HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-6-10 .. RESL .:NTlAL" APPLICATION/PERI1IT 225 North 5th Street Spnngf'&eZd, Oregon 97477 Bu'&Zd'&ng D'&v'&s'&on 726-3753 . .lob Locat'l-on ~ , d?--Lff?O (1JA1~I1/d/ /17 03;;$ L(3 Ta;x; Lot # A8.GesSOl'~ Map # Subd-z..vt.s'/..on. r; (_ / 07 I ~ffi., avr~ I 2.3f) \ / OLmer ~ Adtb>ess .241if) ~~n.tr:;O Phone 726 S-O 3 / c.ty Z'P n n n n l'lt:>I,) Addt.t'Z.on Remodel 'fob.... Ze Home ~~/tJ -qf:; Date of AppZt.catton Contractors General. Plwnhng EZectncaZ Meehar,ed tl}{)OMrtJtlfi- >Tt:JLF Constructt.on Lender D~~~ Value Addres3 .- .6/"C5C;-4 =cae::J:; ..-/ ft del- tJ I< S'/..qred Date C&-- (p ~/() ~~ Lt.3C II Fhan:.: EX,XL1'CS It '1-8 the l'espons~b'l.Z'l.ty of the permtt hoLder to see that alt '/..nspect'/..0n8 are Made at the propel' t~€1 t~at ~cch ~es8 t.s l'e~:~ [1'OI1l the street, and that the pernn.t card 1..8 located at the front of the property *Bu'/..Zd'/..'1g tr..V'LCW"" apPl'oLed plan shell l'ema1.n on tha B>.A::.ldwq S1.t.:: at all t'/.mes pr?OC::D~~o'3... ?!l!l_JNSPT_CTTON RSpUEST CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your C1.ty .ies1-gn.ated Job nzo-bel'~ Job aa6>ess~ type ,,~+" 7..7"'.3oec:;7..cn requested a~d w~en yOU W1-ZZ be ready for l.nspcct7..on, Contractors 01" OWners ncne end pnore nUMber pequests rece1.~ed be:c1"e ? 00 a- ..nZl be made the same dclJ~ requests made after 7 00 an 'nZZ h:J "",,,de t~c r.:zt ....':l"h -:-; d....::J ,Qp.ml1. l"e>n T",~nl'?~t1.c'YI!? D SITE INSPEC':'IO'I To be made after excava.t1.on, but pM-or to set up of forms D UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH;l,'lICAL To be made before any work l.S .:!ovel'ed o FOOTING! FOUNDATION To be made aftel' trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but pl'1.or to poUM-ng concreto U~D8RGqOUMD PLUMBINC~ SEWED. W1TE9. D9ADIAGE To be made pnol' to fd,- Z:t..r.g trencM8 o o UIIDERFLOOR PLUI'BING & I1EC~AIIICAL To be made p1'1.or to 7..nstaZZat1.on of J!oor l.nsuZat1.on 01" decktng POST AND BEAM To be made pr1.01' to l.nstaZZat1.on of floor l.ns~lat1.on or deCkVI{J ROUGH PLU"4BIIG. ELECTI?TCA[, & MECH- ANICAL No ~orY 1.8 to be covered urt1.Z these uwpect7..Grs have been made and. approve:!. FIDEPLACE Pr-L01' to pZac1.r.g fac1.ng mater1.aZs and before f~ng l.nspec- t1.or FRAJ1ING Must be requested after approval of rough plwrh'1,ng, electn- cal & mechan1.caZ AU 1"Oof'1,ng brac1.ng & ch7..mncys, eta nr~st be completed ~o work l.S to be con- cealed unt7..l th1.D 7..nspectton has been made and approved o o o o Your C1.ty DeG1.gr.ated Job Number Is D INSULATION/VAPOIi' 84RRIER I'lS?ECTIO'V To be made after all l.nsulat7..Qn a~n l'equ7..1'ed vapor bal'r1.el'S are l.n place but before any lath, gypsum board or wll eove1't.ng l.S apphed, and before any 1.n8ulat1.On 1.3 concealed ~ f{(IJn!/f) 3 'DE'10LII'IO" OR 'Dv:s':J BvILD:, CS ~ Sant ;W'Y se'.Jer ~apped :::t P~OP";1'tb hre ~ Sept1.~ tank p~~ed ~ f7..ll~d ~th gra~2: --, F7..nal - f'hen above "te"'lS are cC'7Dler:ed ~ ard when .iencl~tt.or l.S c~lete or st~:- ture moved and prem1.3eS ~leane~ up Mobde Hones ~ Block1.ng and S8t-~p ~ Plumb1.ng connect~ons s~er ar~ water ~ Elect1'~cal Ccnrect1.on - Block7..ng, set-u~ ~ and plumbt.ng conrect1.ons nr_st ce appr~~e~ before reauest:ng elect1"1.cal l.nspectt.o~ :=J AcaesC'or"" Bu'tld-:.ng I F1.nal - Aft;)r p~l'Cre8~ ~ etc are ccnpZeted sk~rt'!..ng.. decks, DRYWALL INSPECTTON Tc be made after all d.rywa II 7..S l.n place, but p1'1.or to any tap1.ng O ~SONRY Steel locat1.on, bond beam:;, g'l'OU hng or vert7..ca ls t.n accordance W7..th U B C Sect1.On 2415 m WOODSTOVE. After l.nstalZahon l.S fd ccmpleted o D CURB & APPROACP AP"fJN are erected but pr1.or aon:::rete After foPms topOU1'7..ng D All proJect condtt1.ons, 3UC~ as the ~nstallat~on of stl'eet tr8es, cD-olat~vn of tne 1'equ1.red landscc.ptrg, cte , must be satt.sfuJd before