilCE 10 -s= ;7A?CE j SU12WaZ~ i I "eot::e i E'Z,za-:M..caZ I \ lWob1. 18 HanlJ :.::.bel. l-:rJT4.L )u"OUNT J{jE * j ! t J) () f?O I. I Lot; I:'aces - I I P L INorth lEast; IS""~,, IWeat :'"rJeICo7".s"f; II II II Ii II i I ::;a't,:l!!" J.~r1""':"'!" ~a.nqe F....l'~T:Jiace l'icoa.;;:or..e .:112r'1U Sc:r-u'~~8 :iea"t Setbacys ! "OU.36 I Cc::ra.ae I I I I I t1.C!~ess I I I :'zes I j I I I I I I. , I I I. I I Building Value & Permit I Th1..3 ;:permt. t 1.6 ;ranted on the e-.-::reS3 cwnd1.. t~n t;..a.t ~he saui ~onstro..{c~-:.07t ! sha"l.~ tn al! 1"88'08cuJ :::07']'or-tr "'::0 titS Or~'l.na:r.ae :zdor;r;,za :Jfj ";ha Ct.t":j'f J Sr:rz.t:ng{....el.d. ....nc!.~a::.7"q ::ne :;on::.nq Cra:.nanceJ r'!f!Uu=.-:-:'1"g :re ccnst'I""..{~t....;n. j :.a "u:a of OU1.Za..nqsJ ar.a 7!:::',j :;e sus'08ro..ced or "'~Ok.ee. at c:ry ;-:'-8 ut"or iJ1..C:/ Zatt.on of any ;n-OVt.3't.01'l.3 of sa.....d Crd:.r.crc8s I P!a.n Cheal(: Fee I Dat~ ?aui Iqe<:Z1.'~ . 'SUJ""~a Plumbing Permit No person uhaZZ consr;ruct~ :.nstalZJ aZter or change a:ny new or e--ut:t.r.g plW1tO'Lng or dz.au1age SY8t~ tn ..;hole or 1.11 partJ wless sucn person. 1.3 'Cr.e Lzgal possessor of a va.l..d pz'WTIoer's z:'CensB, e.::aect tnat a person. "Ia'i do pl.tm'.Dwg work to propgzot:y lJh1.cn 1.3 GrM7UJd, 1..easro or ope~ed ;,y ths appl.t.- cant. / Electrical Permi t WMr9 State Lat.J reqU1.res tr.ar; tne e leC'trLcal. worJC be rUms oy O't necT;M..cal C'C7't:re::ctor, ths e~~at por~t.Cn of tltt.8 pel'l"T1.t arralZ r..a-C cs valu:: unt"t-l tne Zabe Z. tt.a8 b~sn S'Lgned by tItS EZecm.cat :ontractcr I . Mechanical Permit . I I I [ I I . I I P!.an ':-.::c:m-t.nQ1" ua-:;a I HAVE" CAREFULL.l E:u.J.fIi?~D :t-.e catm]Z~ted ~=,Z:..cc-:;t.On .'01' :?e:rrm..tJ ~ aa hereoy Cfn'"t-:';"';J ena'C a.ll. :.....o::-.a:'wn I'ereon ....3 tZ"'",e ar4 CC'lTCC't, a:nd I j'urt,.er cer~t..f~ :nat ary ~J:1, ell ..or'<. perT~oMed 3han oe c:tr'e :.... accar- dance J/.,.th the Orduu:nces oj" r;r.e Ct.ty of Sr:rl"''!.7".qf:.cl.dJ and ;;r...z :a:..3 ~f :h:z State of Jroegan p.zrt..:It.nt.ng ;0 1;}.e .uorlc d:esC'%""~baa h8""e:.n~ c::7!a ::na't VO CCC-'- PANe'! Wt.ZZ 013 ru.::.a of any ar;ruct"'.a'2 .J't.C'r.o-..d: ::;eI""'T':.3.;n.O'" af r;he .=u....:c'!..r..q ./'..- tr..s't.On I l.a'-=r.er =er,,::.f';: ::t'~'t 7"'1.-,:/ ::!ont""'::::C=OZ'8 a;-..a ~!..:;:lees ...;'0 c:;re :.n ~l~e ~t..tn CqS 7)1 05$ ~t.l~ =e usee. on ;n'La ::;roJzct ! iJa-=a 9-;CJ-f3 S'tg7t:za