HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-11-6 .. RESIDE'aLTIAL" APPLICATI_ERI1IT 225 North 5th Street SpT'1-ngf'"eZd, Oregon 97477 BU1-Zdulg D1-v1-s1-on 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD ~ =ccc~.. nAAP.Ali1 J...-I / f.' / ~ ;j &5517 " . <n/~c, ob LoC.:J.t'L071 ..c.....J 0 4soesooro Nero # 171)3. Ct::N/~JI!NIR/... !5/-.,VI'>. S,>?/?rN&Fdz}., 2..~ 4- s T= Lot # ,'?7on Suhd'LV~S'Lort :..mer MAk'I.-IA OJBRJ~N ~"( .8E:/?N,,~,-;sf( I') --. C~N-r;'::NNlfJ/"'" '" Phone 747-t-379 "\adress 2.1~g D).) . ~"ty SPRINr-,PIF-'J..J:;> . Or:? Z<p 47477 I Y'l I 'I 1/",..j Addt.t...cn CAR PoRt. Re"'ode7. "o.?:.le ::lona Date of AvpZt.cahcn /ono/!B.c:- ~onT;Z'ac::ors /7///Jf7CA J :: enera l "Jl.wr.Dt.r.g :Zectr'l.Cal. ec;.,ar'l.c::Z ~onstruct'Lon Lender DescP'/-be rl'ork /4-ft >< /8 fr ,r Value /26.-0 Aaa......ess /fwdd-cJL {!1l 51-ored / /-(;, ~sS-- Date I/> ~- ~ n,'. ~ , r L1..SC fI E=~)1.res Pnonc -:; 18 tne respon::;1-b..l.1.ty of' the perrmt holder to Bee that an 't1Wpectt.ons are nade at ~he proper ttltU,;, tt.at ~ch =ddress 'L5 1'e~:e "orr tn.e street, and that the penm t card 'L5 located at the front of the prooerty =~~Zd~-4 Lr_v~~~o~ ap?ro~ed pLan sr~ll rema~n on t~ Bu~ld~na S~t~ at all t~mes ?OCEDuoE: ,;00'" D'SPE:CTIOll PEQUEST CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state YOUI' C~ty des~gn.a.ted Job nurber.. JOG aCcress.. tyve of 1.rJoec=1.cn ~aues&ca a~~ w~er ,ou ~~ZZ De ready for ~rspcct~on.. Cortrac&crs or OUne-s nome end ~nore nunocr Qeques:s rece1.~ed befere 7 00 ~ "ll De ,..aae tm; same dcy.. reauests Maae afte.r ? 00 am lJt.ll 03 made t~e next .JOrk1.ng da., .:>mn. ",,:pn T71R"Jt"~~"r.1"'.<: ] sr::: I,'SP:;:::-:IOP To De Traae excav~t~on.. ~ut p~or to set forms ] after up of [j IO'E;oSL4B PT,U'8ING, ELECT"?IC,1L .{ l~C"':.. -ltCA4 To be mace Defore any worK. 1..5 ~ovcred &l FOOTING! FOUND1TION To be m::zde after trencres are excavated and forms are erected.. but pr~or to pour1.r~ ccncret~ U'1V:'?GoOlJ IV PJ.lfl'7JINC. SEf{EO, r..'1TE9.. D:;!.AIllAGE To De made prwr to f1.l- Z1.r-G treneMS ] U"DEo~LOOtJ PLU,''BINC & HF:Clf4NICAL To oe meac pr1.cr to 1.nGtaZZat1.on of 11001" 1.nsuu=t1.on or deck1.ng ] ] POST AND E EA!! To be Trade pr1.or to ~rstaZZat1.cn of floor ~ns~lat1.0n or dechng ] ROUGr.. PLU''BI''G. ELECT'?ICA!. & VECH- Af/:C;-L /'0 ..;ory ~$ to oc COLeI'ed ur~~l tncse ~r~pect1.ors have beer. rrat1.e err.d appI'ove.:: ] FIo:FLACE Pr1.0~ to pl~c~r~ fac1.ng m~te1"1.aLs ar~ before fran1.ng 1.nspec- t1.cr VI FP.A.'AP1C Must be reaueated after ~ approv~l of rough pZ~b1.ng, eZect1"1.