HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-9-12 .. RESlDl TlAL.. APPLICATION/PERNIT 225 North 5th Street Sp~ngf~eZd, Oregon 97477 Bu~ Zd~'l{J Dw~s~on 726-3753 Job Locatt.:J71 ,:2500 fO~/??~f) /7 03 d/~ ~/ Tc;x Lot # OO(O,~ Asaessor.: Map # Subdt.v~s1.on OLIner (~ f1A11 fh1 CL ;/J CU~.,-/ Q500 (O"",j O/nILLJ 7L/7 - &s q/j Address C.ty n2J1N= n Addt.tt.cn n RemodeL n 'Iob-:..Ze Floma Phone Z'P DeUJ~;ddn ~ #f~ r~/7--F.c; Value fL~f/f Date of Apphcatt.cn ....ontrac:-ors General, PZwnb'l..ng Electr'LcaZ t'fe~}u:rr'/..c::Z. Ada......es3 ~ <;U'(~ ~ \ r~~rf C071struct'l..Gn Lender e.::cce:::;1:t ., 1.5 (06 ~ X"c:;- r /h1f! --- S1,qred Date Q~ 0I-12-\(S L"/..sc it Exrn..l'es Phone It 1.8 the roesponG'J.-b.Ltt.ty of the pe1"7'l'tLt holder to see that an uwpectums are nade at the proper tunl:., t~at ~c:.ch .:zdd:ress t.S rea.:ia=:e from thE st:reet~ and that the perrrnt card 1.8 1..::Jcated at the front of the property ~But.!dt.~~ ~Ut.':'LO"" approt.ed F~ sh~ZZ rema~71 on tna Bu-:..Zdt.nq S'l..t~ at alZ tt.mes ';J~OCgDUPE FOR INSPECTION RSOUEST CALL 726-3769 (rcaorderJ state you.r C1..ty dest.grzated Joe nw-berJ JOD adc.rcssJ type of t.r.:;-vea;-t.Cn r~questcd a~a w~en yOU ~1..~~ De ready for t.rspcat~onJ Contractors or Owne~s nc~e end phore r~cr Peques;s recet.ved befere ? 00 ~ _'1..~l De TraQe th€ same dc.YJ reauests mGae aftgr 7 00 am un.ll b:J made tl-te nat .JOrkt.rtg da!;J ~Rm~~~~n T~Rn~~tt.r.nR I SITE I"lSP:;CTIOl' To be made after ---1 excavatt.onJ but p~or to set up of forms :J VllDERSLAB PLL'NBIllG. ELEC"'Plc'1L & /{ECHf',JICAL To be made before any worK t.s covered =:J FOOTIllG !:. FOUNDATION To be made after trencnes are excavated and forms CU"e erectedJ but prt.or to pourtr~ ccnaret~ =:J V'IlDrRGDOU17D PLUM2IllC. SEWEp. W1TEQ, D'lfAIll/..CE To be maa'e pnor to ft. Z- It.r.g trenahes =:J ] UNDEDFLOOR l'LU!~ING & MECtfANICAL To oe made pr1..or to t.n3taZ~at1..on of 11001' 1..nsuZct1..on or deck1..ng POST AdD BEAM To be rr.ade pnor to t.nsta~lat1..cn of floor t.nskZat1..0n or deaK.1..rl{j ROUG'i PLU''BI'IG. E~ECTPICA[, & MECH- AllICAL 00 ~orr 1..8 to oc COLerea urtt.~ these 'Ln8oect1..ors have beer. maae and avproved FI'OEPLACE Prt.or to plac1..r.g fact.ng matert.a~s and b€fore framtng 'Lnspec- t1.or FRA"ING MUst be requested after approva~ of rough pl~h1..ngJ eZectr'L- cal & mechan1.cal AU roof'Lng bractng & ch1..mncysJ eta nr~st be completed ~o work ~s to be CGn- - cealed unt1..l th'LS ~nspect'Lon has been made and approved ] ] ] Your C'Lty Destgr4ted Job NumDer Is o INSULATION/VAP09 B47f7fIEJ:? INSPECTION To De made after a~l t.nsu~~tLan ~A raqu-:.red vapor ba:tT'Lers are 1..n place but before any ZathJ gypswn Doard or wZZ cover~ng 'LS appltedJ and before any tnsu Zatwn l..S concea led W/D7r9 DEl'OLITIO~7 OF Dt':'.:J B1JILDIlIGS ~ San~tary s€'.Jer ::apped :=t p:..op.::rt:J h"'e ~ Septt:: tank p..c-:Jed wui f~ZZ2d 1J1..th gra;eZ t Ptnal - fl'hen above 1,te."'IS are cC-r:Jletec: ---l ard when denol-:.ttor ts c~lete or s~~~- ~~e moved ani pr2n1..SeS ~~eaned up !>'ob1..le Nones =:J Block'Lng and Set-~p =:J Plwnb1..ng connect~ons s~er ar~ water ~ Eleetrtcal Conrect~on - Block1..ngJ set-u~ ~ and plumD~ng conneet'Lons nr~st be ap?r~~ed before request~ng elec~I'1..