HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-12-3 .. RESID~T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spr~ngf~eld, Oregon 97477 Bu~ld~ng D~v~s~on 726-3753 Job Locat<on -zG16 CeNTFj-j, N rAG ~ ~'\jD Assessors Map # II( 03 _? ~7=) L/ <J- Taz Lot # -:70 3 c;\NJ::;N ~ <S1l3If:; ~H1l5L "1..JC.i 6 ~NN-/AL. ~f'-.lCbFlSLD , C'fZ Suhd1..v'l.-s'/..on Ol.mer Ad.d.1'ess C<ty n n ~ Npl,) Phone 747- 67CO Z<p DescT'1.-be f\lorl~ Add'!. tt-cn INvTI><~ON OF ~ ~Ul mE::NT G1611::M Remodel 'Job-de Home Date of Appl'l-cat-z-cn Contractors Z7 NtAl General 6{J~ ~~ lSI y,-,~_ FLi J/:sLLE2LNc' Plumb<ng Electr1..cal Mechar1.C!al Construct1..on Lender L1.3C # 4046 ~I Il--CH C::t ~F. t;::D r:::,f:1 UFb GT_t3 Y~E:I::::iF 14'f?S VaZue A~""es3 $ 4. I?fG,CV ;::;>cce:vt t/. o (;75'10<( . J;~@ /Pz #OIC S1.qred {!C / ;} -.3 - f-? I Date Errn",:res Phone J ~ 'e? ~ N,z.;Z;?yfffi ?h ~ I I It 1,8 the l'espons'J..b'Ll.'/..ty of the pernn.t holder to see that all 1-nfJpect1.ons are nade at the proper tUlle, tt.at ozc:ch cdd:ress 1.8 readaD:e fPOm the stl'eetJ and that the pernnt eaPd 1-8 located at the front of the propePty ~But.td'/.."lg DtV1-:::W'" approt,ed plan sheU rema1.n on th2 Bu-;,ld-mq S-z-t:: at aU tt-mes PROCEDUPE FOR INSPECTION RE:(}UEST CALL 726-3769 (rccor>der) state your C1-ty dest.gnated Job nw-ber, Job ad.c.:-rcss, type of Ui.3pec:;t.cn requested ard U~e~ yO~ ~t-ll be ready for t.nspcct~oaJ Contr>ac~ors 01' Owners name and phore nUMber Peques~s rece1-t-ed cefcr>e 7 00 ail ...'1..ZZ be made the same daYJ requests made after 7 00 am unU be made the next vJorhng dati l?tW?11,l>pn r'1~1?P~tu;nR O SITE IiVSPEC'!'ION To be made after excavatwn, but pnor tc set up of fo1'ms O VNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL To be made before any work z,s covered o FOOTING & FOUND'1.TION To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prt.or to pou~r~ ccncretG U~JDr:RGPOU~'D PLUMBINC. SE:WE"O, W'1.TE'?, D9.AINAGE To be made prt.ol' to f1-l- It.r.g trenches --, UNDERFLOOR PLWfJ3ING & MECrJANICAL --.J To be made pr1-or to 1-nstaUat1-on of 11001' t.nsulat"on or deckt-ng i~POST AND BEAM To be ".ade pM-or to ~ ~nstallatt.on of floor 1-ns~lat1-on 01' deckt.rtg CJ leJ RO!!GH PLU!~BIllG" ET,ECTPICAL & MFCH- ANICAL No ~ol'r 1-S to be eOLered urtt-l these uwpectt.Or's have beer made and approved. FIogPLACE Pr<-or to plact.r~ fac1-ng mater1-als and before fram1-ng 1-nspec- t'/.or FRA1AING Must be requested after approval of rough plumbz,ngJ eZeatr1-- ca Z & mechan1-ca l All 2"00 ft.ng brac1-ng & cht-mncys3 eta nr~st be completed No work t-s to be con- cealed untt-l tht.s ~nspectLon has 'been made and approved eJ ~ Your Ct.ty Desz,gr~ted Job Number Is O INSUL~TION/VAPO'i' BARRIER I"lSPECTION To be made after all 1-nsulat1-on a"'4 requ~l'ed vapor barr1-ers are ~n place but before any lath, gypswn board or wlZ cover1-ng 1.8 apphed, and before any 1-nsulatt.on ~8 concealed o DRYWALL INSPECTION To be ",ade after all d:Pywall ~s t.n place, but prt.or to any tap'l.-ng ?is / /JfJII , DE!10LITIOM OF . OVEJ BUILDI.IGS :J Sam tary se'.Jer :Japped ~t P~OpCl't:t hre ~ Septt.~ tank p.<.r-;;ed crui f"!..lled <.nth gra...el I F1-nal - r{hen above 1-te"'1S are cC"7pler:ed ~ a~d when deMoZ~tt.or 1.5 complete 01' st-<<~- tUl"e moved and pre~3es cleaned up Mobt.le Hones =:J Block1.-ng and Set-~p =:J Plumb1.-ng connect"!..ons s~er ar~ water ---, Electr1-cal Conrect~on - Block1.-naJ set-u~ ~ and plumbt-ng conrect1-0ns ~~st t~ appl"oLed before request-:..ng elect1'1.-cal 1.-rspect1-o~ ~ AC:JessoI'b Bu1-Zd-:..ng I F'/.nal - After porcres3 sk-:-rhng, decks3 ~ etc are completed o All proJect C~d1-t1-0n8, suc~ as the ~nstallat"!..on of street trees3 co~let~on of ene requ1-red landscapt.rg, ete , must be sat1-sft.ed before the BUILDLIC FI~~L can be r>equested ::=J FINAL FLUt,lBI/1G =:J FINAL MECHANICAL =:J FINAL ELECTRICAL =:J o PINAL BUILDING The Ft.nal But.ld-:..ng Inspectt.on must be requestea c/'ter the F1.