HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1983-9-13 SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of PublIc Works September 13, 1983 Mr Dav1d Batson 3285 Oregon Street Spr1ngf1e1d, Oregon 97477 , / RE. Courtesy Inspect10n at 2705 Centenn1a1 Boulevard, Spr1ngf1e1d, Oregon Dear Mr. Baston: In response to a request from the Spr1ngf1e1d Ut111ty Board, an e1ectr1ca1 safety 1nspectlon was conducted at 2705 Centenn1al Boulevard, Spr1ngf1e1d, Oregon on September 9, 1983 At that t1me, unsafe cond1t1ons were found to eX1st 1n v1olat1on of the BU1ld1ng Safety Codes. The fo11ow1ng 1tems are some, but not necessar11y all of the eX1st1ng V10- lat1ons. The house and garage were locked and could not be Tnspected. 1 Rubber covered extens10n cords are not perm1tted to be used as permanent w1r1ng 2. The W1re 1eav1ng the serV1ce panel is requ1red to have phy- s1cal protect1on. 3. The W1re 1eav1ng the panel 1S required to be fastened or run through condu1t and made essent1a11y ra1n-t1ght as requ1red by safety codes The Oregon Electr1ca1 Safety Law, Sect10n 22-110(b), states that e1ectr1cal work performed on property that 1S for rent, sale or lease, shall be done by an electrlcal contractor I have not been able to reach you by telephone, and would apprecTate your call to arrange an 1nspect1on. I am ava11ab1e between 8 and 9 a m and 1 and 2 pm. at 726-3663. Thank you for your ant1c1pated cooperat1on S1ncere1y, JR/ch II?, r1?1~~ James R. Matteson E1ectr1ca1 Inspector 225 North 5th Street . Sprmgfleld. Oregon 97477 0 503/7263753