tre BUILDI/,e FI'IAL can be l'aquestad LJ FIliAL PLUl/BIIIG ys:( FIliAL MECHANICAL ~ FIliAL ELECTRICAL CJ o FINAL BUILDING The F1.nal BU1.ld~ng Inspect1.on T'1Ust be requested after the Ft.nal Plllr'bl,rtg Electr1.caZ.. and Meeharwal Inspectum:; have been Made and approv,d o SIDEWALK & DRn'Er//' Y For all con- crete pav1.ng w1.th7..n street r1.ght- of-way, to be made after aZl exca- vat1.ng complete & fo~ work & sub- base matenal l.n plaae "'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEMIOUTS lfUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS';"fE'/T TO BE '~1DE ;'1' ~'O ~;}S'I' TO CI'1'Y I D::z~e 1 of 2 D ['ENCE Wher CO'71pZ.;te -- Prov1.de gates 01' movable sect1.ons througr ~?~-k JOB N'o 8foD if63-s0LAR A( SS REQ- Zone Occu.vancl/ Croup Lot Sq Ftg % of lot C.::nJerag;; II of StOl'7.-es Total Pe'Lght Topography I IITEN IMaw I Gc:race I Carvort I Accessoru I I I Se; FTC TOTA~ VALUE Is D C 1 5 ;r Iva(..ue) BU'l-ld1-ng Per>rrrLt State Swocharge Total Cha........gea IITEN F'LXttJ>es IRes~ent'Lal (1 bath) I Sam. taPy Sewer I/O Water' Pl.unb1..ng Perr-/,. t State Su:rcr..arge Total Charoes , ITEM va I Res Sa fta I New/Extend C'LPCU'Lts I Temporary Se1'Vu:e I Electl'tcaZ Per>rrrLt State Surcharqe Total Charces IITEN I Furnace ETU' S E:::haua t Hood I/O Vent Fan I wo~stoJe;) I I t"AL- Y~I Pe'l'TT(L.t Issuance Mechan-:.ca.l Pernnt State Surcha.rae Toto Z Chrrrmm -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Sec-..lntl/ D2TJ031..t I Storage I Mat.nten.anoe I Parnn.t Total Charqes I Curbcut I S<dewalk I Fen:::e I EZectl''Lcal I Mob-de Home I I Label I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE .+ WT TYPE x FEE FEE FEE I.,.tel'1..ol' Cornel" Panhandle Cut-de-sac Value I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I l- I I I I ChARGE CtiARGE l I I I l, CHARCE [5.0'0 ,~ 00 0V1 IS. too " t I I I I, I I I I I I 3D.bol, ";::.ge c. L-COG~ Ttipe/Corst Bear-oams I Lot Faces - I I P L INorth lEast IScn.th [West Setbacks House Caraqe I I En21'QU $o.a>ces I I 'ieat Access I I Wnter ttRatRr' I I Range I I F1.l'eo lace I I Woodatol-e It TJ~e Fees \ , Building Value & Permit Th'l-S pePTlt'...t 1.8 granted on the express cond'Lt'l-on that the SQ1..d construct1..0n Bhall~ t.n aZl respects, conform to the Ord1.nance adopted by the Ct.ty of Spl't.ngf'/..eld, 'Lnc!ud-:.ng the Zom.ng Ord....nance, regulc.tl..ng the constl'Uctt.cn and use of bU'l-ld7..ngs, and m~y be suspended or revoked at cry t~ne upon V1.C- tat1.0n of any prOV7..B1.0nS of sa7..d OTd1.nances I I, I I I 1'\ I I I I I I I I I, I Plan Check Fee Date Paul I Rece<pt # IS<9""ed Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, 7..nstal!, alter or change any new or eX7..st7..ng plumb1.ng or dra7..nage system 7..n ~hole or l.n part, urZess such person 7..8 the legal possessor of a val~d plumber's l~cense~ except tr~t a pe~son mad do plW"'buzg work to property wh~ch ~s owned, leased 01' operated by the apph- cant ... \. \ . Electrical Permi t Where State Law requ~res th.a.t the electr~cal work De done by an Ele~tncal Contractol'~ the elect~al pOl't~on of th~s pe~~t shall rot be valud unt~l the label has been 8~gned by the Electr1-cal Contractor Mechanical Permit PLan Exarmner tJat:e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed appl7.-cat~on for pel'11r/,t~ and do hereby cel't~fy that all ~~fo~t~on hereon ~s true and corl'ect~ and I further cert~fy that any ar.d all work perfoP11ed shall be do'1e ~n ac~o2"- dance .JJ1..th the 01'd~nances of the c~ty of SpF/..ngf~eUi, and th3 Ur",s of the State of Oregon pcrta~n~ng to4the work descl'~bad here~n, and that NO OCCU- PI'NCY W1..ll be trade of any structure w~thO.A.t par'TTnSS~O'1 of the Eu~ld~ng [h- V~s~on I further cel't~fd that O'1ly contractor's ardi e~loyees wro are ~n ca-pl~ance w~th ORS 701 05S w~ll be used on th~s proJect ~,d:1tj ~ fJ~ Da~/ /o)l(';