HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1992-5-26 t(;; LOCAl ION 01- PROPO',ED WORK 2q9~ C:::~#,,;rdF~fY./~ A"SESSORS MAP _L?-o:5~2S--'7.~ OW~JER - - /5'o~~ -:5'/J??7~ -- --?pp~ DESCRISI: IMlRK __ &?L&-,;L<-=' RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION InSp(;ctlOns /2637GU Office 72637,,9 LOT ADOrlESS CIlY ___ NEW REMODEL CONl RACIOF, S NAME CENCRA.L ''- :f'Jw~~ ... PLUMBING _ MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL QUAD Am A It OF BLOC1S OCCY ennuI II OF ~TOllfL j WAr lOR HEAII'R ,___ /- SPRINGFIE:.LO ...01....,..._ / .-, <!:J JOB NUMBER ___L";:___L;;>_::5 225 Fifth Slreet Springfield. Oregon 97477 TAX LOT 0e6/P3 BLOCK ,4, Mo<S?"Q,6"" SUBDIVISION PHONE _~~ -"9~.50_ ZIP _9?zc22____ STAl E __~~. ~ C-<<~~,; _"'1> ADDITION DEMOLiSH OTHER ~7",,-,,/' ~7"-- '- ADDRESS ,:,"CONST CONTRACTOR # , \ PIION[ REQUIRED INSPECTIONS I~ Rough MechanIcal - Prior to cover ,) , \.:;'\ EXPI RES FLOOD PLAIN ZONING CODE 1/ OF BonM'::; SECONDARY IIEAT SQUARE F001AGE _ To rcqucc-! an InspeLIHlIl, you must call 72G 3769 J IllS Is a 211lour recordmg AIIIIl..:>pcctlon::. requested before 700 i1 m Will IJe rnd(Jc tlw dUll] worl\IIHj day. IW pcctlons [('quested aftol 700 d fll Will be made the follOWing work clay [] TempOI dry Ele(.llll~ o SIte In',pectloll - ro be made dfler I'.. (avdtlOI1 lJUI prlOI 10 scttlflt) 10'1ll~ [] Undel sl db Pllllllblllgl Electrical / Mechdlllcal - Pllor to (.(IVU D Footlllg - After IrencheJ are cxcavatf d D Mnsonry - Sle<.l location bond beafllJ ~Jroullng IKI FOUllddllOn - After fOrlll::. .Ire crcctccl bIll pllOI to conclClc pluCeflll..-flt [=1 UndCI{JIOllnd Plumbing - Prior to flllll") trcncll [] Und{ ,floor Pllllllblllg/McchdlllCdl _ J'IIOI Ie) lrlsuldtlon or cfL,cklllq o Post dlld Be<lJlI - Prlo, IU flonr Insulallun or lIc( hlflg -, , o Floor In~ulatlOn - Prior to:- dc( klnu . o Sdnll.1IY Sewer - Prior to fdllng trendl D Storm Sewer - Pllor to {llllng Irenctl o \ , Wdtl..r Line - Prior to filling trendl ....::. .... -- D Rough Plumblllg - Pnor to cover ....'";. '.. OFFICE USE - LAND USE It OF UNITS CON 'rR lYI'I, IIEAT SOUI1CE 11ANG E o Rough ElectriC II - P,lor 10 cover D Elpclncdl ServIce - Must be approved 10 obtain permdnent electrlcdl pOWU D Fireplace - PIlar to facHlg mn.terlal~ and framing lnsp IX! Flaming - Pilar to cover o Wdll/Celllllg In~ulatlOn - Prior to cover [X] Dlywall - I rlor to taprno l~ Wood Stov. - After rll ,lall..1l1on o IIl~ert - Aller frrepldce dpproval . Lind InstdllalrCJIl of unit D Curbcut & Applodch - After fOI inS are ( It'{ led but prror to pldcemcnt of ( oneretc D Sidewalk & Dflveway - After e)/( avatlofl I~ complete forms and sub l)d~c llldtenal In place o Fence - When completed D Street Trees - When,a!l/equlred tH..C::' are pl,mtud ~. ...:._ ~ o FlIlal Plumblllg - Wilen all plumvrno wor!, IS C'orrlph te D FlIldl Electllcdl - WI\,~n .