HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-2-13 I !'('(, I'lL Ii .. RESIDE~~T1AL" APPLICATI, FEll/in' 225 North 5th Street Spr~ngf~eld, Oregon 97177 Bu~ld~ng D~v~s~on 726-3753 .'ob Loo,t>O>l -:?~'if!:, ") (' E':N. (h ),(j /A-L Asoeoooro Map # /, /) ()~ c;cf cjL/ 1= Lot" {)(C:J[Jf) SPRINGFIELD ' II '13/f S-- ! 1~11/~1 SI~bd1.tlt.B1.0n 1, SII/I~/) {/'r rY,1;-M"-'l/ol 8)/7lf ? k, Sf',~ co( cu,lPr /'J.mIJ /uldrc "'::; ltt' {I { ( C'Lty DCDCl...bc 1~'0l1 il n II n Nt'''' Addt-t'LCI1 /NV8'O(twM1OO 0PPAA.?- j)N) .2-( ~ - 'Ii Heroo,let "t.(1r('d Date 'ob.... te rloMa Vallie /la.te of Iippl.'LcattCI1 pIlOn::: f.X,1.~' .. I./L:W I' Addl e" ...antl rl(.t.Ol'S AI/A Cancra 1- Ptwnbt.l1q r1.ect.rLca1. ff(>chnr"'Lr..:::1. Construct1.on G~nd~r , .'-. It t.o the reoponDJ..bLlt.ty of the permLt holdpr to sc(' t1lllt ,zl! UI"pr>.:t1.011'J arc nadc at t}w Ilv/eJ tum ~ tt-at 0:::::c1l .::ddrcoo 1.S rca:!ac:.! from the street, and that the pCY71TLt card ..n lvcatr>rl at the f)'ont of thr property ~!Jlll,!dt.'Jq D 1)t.~W" apt ror..eJ rLan a}U4ZZ J emmn on tho;; lJtI~ld,n(1 ..,,,L at aU tUl/ca r,"OCr?DUDE FOR INSPFL."TION TlSf)UE:!..tT. CALL 726-3769 (rceold('p) "tatc YOll.r C1.t.y den1.gn1ted Job Ilw-be)'3 Job Qt'C.1'cs::J3 type of 1.I3peC;LCI. reqlJ.cstea Qrd W"'Nl !Jou wd.l be li!ady for 1..napcct;.o'13 CO/lbnctcrfJ OJ Ow/le~a 'lo::me end (1I01G lIU'lbcr Dequc"ta recc1.!-ed befcJ'e 7 00 c:-; ....1.lZ. De maae-tnc came (1l:Y3 rt..qcl.eGtJ il...J", u.ft;;. -7 (J:J a.~ ...~l' L::: f"",ll' tI!l' T',,:::t ,..xn!..1.Ill da, ?9() I/O Your C1..ty De:11..0ulted Job Numbcl' Ia ,f?r>mnrl'd Trlr.nc('t10/l:1 ] SITE IN,)Nf"'ION To be made aj tl'r cxcavat1.ol1, but prto)' tc set IIp of forme ] UNDfRSJ,AB P[.UJ.[BING, FDECTRIC,1f ,~ Nf( /It1.'iJCAL 'fo be made before any work 1.a ,:o>Jcred INsur A I WIJ/VAf'(l'" IMUfUfR P/";l" ( 'NON TtJ be.. mtd(' aJ te..r aU UI"ul~t~::m a.d l'cqll:.red varen 1 m'r1.C1 s art' 1.11 pW.{ e but Le[tJl(, all1! ZaUI. qYP<JIUlI be..QJ'f..! OJ' LXIZl (.OVlWtnq 1 s appl1..ed. and bejOJ'(' any 'L/I,ulat'LO/1 'L... (.oltC..cal,ed I Nf/(l[,[ fIOII OR OVE - ,~'ILDI. ''"i,) , :=J Sallt ~OJ'Y SCJCI' ::ap;>ed :::t p"'op.;:;) tJ ~ 5ept'L:: tany P"'7cd a"1d f~ll;:d lJ1.th ,j)'a",d D l'L...... ] t'lr1al - f{}len cb;;vt? 'itt"s alf' cC"loletcu. Q' J whcn JencLtwr ~a c..om[l,ete 0) st ,,~- iura moved aJ~ rl~M~3es cleaned up Qll1J~A!'.LJJlST" f'i.TnN Tc bi! made a} it l' till drYIJrt.ll L'J tn pZ{u..c, but prl-or to en!! tapu19 FOOTING ,I FOIJND1TION To be m:rde after benches are excavated l1wl form~ are erected, but pnol' to poUt 1.ng cctlcre to;; UI",'o[;nc"orp'D Pr,U"'''INr, ')"11F'7. W1TF7, D7AINA6F To be made p1'1..01 to ftl~ l'Lr.g trellChef: D ] loaat1.oll, bond 01' verttcals :.11 U D C SectwlI o MAC;ONRY Steel beam:;, '11'Ollt'LIIJ aecmdall(.e /J'Lth 21Jt ] Molnle flcmi!.. - , l-IlotallatuJ11 1..S :J Uloc...hn!] amI S;:t-.Ap ~ ~ :J Plumv'Ln] connect tons --, Elcrtrw('l Com eetton - Bloch1l9. set-u- ---.J (lIId p1wnbw9 eVI/1 ectwtla l1r..st !;c ap;n'OH( befm'e requesLllg elec;1'wal 'LnSrlf"C~'LO ~ IVOOD';lO"f ~ccmple..tf..J /lflt'r ~ UNDE"F'LOOR P![Jf'8INC ( I1Fr'IANfCAL 10 be made 1'1"1.0)' to 1.nstal1,ation of floor ulIJulctwn or deckulg PO')T AND BEAM To be Trade 1'1'lOr to utstalLat1.ctl of floor 1.ns/..lattOl. or dechY1fl ROUGfI TlTsu"nF/C. rrFrTRT(,Ar. r. HF(,f1- ANf( AI No ..JOr/ 1.::; [.0 l)c LOI..(')'C'd U1 iLZ these ,'Lll1pr>Ct1.01 a h1ve boar" made 1}1ul appl'ove.:1. FI"FPlACE ' Pr'Lor to pteCtra {ac1.nq mc..iCI1.11Ln alld before f1anll..n9 wnper- tl-or s;;tJer and wa:eI' Aftc'" form<J to pourtn9 \ D CURD .r. APf'RCAnl ArnoN are cl.e.... te I iJU i pi WI" ~on~rc if' ] 'lIVQIA{,K r. l1HJ!'f//'l For all 0011--::.... c...rete pfllJ1.1UJ 1JLthUl st)'cct r'Lqht=- of-1J,c.I/J to be mar/a after all.. exca- vat1..nq c...ompll.t(' & [0I"'1 lJOrJ... .~ :;ub- ba:::e 1/'ll.tf'1'1.al 'Ln j?w::Je , =:J Ilc::Jes:::or.l Bll:' t.Ll1{J o ] f't1l.'l1 _ Aftcr ;Jrcres~ sk:.rt-:-ng, dec1...3. ete are camrlc~~d ] ] O ""FNCr It''lCr C0'11['1. te -- Pro01.(I(' qatcL 01' movable :::ect'LOnD tht'ougJ P U F o FRA/'INr Must be reqlwDted after aPP1'01{a:t of rough 1'lwrb1.ll!b elcctr7..- cal &wmechan1..:al Atl. roof'L11{J brac7..ng & ch1.nmcYD, ete nr~st be compteted 10 work 7..1 to be con- cec'zcd unttl thD 1.ns1'cct'Lon 008 been madc and approved ] Ef fi;oP 8 All P'oJC( i COI'Jl..t7..0I1'J, "Ill f aD t./u> ~11<Jtallai:.o" of J!.l'eet tl'ees, ....o.,...Zo.......:m vf t~e requ'Lrt'd lal1r1'iccptrJ, cte, muJt])l' Dat'L,jLLd bl~rore tIe BUILDIl,C iI 'AL .,:all!Jc r.u;uc:1t;:d =:J :J :J =:J FIfl/l! rLU~'DT!1G ill... t'L1I It rZwnbLII: FINH, DUfr,DING /1(' It-fill! IJuLl(Lllg !11"pl'('/1.01l rnmt be rLquented .:ftl.t El,cctl Leal. alld Nccltaru,>L In'Jrect~om-' have berm made alld aprro>J~'l <29 .t~ \,' AM r NI1NllCrr; AND rl f ANC'UT:: NlrT r Irhll flE~f1ANICAl FIN/.& F&cCT7JC!.L " oj . I I P;,'c nr Arrr";!JTBt,[, ADfUST'IP,'I'" TO rn /'1rF ,1T 1'0 ~}S'i TO ('["'1 c' I /{!Wl'C State TaL' l"cqlll-l(.... tJ.at tile cl{'ctlLLalLJol"J.. be donc by all r;"lc::!tlLcal ~ ~ -_~ I,-L<.J .tlQC {,J! j IF e-....~I.-... .'~' ""~fvl ~,,:) _01'..;:.:1 _~ ..".... 1-_~1,t:!71 .."t- lH"~~laltd latt"l I the label }uw b~en ~la'll d QY til(.. / lCLt:'ru,:ZZ :;Oo;ltmZtor . p...._- I 1 1 I, JOB NO SULAf~ ACC[~S ('7"(' OC1".""1/pom..l{ C1'O'I_ lOT TYT'f Lot Sq Ft; ~ ~f lot C~veraG~ 1/ of ...tOM-{>a 17"t..er1..or Cm ner ParIJIW/IIL( iotal l'cLCt"t I Fopo",a;;},y I r"f11 1'lavI I Grrar.e I rarT'cr't I 1 ("'('c"aDr I I I I, /) C (.U l-dr- "'Q(' j ')Q rr>r; \' VaLue TOTM t'AfW I vc./,lIl.