HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-10-12 r ~ .. RESlrcNTlAL" APPLICAHON/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spnngfl,eld, Oregon 97477 BUl,ldl,ng Dl,vl,sl,on 726-3753 Rc~e-:Dt ii J"20Co8 Job Locat1..on c!9.137 ( J.pJ_~ .. _/7 ~ l2o;;>-s.... 2860 ~-Pr U rh'u)uO PJ~ ~Ju- ~O" /0 -rz -~ ASOe8801'.::' Map # Subdt.vt-s1,on Oz.mer Address C,ty n n n n l'l-<>:.J Add1.hcn Remodel '''ob-:.- Ze 80m3 Date of Appl1..cat1..cn G.'on-tractors General PZ'mllnng Electl'1.cal Nechart.cal Con8truc~on Lender Tax Lot # Pr.one '775'7 - l)SW QZ3 db rcZOU Vl/ll1 51-gred cd g' ,j~ -/2--F;-~ Z'i' Descnbe II/orl... i~ Value ~ ~O Date /0 Ad.ifX'ess L1..SC # Ex;:n..res Phone It 1-8 the resFGnB1-b'1-Z1.ty of'the perrm.t holder to see that all 1.nspect1.ons are nade at the proper tun€, tloat each ;:;dd:toess 1.8 readaO:e froom the str>eet, and that the perrrn.t cm>d 1.8 located at the front of the property *Bu1.-Zd1.."lfl l>'!-V'l-:::W'" approLed plan shaZZ rema1--n on the Bu:.Zdwq S1..t::; at aZZ tt-mes PPOCEDUPE FOR INSPECTIOn REQUEST CALL 726-3769 (recol'der) state YOU!' C'l.-ty des'l.-gnated Job nlD"bel'~ Job ad&ess~ type of 'l.-nspec:;'l.-cn requested ard W~en yOU w'l.-ll be l'eady fol' 'l.-nspcct~on~ Contl'actol'S or Owners name end phore n~cr Pequests recetLed befere ? 00 ~ .'1-11 be made the same day, requests made after? 00 am onll be made the next ,)()rhng da"~q/ 1\ 79 > 1.."2 Your C'l.-ty Des'l.-gr'.ated Job NW11ber Is <J <J U ~J ~p.mJ~rp.n Tn~np.~t~r.nR O SITE INSPEC'J'ION To be made after excavat'l.-on, but pncr to set up of forms O UNDERSLAB PLU/1BINe. ELECTRICAL & MECHpNICAL To be made before any work tS eovered o FOOTING! FOUNDATION To be made after trenches are excavated and forms a:r>e eI'ected~ but pr'Lor to pounng ccncret~ UVDSRGPOU~ID PLUMBINC. SEWEP, W1.TE:'? DT?AIfIAGE To be mad~ prtor to- f'L l- hr.g trenches o o UNDEPFLOOR PLUl"BING & ME:C'fANICAL To be made prtor to tnstallat'Lon of 1100r tnsuZat'Z-on or deck'l.-ng POST AND BEAM To be rrade pnor to 'l.-nstallat'Lcn of floor 'l.-ns~lat'l.-on or dechng ROUCH PLUMBI/IG. ELECTqICAL & MECH- ANICAf. No ,>>orr 'l.-S to be cOLered urt'l.-Z these 1-nspect'l.-ors have beer made and approved FIPEPLACE FT&or to plec'Lr4 fac1-ng mater1-als and before fram'Z-ng 'Z-nspec- t1-O'Y' FRAJ'ING MUst be requested after approval of rOwgh plumb1-ng~ electr1-- eal & meehanu::al AU roof'l.-ng braa'Lng & ch1-mncys~ etc ~~st be completed ~Jo U)ork 'l.-S to be CDn- - cealed unt!-l thu; 1-nspecnon has been made and approved o o o o o INSULATION/VAPOR. BARRIER INSPECTION To be made after aZZ 'Z-nsulatwn a"".d requ-:..red vapor ba:r>r'Z-ers are 'Z-n place but before any lath~ gypSW11 board or wall cover'Z-ng 1-S appl1-ed~ and before any ul8ulatwn 'l.-S concealed DEHOL1TIOM OR OVEC BUILDIdGS :J San'l.- ta:r>y se'.Jer capped at pz:..oper7:b lz,re =:=J Sept'l.-c tank p~ed a~ f'Z-lled w'l.-th graJeZ :J P1-nal - rl'hen abeve "te"'lS are cc'Wler;ed and U)hen denol-:..t'l.-o'Y' ~s cO"plete or str>4C- ture moved and pr~ses cleaned up Mob'l.-le Hemes o DRYWALL INSPECTION Tc be made after all dI>ywall 1-S 1-n place~ but pr~or to any tap1-ng MASONRY Steel locat'l.-on~ bond beams~ grout'l.-ng or vert'l.-cals 'l.-n accordance ~th U B C Sect'l.-on 2415 WOODSTOTfE After tns ta l lat'l.-on 'l.-S ccmpleted =:J Block'Lng and S2t-~p =:J Plumb'l.-ng connectLcns s~er and water ~ Elect~cal Conrect'Z-on - Block'Z-ng~ set-u~ ---1 and plumb'Lng conrect'Z-ons nr~st be appro~ec before request1-ng eZectr'l.-cal 1-nspect'l.-o~ =:J Ac:::esso!'b Bu'l- lc.7,.ng :J F'l.