HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2000-4-14 , . SPRINGFIELD 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 , I Job# 00-00029-01 I Page 1 of 2 TRANS#:01-0001253 DATE:APR 14 2000 AMT RECD:2 $ 476.30 CHANGE: CASHIER: 004 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON COMMERCIAL PERMIT City Of SpringfIeld Community ServIces DIvIsion BUlldmg Safety Job Number 00-00029-01 OffIce 726-3759 InspectIon Lme 726-3769 Location Of Proposed SIte 1701 Centennial Blvd Spr Assessors Map# 17032534 Lot Block Addition Tax Lot # 04502 SubdivIsion Owner BPOE #2145 1701 Centennial Blvd Springfield, OR 97477 Value $100,000 Address Phone Number 541-484-8341 CIty/State/ZIp New Scope Of Work Communication (Cell) Tower Alrtouch Tower Contractor Type Contractor RegIstratIon # ExpiratIon Date Phone - 19'1>'1299(' General Gonu FI"'SC~~:~Clr:r:l~lInl~S Inc 102687 ~OJ 833 8088- ~?n 1,1 Bth H\I'G 3t;, u urn, VVA ~ljut,Z Designer Douglas Cottel 540-686-9796 331 C West 13th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401 Electrical Conlr TOMCO ELECTRIC INC 33844 4/30/2001 541-389-5424 850 NE 1ST STREET, BEND" OR 97708 OffIce Use Quad Area Land Use # Of BUlldmgs # Of Units ZOning Code Occupancy Group Constr Type Bedrooms Heat Source Water Heater Range Sq Footage To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording al726-3769 All inspections requested before 7 00 a m Will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7 00 a m Will be made the follOWing working day Footmg Foundation Structural Concrete PIling, Drilled Plers/Calsslons Bolts mstalled m concrete HIgh Strength Boltmg Fmal SIte Plan Fmal BUlldmg ReqUIred InspectIons I BUlldmg . After trenches are excavated - After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement -In excess of 2500 pSI To be done dUring construcllon by a State Certified Inspector PrOVide r - To be done dUring construction by State Certified SpeCial Inspector employed by owner/conlra( - To be done by a State Certified Special Inspector PrOVide inspection test reports to City BUlldlr - To be done dUring construction by a Stale Certified Special Inspector PrOVide inspection resul -After all reqUIrements have been met for MInimum Development Standards or from the Develoi - When all required inspections have been approved and the bUilding IS complete I Job# 00-00029-01 I Page 1 of 3 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON COMMERCIAL PERMIT CIty Of Sprmgfleld Commumty Services DIvIsIon BUlldmg Safety Job Number 00-00029-01 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Office 726-3759 InspectIon Lme 726-3769 Location Of Proposed SIte 1701 Centennial Blvd Spr Assessors Map# 17032534 Lot Block AddItIon Tax Lot # 04502 SubdIvIsIon Owner BPOE #2145 1701 Centennial Blvd Phone Number 541-484-8341 Address Scope Of Work Communication (Cell) Tower Alrtouch Tower Clty/State/Zlp New Springfield, OR 97477 Value $100,000 Contractor Type General Contr Contractor Registration # NEW HORIZON COMM, INC 136818 63025 OB RILEY RD , SUITE 8, BEND, OR 97701 Douglas Cottel 331 C West 13th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401 TOMCO ELECTRIC INC 33844 850 NE 1 ST STREET, BEND" OR 97708 Expiration Date 9/24/2001 Phone 541-389-4203 Designer 540-686-9796 Electrical Contr 4/30/2001 541-389-5424 Quad Area # Of Umts Constr Type Water Heater OffIce Use Land Use Zonmg Code Bedrooms Range # Of BUlldmgs Occupancy Group Heat Source Sq Footage To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769 All inspections requested before 7 00 a m Will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7 00 a m Will be made the follOWing working day Footmg FoundatIOn Structural Concrete Pllmg, Drilled Plers/Calsslons Bolts mstalled 10 concrete High Strength Boltmg Fmal SIte Plan ReqUIred Inspections I BUlldm~ . After trenches are excavated .After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement -In excess of 2500 pSI To be done dUring construction by a Stale Certified Inspector PrOVide r - To be done dUring construction by State Certified Special Inspector employed by owner/contrac - To be done by a Slale Certified Special Inspector ProVide inspection test reports to City BUlldlr - To be done dUring construction by a Stale Certified Special Inspector ProVide inspection resul -After all requirements have been mel for MInimum Development Standards or from the Develo> I Job# 00-00029-01 I ReqUIred InspectIons Electrical Page 2 of 2 Underground Electrical Rough Electrical Final Electrical - Pnor to cover - Pnor to cover -When all electncal work IS complete ConstructIon Types Occupancy Groups # Of BUIldings # Of Bedrooms HandIcap Access? D rArea (Sq Feet) Main Accessory # Of Stories Current Unrts Census Code Does not apply Height (feet) Proposed Unrts Total Fee PaId On Recelpt# I Plan Check 01/10/2000 201 Value/QuantIty I Fee Amount Commercial Plan Check Total Plan Check 100,000 $281 45 $281 45 BUlldlDg Permit State Surcharge For BUlldlDg Permit BUlldlDg AdmlDlstratlve Fee Total BuIlding BUlldln!! 