-nal Plwnbt.nq ElectrLcal, and Mechar1-cal Inspect~ons have been made and appr>oved o MASONRY Steel locatLon, bond beams, grout1-ng or vertt.cals ~n accordance Ut-th U B C Sect1-on 2415 \ *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE3 ADJUST'fE'IT TO BE !f1DE liT ~lO C::JST TO CI'I'Y I P[l[;e 1 of 2 , D WOODSTOVE After uwtallahon 1-S aorrrpZeted o CURB & APPROACP ApOON are erected but prt.or CJ01U!rete After> forms to pOUl't.ng o SIDEWALK & DRn'EWAY For aU con- crete paV1-ng w~th~n street rt.ght- of-way, to be made after all exca- vat1-ng aomplete & fOM work & aub- base matenaZ 1-n place o ~ENCE k~er co~plete -- Prov1.-de gates or movable seet1-cns through P U E o I JOB I Zone Lot Sq Ftg % of lot CQverag~ ;;. of Stones NO ?jc; 1/;:) I SOLAR A S S R EQ- OCmA.TJanc1.f GrOU;J tf?r-J t==: It=;f t=:l.f'.T Total ue1"ght Topogrcwhy I lITEM IUa1.-n I SQ FTC Ga:rQae Carport I Accessoru I I Is DC TOTAL VALUE (vQwe) J 5 x But-Zd'Lng Perrrn.. t State Surcharge Total, Cha.......ges lITEM I P'LXtt.:res I ResuientUl~ (J bath) \ Sanl, tary Sewel' NO I FEE , Water Pl..onb'Lng Pe:rrt. t State Su:rcr.ar>ge Total Charaes I ITEM I Res So fta [N8W/Extend C1"I'CU1"ts I Temporary Serv1..ce I I VO I I I EZectI'1..caZ Perrrn..t State Surcharqe Total CharGes lITEM I Furnace ETU'8 I E=ha:ust Hood I Vent Fan. I W:JodstoJe I I NO FEE Pernn,t Issuance Mechan1..caZ Pe~t State Surcharae Tntal Chart1p.t1 I Se,,""M-t, -- ENCROACHME~IT -- Devos'l-t Storage Ma1.ntenance Peron t Total Charaes CuI'bcut s",dewaZk I t;'p-tlce I E"Lectru:aZ Label l Mob1..le Home I I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE . I I I LOT TYPE -JS,. I'Y'teI"LOl' Corner Panhandle Cul-de-saC! x I I I I I I I , . I 1[).oV I -~I ID lIbl. I I I I I I I I If) oV I I . t/bl I If), c/O . Value CHARGE FEE CHARGE CliARCE j I I 2(),gO I. rcge 2 L-COG'lo I Lot Faces - I I P L NOr'th ~E 3eG.!'oorr'$ T"~e 8p.thar:ks House - - . ~ Caraqe Wate:r 1ft:!.(]tpY' Range F1..l'eolace wooa;tor-e East S()!.th IWest Fees Building Value & Perm i t Th1..S pe~t 1..3 granted on the express cond1..t1..on that the sa1..d construct1..0n shalZ, l..n all respects, conform to the Ord1..nance adopted by the C1..ty of Spr'l-nqft.eld, l..ncZud:.ng the Zon-z.ng Crd-:.nance, regulahng the ccnstpu.:!t1.cn and UDe of bU1.ldt:ngs" and m:zy be suspended 01' revoked at CY':J t...T1e UpOI" Vt.C- U2t1..0n of any prQV1..31..0nS of sa1..d Ord1..r~ces Iplan Check Pee Date PQ;.,d IReeo1.pt # I S1.g-ed Plumbing Pe r m it No pereon shall construct, tnstalZ, alter or change any rew or e=tst1..ng plumb1..ng or dra1..nage 8Y8te~ l..n ~hole or l..n part, urless skch person 1..8 the legal possessor of a val1..d plumber's l1..cense, except th~t a person maj do pl~btng work to property whtah t$ owned~ leased or operated by the applt- eant Electrical Perm it Where State Law requtres tr~t the eleatrtcal work be done by an EleatrtcaZ Contractor~ the electrtcaZ portton of tht3 permtt shaZl rot be valtd urttl the label has been stgned by the Elec-t;r>u:aZ Con-traator . Mechanical Permit . Plan Exannner uat;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED tlw completed apphcahon for permtt, and do hereby aert~fy that all t~format~on hereon ts true and correct, and I further certtfy that any ar.d all work perfo1"7led shall be do"'1e ~"1. accor- dance ~th the 01'd~nances of the Ctty of Sprtngf~eld, and th~ L~~s of the * State of Oregon pcrtatntng to the work desar~bcd here~n~ and that NO OCCU- PJNCY unll be made of any structure w~tho...t permtssto"'1. of the Eutldtng lJt..- v~ston I further aerttf~ that o"'1ly contractors ar~ employees who are tn c~pl~ance w~th ORB 701 055 wtll be used on thts proJect S1.gn2dJi ~<A! li/;/95- Date