-) ] 5 x Butld"nl/ Pellmi Sta tc SlI)'cll 7rqe Tota l C}ur"ge3 1111,1/ ]ltxtld'('[; I Res"d2rlt1-al (1 bc...tM 1 S'an ~ t'l1!1 'lclJer IWrt;>r> III (JIM (I NV 12cq /1i~71rx '20 CK!. pL.lmh nq 1>( II It :;ta~e [;IH c1 m'l,,," -'!::.!o..~_ r!.!!:,[!{''' I 'I ~N I'r" '0 III rI,l/lli c;o fto I ,1...uJ/F:::tc ..1 C'v~':;...vt 1 Tcrrrpararlf SeI'V1-cc I Fle~t1'L~al Perm1t 5t::tp '>wdU'lT'cw 'flJtal r1!nT'("'c" I I1 ~M 11,'\Ii1'r~7Cc oTU r r; 1 f.:::hnwJ t flood [ Vent F:I1l I I w}od",f())(' I I Nl' I f'I (1IAIl' , /5 qQ, 1-- PeT nn t [:;"t/7m ~ H(!~h(lnw:1l rcmn t l L, L-......0l.o I 1 1 I I I 1 1 'IJPP!(OI 81.-(1100'1a , I {ot.. [au" - I I 1'1 N()I111 rl1"'l o~/ <)n 11'( {''' '[lat r,'atpr' 1{('otC'1 HW1!)r Illrfluu, WOo(/,,~()[,... T,I'( 'lrtbn( /..., 11/01.,,(' ((II (I(1f' 1/,1".( (''' {II t 'JUI.th JII'( rt , , p::Jp, Building Value & Permit Tlrl-.. permt.t 1..J '1rantrd 0" tiw C1;pre~'l cOlldtt1..oll that tile ",ad ~on.'ltl"U1".t.LOll ...}lllll., 1..11 al7 l'C"TcctG, lonfonll to Ow Oldtna/1".c :1doptal hlj tle rLty of '/,ITn'fL(..ld. rl('ZwL1lIl UlC !.OJl~1UJ CId~rzQlIC('. Ifgulct.Ll'.1 tlr(.. GCIl"tl / t.1..';/1 ami II C oj 1m ldLwl , owl m~U be "'UGflC'ndr! I 01 l'cvoJ..cc. at. (I!J t~IIlC 11101 VtC- lntt.on oj allY PI.)OL,1..OI.1 of ,(lLd OrdLr'WIC..(,[; \ , / I Plall ihN k l'niL l'(l":..d lup( ~1..[J~ II ,1("'1 cd , " 14M I rap Plumbing Permit N,l pel 011 hJll (OII...tllU..~, "l..ll...tal!. 0[[,....1' 01 (..}IQII!1I' "II!! rlrW Cl C:::1.St1.1l[! plwnb1 nq 01' d'lunWle '!! II~n HI ...JllOLc or UI part, w Zen l ...!.c1i reI '1011 t:; t1 e leqal p07'JC ,"01 oj a lJahd plumber'n lteenae, except that a pe~:;orl 11aj do plw"b1..1l[] L.lorJ.. to propr11.J W}\L.dl '1.:; OLJ1cd, leaaed or opclated by the apph- Larll \ , I/' I, I d~ Electrica I Permit Mechanical Permit ~{y , / '" <;tate <)tadlr'Tr/C 1'1~ I /Z;, 1.;-1, ...J2.l.a l C}PEEl -- tUUWAcIlNt.'1'l' I C'C{.~.H1.tll DC:P();nt 1 <;tora!J{' I UatlltcWl1l"'t' \ PC1'm1..t ..]'otrtl (11m,,!, J I (''ul!J( u~ ! S'1.d('tJl1Zk 1 t(,11~(' I Flectrtcal 1 Mobt.le /l:>me I { I Label '35 'Z3 #K 1'/..al1 l/!(Jllllfm ~fLp C Z/I3/f/i vatr.../ f, I 111 VE C,1RH VI T,} r ).A4fNfD tIle completed appLLcat'1.on faT' pcrln1. t. and do hCl cbU em t'j,..ftf that aLL '1.,,:fo mat,,0I1 hal'con l.a tl ue ana C01'lcct, allJ I fH't}cl' u?l !.'1.j!J that atl!} ar.d all lJork perfOlP'f1ed :J1Ulll be dO"1e "'1 ac:::or- dmlLI' ..JLth Ih.:J Ol.lw"lfl""".. oJ t}w CLty of ~prtM[]f1.Cla. and t..1J.:: La.vs of Oe 'Jidtr of 01("')// r)~llllllllltJ""toIU1( lJOl'J.. ~lCI,(.r'j,..bcd hr1c-:..n, end ~JU'lt NO OCC'J- - '\ OJ v PNJ<..Y !,)[,lZ bJ mlllJ or-ail!! ..tTw tw" IJ/,.tho~t pat'fn"" no I oj the !JIILldLll<f IJt..- v"non I J!Ir'th('}' {...(!1'tLfJ th'1t 0"111f COni1'Qctol"J QI d enpl~!JeL"" IJ} 0 are u ('(),"pl-:..wwc wvl.h em'; 101 05r IJdl be u<red on thtD pl'OJcct -~ Itii t: tr1r,w'r/ ~z ~/ ~ D,Jte J--)~~'8q