HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-4-23 .. RESlrl;NTlAL.. APPLICJ-;.. ~ON /PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spr~ngf~eld, Oregon 97477 Bu~lding D~v~s~on 726-3753 Job Locat1.-on '2.1[5 c.enten nl 0,,\ /1 () 3 ::2,) L) 3 o cft/Og Assessors Map # Suhd-z.v't-s'l-on Tax Lot # Otmer A Ie,'!. :2(/5"' '?I\)o. dU.rL z hu K ('~n:C1 0 Phone Address C<ty n Np),) n Add1.- hen n Remodel "' n uobt. Ze Homa , , / q~l~ /~ Date of Applu~at'Lc:n Z<p ~' '1tJ1-1C:> 9' 0 ~...~.-, c;..-i' "-J Descnbe r\'or7~ flMrod Value f/ ~1J /5S-9 C:ontractol'S !hu- [I j/J~/VK_LV' General Plwnlnng ElectT''Lcal Mechar1.cal Construc~on Lender ) Address '. / ':<-'1 b <J Pcce-:..'Ot -it evJL 0\0 I 1111 OlD \ \ I/v\ S1.,.gred Date L"'I.-sc # E:XXr/"l' e s Phone _ -:'1 ~ ~ff ~//- /I ,/ ~ ,,='1'701.-'/'C'f-d ') """--- - ,./ It 1.8 the responlJ1-bt.hty of the penm.t holder to see that all l.nDpectt.ons are nade at the proper tuns" tJ..at ec:ch ~e8S '/.8 1'e~o;:e from the street, and that the pe1"nl"t t card 1.8 located at the f1'Ont of the property *!Ju'l..!d:tttg !h.vt.:::w'" appro"/"ed plan shall rema1-n on th.3 Bu-:..ldwq S'Lt:::. at all t7-mes PROCEDUPE FOR INSPECTION RSQUESJ: CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your C7-ty des1.gnated Job nto"'beI'~ Job ad6>css~ type of l.n3peC:;1.Cn requested ard W~en yOU w1.ll be ready for l.nspcct1-on, Contractors 01" OWne1"S name and phone nUMber Pequests rece1.ved before 7 00 ~ u.'1-Zl be made the same day~ 1"equests ma.de after 7 00 am unll be made tlze next .Jork.1.rLg da:} Rp.qv1-~p.n TnRn~~t1-r.nR D SITE INSPEC':'ION To be made after excavat1-on~ but prt.or to set up of forms O UNDERSLAB PLU/fBINC. ELECTRICAL & MEC!J,J,lICAL To be made before any LJOrk t.s iJovered -;;l... ~ 1)< J POOT ING & POUNDA T ION To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are e1'ected~ but p:1't.or to poU1'1..n.g concreto; U~D'SRGPou~rD PLUMBINC. SEWEO. W~Tgq, DRAINAGE To be made pnor to f2-l- It.r.g trenches o o UNDEPFLOOR Pr,WJBING & MEC~ANICfj[, To be made pr'l-01" to 'l-nstallat'l-on of 11001" 'l-nsulat'l-on or deck'l-ng POST AND BEAM To be 17'ade p1't.or to l.nstallatt.on of floor 7-ns4lat'l-On or deckutq ROUGH PUPABIllG, ET,ECTRICAL & MEC8- ANICAL No ..vOrY t.s to be cOLered urt1.l tncse 1-nspect'l-ors have beer. made and approved Frr~EPLACE Pr>7.-or to pZac2-r.g fac'tng matert.als and before framt.ng 'l-nspec- t1.or F~IING MUst be requested after approval of rough p~u.mb'/..ng~ electr'/.._ cal & mechan'tcal AU roof'tng brac'/..ng & churmcys, etc rrr.,lst be completed '10 work 'l-S to be con- - cealed unt'/.. l th1.s l.nspecnon has been made and approved o D D V [AJ Your C1-t;y Des1..gr.ated Job Number Is D INSULATION/VAPOr? BARRIER INSPECTION To be made after all 'tnsulat'/..on ~n requ-:..red vapor barr'l-ers are 'l-n place but before any lath, gypsum board 01" wall cover'l-ng 2-S appl'tedj and before any 'tnsulatwn l.S concealed too gS5 1 DE,"OLITIOI1 OR OVE:; BUILDIdGS :J San'l-tary Se'...Jer c:apped ~t p~op;;rt:"':} Z1..re ~ Sept'l-c tank p~~ed a~ f'tlled w'l-th gra~eZ :J F1-nal - r{hen above 'l-te"'lS are c07TDleted av.d when deMol-:..t'l-or 'ts comp~ete or st~~- ture moved and pr~~3es cleaned up Nobt.le Hcmes o DRYWALL INSPECTION To be made after all drywall 'ts 'l-n place~ but pr1.0l' to any tap1..ng :J BZock'tng and Set-dp :J PZumb'/..ng connect'l-ons sewer and Water :J Electrt.cal Conrect'ton - Block'l-ng~ set-uw and pZumb'/..ng conrect'l-onS nr_st be approved before 1"equest-:..ng elec;rt.cal l.nspec~'/..o~ ~ Accesso1".,- Bu'tlc-:..ng :J F1.nal - After pOl'cres~ eta are a~pZeted sk1-rt"ng~ decks~ o MASONRY Steel loaat1..on~ bond beam3~ grout1-ng 01" vert'/..cals 2-n accordance ~th U B C Seet'l-on 2415 WOODSTOVE After u18taUat1.on 1-S ccmpZeted o All proJect condt.t1-onsj suer as the ~nstaZlat-:..on of street trees~ co~let'/..on of tne requ'tred landscapt.rg, cte j must be sat'tsft.ed before the BUILDINC FP'AL can be requested