- caZ & mecr.an1..::aZ AlZ. roof1.ng brac1.ng ~ cn~~ys, et~ nr~st be cOrrTrJZetcd ~lo 'W:Jrk 1.S to be can- - cealed unt1.Z th1.D t.nspect1.on has been made and approved Your C1.ty Des1.gr~ted Job NumD~r ID rs-o 167 DElfDLITIO I OR 01':'':: B'.}ILDIdGS O IllSVLATION/V/IPOl? t3AHwlER IIISDE:CTIOd To De made after alZ ~nsul~t"l.-On w.d rcqu-:.red vapor ba:I'1"1.er8 are '1.n place but before any lath, gypsum DCa:rC or wZZ couer1.ng 1.8 appZ~ed.. and Defore any '1.nnulat1.On 1.5 concealed o DRYWALL II'SP~CTrON Tc be nade after aU c.:rywaZl ~s 1.n place.. but pr1.ol" to any tap~ng ~SONPY Steel locat1.on, bond beam~.. grout'1.ng or vert~caZs 1.n accorQance W'1.th U B C Sect1.On 2415 WOODSTO'lE Afte~ ul.stal.Zat1.on 1.8 ccmpZeted =:J San~ tary seJer capped c:t ~opi:rt:, h~e =:J Sephc tank p-.o-ped crui f~Zled !.nth gra-Jel ---, FwaZ - 1\'hen chcve -z..te:'lS are cc.-rpletca ~ ~a when de~oZ-:.t1.or '1.S corviete or s~~- ture moved and prern.aes cleaned up />'ob1.Ze rcrres o o o D CURB & APPROACP APOON are crected out pr1.01" cCn:Jrete SIDEWALK & Dl?It'ElvAY Fo~ all con- crete pav1.ng lJt.th-:.n street r1.ght- of-t:e.y.. to be made after aU exca- vat1.ng complete & for; wo~k & sub- base mater1.aZ 1.n place ~ Blochng ~ Plumb<"il ---, Electr1.caZ Conrect~on - Block~ng, set-u~ ---1 and plumD1.ng conrectwns rr....stl !;e apprOLe.:. before request-:..ng e2ec=1"1.cal,1.nspec:1.o- ~ AccesGoT'b Bu.1.ld::..ng and Set-.,tp connect1.0ns BaJer and rJa-:cr After' forms topOUM-ng ---, F'1.naZ - Aft~r p~rcres.. ~ etc are campZeted sk~rt~ng, decks# o PENCE M'her CO'7fpZzte -- Prov~de gates or movable sect1.0ns through PUE D -,- AlZ proJect cond1.t~on8, GUC~ as the ~nstaZZat~on of 5=1"eet trees, cc~lct~~n o[ tnc requ1.red Zandscqnr.g.. eta.. must be sat1.sf1.ed before tre BUILDING FIuAL can !1e request2d I FIIML BUILDINC Tro F1.nal BU1.ld~ng InsPcct1.on TT.,tSt be reauestea ~rter the F'1.n~l Plu-b1.r~ EZectr~cal.. and Mechar1.cal Inspect~onD nava been made and aDprov2d I ] FIliAL PLU,IBIIJG ] FINJtL !,1E'.;fJ!.':ICAL ] FINI1L ELEC':QICI..L ] @ o -ALL !fA "perES AlID CLEANOUTE 1WET BE ACCES$IBLE# ADJUST'f2,','T '1'0 BE 1~1tuE 1''1' /'0 C:JST TO CI'!'Y I P:2fe ! of 2 : JOB NorfZ;D t/6J SOLAR ACCESS , I 2ar~ DC~..t::anC'.J G"'O"..t ILat Sq Ft; f: ~f l:Jt C.::roe-ag;; I '!i of S:OM.es I Z'otaz. fleLcr:. , - ! Topocrc:pn:! I LeT TY?E I Irter1.cr Corner _ Panhandle Cul-de-sac II'!'E'f I S~ FTC lMa~n J Gc::race I Ca1Tcrt /4'x18'1 G~ i I I Accesso.. I I TOTA!:. VALUE Is D C 5 = (vct..;.;;) 1 Euda1.rlo Pe.rrm.. t State Su:rcn.JPqe Tot.::.! Cha.:::'ge3 IT"'''' -'- 1 E't.=t1.res I t Resu:ent1.a!. '1 oath) I Sar.-:..tar:.J Se>",Cl' I dete'" Pl..c-'::r",rg Perr-"~t Sta~e Su....cr.aI'O€ T:::'t:::! Chc"'pes 1_:_ f Res So f-- iN~/E==er~ ~~"CU1.ts , 11err?