04/14/2000 0001253 04/14/2000 0001253 04/14/2000 0001253 100,000 $433 00 $3031 $1299 $476 30 Permanent 200 Amps or Less State Surcharge For Electncal Permit Electnc Admlmslratlve Fee Total Electrical Electrical 04/14/2000 0001253 04/14/2000 0001253 04/14/2000 0001253 1 $50 00 $350 $150 $55 00 SDC AdmlDlstratlve Fee Total System Development Grand Total System Development 04/14/2000 0001253 $ 00 $ 00 $81275 Plan Check Type Imtlal Revlew-C/I/P Englneenng-C/I/P PlannlDg-C/I/P Structural.CII/P Fire Marshal-C/I/P Checked By Bob Barnhart Ken Vogeney Date Completed 01/25/2000 03/17/2000 AI Gerard 01/28/2000 By slgnalure, I state and agree that I have carefully examlDed Ihe compleled application and do hereby certify Ihat alllDformatlon herelD IS true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done In accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Spnngfleld and the Laws of the State of Oregon I further stale that only contractors and employees who are ID compliance with ORS 701 055 Will be used on this project I further agree to ensure that all required IDspectlons are requested at the proper lime, that the project address IS readable from the streel, that the permit card IS localed al the front of the property, and the approved set of plans Will remain on Ihe site at all limes dunng construction r-::;~ -~ -=--~:4~-' ~/""""- *~~-~~ ...- ~ ..~~~-/--- - . ~~.. ..... ~ ~ ~~. -~ ~ .......,,--'" > , r' r, SPRINGFIELD "70 ' <] - 0 I (70 . 0'- "'"n,e farrOWing project as submitted has the following luning and does not reqUIre specifIc land use ,,~proval ZOntng (' ~ 225 FIFTH STREET De'," '-f-u -00 \ SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 . ~ INSPECTION REQUEST: ""72t;'-"'3'7Ili!1nature OFFICE: 726-3759 1. LOCATION OF INSTALLATIQtlj /7t?/ Un7en/?/QL L>/I/D LEGAL DESCRIPTION /7.6 ':3'2 <5"'-;;;- <-/ cP ~~:? '/ JOB DESCRIP.LION #(/?/"Y~,//; ~/L /~ Perm1ts are non-transferable and exp1re 1f ~ork 15 not started ~lth1n 180 days of 1ssuance 01 1f ~ork 1S suspended for 180 days 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY B. 40 00 $ .00 CHANGE: CASHIER:059 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Clty Job Number~~::2.q,e>/ 3. COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELaY A. Ne~ Res1dent1al-S1ngle or Mult1-Fam1ly per d~ell1ng umt Serv1ce Included. Items Cost Sum 1000 sq ft or less $ 85 00 Each add1tlonal 500 sq. ft or port1on thereof $ 15 00 Each Manuf'd Home or Modular D~ell1ng Serv1ce or Feeder $ 40 00 Electnca1 Contractor '~I'-lto ~J IIut.. SerV1ces or Feeders Installat1on, Alterat10ns or Reloca t 10n Address Vo Do't-. t3mrlCE' 200 amps or less' THm'~ R 201 amps to 400 amps PhonE!' . ~r1'~~/RE/F~~to 600 amps AU IZEDI..JNDERTHISPE.llQ.1..,Sln.!Pk to 1000 amps Supervl ~nr L1cense Numi;m.....~J'.t}-:::r _, '1j'{f~r:;1'601i amps/volts vu,v~or.lvMBANDONII1~fflIilect Only ExpnatlOn Date /tl'e?/~t!!>Yjl80DAYPERIOD_ Constr Contr Number, JJf!-11- Expnat10n Date 4:Jo--o / / $ 50 00 $ 60 00 $100.00 $130 00 $300 00 $ 40 00 .50 00 C1 ty.Jifu.l'f\ , C. Temporary Serv1ces or Feeders Installat1on, Alterat10n or Relocat1on s/2::;:)eifn:;22:an " O~ners Name$ P'O, C )'1/ ,.R1-1~ 200 amps 'or less 201 amps to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 $ 40.00 $ 55 00 $ 80.00 see "BlI a !lOVe volts D. Branch CIrcUIts Ovners Slgnature: Ne~, AlteratIon or Extens10n Per Panel Address/76/ c;.j1t~VlVlIv4L I3L\JD'" " ''''',cyulfe:;yoUI, f~ L ' ";~ II< rulb~ aOne!(Cllrpn:tOreg,on Ut,lit ' C1 ty.sW,I\ll) A81 'D. Phon'Pt/f1 Z,4-- V'J1-ICrlflOr, CeEachT Ac:lg:!- t)!9!)~/P set to~' ) - V",., ~52-lJOl Cl\r<;UlrbLig~1 O'Af~1Jj5~~vT.ce OIINER INSTALLATION vd9CJ, YOu mal' (o_raE'e,3'sl,..EJ&s brlil'lfr1Jles ~ $ 2 00 Caldng InE: cemer (N!lte the lelf>nh y The Installatlon IS beIng made on ""'TIber EJlh!1LsS~M'L'1r.,?,USI G;e9~ljlce/feeder not 1ncluded) property I o~n WhICh IS not 1ntended r _, -Each ,1nsta:lJi!l.~~'OW'On . '11.1\ for sale, lease or rent Pump or 1rr1gatlon $ 40 00 Slgn/Outl1ne L1ghtlng $ 40.00 L1mlted Energy/Res $ 20 00 Llml ted Energy /Comm $ 36 00 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE -50 00 7% State Surcharge .1,5-0 3% AdmInIStrat1ve Fee ; 50 TOTAL ~;:;: {) 0 $ 35 00 --------------------------------------- DATE. lllit;J>.lI'1' 11: RECEIVED BY: