HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-5-2 SPRINGFIELD . ~" .. RESlr~ \IT1Al" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spnngf1-eld, Oregon 9?4?7 BU1-ld1-ng D1-v1-s1-on 726-3753 Job Locat<on I~/ /;:..,,--_/'=~~~ ,;??ct/2>. ... Assessors Pap # /?--e:>~-~"r T= Lot # II:<~ Subdt,v1,.s1,on ,,4t.C'~/ / 1;/f~KL//9' 7/( /77/~.c ~7/ #4!). S?r~Z> '"' ~ / DLmer Address C<ty n n [Xl n N(:YIJ '/ 'X:--06' yv q'7'7:?7 Phone Z<p Descnbe fvork Add"!. hen ;1'~;2'~ /".7? j)/j'-,?/d t:? c z;> t I/ftr~<. 5/1Y~ r=c.....:?/ "? / ~ \ Remodel- '1ob1.le ;rjnme Date of App"lt.catt.cn 5'- ":? -8'''6 Gontractors General O_~ Plwnb<ng ~ w~ Value ~r~ iicce"..pt If- tI-4- 2-1 Address . , /111. (;fJ I ' I L-z.,sc # L){ ~~ / EXP~:8S I I Phone Electrwal Mechar1..caZ Construct1.on Lender It 1..8 the l'espons~b1..l'tty of the penrn..t holder to see that aU 1.nspect'LOn8 are nade at the proper tUlle, trat :;;ac:h .;;ddress 1-8 rea.daD7-e f1"Om the street, and that the perrm.- t ea:rd 1.8 located at the front of the property ~But.Zdt.~ ~Vt.~t.O~ approt.ed pZan,shcll rema~n on the BU1.ldt.nq St.tc at all tt.mes PPOCEDUPE FOR INSPECTION PEQUEST CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your C't-ty des'/.gnated Job nurbel'~ Job aaC1'ess~ type of 'tn3Dea::'tcn requested ar.a w~en yOU w~ZZ be ready for ~rspcct'/.on~ Contractors 01' Owners nome ~nd phore nUMber Pequests reae~ved before ? 00 ~ ...'1-Zl be made the same day~ requests made after 7 00 a'1l un.U be made tZze next ..;orhng day qp.~~~p.n TnRnp~t~r-nR O SITE INSPEC';'ION To be made after excavatwn~ but p1'1.or to set up of forms O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH;jNICAL To be made before any work ~s covered o POOTING ! FOUNDATION To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but pr1..or to pou1'1.ng ccncret~ UVDr;RGPOU~ID PLUMBING. SEWEP. W1TER. D~AnlAGE To be made p1'1.or to f~ z- Z1..ng trenches o o o L, [KJ UNDERFLOOR PLU~~ING & MEC~4NTCAL To be made pr1..or to l..nstaZZat1..0n of ~oor ~nsuZat~on or deck~ng POST AND BEAM To be rrade pr1..or to l..nstaZZat~on of floor l..ns~Lat1..on or dech"{; ':J ~ ROUCh ;;;;"'tJ.L';/C~ ELECTf?,rCAL & MECH- ANICAi~rK ~s to De co~ered urt'/.Z these '/.nspect~ors have beer made and approved PIoEPLACE Fr1..or to plac'/.r4 fac1..ng mater'/.aZs and before fram'/.ng ~nspec- t'/.or' FRAflING MUst be requested after approvaZ of rough pZ~h'/.ng~ eZectr~- cal & mechan~cal AU roof~ng brac~ng & ch~mneya~ etc nrdst be compZeted '10 work ~s to be con- - cec.led unt'l-l th~s ~nspect'l-on has been made and approved D [E ~ ID D ,0 'J."I FINAL PLUJ.ABIlIG AlZ pl'oJect c~d~t'/.ons~ suc~ as the ~nstallat~on of street trees~ co~Zet~on of cne requ~l'ed landscapu'g~ etc ~ must be sat'/.sf~ed before tre BUILDINC FIMAL can be 1'2quest2d FINAL MECHANICAL ,~ 0) FINAL BUILDING The F~naZ Bu'/.Zdutg Inspect'l-on rTUst be requested after the P'/.naZ Plwnb~ng Electr'/.cal~ and Mechar~caZ Inspect~ons have been made and approved FINAL ELECTRICAL Your C~ty Des'Lgr.a.ted Job Number Is O INSULATION/VA PO'? BARRIER I"lSPECTION To be made after aZZ ~nsuZat~Qn ~~ requ~red vapor barr'/.ers are '/.n place but before any Zath~ gypsum board or wa.ll COVer'Lng ~s apphed~ and before any l..nBuZat'l-on '/.s conceaZed o DRYWALL INSPECTION To be made after all drywall w ~n place~ but pr''/.Ol' to any tap1..ng , <;;>86:3'/ 0 I DEI OL1T10l1 OR 'OVEE BUILDldGS =:J Sa-rntary se'.Jer ~apped at p~op;;l'r:1 hre ~ Sept'/.;:] tank"p-<--ped a"1,{j f1..lled l.J1-th gravel :J F'/.naZ - f{hen above l..te"'ls are conpleted and when d~oZ'/.t~or 'L8 complete or stP4~- ture moved ani! pr~ses ~Zea.nea up . ftlob'/.le Hemes ~ BZock~ng and Sat-dp ~ PZumb'/.ng connect'/.cns 8~er and Water' ~ EZectr~cal Conrect'Lon - Block~na, set-uD ~ and pZumb~ng conrect'/.ons nr~st b~ appro~ed before request~ng eZect1'1..cal 'Lnspec=~o~ ~ Accescol"b Bu'/.ld~ng :J F'/.na.Z - After F':Jrcres~ etc are compZe=ed sk~rt'/.ng~ decks~ O MASONRY Steel beams ~ grou t1..ng accordance l.J1.