~rc=ry S;;-.;""ce I Ele~t"1.cal Pe~t St::te Su:r~hW"ae Tot:!.! Cha:rces I :':':: I I Purr.:zce ETU' S ! Ezhaust Hood , I Vent Fan I WoodstoJe Pe:rr-:.,t Issuance Me:::r..:::.r'l..c:::! Pe'PT"T'L t State Su:rchcrae To"'"d cr.::rae" -- L .'CPOACH1'::"T Se~..t~",tu Da~~3Lt , Storaae . f-Iat.ntenar..:!f" Pcrnn. t Total ChC!::?C3 CUrbcut S1.de'..J.2lk t'rn:::l' Electr~al LebeZ ~fob1. Le H:me -0: At AJ.'DU'7' D!f:: .II Value J I I I I ~2..6.-D~ I I I /2-(,0::2- I ,. I /S~ I 52. I I 13. 5"Z I. I " '" 1 I I I Fr;z C/1J-I=::~ I 0 j I -I. I I ....~- -IJ_ I "C I I F:::; CTNi[';E I I I I /3,5;;2 I REQ- L-COG~ -_pcICor-st I Lot r.-aces - Sctnr~/o''> I P L I ~04se I Caraac I'/ortn lEast IS",",n I IWe<;t ~ J I i I I [" ~rcrnacc J.."oc:~tot-e Be:;:o~s ~l"el"""'J SOtrcf'S ,e~! T.J~e I ~ cCYcss I I I I wet...", lJ(!.7~P" 'l'anc(' Fees Building Value & Permit I I Th'LS p€rrr~t 'LO q1"anted on the express cond1..t'Lon that the saul constructt.or. ' shall, 1..n all respects, conform to the Ord'Lnarce ~dopted D1 the C'Lty of I Spr'Lnqf'Leld, 'LncZud~ng the Zon~ng Crd~nance, l"Pgulat'Lrg the ccn$tru~t'Lcn and use of bU'LldLngs, and m~y be suspended or revokec at cry t'Lmc upon V'LC-: Zat<on of any ~rov<s<or8 of 8a<d Ord".a~~~~ PE1lM,T /JI6~tE.. f/?J'r/r'r Ir: ~/~ /"1' -k~ W#S P#a:>. Iplan Chec]; Fee ~t:;..SO Date Pa,d 'O-ID.~<" 1 Ree.<pt # b ....1../1../ ~ I S<g-ed T l~oQ.l .or) Plumbing Permit No pcreon shaZl construct, ~n8talZ, aZter or change any re~ cr e='Lst'Lr~ plumo'Lng or ara1..nage system 'Ln ~holc or 'Ln part, urZess sucn person 'LS tr~ legal possessor of a valt.d plumber's It.cense, exCYe~t tr~t a pe~son "ad do pZurb~g work to property wh'Lch 'L8 ow~ed, leased or operated by tre appZ~- cant Electrical Permi t Where State Lau reout.res tr~t the electr~cal worK De dOne by an Ele~=~caZ Contractor, tne eLectrt.caL ~ort'Lon of tht.s pe~'Lt snaZl r~; be val~ ur:~L the Label has b~en 3t.gned by tne Electr~cal ~ontractor j I I. Mechanical Permit . I I I I l , . ~-r-?-- /0- /.R.~/"5" La'te I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA."JINED the completed appZ~catt.on for pe1'M'Lt, and do hereby certt.fy that all ~"'fo:'r"lat'Lon hcreon ~s true and corrcct, and I f.J.rtrer cer~'Lfy that any ar.d all L10rk perfor-ned shall be do'1e 'L11 Qceol"- dance ~th the Ord~nance8 of the C'Lty of Spl''Lngft.cld, and th~ Ur~s of tha State of OregQn p~rta~n'Lng to the work cescI't.bed hel'e~n, cr~ that NO OCC~- PJNCY Ln-zt be rrade of any structla'e wt.tho.J.t p~rm~ss'LO'1 of the But.Zd'Lnq [h.- V'Lst.on I further certt.f~ that O'1ly contra~tors ar~ ~lQyecs wro are ~r ca-pl~ance ~th CRS 701 05~ w~!l oe used on tht.s proJect ~~~ Sign2d ~ O~ fu:.t7/I~/8S: ",0