-lrl clc( trledl wOr], I::' CO!llfJII Ie o rlllal Meclldlllcal - WI1Ln 1111 ,noc tlclnlCdl warl, I", (olllplottJ LV FlIlal Building - WtH 11 all requIred In~pcctlon~ have b( (~Il'---" approved and burldrnU rJ completed ..... o Other MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o Blocking and Set Up - WIl. Il ill blot.klng IS C'olllplek D Plumbing COnl1ectloll~ - Wllt...n tlOme has been conn0ctuJ to water and ~cwer D Electrical Connection - WtH n blocking, set up, and plulllbln~ Inspectron~ h<.lVe been Llpprovu(l and the Ilomc IS connected to the servIce panel D Fmal - Arter dll required Inspections are aPPlOved anej porches, SI\lrtlflg, decks, amJ venting have t)een In....tdllcd Lol Ilc OS Lot Type", Lol 3q fig Interior I ot <- over 1ge Corner fopoCjlapllY P mllancJle Tot,ll hClqlll Cui desac BUILDING PERMIT 11 [M SO FT X $/50 FT ~ MUll C"'U'l\JC '- Carport e;-I'/.::;L~ C:;--;, -;/~; r/ Intdl Value Building Pernllt Fcc SIdle Surctl~Hgc fuldl Fee (Al Setbae..k<; ~ HSE .9^R Ace '5 I"HE I'HOPor,ED WORI< IN THE HISTOfllCAL DISTRICT Oil ON lllE HI,";IORIC^L REGIS1U,? li- _ ---- ~~-- ----- If yr~s 1111.., appllC"1lron rnu I IJ( srgned 'Jrlll dpprovcd by ttle HI,lorlc"11 Conrum dr)! prrp/ In PUlll11 r' c u,nr( \-, .......~-~- ^PI'ROVED " E l~_____ VALU E -~ ''2~~-- 3.B.~ _133 rO.$'5 (B) SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) PLUMBING PERMIT IrEM rlxtU1CS H(~~ 1<.If'ntr,1 Oalh(s) N" v llll\ uy ~ ewe I FT W,lIf'1 FT Slor III Sewel FT MolJlle Horne Plumbing Permrt Slilte SUJChdrgc Tolil CI1;:],r~Jc (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT f-UIlllee Exll lusl Ilood Vent Fan N' Wood Stovr/lnsert/Flreplace Unll I)IY!,! Venl ML( IldnH "I Ilt'rfnlt 1 ,unnce StalL Sur( h~lIqc Tolal Permrl (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Horne Slate Issuance SI,II(' GurdwrQo Sidewalk II CurlJrut II Demol r tlOn Slale.. SUlclliJrgc fold Mrscellnneous Pornllts (E) TOT^L AMOUNT DUE (cxcludlng clcctrlcal) (^ n C f) ,net E Combined) '. FEE BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT ( ,~nllS perini I rs <1r 11ltccl on lhe cxpreC'~ ~oncJrll()ll \111\ tile Jld t.onstrUt Iron Slldll, III alllCSDccts, cotlform to tllc' Qrcltnance adopted by tho Crty of Sprlnollcld, In( luclrng the Development Gmle ICClulatlrlg the constructron dncl USf' of bUIldIngs and nlay be su~pendecJ '..>! Icvokctl 11 dny trrne upon vloliltlon of any provr~lons of sard Ordlll,l!H es Plan Check Fee z -2_ 0"'3" D'1te PaId necelpt Number R/ZY - ~ "P~~~d's~~ ./ "S -;?~-L2 Date Systems Developmenl C~l,UCJC IS due on dll undC'vclopcd propertIes within the CIty lrmrts whrch drc berng rmproved ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Oy signature I st"1te Inti agr8G IIlal I helve carcflJ1ly examrned the completed dpplr('(1tlon 1I1d do hCleby cr I lily 1I1at drl rnformatlon hereon IS Irue dllcJ corrcct, and I [III Iller ccrllly tllat any dnd all work IJC'rfOlflH,(j shall be done rll dl.cord,ncc wllh the OrdrndrH es olllle Crty of Sprrnqrtcld r!ld thL l dWS uf the 01 tic of 01( <lOll lH rl rrlllnCJ tu Ihe \rJ(qh. d(~ ('Irtll d helOln drld tlhll NO QC ('\ IPANel wrll IJL rll rrlr 01 my , IlucturL wrthout pcrrnr< SHirl of the Ilurlrlrnl] S If, I, Drvl"ron I further (ertlfy Illtll only r onlraclor rnd CI1l)ll(l/L(~v who clIP in complranr c Will) OHS 701 O~5 wrll be II ,I'd on tllrs plolect I further agree to ew:;urc \h 1t all rcqurred rn-::-IJLctrons are requested at the proper lime, that e.lch lldumsd I~ reacJablc from the street, lhal the pClml1 calc/Is located ']\ the front or the plOperty ,md the approved set of pldn.::. will remarn on the slle at tl/lles dunng conslructlOn &iJ~ Dale ----<..--1)" -,2 L - '1;;2. r.lynatulo V^L1DA110N tt'7 /2-_ -~-~~- b~~.G AMOUNT RECEIVED t652 ~6-__ . rlECEIVED BY ---- 4~"'- ~ - ------- ---''''? ----' rlECEIPl NUMBER DArE P^ID