HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1988-9-29 Rcce....pt it / ;J. Cfs q .. RESU,r.:NTlAL.. APPLICA"~ON/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spr1.-ngf1.-eZd, Oregon 97477 BU1.-Zd1.-ng D1.-v1.-s1.-on 726-3753 Job Locat<on 14 '31 C ~J!;_-y)-d~f I?/P~. 17- 63 - CJ- 5"-.13 Tc:t: Lot # /1-7o-i> Asoessors Map # Subd1,..v1,..s1,..on '~ vtfL C1~ PA?~.4~/'/--C- Address c:I /?f3i ~ !APhone '7':2.? - 0 iP </-0 C<ty ~~/..J Z<p q 7 L-J 7 / OI.mer n n Nm,' ~ A4d1,.. t1,..cn JXr Remodel Descr1..-be rl'ork 0251 n l.lob-:.le Rome Date of App!<cat<cn q - :J.. q- ~ Ii--?' Contractors General Value Address .I . /?-/<;! /"'_---;;;/h_'d~f Ifl,,_). Qu/kfJ/I.. / P!lm<b<ng Electl'1,..cal Mechar'tc~l Construct'tDn Lender J a~()' III .?!,1.,() S"/..gred Date cC '1'- ;Z tf-f7 L"/..sc if Exrnres Phone It ~8 the respon8~b1,..Z1,..ty of the pe~t haZier to see that all "/..nspect1,..ons are nade at the proper tt.me, t~at ~ach ~ess 1,..S readao:e from the street, and that the pernrz.t card 1,..S located at the front of tr"e property *Bu1,..!d1,..~ [hV1,..:;:wr appro"/"ed plan shell rema1.-n on tha Bu-:.ldwq S"/..te at all t1,..mes PROCEDUPE FOR INSPECTIOn REQUEST CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your C1,..ty des1.-gnated Job mu-ber~ Job ad.d.ress~ type of 1-nspeC-;1.-cn requested a~d w~en yOU w1.-ZZ be ready for 1..-nspcct1-0n, Contractor8 or OWners nQrne end phone r~cr Pequest8 rece1-~ed before? 00 ~ u.."1.-Zl. be made the same dey~ requests made after? 00 con u)7."Z1, be made t"tze next ..JOrhng da, Your C<ty Des<gr.ated Job Number IS<:,--II- rF'r 6 P H- ~ Remi~~p~ T~snp~t~r-nR D o SITE INSPECTION To be made after excavat1.-on, but p~or to set up of forms UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & /-fECHANICAL To be made beforl1 any work 1-8 covered O FOOTING &. FOUNDATION To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but pr1-or to pOU1"1,..ng ccncret.::; '"J.. 0 J& UVDERGPOUMD PLUMBIN(. SEWEP. W4TEl1 I D'?AIl'IAGF To be made p1"1,..OT' to f1..-l- Z1...'Y'..g tT'enchee o o UNDEPFLOOR PLUf/BING & UEC'iANICAL To be made pr~or to 1-nsta l Zatwn of f100r 1-nsulct1-on or deck~ng POST AND BEAM To be made p1"1,..or to 1-nstalZat~on of floor 1,..ns~lat1-on or deckul{j ROUCH P[,[P~BII1G, ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL No ~orY 1-S to be co~ered urt1..-l these 7-nspect1.-Drs have beer. made and approved FIPEPLACE ~or to plec7-r..g fac1-ng mater7-als and before fram~ng 1.-nspec- t'l-O'Y' F~IING MUst be T'equested after approval of rough plumb1..-ng, electr~_ cal & mechan1,..cal AU T'00f7-ng bram.ng !.l chMmcys, etc nnwt be aorrrpleted ~lo work 1-S to be con- - cealed unt1.-l th1..-S 1-nspecnon has been made and approved o D o o 2.::)PLWBIIIG o FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL ,~ o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIEr? INSPECTION To be made after aU "/..nsula.twn a>".d" requ-:..red vapor barr1.-ers are 1-n place but cefore any lath, gypswn board or wall cover1-ng "/..s appl'ted, and before any 1.-nsulat1..-On 1-8 concealed I DE!fOL1'J'm~7 OR OVED BUILDItlGS :J San1-ta:t'y se'Jer capped c:.t p~opo;rtl1 l1..~e ==:J Sept7-c tank f'~-ped ~ f7-lled w~th graJel ::J P1.-nal - Vhen abcve 1-te"71S are cCWDZeted and when deMol~t7-0r 1.-8 complete or stru~- ture moved and pre~ses cleaned up Mob1..- Ze Hcnes =:J Block1-ng and Set-~p =:J PZumb1-ng connect1.-0ns s~er aril Water ~ EZectT'1..-cal CQn'Y'ect1-on - Block"/..ng~ set-up --.J and plwnb1-ng conrectwns rrr...st be approz-ed before request1-ng eZec=:t'1-eal 1,..nspect"/..o~ ~ Aecessorh Bu1- ld-:..ng I F1,..na.l - After porcres, shrt"'!.-ng, decks, ---1 ete are c~pleted o AZl proJect cond~t1-ons, suc~ as the 7-nstaZlat~on of street trees, co~Zet~on of tne T'equ7-T'ed landsccp1-rg, ete , l1mst be sat1.-sf1.-ed before tre BUILDING FIVAL can be requestad o FINAL BUILDING The F"/..nal Bu-z..Zdulg Inspect1..