HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-6-17 , ; ~ ~_ ~ -.l'....- ~.. -- RESIDeNTIAl-- APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spr~ngf~eld, Oregon 97477 Bu~ld~ng D~v~s~on 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD Job Locat'Lon ::)J::t)() W~~ i f7 03 ;)'5 cjL/ T= Lot # () 0 {03> AB.3eSSOr~ Map # Subd'Lv~s"l.on Otmer 12~tL p~ Q,C)()n ~~JJ ~ !lme;ck/ /ir / 1-f7 Value fI 0UD AildPes3 C<ty n n ryJl n Nm,} Add'l-t'/.cn Remodel t1ob"dp. HOMe Date of Apol'Lcat'Lcn Conr::rGctol'S I General , I , II II II ~ ~ -_ \ }1/1.LA.-r J-u AJ2/J Plumln..ng Electncal Mechar'Lcal Constl'Uct1..on Lender Phone Qll7 -0SC;L/ I <' . occeoDt' pb f(tf5'S- .J fr U-OK- {",ol, IIII Z<p Adc1:res3 33<1'025 '"'11% ~ 51-gred Date CC-- 0'f7 -"f 7 L1..3C # Exrn,l'es Phon:; )-;:c 0-'(; 7 '!(( /) ~r,., g-n It 1.8 the respons~b'Lhty of the perrm..t holder to see that all 'Ln8pect'Lons aTe ,..ade at the proper tun€:, t1,.at .zcch .::ddress 1.8 readao:e f1'Otrl the street, and that the permtt eaPd 'LB Zocated at the front of the property .Eu!.!.d'L....g lrJV'l.:::-:'.o'" appl'oz-ed Dlan shc.7..l l'ema"l.n on tM Bu::,.ldz.nq S'Ltc at all hmes PROCEDUPE FOR JNSP~CTIOll REQUEST CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your C'Lty destgnar:ed Job nw-ber" Job adc:!'ess" tyr;e of 'Lnspec-;tcn l"equesrea ara W~en yOU ~'LLl be reaay for 1.rspcct~on" Contractors 01" Owne~s nc~e and ?hore nUMber Pequesrs receLLea before 7 00 c; ...'1..l.l be made the same dc;y" requests mcde aft;;:.r 7 00 am z.n.U be made t"le next .JOr,{utg cia;} I I I I I , I I ,f?P.{lU'L -r>,:>r1 TnStMf!tu:n.c: iD 10 I I '0 SITE IPsPEC':'IO/l To De Made after excavat'Lon" but pnor to set up of forms UllDERSLAB PU.JlfBlflC. ELECTRIC,lL & I.fECHp.JICAL To be made before any worK tS covered POOTING ! FOUNDATION To be made after rrenches are excavated and forms are erected" but pr'Lor to pounng ccncret<:: o U~DERCROUMD PLUMBINC" Df:?AIfIAGE To be maae hr.g rrenches SE~P. W1TE,'1. pr'Lor to-fz..t- o UNDEOPWOO? PLWTf3ING To be maae prtor to ~oor tnsulat'Lon or & MEC9ANICAL tnG-cal..l..at'Lon dechng O POST AND BEAl"' To be rrade pnor to 1,ns-caZ~t'Lon of floor 1,ns~tat1,on or deck<"G ) ~OUGP PUl'fB?:i?,. ~J,ECTR!CA[' ,1 MECH- t-1 -~.'1=6'.1.s HQ ...vory 1,8 to be cOLered urt'Ll these 'Lnsoect'LGrs have beer maae and approve~ O FIOEPLACE Prwr to pkct.r.g fa(!'Lng mater'Lals and before framtng 'Lnspec- t1..or O FRAlqNC Must be reque3ted after I approval of rough plwJn..ng" el.ectPL- cal & mecham.cal. AU roof1..ng brac'Lng & ch~mncys" et~ nr~st be compl.eted No lJork 1.S to be aan- . - cecled untLl tht.a 1..nspectl.-on has been made and approL'ed ;;4 3" FIliAL PLU/'BIIIG ~ FIliAL MEoHANICAL ~ FIliAL ELECTRICAL =:J Your Ct.ty Des1.gr~ted Job Number Is D INSULATION/VA POll BARRIER I'lsPECTIOfl To De made after all 'Lnsul~t1..on ~~ requ~red vapor barrt.ers are 'Ln place but before any l..a.th" gypsum ooard or wall. cove1''Lng 1,S appl1..ed" and before any u18ulatwn 1.S concealed Riff) I/{J 3- DEt,OLITIOII O'? DrE] BUILDII CS D DRYWALL INSPECTION To be made after aU arywaU 'LS 1..n place" but pr1..or to any tapt.ng :=J San1..tary Be..)e!' capped =.t p~opcrt;} hre .=:J Sephc tank p....--:;~d wui t:..Ued z.nth gra...el I F1..nal. - rlhen above 1..te"'1S are completed ~ and when denoZ~t1..or 1..S complete or st~~- ture moved and pr2~ses cleaned up Mob1..le hClT'es ~ Blockwg =:J PZWI7Inng ~ El.cctr'Lcal Conrectt.on - Block'Lng" 8et-u~ -.J and plumb1..ng conrectwns rrr...st te appraLec before request~ng eZec;r1..cal 1..ns?ec;1..o~ and Set-.p connecr1..ons ~- s~er and water ~ Accescor.,. Bu1..ld.~ng --, F1..7UIl - /tft::r ':'orcres" ---1 etc are compl.eted sbrt~ng" decks, o of D MASO"lRY Steel. beam3" grout1..ng accordance r..n.th 2415 WOODSTO"lE After 1.nstaUatwn 'LS camp l..eted' o All proJect condt.tt.ons, 3UC~ as the ~nstal.lat~on of street trees, co~Zetton of t~ requ1..red lan.dsccptr..g" ete , must be satt.sf1..ed before the BUILDII'G FP1AL can be rzquest:;d \C) G , FINAL BUILDING The F'LnaLBut.ldt.ng Inspechon MUst be reque3ted cfter the F~naZ Plurrb~ng Electr1..cal" and Mechart.cal Inspectl.On8 have been made and approved locat1..on, bond or vert1..cals 1..n U B C Sectwn /tALL !fANFGLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST'SdT TO BE !~'iDE IT NO (')5T TO CI'!'Y I Page 1 of 2 o CURB & APPRQACP APCON are erected but prLor COTWrete Afte..... forms to pounng D SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY For all con- crete pavt.ng wt.thtn street I''Lght- of-way" to be made after aU exca- vat'Lng complete & fo~ work & sub~ base mate1'1..a l 'Ln place o PENCE M'her c07lpZcte -- Prov1.de gates Or' movable seottons through PUE D :. I I Zara I JOB NO ~l,!() tf~3-- SOLAR A("~ESS REQ- L-COG~ I j I I I I I j Lot Sq Ftu :: Df ZQt CJlJercgc:: 'I * of Sr;OM-as Total Pe'Lght , I Tapagra:; hy I lITE!' 1,'la!.n I SQ FTC Cc:race Ct7Y'Vort Accessoru I Is D C ] 5 x TOTAL VALUE ( vaLUe) Bu.'Z.l.a1.ng Perm t State Su.rc:harqe Total Charoges lITE'! 110 !F'tXtur'es I I Resulent7..aZ '1 bath) 1 San'l..taru Sewer I water i I I pz...Q"ltn.ng Pern.. t State S..a>cr.arge Tetal- Chcraes 1111:.// I I Res Sa fta I NCiW/Extend Ct.l'CU1. ts I I Temporary SePV'Lce 1"0 Ele~tl'tcal PeP.m'Lt State Su:rcharqe Total C'narces I.'i':;'f I , I Furnace PTU 'S ! E=haust Hood I dO I I Vent Fan I 1Ioodsto.Je PeT'11'l'Lt Issuance Mecnarn.c:::.Z Perrmt State Surcharae Total Charaes ENCROACHME'VT Se~~M..tu De~ostt Storage Ma1-ntenarrce Pcrrm.t Total C'nc1"oas eu:rbau.t S1.dewalk fi'ence Electr'l..cal LaDel '-tob-de HCJrle -OTAL Al'OU';' Dr):: " Ocmwanc..J GrO'.Av LOT TYPE IT'ter1.ol' Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Value-- I 1/. Sf) I ,c/fo I.... '), 1/1,9'bl. FEE I I I I I I IS' ,00 I 'b1J 1- s---- /~-.bol . CHAFCE FEE CI1ARGE FEE CHARCE I I i 1 I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I 1 I I c:2ll~h I' ':'...DeICorst Bea oors I Lot Faces - I I P L INortfl lEast IScn.tn IWest SetbaCKS HQt,.se Cara"1e I Enera..J So .rces I I.,eat: Access I Watp,l" q~f1tp I Ranqe I I F1-rcolace 1 I Wooao tot-e II T,"'e -- Fees I Building Value & Permit Th1-S pe~vt 1-8 granted on the express cond1-t~on that the sa1-d construct1-on shall~ 1-n all respects~ conform to the Ord~narce a.dor:;ted by the Ctty of Sprl-ngfl-eld~ ~ncZud::'ng the Zom.ng Crd-:..nance~ regulc.ti..ng the ccnstr'dct..cn and use of bU1-ld1-nqs) and m~y be suspended or revokec at cry t-:..me upor v~c- Lat..on of any prOV1-s..ons of sal-d Ordl-r~nces I Plan Check j Date Pa-:..d I Reee'pt # IS,g"ed Fee Plumbing Pe r m i t No per80n shall construct) ..nstalZ~ alter or change any reu or e=':..st1-ng plumo..ng or dra..nage syste~ ..n ~hole or ..n part) urless such person 1-S the legal posseS9or of a val..d plumoer's l..cense) except that a pe~so~ mad do plunb..ng work to property wh..ch ..8 owned~ leased or operated by tre appl..- cant Electrical Permi t Where State La1J reau..re8 tr.at the electr1-cal worK De dOT'e by an EZe~tM-cal Contrac~or) the eZectr..cal DorttOr of tn..s pe~tt shall rot be value urt..Z the ~el has been stgned Dy the Electrtcal Contractor . Mechanical Permit Plan Excm'Lner vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAN.INED ttw completed avpl1..catton foT' perm..t) and do hereby certtfy that all tY'fO"""ma'tton hereon 'LS true and correct) and I f~rtrer cel't..fy that any ar~ all work perfo~ed shall be do~e ..~ ac~or- dance ~th the Ordtn~nces of the C1-ty of Spl'tngf..cld) and the Ur~s of the State of Oregon pcrta'Ln..ng to the work descrtbed here~n) end that NO OCCV- PN1CY w..ll be made of any structul'e LJ'Lthoo.i.t parm..SS1-0'1 of the Buddl,nq Dt.- V..S'Lon I further cert'L~~ that o~ly cont~actol'S and e~ployees wro are 1-r c~pl~ance w~th ORS 701 OEE w1-Zl be used on thts proJect o -l7-r1 ---