o PIIIAL PLWBIIIG o PINAL I1ECHANICAL o PINAL ELECTRICAL [] IS @ FINAL BUILDING The F2-nal Bu'Lldt.ng Inspeetz.on must be requested after the F'/..nal Plumbu:g EZectr'tcal~ and MecharuJal Inspectwns have been made and approved o D CURB & APprrOACP ApODN are erected but pr'/..or C01U!rete After forms to pOU1"1-ng *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE~ ADJUST~fENT TO BE !f1DE fiT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 o SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY Por all con- crete pavt.ng w~th~n street 1"'l-ght- of-wc.y~ to be made after aU exca- vat1.ng complete & fo~ work & sub- base matenal t.n pZa::Je D PENCE M~er co~plete -- ProV'l-de gates or movable sect'tcns through PUE o 4 .....;;1" ~ JOB N,O tlfO fs"S.s- SOLAR ACCESS REQ- Zone Lot Sq Ftg ~ af Zot Coverag~ II- of Stones Total uet-ght Topography 1 lITEM I Mat-n Ga:raae Ca..rvort I Accessoru I I Is D C ?4:> TOTAL VALUE (vaiuc) ] 5 x 8u1-ld1-ng Perrrn-t State Su:1'chOX'ge I Total c:ha..~ge3 lITEM IF1.Xtt.:r>es IRes>dznt~l (] bath) I Sam. wry SeJJer I WateT I Pl.mrb1-ng Pern.. t State SUX'cr.arge Total Charaes lITEM I Res Sa fta IN~/Extend C1-rcu1-ts I Temporary SeI'Vt-ce I Ele~tr~cal Pe~t State SW'~harqe Total Ch,m>qes lITEM I Furnace PTU'S I E:::haust Hood I Vent Fan I Woodsto.;e I Pe2"7111-t Issuance Me~hanwal Perrm.. t State Surcharae Total Cha.rrrl'!S Occuoancl./ Crt T::1pe/Cor..st LOT TYPE I Lot Faces - .) I Il"'ter1..ol' I Setbacks II I P L I HOl.,se I Carage I Access II Corner INorth I I Panhandle lEast I II Cul-de-sac lscn..th I I II West I I II Pees SQ FTC I NO_I_ FEE II 1"0 I I I I I I I 1110 I I I ~...."I I I I I, I ~,,~C' I-~ I /-?3 I 127&3/, ~--- r CHAPCE I I I x FEE FEE -- ENCROACHI.fE~7T -- Se~~ntl./ De0031-t Storage I Ma~ntenance Perrrrz,t Total Charqes I CUPb",,; I S~de1<J~-~k I Pence - I E2ec tr1..ca l Labe l I Mobt-le Home I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE * Value~ CdARCE CHARCE I I 77--8'3 L-COG'l' Bedroof"'s Ener'au SO.A.rces 'leat To.IDe Water l!,:>t1tl'!T' Range I Ft.r>eolace Wood;;tove \ " - '! Building Value & Permit Tht-s permt.t 1..8 granted on the expr>ess condt.tt.on that the sa~d construatt.on 8hall~ 1..n all respects~ confonm to the Ordt.narce adopted by tne C~ty of Sprt.nqf~eld, t.na!udt.ng the Zon~ng CI'dtnance, regulattng the construct~cn and use of but.ldtngs, and m~y be suspended or revoked at cry ttme upon V1..C- latt.on of any pr>oV1.8t.~no/ of s~:l.d\Or>d1..nances , I t -' , , , (- I Plan Check Fee Ivate Paod IRece,pt # IS'9"'ed Plumbing 1',(,;),,0 q-:Ji-~q 1:2 ci f) '1 <'~ Permit I I I 1 I J ' No pereon shall construct, ~n8taZtJ alter or change any new or eX1..stt.ng plumb1..ng or drat.nage system 1..n whole or t.n part, urless such person 1..8 the legal possessor of a valt.d plumber's l~censeJ except trat a pe~son ma~ do plurb~g work to property wh1-ch 1..8 ow~edJ leased or operated by tre appl1-- cant I I I --I I I I I, I I I , I I I I , ' I #~~AY~ I I I, I ) I 1 Electrical Permit Where State Law requt.res tr.at the electrt.cal work be done by an Electr1-cal Contractor, the electrt.cal port1..on of tht3 perm1..t shall rot be valud unt1..l the Zabel has been s1-gned by the Elec-trt.cal Contractor Mechanical Permit 7'-'3"0 -B-?"? Uar;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the aompleted applt.catt.on for penmt, and do hereby cert1..fy that all 1..~fo~t1..on hereon 1..8 true and corr>ect, and I f~rtrer certt.fy that any arn all work perfo~ed shall be do~e t-n accor- dance W7..th the 01'd1..nances of the C1..ty of Spnngf'Leld~ and th~ Lcr....s of the State of Oregon pcrtat.n'Lng to the work descr>t.bed hepe~n~ end that NO OCCU- PNICY linn be made of any structure r.ntho<A.t perm1..sst.on of the But.ld'l.n.g 01.- vt.st.on. I further> cert1-f~ that o~Zy contr>actops w.d ~loyee8 wro are 1..n ca~pl~ance wt.th ORS 701 055 wt-ll be used on tht.s pr>oJect '1{1 ):,+lfu-4~-Q, '. J7,_ I ' S'gnad fl 6 +---fi:/ ?--30~ Date