~al 'Lnspee~1..O~ :J Ac~esco~ BU1..ld~ng ---, FUUl.l - After p~rcresJ ---l ete are completed I sk~rt~ngJ decksJ DRYWALL IllSPECTION Te be made after a 1 ~ c:rywa Z l 'LS 'Ln place.. but p1"1..or to any tap'Lng O MASONRY Steel ~ocattonJ bond beamsJ graut'Lng 01" verttcals 'Ln accordance 1J1..th U B C Sect~n 2415 f"Uf WOODSTOVE After 'LnstaZZatton tS L.,Lj completed o o o CURB & APPROACP APOON are crected out prtor concrete SIDEWALK & DRII'EWAY For all con- crete pau'Lng w1..th'Ln street r'Lght- of-LJeYJ to be made after aU exca- vat'Lng complete & foP1 work & zuh- base matertal t.n place o All proJect condtt'LonsJ cuc~ as the ~nstallat'Lon of s~reet trees, caryplat~on of t~ requ1.red landscqnrg.. etc J must be sat1.sfuzd before tre BUILDIjlC FI'7AL can be r2quest2d "] FIIlAL PLUf'BIlIG ] FIliAL I,lE!:HANICAL ] FINAL ELECTRICAL ] o FINAL BUILDING The F'Lnal BU'Lld~ng Inspect'Lon nust be reauested cfter the FtnaZ Plurrbtnq E~cctr1..cal, and Medwr1..cal Inspect..ons have been made and approved Aftezo foroma topounng -ALL lfANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS !1UST BE ACCESSIBLEJ ADJUST'fENT TO BE !fADE /'1 1'0 C:JST TO CITY I Pace 1 of 2 j o PENCE r..'her e071pl.zte -- Prov'Lde gates or movable sect~ons througr FUE o I I Zora I JOB NO xc;r) Rf,9 SOLAR Ar ~ESS REQ- L-COG~ Lot Sq Ftg : ~f lot Coverag~ :J of Storz.es Total ue1..ght Topography I lITEM I Ma'tn lGc::racp. \ I carnc;t I Accessoru I I se; FTC TOTAL VALUE S D C (VC/.....c) 15" BUt.ld'/..ng Perrm. t State Surcharqe Total Cha.....gea lITE" I F1.Xn.res I Res1.dentw.l (1 bath) i San'!. tary Sewer> Water PZ.JJ"ID'Lng Perr-z. t State Surcr..a.rge Tct~ ~ Char(1e_s IITEl/ 0 I Res Sa fta !NGWIExtend Ct.l'CU'Lts I I Temoarary Se'rV1..ce I Electl't.cal Perm'Lt Stczte Surcharae Total Cha:r>ces I In'! Furnace E"'U' 5 Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I WaodstoJe Pe1'7ll'f,t 13sucmce Mecnam..c::zl Penmt State Surcha.1'OC Tntal Charoe(f -- El/CROACH!fEVT -- I SeC!"'~M-tu D2D031..t I Storage I Ma1..ntenal"~e I Pcrrm.t I Total. Char-Des leur;""t [ S'l.dewa lk I t"en.~e I EZectru::a Z Label I Mob1..le Home I TOTAL AJlOU"T DUE . OCmir;an.c.., Gro'.l.J LOT TYPE Irtel'1.cl' COrner Panhandle CuI-dc-sac Value I ,'0 I I I I I 1 FE C!iA:)GE ,..dll'1.:JC~ I NC FEE ClIRRCE IS;. 0() 001 / S bol. j I I. I I I 1 I I I IS0~ I -~pe/Cor.st Eec:::roor's I Lot Faces - I I P L North I I Ener>n J SO..J.1'Cf'S I I ,eat ; I I I II II T"'''e f:ast SOI4tn IWest Sf!thnt'!Ks I do.se' . C~raoe ll.ccess Water I.fr>.at::>r Rance Ft-replace Wcoa:;tot-e Fees Building Value & Permit I I I I ~ . Tht-s perrrr'~ t t.3 granted on the express cond1- hon that the saul construatt.on shalL, t.n all respects, conform to the Ordt.narce adopted by the City of Spr1-ngf1-eLd, 1.ncZud-:-ng the 20n-:-ng C'rd-:..nance, regulc.t1..ng the ccnstruct1-cn and use of but.ldulgs, and m:J.Y be suspended or revoked at c:ry t7..me upon V1..C- lat1.on of any prOV1-st-ons of sat.d Ordt-r~nces 1- Plan Cheak Fee Date Pa1.d Rec~1-pt # I S.g-ed Plumbing Permit I I I I I , . No person shall construct, l.nstalZ, alter or change any new or e=t.stt.ng plumot-ng or drat.nage system 1..n ~hole or t.n part, urless 8uch person 1-S t~e legal possessor of a valt.d plumoer's It-cense, except trAt a pe~son mad do pl~bt.ng work to property wht-ch t.s owned, Leased 01' operated by the applt.- cant Electrical Perm it Where State Law requ1.res tr~t the elect~cal work be done by an Electrt.caZ Contractor, the elect~cal Dortt.on of tht.s pe1'm1.t shall r~t be val~ untt.l the lahel has b~en st.gned by the Electrt.cal ~ontractor I I I I . Mechanical Permit PLan Exc:mt.ner uar;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed apphcatwn for pemrt.t, and do hereby cert1.fy that all t....fornatt.on hereon 1,.8 true and correct, and I f.J.rt~er cerhfy that any ar.d all work pel'foMled shan be do"1e 1.n ac~or>- danc:e ...n.th the 01'dt.nances of the Ct.ty of Sprt.ngf1,cZd, and th~ La:.Js of the State of 01'egQn p~rta1.n1.ng to the work desC:l't.bcd here~n, and that NO OCCU- P/'/ICY Wt.ll be rrrlde of any structure W1.tho.J.t parmt.B31..0'1 of the But.ld1..nq [h.- vt.st.on I further cert1.f:: that O'1ly contra.:::tors and e:rrplQyees wro are Ul c~pZ7..ance w1,th ORS 701 05~ wt.lZ be used on tht.8 proJect ~'~;;)n.~.^ ~ ~\~Q:,,- Date S1-gn2d