HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-2-13 .. RESlDr~T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spr~ngf~eZd, Oregon 97477 Bu~Zd~ng D~v~s~on 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD . ~ ,lob Loc'1t1.-on :J-Id~ -('JAJ'rM/1/d f5/vd. J 7- I.Y3-;;)5 - Jf3 T= Lot # DJfGOD Date of AppZ1.-cat~cn Contractors General , Plumblng I tlechanlcal IEJ,ectr:I..cal V.M. fJl.j}J-y./r'__ ;.)[)-?-f;/L- I S\lP':."~""g ElectnClanV Q\/]Jr-:- > -- 1\ . . It ~B the respon8~b~r~ty of the pe~t hoLder to Bee that aZl l.-nspecttons are nade at the proper t~€~ trat ecch ~ess 1.-8 readao:e from the street, and that the permtt ca:rd 1.-8 located at the front of the property *Bu!.!.dt-"Zfl [hvt.::t.o'" approl-ed plan shell rema1.n on tJu:; Bu-:..ldwq 51-to:: at all t-z-mes PROCSDUPE FOR INSPECTION REOUEST CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state yOUI' C1,.ty des'Lgnated Job nurber" Job adcress, type of 1.rt3pect-z..cn requested a~d w~en ~ou wt.ZZ be ready for trspcct1.0n, Contractors or Owners ~~e end phore n~cr Pequests rece~ved before 7 00 ~ ...'1..Z"l be made the same day, requests made after 7 00 an unZZ b:z made t1.ze m:xt ..;orhn.g dan(J^J q[) Your C~ty Des~gr.ated Job Nwnber Is '--7. LJ AssessorC' Mar:; # Suhd~v1.s1.on Otmer fJ1!'iiur1 r~ if 110 N. ('J(jJYtuJ rugruu--- c/ Address C.ty n n n n NPlJ' Add1. t1.cn Remodel 'Job-:- 1-e Rome ;}--- /3~qD ,?et.!!'-1.r>p.n Tmm(>(!t'um.q O SITE I~SPEC'!' ION To be made after excavat~on, but prtor to set up of forms O UNDERSLAB PLU/fBIIIG. ELECTRIC,IL & KECP;I,JICA[, To be made before any work 'Z-8 <:Jovered o FOOTING & FOUNDATION To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prwr to poUP'Lng ccncret~ U~JD8RGPQUMO Pt,UMBINC/ SEWEP. W1TE& D'?AIllAGE To be made prtor to f'/..7..- hr.g trenches o o o UNDET:(PLOOR PLU!~ING & MEC9.ANICAL To be made prtol' to 1.n3tallat~on of }1001' 1.nsulct'Z-on or deck'/..ng POST AND BEAM To be rrade pnor to 1.nstallat'/..on of floor lat'Z-on 01' deoh"fi "dOUGH PLU"JBIll . ETECTf?ICAT & MECH- ANICAL No Y'r ~s t e COLerea ur~'Z-l these 'Z-n8 Cv1.ors have beer made crr.d approved Fr'EPLAcE PrtOY' to plactr.g factng mater1.als and before framtng 1.nspec- t1-or FRA.uPIC Must be requested after approval of rough plumb1.ng. electr~- cal I] mechanwaZ AU roof~n.g braetng & ch1.mncys, ete ~~st be completed rIo work ~s to be can- ~ cealed unt1.l thts ~nspectwn has been made and approved ~ o o ~/--n/) .f(7JJ2bLJ7t~ ~hone uo0- 7:3[;0 Z'P Descnbe rl'orJ,- Value N\jj- ... Ilo() fC1 , .J v S~qred Date IlA d P 1'1 AA ; L i-~~;'iD - EAD~:f'S Address L1SC II Bldrs Board RUe VJ,onp Q4/.J'~<? D INSULATION/VIIP09 BARRIER I~JSP!::CTIO ~ To be made after all 1.nsul~tton ~~ requ~red vapor barr1.ers are 1.n place but before any lath, gypsum boarc. 01' wall cover1.ng ~s appZ~ed, and before any 1.n8uZat1.on 1-S concealed irvl-'1o lil-/~q2- I DENOLITIOII OR OV:.: BUILDIl CS ~ San1. -:ary se'.Jer capped at p:..opc:rt'~ Z'l..re ~ Sept~c tank p~~ed ~ f~lled ~th graJel I I ] Ftnal - r{hen above 'Lte.,s are cC7Ipleted I ~d when deMol~ttor 1.8 complete or stru~- ture moved and pre.M'l..ses cleaned up . J.'ob1.le Hemes ~ Blocktng and Set-dp ~ Plumb~ng connec~'Z-ons s~er and Water ~ Electr1.caZ Conrect~on - Block'Lng, set-u~ ---.J and plwnb~ng conrectwns rrr....st be appI'o1-ec before request:ng eZect~cal ~nspect'/..o~ ~ ACCeS30i";1 Bu~ ld:.ng ] Fu/:.lZ - 1ft;::!' porcres, etc C:t'e c~ple~ed sk~rt~ng, decks, o DRYWALL INSP:;CTION Tc be made after all drywall 'LS 1.n place, but pr1.or to any tap~ng D All proJect cond'l..t~on8, 3UC~ as the ~nstallat-:-on of street trees, co~lat~on of t~e I'equ~red landsec.ptrg, ete , must be sattsf1.ed before tre BUILDIflC FI'IAL can be l'equest3d D FINAL PLUVBIlIG o FIliAL MECHANICAL ~NAL ELECTRICAL o PINAL BUILDING