-nal - After p:Jrcres~ etc are completed sk7,.rt7,.ng~ decks~ o D o CURB & APPRQACP ApDON are erected but pr1-or .:!on.:!rete After> forms to pOU1''Lng o All proJect cond1-t'Z-ons, $UC~ as tre 1nstallat-:..on of street trees~ cOlVlet~on of tne requ1-l'ed landscap1-'Y'g~ ate ~ must be sahsf'Led Defore tre BUILDINC FP'AL can be requested o FINAL PLljVBIlIG o FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTT?ICI.L c:J (0 FINAL BUILDING The P1..nal Bud.d1-ng Inspechon must be requested after> the F'Z-nal Plwnbu'I{J Electr'l.-cal~ and Mechar1-cal Inspecttons have been ~ade and approvad D SIDErolALK & DRIVEWAY For all con- crete pav'Z-ng wLth'Ln str>eet r'Z-ght- of-way~ to be made after all exca- vat1-ng complete & fo~ work & sub- base mater'l.-al 1-n pla:Je *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE~ ADJUST~IENT TO BE M1DE JlT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 o PENCE When CO"7/pZ;;te -- Prov'Z-de gates 01' movable sect1-cns through P U E o I JOB I Zona Lot Sq PI:;; t:"....ge c. \ NO ~D7q4- SOLAR ACCESS REQ- ~ .:;f lot C.::roel'agfJ #- of StOM-es Total Pe'l.-ght Topography Oc~pancl./ Gr<. LOT TYPE Inter-wI' COl7ler Panhandle Cur-de-sac I lITEM I SQ FTC X I Ma1..n I Garace Carool't ACCe8S01'U I I TOTAL VALUE Is D C ival-ue) 1 5 x But.ld1,..ng Permt State SUX'charge Total ~Y'ge3 lITEM I F1.:Ctu:res I Resuienhal (1 bath) I San'!. ta.ry Sewer Water Pl.onb1-ng Pel'r"l- t state Surcr.arge Total Charaes ITEM ! Res So fto I N6W/Extend Ct.l'CU1.. ts I Temporary Servt.ce 'L-COG~ T!1pe/Cor.st Bedroor's I Lot Faces - I I P L INorth lEast Sm..th IWast I I I Acce:~ II II Setbacks Hot..se Caraqe P.nerau SOvll'CAS ':feat Water' !JAatrn" Range F'tl'evZace Wood:; tOt,e TLlne Fees I I I I I I I I' I l5~aO-1 ~ . '15 I .:I- IS.f5/' Value I NO I FEE CHAPGE .0 FEE CdARGE State Surcharqe Electl''l..cal PePim'l..t Total Charces IITJf I Furnace ETU' S I E::::hau8t Hood I Vent Fan I WoodstoJe I Perrm t Issuance Me:::hanw::z.Z Perrmt State Surcharae Total Chn.7'(J(:!s I NO I I I I I I I I I FEE C/JARCE -- ENCROACHME~T Ise~~rtt~ Devos~t I Storage I Ma~nterzar!:!e I Perrmt f Total Cha'l'qes I Clabm<t I Sulewa lk Il;'en::!e IElectr~cal Label I Mob-de Home I!~TAL AMOUNT DUE * I I ~/5.'15 Building Value & Permit Th~s perwrvt ~s granted on the expreS8 cond~t~on that the sa~d con8truct~on shall~ ~n aZl respccts~ conform to the Ord~nance adopted by the C~ty of Spr~ngr~eld~ ~ncZud'!..ng the Zon~ng Crd-:"nance~ regulahng the aonstruct~on and use of bu~ld~ngs~ and m~y be suspended or revoked at cry t~me upon v~c- lat~on of any proV~s~on8 of 8a~d Ord~nances I Plan Check Fee IDate Pa,d IRecnpt # IS,g~ed Plumbing Permit I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I, I 1 I I I I I I , ' I I I No person shall construct~ ~nstalZ~ alter or change any new or ex~st~ng plumb~ng or dra~nage syste~ ~n ~hole or ~n part~ urless skch person ~s the legal possessor of a val~d plumber's l~cense~ except that a pe~son mad do plurb~ng ~o'l'k to property wh~ch ~s ow~ed~ leased or operated by the appl~- cant Electrical Permi t Where State Law requ~re8 tr.at the electr~cal ~ork be done by an Electr"Lcal Contractor~ the electrtcal port~on of th~s perm~t shall rot be val~ unt"Ll the tabel has been 8~gned by the Elec~cal Contractor Mechanical Permit PLan Exam~ner vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed apphcatwn for permt.t, and do hereby cerhfy that all ~"tformat"l-on hereon ~s true and cOI'rect~ and I f~rtrer certt.fy that any ar.d all work perfol"Tled shall be dO"1.e 1-n accor- dance uJt.th the 01'd~nances of the C~ty of Sp'l'1-ngfu}ld~ and th~ Lcr.us of the * State of Oregon pcrta~n~ng to the work descr1-bcd here-:"n~ end that NO OCCV- PN1CY W1-11 be made of any structU1"8 unthod.t per>nnsSW'1 of the BU1-ld~ng [Jt.- V1-s~on I further cert1-f~ that o'1ly contractors and enployees who are ~n ca~pl~ance w1-th ORS 701 055 w~ll be used on th1-B proJect ~~ / t5 -----j,;t.-- 9'51 Date ,