HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-2-1 .' '. Job# 01-00091-01 , .. .' Page 1 of2 TRAN3#:01-0004359 . DATE: FEB 01 2001 AMT RECD:2 $ 95.70 CHANGE: CASHIER:059 SPRINGFIELD RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services DIvIsion BUilding Safety Job Number 01,00091,01 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Office 726,3759 Inspection Line 726,3769 Location Of Proposed Site 1431 Centennial Blvd Spr Assessors Map# 17032533 Lot Block Addition Tax Lot # 11200 SubdivIsion Owner Judith Franklin 1431 Centennial Blvd Phone Number 541,726,0640 Address Scope Of Work Electrical Only City/State/Zip New Springfield, OR 97477 Value $0 supply fan forced heaters Contractor Type Electrical Contr '110 . Registration # J:'ExPJratlon Date 17/8 -IJ...... C & SElectric Inc 3849 .4,' I}, ,o~9~1j2000 - , Ii, "VI/l' Po Box 1482, Springfield. OR 97477.0189 C', Of)>L'> Sft/' 'JI ,_ <"f::'", "1/ J l/~ ....../1'......... - ulVl' -,:.r.o Office Use 'leu ""Do,.:; vl;:'f)>l'J.J 1,<;>1;:'1,1:- Land Use 0,,!- fOot;,# OtBUlldlhgS, l'ftl;:"A. ~,~ 'vA,.. c,o,. vV0n ZOning Code Occ.!lpancYI~~OUP "/S VitI( Bedrooms Heat Source ~Df:"a 1\10/ Range , Sq Footage 19 " I, ) To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726,3769 "All inspections requested before 7 00 a m Will be made the same working day, inspections requested'after 7 00 a m Will be made the follOWing working day (". ' , t;:.t', 'OJ Requlred,lnspectlons , "J, ( J Electric1ii- T -:-1 . >1 Contractor Phone 541,741,2236 Quad Area # Of Units Constr Type Water Heater Rough Electncal Final Electncal ,Prior to cover "', ,When all electrical work IS complete .' I. I" . I, Construction Types Occupancy Groups # Of BUildings # Of Bedrooms Handicap Access? D [Area (Sq Feet) Main Accessory . J', -/I 'I. l . 'I _ ~ ~ J'u'-,.JJ -~tJ 'III. vJ.}...3 ~ '""J ~,ft>>., I # Of Stones Current Units Census Code Does not apply Height (feet) Proposed Units Total " 11111.!i!tf'&. ) bmltted has the followmg The folloWlOg project as SU eClflc land use zoning and does not require sp approval ZOning 1..- I .......-(;> \:J.,J !J...:h(L 225 FIFTH STREI:T Date SPRINGFIELD, ORFGONA~~6tfLed Signature INSPECTION RI:OUI:ST: 726-3769 OFFICI: 726-3759 1. LOCATION OF INSTALLATION 11../ 31 C!:;NrDVII/IJ--L RLv.\.. LEGAL DESCRIPTION /703 25 3~ 1/20-0 JOB DESCRIPTION SIA ",('10 ~~ ~"-C-.l.. H&,,*h-I2--'s I I PermIts are non-transferable and expIre If work IS not started wIthIn 180 days of Issuance Ol If work IS suspended for 180 days 2 CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY Elec tncal Con tlac tort,,;,<S t: ledYIc.. ;+1\C ~dd ress p, D \~Of. \ l\ S 2- CI ty~~\ \'\~ht'lcJ Phone Ii( 1-)2310 llo~IS \0 c'\-Ol 3'S'LjQ ()-OI-02. SupelVlsnr LIcense Number ExplI.-atlon Date Constr Contl Numbel Expl ra t1 on Da te SI~ su~ectrlclan own/ls Name '"3' '-^ ch.+",- '0-.4.-, L/,:"" Address 14 3/ L-!-",=,>^~.;"I 1?/vd CI ty ~r,~<+:""fJ Phone 72b' 66<tO OVNER INSTALLATION The InstallatIon IS beIng made on property I own whIch IS not Intended for sale, lease or ren t Owners SIgnature DATE' R.t,l,;t..l ~'i Ii. RECEIVr:o BY, GFIELO ELECTRICAL PERMIT APFLICATION City Job Number 0 {- DOC? q / - 01 3. COMPLETE FEE SCBEDULI: BI:LO~ A. New ResIdentIal-SIngle or MultI-FamIly per dwellIng unIt ServIce Included Items Cos t Sum 1000 sq ft or less Each addItIonal 500 sq ft or portIon thereof Each Manuf'd Home or Modular DwellIng ServIce or Feeder $ 85 00 $ 15 00 $ 40 00 B ServIces or Feeders InstallatIon, AlteratIons or RelocatIon 200 amps Ol less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only $ 50 00 $ 60 00 $100 00 $130 00 $300 00 $ 40 00 , C TemporalY ServIces or Feedels InstallatIon, Altelatlon or RelocatIon 200 amps 'or less 201 amps to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 volts $ 40 00 $ 55 00 $ 80 00 see "B" above D Blanch CHCUI ts New, Altelatlon or ExtenSIon Per Panel One CUCUlt I:ach Add I t1 onal CILCUlt or WIth ServIce or Feeder PermIt / $ 35 00 :s S $ 2 00 ? E. MIscellaneous (ServIce/feeder not Included) -Each InstallatIon Pump or IrrIgatIon $ 40.00 SIgn/OutlIne LIghtIng $ 40 00 LImIted Energy/Res $ 20 00 LImIted Energy/Comm $ 36.00 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE '57 7% State Surcharge Z ~~ 3% AdmInIstratIve Fee I" TOTAL LfO 70