The F'Z-nal Bu1.ld'l..ng Inspect1.on MUst be requested after the ~~nal Plumb1-ng Electrtcal, and Mechar1.cal Inspect~on3 have been made and approv2d o ~SONRY Steel tocat~on~ bond beams, grouf.:zng 01' verhcaZs !on accordanee unth U B C Sectwn 2415 WOODSTOYE After wstallatton 1.S ccmp le ted c:J *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS !JUST BE ACCESSIBLF, ADJUST~ E IT TO BE t'1DE ,1T f'0 CJST TO CI':'Y I Dczee 1 of 2 D D CURB & APPROACP APD()N are erected but prtor cotWrete Aftezo fOrrls to pounng o SIDEWALK & DRIl'EWAY For all con- crete pav!.ng w1.th'l..n street r1.ght- of-way, to be made after all exca- vahng complete & for"1 work & SUl)- base matenal tn place O PENCE Wher co~pl~te -- Prov~de gates or ~ovable sect~cns through F U E 0,0' I JOB NO I Zone SOLAR ACCESS REQ- Occupancu Gr LOT TYPE Inter-wI' Corner Lot Sq Ftg ~ of lot Coverage -!:i of StOPLes TotaL ue1-ght Topogrcchy I lITEM I SQ FTC I Ma'Ln I Ga:l'rzae I CarvCl't I I Accessoru I I I TOTAL VALUE Is D C (vaWc) 1 5 x BU'Ll.d.1.ng Pernnt State SurchClI'qe Total Cha.....gea lITEM I Ft.xtuI'es Re8~znt~l (1 bath) NO Scrm...ta.ry Sewer Water Pl.on1n.ng Pe1"'r'1, t State SW'cr.arge Total Charqes lITE/! I Res Sa VO I I I I ~/J1J;(L (l~1 fta New/EXtend C'Ll'CU'Lts Temporary Sepv1.ce EZectl''/..cal Perrrrtt State Surcharqe Total Cha:r>ces lITEM NO F'ur'n:zce ETU' S E::::hau.s t Hood I Vent pcm I I Woodsto.;e I Perrm..t ISSUarl08 Mechan'tc::zl Perrm t State Surcharae Total Charoes -- ENCROACHfAE"lT -- ISe~~PL~~ Depos'Lt I Storage I Ma'Lntenan"e Parnn. t Total CharGes I Curb",,; Sl,dewaZk Pence 1 Electrwal I Mob'l..le Home Laber l'l'OT'1[; AtfOUNT DUE Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Value I I I I I I I I, , I I , ' CHAPGE I I I I I FEE FEE I I I I I I I ,q,OD I I Ic;,OD 1~,cO I l,sO I ~J,6D I I I I I I I I I CriARGE FEE CHARCE I J I I 81,6J] I t'::.ge .; L-COG->'i; T;,pe/Corst Bedroor's Lot Faces - I I Enermj So..<rces I I I.f~at I I : I I II T,roe P L [North East SOl. th rlest Setbacks IlIouse I ramoe i I Wate!' lfrmt:Pl' Range Ft-reDZace Wood:;t01->e Access Fees Building Value & Permit Th1-S pernr~t 1,8 granted on the express condt,t1-on that the sat-d constructt-on shall, t-n aZl respects~ conform to the Ordt-nance adopted by the Ct,ty of Sprt-ngft-eld, t,ncZud~ng the Zon~ng Crd~nance, regulatt-ng the ccnstructt-cn and use of but-ldt-ngs, and m~y be suspended or revoked at cry t~me upon Vt,C- rattan of any provt-stons of sat-d Ordt,r~nces I Plan Check _f;lee I Date Pa-:,d IRece<pt # ISt.g"'ed I 1 I HI Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, t.nstall, aZter or change any rew or eX1-stt-ng plumbt-ng or drat-nage system t.n ~hole or t.n part, urless such person ~s the legal possessor of a val~d plumber's l~cense~ except thAt a pe~son mad do pZunb~ng work to property wh~ch ~s owned~ leased or operated by the appl~- cant I I, I Electrical Permit Where State Law requ~res th~t the electrtcal work be done by an Ele~tr~cal Contractor, tne elect~caZ portton of tht3 permtt shall rot be valtd unttl the label has been 8~gned by the Electrtcal Contractor , Mechanical Permit , PUrl''/. EXClT'tner uat;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.lvlINED the completed appltcattOn for permtt, and do hereby certtfy that aLl 1'/"'fo':"mattOn hereon tS tr>ue and cOl'rect, and I f.Jrthel' cet'tl.,fy that any ar.d all work perfo'M1ed shall be do'1e tn accor- dance ..nth the Ordtn::mces of the Ctty of Spnng[-u::ld, and the: La-,.,s of the * State of Ot'egQn PQrtatntng to the work descrtbcd here~n, end that NO OCCU- pnlCY wtll be made of any structure wttho.d pGrmtS3~0"1 of the Budd1.nq D7..- Vl.,S1.on I further cert1.f~ that o~ly contractors ard c~plQyees who are 1.n co~pl~ance w~th ORS 701 OSS w1.ll be used on th1.,8 proJect Stgnad Date