- th 2415 O WOODSTOVE After '/.nstaLZat1..on 'LS ccmpleted Zocatwn ~ bond or vert'LcaZs l..n U B C Sechon D CURB & APPROACH Apr:>ON are erected but pr'Lor aon:::rete After forms to pour'/.ng o *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST~fEllT TO BE !tilDE J1T l70 C;JST TO CITY 'pQ:f'e:1 of 2 1 o SIDEWALK & DRIYEWAY For aU con- crete pav~ng w'/.thvn street r1..ght- of-way~ to be made after all exca- vat'/.ng complete & fo~ work & sub- base matenal ~n place -... D I'ENCE gates PUE ~'her co-npZcte -- Prov'/.de or movabZe sect'/.ons througr o , 1 JOB NO I Zone Lot Sq Ftg % .:;f lot Coverag:::. If of StOr"Les Total fJe1..ght Topography I lITEM IM:::l'Z..n I Cc.race I Cl11"VOl"t I Accessopu I I IJ5}C'~r;Y~ I TOTAL VALUE Is D C SQ FTG (vawe) 1 5 x But.ldt.ng Per>rtn.t State Sur>cha:rge Total Cha........ges lITEM I F1..Xtures I Resulentw.l (1 bath) I San'/..tary Sewer I Water I NO / Pl.unlnng Perr-z-t A/7/H State Surcr.arge Total Charoes lITEM I Res So fta jNew/Extend C1,.l"CU1,.ts I TempoY'm>y Se1'V'l-ce '10 Ele~trl,.cal Permt.t State SUX':.iharqe Total Charges lITEM I Purn.::we ETU'S I NO Exhaus t Hood Vent Pan I Woodstove I Pernnt Issuance Mechan'LcaZ Perm t State SUrcharae Total C1urral'Js -- ENCROACHME"lT -- I SeC"d.M.t"l/ DeTJ031,.t I Storage I Mat.ntenance I PeI'TfM..t I I Curb""" I 51.-deLla lk I Pen::e I EZectrr..cal I Mobt.le Home 1 I Total Char>qes LabeL I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE * I I 2sz:>. --I I I, , /67 -- I - I _ 5(:;? I /~~J' I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I ,{s-.-,;HI_~ 1 - :::>s-I I /'5'.75\", I CHARGE i 1 I I , I l' SOLAR ACCESS REQ- Occupancu GN LOT TYPE IroteI't.oI' Corner Panhandle Cul-de-saa x -, 1 1 I 1 , 1 I Value FEE CHARGE FEE FEE I I , I I 1 1 I I l, I I, I 1 J ' I I , -, I 1 I I CHARCE I I :26. '25' Page .2 L-COG"" T"oe/Corst BedYoo,..s I Enerqy SO..a'ces !feat I Water Q('!(J.tf?l' I I Range I I F1-rep lace I I Wood~tot-e II T,.lOe I Lot Faces - I I P L INorth East ISoz.th IWest Setbacks I HOkse ' Caraqe I Access I I I I Fees Building Value , Perm i t & Th'/..s peT'/1tl,.t '/..8 granted on the express cond'/..t'/..on that the SQ'/..d construct1-on shall~ '/..n all reBpects~ conform to the Ord'/..nance adopted by the c'/..ty of Spr'/..ngf'/..eld~ '/..ncZud1-ng the Zontng Crd~nance~ l'egulat'/..ng the ccnstruct'/..cn and uae of butld'/..ngs, and m:zy be suapended or revoked at cry t-:.me upon VtC- Latton of any proV'/..s'/..ons of sa'/..d OTd'/..nances I Plan Check Fee I Date Pa,d I Rectnpt "# IS,g-ed Plumbing Pe r m i t No person shall. constr>uct~ '/..nstaZZ.. alter or change any new or ex'/..st'/..ng plumb1-ng or dra'/..nage system '/..n ~hole or '/..n part, urless such person '/..s the legal possessor of a val'/..d plumber's l'/..cense.. except tr~t a person mad do plUr'b'/..ng wOl'k to property wh'/..ch '/..8 owned.. leased or operated by the appl1-- cant ... Electrical Permit Where State Law requ'/..1'es tr.at the electrt-cal work be done by an Eleat:n.cal Contractor.. the elect~cal port'/..on of th1-S perm'/..t shall rot be val~ unt'/..l the Label has been s'/..gned by the Electr'/..cal Contractor . Mechanical Permit ~~~ .~ ;4k~C7rnner "r- S--::2.-~ u~te I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed applt.cahon for perm'/..t~ and do hereby cerhfy that all '/.."1.fo~ahon hereon '/..$ true and correct~ cmd I I f.Artrer cerhfy that any and all llJork perfoT'71ed shall be dO'1e '/.."1. accor- dance .JJ'/..th the Ord1-nanCe8 of the c'/..ty of Sprt.ngf1-eZd.. and th~ Lcr",s of the State of Oregon pcrta'/..n'/..ng to the work descr~bed here~n~ and that NO OCCU- P}NCY W'/..ll be made of any structure w'/..tho~t perm1-Ss'/..o~ of the Bu~ld~ng D'/..- V~st.on I further cert1-fy that o~ly contl'actors ar~ employees who are ~n ca~pl1-ance w~th ORS 701 055 w~lZ be used on th~s proJect 'I ~;-. , ~ -S-L-t?rS Date