-on must be requeGted after the F1.nal PZwnb1,..ng EZect"l'1.-cal, and Mechar1.-CaZ Inspect,-ons have been made and approved o DRYWALL INSPECTION Tc be nade after all drywall 1.-S 1..-n place, but pr1-ol" to eny tap1-ng "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST~fENT TO BE !fADE /IT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 o MASONRY Steel locat1.-on, bond beam~, grout7-ng or vert"/..caZs 1.-n accordance un. th U B C Sechon 2415 o WOODSTOVE After 1-nstalZat1-on 1-S ccrrrpZeted o CURB & APPROACH APl?ON are erected but pT'1-or concre te AfteY' forms to pour1.-ng D SIDEWALK & DRIVEf.lAY For all con- crete pav"/..rlg un. thw str>eet r1..-ght- of-way, to be made after all exca- vat1-ng complete & forry work & SUD- base mater1..-al ~n pZa:Je o ~ENCE krher c071pZete -- Prov1.-de gates or movable sect1.-0ns througr PUE o I JOB NO C; fnfYO SOLAR ACCESS REQ- Zone O(!cupancl./ Gr~l.. LOT TYPE Lot Sq Ftg ,; of lot Caveragr; !/ of Stones Total Pe-z..ght Topography I lITEM SQ FTC Maw Gerace I Caroort I Acces80ru I I Is D C TOTAL VALUE (va lUCl 1 5 x BU1,.Zd1.-ng Perrmt State Surcharge Total Char>ges lITEM I NO I Futures I Resulentwl, (1 bath) I lsant.tary Sewer Watt!!1" PZ..cn1n..ng Perrrt. t State Su.rcr.a:rge Total Charaes I ITEM ~O I Res So fta I New/Extend C1.-rCU1.-ts I Temporary Sepv-r..ce Electr1-caZ PePimtt State Su.rcharqe Total Cha.rces lITEM I Purn:2Ce PTU'S I E::::hau8t Hood I Vent Fan 1 WoodstoJe I NO 1 , I , I Perrrrl-t I:;suo:nce Mechan't.ca.Z Per>rm.. t State 8uI'char>ae Total ChaT'rum I -- ENCROACHMEVT -- ISe~d~tl./ Dzpos"t I Storage I Ma1.ntenance I Pernn..t Total Chal'qes Ctubcut I S1.dewalk I Fence I EZectrt.CaZ \ Mob'!. le Home I Label TOTAL AMOUNT DUE >l I FEE I.J, c; I I J I I : 411, - 'IX ( (J1J I / ~;gV I7'tel'1.cl' Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Value I I I 1 1 'I "I I, J I I , ' CHAPCE PEE 1 -, I :3-0. &0 I~ I / ,6'b, I I ~/" rsV , ' I I I I l 1 I I, CHARGE FEE CHARCE : L-COG"i rp~pe/Cor..st Becroof"s Ene!'au SO.J.l"ces iJ~at Watep 'hwtp-p Range Ft-r'eolace Wood:;tot-e T",ve I Lot Faces - I I P L INorth lE.'rzst Ism. th IWest I Access I I I I I II II II Ii 'I Setbacks House I Caraqe I I I Fees Building Value & Permit Th'LS pe1"1'111-t 1-0 granted on the express candt-t'wn that the sa'td constr>uctt.on shall, t-n all respects, conform to the Ord'/..nance adopted by the Ct-ty of Spr1.-ngft-eld, 1.-ncZud~ng the Zon'Lng Crd~nanceJ regulat1.-ng the ccn8tru~t1.-0n and use of bU1.-ld'/..ngs, and may be suspended or revoked at cry tt-me upon vt-c- latt-on of any prOVt-5t-ons of sa1.-d Ord1.-r~nces I Plan Check Fee Date Pa-:--d I Rec~1.-pt # IS>g-ed Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, 1.-nstalZ, alter or change any rew or eX1.-st1.-ng plumb'Lng or dra1.-nage sY8te~ 1.-n whole or 1.-n part, urles8 such person 1.-8 the legal possessor of a val~d plumoer's l~cense, except that a pe~son ma~ do pl~b~ng work to property wh~ch ~s owned, leased or operated by tre appl~- cant Electrical Permit Whel'e State Law requ.~l'es tr.at the electl'~cal work be done by an Ele~tP1..cal Contl'acto1', the electr~cal port~on of th~3 per.m~t shall rot be val~ unt~l the label has been s~gned by the Elec~cal Contl'actol' Mechanical Permit 1 I I I, I I I 1 I ' Plan Examiner uar;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.^1INED the completed appl'Z-cat-wn for pernnt, and do hereby cert"fY that all "~fo~t,,on hereon '1-S true and correct, and I f..irtrer cert1,.fy that any ar.d all work perfoJ:'7led shaLl be do"7.e '1-"7. accor- dance ~th the OPd'Z-nances of the C'1-ty of Spr'Z-ngf'1-eld, and th~ L~~s of the State of Oregon PQrta'1-m_ng to the work deser'1-bed here-:.n, and that NO OCC!J- PJNCY unll be rrade of any structur>e w'Z-thO..it perm'Z-sa'Z-o'1. of the BU1,.Zd1,.ng D<-- V1,.8'Z-on I further cert1,.f~ that o'1.ly contractors and enployees wro are 1,.n ca'pl~ance wt.th ORB 701 055 w'1-ll be used on th'1-s proJect / rr-21- yr /Jate I